891 resultados para Drinking waters
Campylobacter est l’agent pathogène zoonotique responsable de la majorité des gastro-entérites d’origine bactérienne chez l’homme. Les produits de volaille représentent la principale source d’infection; toutefois, l’exposition peut également découler de contacts directs avec les animaux ou avec l’eau. Une forte variation saisonnière est présente dans les cas rapportés, qui n’est toujours pas élucidée : les eaux environnementales, sources d’infection connues, sont soupçonnées. Cette étude transversale a été réalisée dans la région Sud-Est du Québec (Canada) où Campylobacter fut quantifié et génotypé à partir de différentes sources d’eau (eaux de captage, récréatives et usées) et de cas cliniques afin d’évaluer les risques potentiels posé par l’eau environnementale. Différents essais PCR en temps réel furent appliqués à l’eau environnementale et comparés: 2 ont été sélectionnés pour leur spécificité et sensibilité de quantification. Les courbes standards ont été calibrées en utilisant la PCR digitale pour déterminer précisément les concentrations. Les isolats environnementaux et cliniques furent comparés génétiquement en utilisant le CGF (« comparative genomic fingerprinting »). Les eaux usées étaient plus contaminées que les eaux de captage et récréatives (3.9Log, 1.7Log et 1.0Log cellules/L en moyenne, respectivement). Six pour cent des isolats d’eaux environnementales étaient génétiquement similaires (100 % homologie) aux isolats cliniques. Les cas cliniques de campylobactériose d’été montraient des isolats avec davantage de similarités génétiques avec les isolats retrouvés dans l’eau environnementale comparativement aux autres saisons (p<0.01). Les faibles concentrations et similarités génétiques entre les isolats d’eau et cliniques suggèrent un risque de transmission possible, mais faible.
EUROSIS : The European Multidisciplinary Society for Modelling and Simulation Technology.
In the present study the nutrient dynamics and fertility of Kuttanad waters is addressed. Kuttanad represent a wetland system with considerable agricultural activities. The hydrographical features of the Kuttanad waters are controlled by discharges from Manimala, Meenachil, Pamba, Achencoil and Muvattupuzha rivers and also by tidal intrusions of saline waters from Cochin backwaters during summers. The fertility of these water bodies were significantly high and supported good agricultural production. Kuttanad water forms the southern part of this aquatic systems and is considered as the most productive zones. As a part of the management scheme for a higher agricultural activity, the Thannermukkam bund was constructed to block and regulate the intrusion of saline water. The increased use of artificial fertilizers along with stagnant character of the water body in this area has resulted in sharp decline in the water quality, productivity and aquatic resources.
The present study is an attempt to understand some of the chemical oceanographic processes of the coastal water and the backwaters of Cochin. The importance of this study lies in the fact that there has been an increasing concern on the environmental degradation of Cochin backwaters with respect to water and sediments due to various anthropogenic activities. The study comprises the results and discussion of the hydro chemical parameters of coastal waters of Cochin during different seasons with statistical analysis. The parameters dealt with are salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrite-N, nitrate-N, ammonia-N, Silicate-Si, phosphate-P, chlorophyll ‘a’ and suspended solids, dissolved trace metals and sediment characteristics including sediment metals
The work was carried out with an objective to know the quantitative and qualitative nature of the macrobenthos in relation to the existing hydrographical parameters and sediment characteristics. With the above two cruises were conducted to collect materials. Representative samples were collected from each degree square of the western continental shelf. The study deals with the hydrographic parameters. The bottom water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were measured. The findings showed variations according to depth and latitude. The study gives the details of sediment characteristics of the study area. 7 different types of substrata were noticed. It also explains the macro faunal composition and diversity, and the standing stock of macrobenthos. The wet-weight and numerical abundance of macrobenthic groups are included. The thesis discusses the relation between hydrography and macrobenthos, and sediment characteristics and macrobenthos, based on the results obtained by statistical analysis of the data. It also investigates the relation between macrobenthos and fishery.
The study of bryozoans, an important group of coelomates in the marine environment is an integral part of faunistic investigations. Bryozones are an ancient, aberrant phylum of microscopic but fascinating and often beautiful animals that build intricate colonies sometimes resembling minicolonies. In this study taxonomy, bionomics and biofouling of bryozoans from the coasts of India and the Antarctic waters. The marine biofouling is found to be hazardous. Bryozoans are microscopic , sessile,colonical coelomates that are permanently fastened in exoskeletal cases or gelatinous material of their own secretion.It is hoped that this work would help the future researchers to devote attention on microbenthos of the continental shelf of India when samples are made available through collections conducted by any ocean going vessel. In the present work an extensive study on the bryozoan foulers that occur at five selected sites of the cochin estury had to be examined and since the hydrographic parameters such as salinity, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen in the estury,vary greatly from that in the open ocean, a frequent monitoring of these parameters was essential.
In the present study the nutrient dynamics and fertility of Kuttanad waters is addressed. Kuttanad represent a wetland system with considerable agricultural activities. The hydrographical features of the Kuttanad waters are controlled by discharges from Manimala, Meenachil, Pamba, Achencoil and Muvattupuzha rivers and also by tidal intrusions of saline waters from Cochin backwaters during summers. The fertility of these water bodies were significantly high and supported good agricultural production. Kuttanad water forms the southern part of this aquatic systems and is considered as the most productive zones. As a part of the management scheme for a higher agricultural activity, the Thannermukkam bund was constructed to block and regulate the intrusion of saline water. The increased use of artificial fertilizers along with stagnant character of the water body in this area has resulted in sharp decline in the water quality, productivity and aquatic resources.