921 resultados para Divergences inter-provinciales


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Analgesics which affect prostaglandin (PG) pathways are used by most pregnant women. As germ cells (GC) undergo developmental and epigenetic changes in fetal life and are PG targets, we investigated if exposure of pregnant rats to analgesics (indomethacin or acetaminophen) affected GC development and reproductive function in resulting offspring (F1) or in the F2 generation. Exposure to either analgesic reduced F1 fetal GC number in both sexes and altered the tempo of fetal GC development sex-dependently, with delayed meiotic entry in oogonia but accelerated GC differentiation in males. These effects persisted in adult F1 females as reduced ovarian and litter size, whereas F1 males recovered normal GC numbers and fertility by adulthood. F2 offspring deriving from an analgesic-exposed F1 parent also exhibited sex-specific changes. F2 males exhibited normal reproductive development whereas F2 females had smaller ovaries and reduced follicle numbers during puberty/adulthood; as similar changes were found for F2 offspring of analgesic-exposed F1 fathers or mothers, we interpret this as potentially indicating an analgesic-induced change to GC in F1. Assuming our results are translatable to humans, they raise concerns that analgesic use in pregnancy could potentially affect fertility of resulting daughters and grand-daughters.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the similarities and differences of legal responses to older adults who may be at risk of harm or abuse in the UK, Ireland, Australia and the USA.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors draw upon a review of elder abuse and adult protection undertaken on behalf of the commissioner for older people in Northern Ireland. This paper focusses on the desk top mapping of the different legal approaches and draws upon wider literature to frame the discussion of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the different legal responses.
Findings – Arguments exist both for and against each legal approach. Differences in defining the scope and powers of adult protection legislation in the UK and internationally are highlighted.
Research limitations/implications – This review was undertaken in late 2013; while the authors have updated the mapping to take account of subsequent changes, some statutory guidance is not yet available. While the expertise of a group of experienced professionals in the field of adult safeguarding was utilized,
it was not feasible to employ a formal survey or consensus model.
Practical implications – Some countries have already introduced APL and others are considering doing so. The potential advantages and challenges of introducing APL are highlighted.
Social implications – The introduction of legislation may give professionals increased powers to prevent and reduce abuse of adults, but this would also change the dynamic of relationships within families and between families and professionals.
Originality/value – This paper provides an accessible discussion of APL across the UK and internationally
which to date has been lacking from the literature.


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Este trabalho de investigação centra-se na importância do conhecimento da inter (ligação) entre a Biblioteca Escolar/Centro de Recursos Educativos e o currículo. A problemática da investigação é lançada pela questão que constitui o ponto de partida deste trabalho: “ De que forma é que a Biblioteca Escolar/Centro de Recursos Educativos interage com o Currículo como um recurso do processo de ensino-aprendizagem? “ Tendo como base esta problemática, o corpo da dissertação é constituída por duas panes. A primeira respeitante ao quadro teórico e a segunda referente ao estudo empírico. No quadro teórico procedemos a uma aproximação conceptual à problemática em estudo. Tecemos considerações acerca da evolução da biblioteca escolar, conhecendo igualmente os princípios e as formas de atuar do Programa Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares e a principal legislação sobre este assunto. Refletimos acerca do currículo do ensino pré-escolar e do 1° ciclo do ensino básico, níveis com os quais realizámos a componente empírica do trabalho, identificando a Biblioteca Escolar/Centro de Recursos Educativos como constituindo um recurso fundamental no processo de ensino aprendizagem, no contexto da diferenciação curricular, chamando igualmente a atenção para a importância das parcerias no âmbito da articulação entre o ambiente educacional e o território. A dimensão empírica da pesquisa envolveu a conceção e a testagem de instrumentos de recolha de dados, nomeadamente a análise documental, a observação direta em contexto de Biblioteca Escolar, a realização de entrevistas semi-directivas e a aplicação de um inquérito por questionário aos alunos do 1° ciclo do ensino básico. O conhecimento produzido permitiu-nos responder à problemática objetivada no início da investigação, evidenciando que a Biblioteca Escolar/Centro de Recursos Educativos interage com o Currículo como um recurso do processo de ensino aprendizagem, constituindo-se como um centro de motivação da comunidade educativa que potencia um conjunto de aprendizagens das quais se destacam a leitura e a escrita e as atividades de pesquisa, através da metodologia de projeto. A BE/CRE complementa e enriquece o trabalho da sala de aula, quer ao nível das áreas curriculares disciplinares, quer ao nível das áreas curriculares não disciplinares. Com base nas conclusões resultantes da investigação empírica, terminámos com a formulação de algumas sugestões e recomendações que a evolução do estudo nos foi aconselhando. /ABSTRACT - This research work focuses the importance of the school library/educational resource centre and its connection with the school curriculum. The research was focussed on the following question: “How can the school library/educational resource Centre interact with the curriculum as a teaching resource?” Based on this question, the dissertation includes two distinctive parts. The former concerns the theoretical framework and the latter the empirical study case. As far as the theoretical framework is concerned, we have studied the conceptual facts and drew some major conclusions about the evolution of the school library, taking into account the rules and proceedings of the School Library Network Programme and the legislation on the issue. We went through the curriculum of the kindergarten and the primary school on which we developed our study case. The school library/educational resource centre was, therefore, identified as a fundamental resource in the learning/teaching process for the curricula differentiation. We also emphasized the importance of partnerships to enhance the articulation between the educational environment and school territory. The empirical research included both the conception and the testing of some important data collecting techniques, namely the documentary analysis, direct observation in a School Library, half-directed interviews and a questionnaire which was answered by primary school students. The knowledge acquired allowed us to find possible answers for the question we have asked at the beginning of our research. We can conclude that the School Library/Educational Resource Centre does interact with the curriculum as motivation to improve the process of learning, such as reading and writing, of the educational community. The project work also gains a new perspective as the school library/educational resource centre enriches and complements the classroom work both on the curriculum subjects and non- subject curricular areas. Based on the conclusions we drew from our study case, we make suggestions and recommendations for further research.


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Na última década, a referência ao conceito de redes cresceu rapidamente entre a literatura sobre turismo, geralmente aplicado a tópicos como as interorganizações, estrutura de multi-destinos, espaços de Turismo online, entre outros. O conceito de rede difundiu-se na natureza e na sociedade, em áreas que vão desde a Biologia à Medicina, ou da Economia à Gestão, e o conhecimento sobre redes tem vindo a impulsionar uma teoria comum para facilitar a compreensão de diferentes sistemas complexos e a representação das ligações entre organizações, acções, bens, proteínas ou pessoas. A tese teve como propósito o encontro de um eixo comum entre dois campos férteis de investigação através de uma revisão teórica sistemática. A investigação sobre redes complexas é um campo recente na Física que tem vindo a desenvolver-se bastante na última década com fortes aplicações interdisciplinares. Por outro lado, a análise de redes sociais é uma área de investigação activa em Sociologia e Economia há bastante tempo. O estudo das implicações das redes complexas para a ciência das redes de turismo é uma área promissora já com resultados fascinantes. A tese tem três resultados principais. Primeiro, traz conhecimento das ricas áreas de conhecimento sobre redes complexas e redes sociais. Em segundo lugar, apresenta modelos evolutivos que melhor se adaptam às chegadas turísticas internacionais. Como se organizam as redes sociais? Como é que os indivíduos escolhem os seus destinos de viagem? Estes são exemplos de questões que serão abordadas na tese. Em terceiro lugar, discute resultados que fazem notar comportamentos comuns entre redes em turismo e outras redes reais. O que é comum a todas as redes na natureza? Adicionalmente, os padrões encontrados entre os destinos turísticos mostram um comportamento não social, com destinos mais característicos de redes económicas e sistemas tecnológicos que questionam a faceta social do sector do turismo. Por acréscimo, a rede de transportes aéreos e a rede de turismo mostram diferenças consideráveis que se podem dever a razões políticas ou outras que provavelmente explicam o aumento da utilização de voos charters.


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Numa sociedade cada vez mais permeada pelo desenvolvimento científicotecnológico emerge o reconhecimento da importância da Educação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS). Neste sentido, investigações estão a ser produzidas sobre a relação existente entre as concepções dos professores sobre CTS e suas práticas de ensino, mas os resultados são controversos. Assim, o presente estudo procurou contribuir para compreensão da relação entre as concepções sobre CTS e as práticas didáctico-pedagógicas desenvolvidas por professores de uma escola portuguesa considerada inovadora. Através de um estudo de caso, de natureza qualitativa, a investigação envolveu dois professores que trabalham com alunos do 3º ao 6º ano de escolaridade e utilizou diversas técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados. As concepções sobre CTS foram levantadas com a aplicação do questionário VOSTS “Views on Science-Technology-Society” (versão portuguesa adaptada por Canavarro, 2000). As práticas didáctico-pedagógicas dos professores caracterizaram-se com o apoio do “Instrumento de Caracterização das Práticas Pedagógico-Didácticas CTS” (Vieira, 2003) e do registo das observações das aulas dos professores através do Diário do Investigador e de áudio-gravações. O processo de análise dos dados aponta para concepções ingénuas sobre CTS dos professores, onde a Ciência e a Tecnologia foi vista como, por exemplo, “domínios interligados que nem sempre repercutem na sociedade”. Relativamente às práticas didáctico-pedagógicas, evidencia-se um ensino que valoriza o conhecimento e, embora inserido num contexto sócio-construtivista de Escola, este não contempla explicitamente uma orientação CTS. Sobre a relação entre as concepções sobre CTS dos professores e suas práticas didáctico-pedagógicas implementadas no ensino de Ciências, os resultados obtidos não permitem estabelecer conclusivamente uma relação ou a ausência dela. Contudo, os resultados trazem contributos, ainda que modestos, para a compreensão desta questão e salientam a complexidade da problemática abordada. Quanto ao contexto escolar inovador em que se realizou a investigação, os resultados apontam algumas divergências entre a proposta teórica do projecto pedagógico e as práticas implementadas em sala de aula. Portanto, uma proposta pedagógica que apresenta potenciais para um ensino com orientação CTS não se consolida se os professores não forem preparados para explorar este potencial. Salienta-se, assim, a necessidade de formação inicial e continuada de professores no Ensino das Ciências com Orientação CTS. ABSTRACT: In one society more and more promoted by scientific and technological development emerges the recognition of the importance of the Science, Society, and Technology (STS) in our Education. In these sense, investigations are being follow up about the existing relation between the conceptions of the teachers about STS and their practices in education, but the results are controversial. Thus, the present study it looked forward to contribute for the knowledge of relations between the conceptions of STS and their didacticpedagogical issues developed by teachers of one portuguese school considered innovative. Through a study of a case, of qualitative nature, an investigation involving two teachers which work with students of the third and sixth year of scholarship and using a broad of diverse techniques and instruments of data acquire. Conceptions about STS where taken in account with the use a questionnaire VOSTS " Views on Science-Technology-Society " (Portuguese version adapted by Canavarro, 2000). The didactic-pedagogical practices used by teachers are characterized by the support of " Instruments of characterization of didacticpedagogical practices STS" (Vieira, 2003) and of the registry of class observations by the teachers through the Investigator Diary as well as audio recordings. The process of analysis of data acquire leads to ingénues conceptions about the STS of the teachers, where Science and Technology was seen as, for example, "inter ligated domains which not always have repercussions in society". Relatively to didactic-pedagogical issues, it is proven that one education that embraces knowledge but insert in a context of socialconstructiveness of School will not contemplate an explicit orientation towards STS. About relation between the conceptions related to STS used by the teachers and their didactic-pedagogical issues implemented in education of Science, the results do not allow to establish a conclusive connection them or the lack of it. However, the results bring modest contributes for the comprehension of these question and they point out the complexity of the topic taken in account. To sum up, in relation to the innovative school context in which the investigation was taken the results lead to some divergences between the theoretical proposal of the pedagogic project and the practices implemented in the school class. So, one pedagogical proposal, which shows potential positive issues for one education STS oriented, does not get consolidated if the teachers are not prepared to explore this issue. It is lined out, the necessity of initial formation and trough life by the teachers in Education of Sciences with orientation to STS.


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The promise of a truly mobile experience is to have the freedom to roam around anywhere and not be bound to a single location. However, the energy required to keep mobile devices connected to the network over extended periods of time quickly dissipates. In fact, energy is a critical resource in the design of wireless networks since wireless devices are usually powered by batteries. Furthermore, multi-standard mobile devices are allowing users to enjoy higher data rates with ubiquitous connectivity. However, the bene ts gained from multiple interfaces come at a cost in terms of energy consumption having profound e ect on the mobile battery lifetime and standby time. This concern is rea rmed by the fact that battery lifetime is one of the top reasons why consumers are deterred from using advanced multimedia services on their mobile on a frequent basis. In order to secure market penetration for next generation services energy e ciency needs to be placed at the forefront of system design. However, despite recent e orts, energy compliant features in legacy technologies are still in its infancy, and new disruptive architectures coupled with interdisciplinary design approaches are required in order to not only promote the energy gain within a single protocol layer, but to enhance the energy gain from a holistic perspective. A promising approach is cooperative smart systems, that in addition to exploiting context information, are entities that are able to form a coalition and cooperate in order to achieve a common goal. Migrating from this baseline, this thesis investigates how these technology paradigm can be applied towards reducing the energy consumption in mobile networks. In addition, we introduce an additional energy saving dimension by adopting an interlayer design so that protocol layers are designed to work in synergy with the host system, rather than independently, for harnessing energy. In this work, we exploit context information, cooperation and inter-layer design for developing new energy e cient and technology agnostic building blocks for mobile networks. These technology enablers include energy e cient node discovery and short-range cooperation for energy saving in mobile handsets, complemented by energy-aware smart scheduling for promoting energy saving on the network side. Analytical and simulations results were obtained, and veri ed in the lab on a real hardware testbed. Results have shown that up to 50% energy saving could be obtained.


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This paper examines the roles of research in teacher education across the four nations of the United Kingdom. Both devolution and on-going reviews of teacher education are facilitating a greater degree of cross-national divergence. England is becoming a distinct outlier, in which the locus for teacher education is moving increasingly away from Higher Education Institutions and towards an ever-growing number of school-based providers. While the idea of teaching as a research-based profession is increasingly evident in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, it seems that England, at least in respect of the political rhetoric, recent reforms and explicit definitions, is fixed on a contrastingly divergent trajectory towards the idea of teaching as a craft-based occupation, with a concomitant emphasis on a (re)turn to the practical. It is recommended that research is urgently needed to plot these divergences and to examine their consequences for teacher education, educational research and professionalism.


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This paper describes the first use of inter-particle force measurement in reworked aerosols to better understand the mechanics of dust deflation and its consequent ecological ramifications. Dust is likely to carry hydrocarbons and micro-organisms including human pathogens and cultured microbes and thereby is a threat to plants, animals and human. Present-day global aerosol emissions are substantially greater than in 1850; however, the projected influx rates are highly disputable. This uncertainty, in part, has roots in the lack of understanding of deflation mechanisms. A growing body of literature shows that whether carbon emission continues to increase, plant transpiration drops and soil water retention enhances, allowing more greenery to grow and less dust to flux. On the other hand, a small but important body of geochemistry literature shows that increasing emission and global temperature leads to extreme climates, decalcification of surface soils containing soluble carbonate polymorphs and hence a greater chance of deflation. The consistency of loosely packed reworked silt provides background data against which the resistance of dust’s bonding components (carbonates and water) can be compared. The use of macro-scale phenomenological approaches to measure dust consistency is trivial. Instead, consistency can be measured in terms of inter-particle stress state. This paper describes a semi-empirical parametrisation of the inter-particle cohesion forces in terms of the balance of contact-level forces at the instant of particle motion. We put forward the hypothesis that the loss of Ca2+-based pedogenic salts is responsible for much of the dust influx and surficial drying pays a less significant role.


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Dissertação de mest., Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertação de mest., Finanças Empresariais, Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2012


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One of the predictions of the ‘challenge hypothesis’ (Wingfield et al., 1990) is that androgen patterns during the breeding season should vary among species according to the parenting and mating system. Here we assess this prediction of the challenge hypothesis both at the intra- and at the inter-specific level. To test the hypothesis at the inter-specific level, a literature survey on published androgen pat- terns from teleost fish with different mating systems was carried out. The results confirm the predicted effect of mating system on andro- gen levels. To test the hypothesis at an intra-specific level, a species with flexible reproductive strategies (i.e. monogamy vs. polygyny), the Saint Peter’s fish was studied. Polygynous males had higher 11- ketotestosterone levels. However, males implanted with methyl-tes- tosterone did not became polygynous and the variation of the ten- dency to desert their pair mates was better explained by the repro- ductive state of the female partner. This result stresses the point that the effects of behaviour on hormones cannot be considered without respect to the social context.


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Le modèle de la relation d'aide ponctuelle en psychologie des relations humaines est une approche qui a été développée à l'Université de Sherbrooke. Ce modèle d'intervention se base principalement sur la théorie de l'actualisation et sur les principes de la coopération (St-Arnaud, 1996, 1995). Croyant que tout individu possède les ressources pour résoudre ses problèmes et s'autodéterminer, les tenants de ce modèle travaillent en collaboration avec leurs clients afin d'activer leur processus naturel de croissance. La Thérapie d 'Impact, pour sa part, est une nouvelle approche qui a été développée par Ed J acobs, Ph.D. (1994), de l'Université de West Virginia aux États-Unis. Ce modèle d'intervention est actuellement popularisé au Canada par la psychologue Danie Beaulieu, Ph.D. et Maître Certifiée en Thérapie d'impact. Cette approche utilise des moyens concrets, dynamiques et visuels afin d'impliquer davantage l'aidé dans son processus thérapeutique. Pour ce faire, elle intègre plusieurs courants psychologiques dont, entre autres : l’Analyse Transactionnelle (Stewart & Joines, 1987), la Thérapie Émotivo-rationnelle (Ellis, 1962), la Thérapie de la Réalité (Glasser & Zunin, 1979), des techniques de la Gestalt (Passons, 1975), etc.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Unidade de Economia e Administração, Universidade do Algarve, 1996