416 resultados para Desires


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Zgodnie z art. 203 Kodeksu karnego zabronione jest uprawianie prostytucji. Jednakże prostytucja jest to powszechnie istniejące zjawisko – fakt społeczny. Istnieje wiele czynników, dzięki którym dziewczyny decydują się na taki, a nie inny sposób zarabiania pieniędzy. Obecnie także pojawiła się nowa jego forma, a mianowicie sponsoring. Prostytucja jako zjawisko nie jest społecznie szkodliwa. Problem pojawia się, gdy nasilają się przyczyny tego stanu rzeczy, m.in. zanikanie silnych więzi społecznych, głębokiej emocjonalności czy utrata poczucia tożsamości. Seks niewątpliwie jest dziedziną życia człowieka. O sposobie zaspokojenia popędowych napięć seksualnych, a także o poziomie osiąganej przy tym satysfakcji nie decydują funkcje narządów płciowych, a cała osobowość. Seks pełni różne funkcje, a mianowicie psychologiczną, społeczną i biologiczną. Społeczeństwa były różnie nastawione do zjawiska prostytucji. Przez jednych była ona społeczne akceptowana, zaś przez drugich surowo represjonowana. Prostytucja w świetle prawa karnego oznacza nierząd prowadzony w celu osiągnięcia zysku. Także w związku z prostytucją jest karalne stręczycielstwo, kuplerstwo i sutenerstwo. Następstwa prostytucji mogą być psychologiczne i psychiatryczne. Pierwsze z nich polegają na tym, że młoda kobieta nie zdaje sobie sprawy z konsekwencji jakie mogą być po zdecydowaniu się na taką formę pracy, nie ma świadomości jak obciąża swoją psychikę. Kobiety mają do czynienia z przemocą i brutalnością w tym zawodzie, są upokarzane i wyszydzane przez klientów. Drugie natomiast polegają na tym, że kobieta sama do siebie traci szacunek, a potem zaczyna nawet siebie nienawidzić. Nawet jeśli kobieta z tym zerwie, pozostaje w niej poczucie winy i trauma wstydliwej przeszłości. Istnieją natomiast międzynarodowe regulacje prawne związane ze zjawiskiem prostytucji. Jedną z nich jest Konwencja ONZ w sprawie Eliminacji Wszelkich form Dyskryminacji Kobiet i druga Konwencja ONZ w sprawie Zwalczania Handlu Ludźmi i Eksploatacji Prostytucji.


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When a company desires to invest in a project, it must obtain resources needed to make the investment. The alternatives are using firm s internal resources or obtain external resources through contracts of debt and issuance of shares. Decisions involving the composition of internal resources, debt and shares in the total resources used to finance the activities of a company related to the choice of its capital structure. Although there are studies in the area of finance on the debt determinants of firms, the issue of capital structure is still controversial. This work sought to identify the predominant factors that determine the capital structure of Brazilian share capital, non-financial firms. This work was used a quantitative approach, with application of the statistical technique of multiple linear regression on data in panel. Estimates were made by the method of ordinary least squares with model of fixed effects. About 116 companies were selected to participate in this research. The period considered is from 2003 to 2007. The variables and hypotheses tested in this study were built based on theories of capital structure and in empirical researches. Results indicate that the variables, such as risk, size, and composition of assets and firms growth influence their indebtedness. The profitability variable was not relevant to the composition of indebtedness of the companies analyzed. However, analyzing only the long-term debt, comes to the conclusion that the relevant variables are the size of firms and, especially, the composition of its assets (tangibility).This sense, the smaller the size of the undertaking or the greater the representation of fixed assets in total assets, the greater its propensity to long-term debt. Furthermore, this research could not identify a predominant theory to explain the capital structure of Brazilian


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The development of language is a critical component of early childhood, enabling children to communicate their wishes and desires, share thoughts, and build meaning through linguistic interactions with others. A wealth of research has highlighted the importance of children’s early home experiences in fostering language development. This literature emphasizes the importance of a stimulating and supportive home environment in which children are engaged in literacy activities such as reading, telling stories, or singing songs with their parents. This study examined the association between low-income Latino immigrant mothers’ and fathers’ home literacy activities and their children’s receptive and expressive language skills. It also examined the moderating influence of maternal (i.e., reading quality and language quality) and child (engagement during reading, interest in literacy activities) characteristics on this association. This study included observational mother-child reading interactions, child expressive and receptive language assessments, and mother- and father-reported survey data. Controlling for parental education, multiple regression analyses revealed a positive association between home literacy activities and children’s receptive and expressive language skills. The findings also revealed that mothers’ reading quality and children’s engagement during reading (for expressive language skills only) moderated this association. Findings from this study will help inform new interventions, programs, and policies that build on Latino families’ strengths.


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El inicio de un nuevo curso académico conlleva una serie de expectativas, deseos, metas, superaciones, esperanzas...


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Little is known about the functional and neural architecture of social reasoning, one major obstacle being that we crucially lack the relevant tools to test potentially different social reasoning components. In the case of belief reasoning, previous studies tried to separate the processes involved in belief reasoning per se from those involved in the processing of the high incidental demands such as the working memory demands of typical belief tasks (e.g., Stone et al., 1998; Samson et al., 2004). In this study, we developed new belief tasks in order to disentangle, for the first time, two perspective taking components involved in belief reasoning: (1) the ability to inhibit one’s own perspective (self-perspective inhibition) and (2) the ability to infer someone else’s perspective as such (other-perspective taking). The two tasks had similar demands in other-perspective taking as they both required the participant to infer that a character has a false belief about an object’s location. However, the tasks varied in the self-perspective inhibition demands. In the task with the lowest self-perspective inhibition demands, at the time the participant had to infer the character’s false belief, he or she had no idea what the new object’s location was. In contrast, in the task with the highest self-perspective inhibition demands, at the time the participant had to infer the character’s false belief, he or she knew where the object was actually located (and this knowledge had thus to be inhibited). The two tasks were presented to a stroke patient, WBA, with right prefrontal and temporal damage. WBA performed well in the low-inhibition false belief task but showed striking difficulty in the task placing high self-perspective inhibition demands, showing a selective deficit in inhibiting self-perspective. WBA also made egocentric errors in other social and visual perspective taking tasks, indicating a difficulty with belief attribution extending to the attribution of emotions, desires and visual experiences to other people. The case of WBA, together with the recent report of three patients impaired in belief reasoning even when self-perspective inhibition demands were reduced (Samson et al., 2004), provide the first neuropsychological evidence that (a) the inhibition of one’s own point of view and (b) the ability to infer someone else’ s point of view, rely on distinct neural and functional processes.


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This paper‟s starting point was the objective of understanding the relation between the reasons pointed out by small businesses owners for the continuity or shutdown of their businesses, and the reasons presented by the Environmental Theories. The paper discusses the Environmental Theories understand that it is supported by a systemic metaphor speech, discussing the theme in terms of organizational survival and mortality . The text reviews the literature showing the changes in the administrative thinking regarding the organization versus environment relation, and presenting general ideas about the micro and small businesses. In methodological terms, the qualitative approach was used in the research. Regarding the data collection technique, an in-depth thematic interview was used. It was carried out considering the elements of the techniques of life history and oral history, always giving priority to real world related narratives told by the interviewed subjects. The empirical corpus of the research was made up of seven owners of small retail businesses in two Potiguar cities: Natal and Mossoró. The interpretative and analytical process focused, at first, on the reflexive dialogue with each one of the owners‟ professional life history and business management experience, constituting the first level of analysis: reflections on individual narratives; and, afterwards, the interpretative process was developed through the analysis of all the subjects‟ statements, identifying the recurring themes and constituting the second level of analysis: reflection on the totalizing narrative. The themes identified in the totalizing narrative, that refer to the continuity of the businesses are: evolution, control, fidelity, liking what one does for a living. The themes that came up as reasons for shutdown are: lack of empathy with the business, lack of evolution, competition problems, suppliers and the government. The text synthesizes its comprehensions affirming that the reasons associated with continuity and shutdown of small markets, for this group of owners specifically, come up as a permanent tension between the volunteerism (quite human) and the determinism (systemic). The tension is shown in testimonies that at the same time evoke the organicist systemic logic through the themes evolution/no evolution, and also counterpoints with themes related to the interested human action, based on desires, feelings and personal convictions such as: liking what one does/ lack of empathy. As for the reflexive dialogue between the postulates of the Environmental Theories and the narratives, the results make it possible to affirm that, differently from the tension expressed by the subjects while talking about their reasons, the reasons associated with survival and mortality of businesses according to the Environmental Theories are theoretically polarized, seeming to preach options that are stagnated and shaping towards the subjects involved in the organization-environment relation


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This study focuses on the intersection of the politics and culture of open public space with race relations in the United States from 1900 to 1941. The history of McMillan Park in Washington, D.C. serves as a lens to examine these themes. Ultimately, the park’s history, as documented in newspapers, interviews, reports, and photographs, reveals how white residents attempted to protect their dominance in a racial hierarchy through the control of both the physical and cultural elements of public recreation space. White use of discrimination through seemingly neutral desires to protect health, safety, and property values, establishes a congruence with their defense of residential property. Without similar access to legal methods, African Americans acted through direct action in gaps of governmental control. Their use of this space demonstrates how African-American residents of Washington and the United States contested their race, recreation, and spatial privileges in the pre-World War II era.


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Les enfants d’âge préscolaire (≤ 5 ans) sont plus à risque de subir un traumatisme crânio-cérébral (TCC) que les enfants plus agés, et 90% de ces TCC sont de sévérité légère (TCCL). De nombreuses études publiées dans les deux dernières décennies démontrent que le TCCL pédiatrique peut engendrer des difficultés cognitives, comportementales et psychiatriques en phase aigüe qui, chez certains enfants, peuvent perdurer à long terme. Il existe une littérature florissante concernant l'impact du TCCL sur le fonctionnement social et sur la cognition sociale (les processus cognitifs qui sous-tendent la socialisation) chez les enfants d'âge scolaire et les adolescents. Or, seulement deux études ont examiné l'impact d'un TCCL à l'âge préscolaire sur le développement social et aucune étude ne s'est penchée sur les répercussions socio-cognitives d'un TCCL précoce (à l’âge préscolaire). L'objectif de la présente thèse était donc d'étudier les conséquences du TCCL en bas âge sur la cognition sociale. Pour ce faire, nous avons examiné un aspect de la cognition sociale qui est en plein essor à cet âge, soit la théorie de l'esprit (TE), qui réfère à la capacité de se mettre à la place d'autrui et de comprendre sa perspective. Le premier article avait pour but d'étudier deux sous-composantes de la TE, soit la compréhension des fausses croyances et le raisonnement des désirs et des émotions d'autrui, six mois post-TCCL. Les résultats indiquent que les enfants d'âge préscolaire (18 à 60 mois) qui subissent un TCCL ont une TE significativement moins bonne 6 mois post-TCCL comparativement à un groupe contrôle d'enfants n'ayant subi aucune blessure. Le deuxième article visait à éclaircir l'origine de la diminution de la TE suite à un TCCL précoce. Cet objectif découle du débat qui existe actuellement dans la littérature. En effet, plusieurs scientifiques sont d'avis que l'on peut conclure à un effet découlant de la blessure au cerveau seulement lorsque les enfants ayant subi un TCCL sont comparés à des enfants ayant subi une blessure n'impliquant pas la tête (p.ex., une blessure orthopédique). Cet argument est fondé sur des études qui démontrent qu'en général, les enfants qui sont plus susceptibles de subir une blessure, peu importe la nature de celle-ci, ont des caractéristiques cognitives pré-existantes (p.ex. impulsivité, difficultés attentionnelles). Il s'avère donc possible que les difficultés que nous croyons attribuables à la blessure cérébrale étaient présentes avant même que l'enfant ne subisse un TCCL. Dans cette deuxième étude, nous avons donc comparé les performances aux tâches de TE d'enfants ayant subi un TCCL à ceux d'enfants appartenant à deux groupes contrôles, soit des enfants n'ayant subi aucune blessure et à des pairs ayant subi une blessure orthopédique. De façon générale, les enfants ayant subi un TCCL ont obtenu des performances significativement plus faibles à la tâche évaluant le raisonnement des désirs et des émotions d'autrui, 6 mois post-blessure, comparativement aux deux groupes contrôles. Cette étude visait également à examiner l'évolution de la TE suite à un TCCL, soit de 6 mois à 18 mois post-blessure. Les résultats démontrent que les moindres performances sont maintenues 18 mois post-TCCL. Enfin, le troisième but de cette étude était d’investiguer s’il existe un lien en la performance aux tâches de TE et les habiletés sociales, telles qu’évaluées à l’aide d’un questionnaire rempli par le parent. De façon intéressante, la TE est associée aux habiletés sociales seulement chez les enfants ayant subi un TCCL. Dans l'ensemble, ces deux études mettent en évidence des répercussions spécifiques du TCCL précoce sur la TE qui persistent à long terme, et une TE amoindrie seraient associée à de moins bonnes habiletés sociales. Cette thèse démontre qu'un TCCL en bas âge peut faire obstacle au développement sociocognitif, par le biais de répercussions sur la TE. Ces résultats appuient la théorie selon laquelle le jeune cerveau immature présente une vulnérabilité accrue aux blessures cérébrales. Enfin, ces études mettent en lumière la nécessité d'étudier ce groupe d'âge, plutôt que d'extrapoler à partir de résultats obtenus avec des enfants plus âgés, puisque les enjeux développementaux s'avèrent différents, et que ceux-ci ont potentiellement une influence majeure sur les répercussions d'une blessure cérébrale sur le fonctionnement sociocognitif.


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Mestrado em Marketing


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.


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A adolescência deve ser considerada como uma etapa do ciclo vital do ser humano, onde ocorrem importantes processos de crescimento e desenvolvimento. É um período de transição da infância para a idade adulta, sendo difícil estabelecer uma delimitação etária do princípio e do seu fim, uma vez que existem «muitas adolescências» conforme cada infância, cada fase de maturação, cada família, cada época, cada cultura. Enquanto se tenta entender a si próprio e aos outros, o adolescente experiência novas sensações, diferentes sentimentos, passando por situações únicas na sua vida. Coabitam nesta fase desejos ambivalentes de crescimento e regressão, de autonomia e dependência, ligado ao passado, vontade de se projetar no futuro. É durante a adolescência que se poderão verificar comportamentos e o estabelecer de hábitos de vida prejudiciais à sua saúde, com implicações no momento e/ou a longo prazo. Políticas de Promoção da Saúde envolvem a implementação estratégica de Programas de Educação para a Saúde, com vista a capacitar os adolescentes para a aquisição e/ou manutenção de hábitos de vida saudáveis, possuindo deste modo um papel fundamental e decisivo na sua saúde. No âmbito do III Mestrado em Enfermagem, com a área de Especialização em Enfermagem Comunitária, o presente relatório ambiciona descrever, analisar e refletir as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio. O estágio sucedeu o Diagnóstico da Situação de Saúde, efetuado em grupo (4 mestrandas), tendo decorrido na Escola Secundaria Mouzinho da Silveira em Portalegre, junto dos adolescentes do 8.º e 9.º Anos, no Ano Letivo 2013/2014, durante o período de 16 de setembro de 2013 a 31 de janeiro de 2014. Elegeu-se a comunidade adolescente, dado o elevado interesse desta para a saúde comunitária, com o intuito de se promover a capacitação dos adolescentes na aquisição/manutenção de Hábitos de Vida Saudáveis. Com a efetivação do estágio, tornou-se um desafio para a mestranda a aquisição de competências como enfermeira Especialista em Enfermagem Comunitária.


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La motivación en la actividad física es una característica psicológica multidimensional, que se ve influenciada tanto por los aspectos internos de la persona (preferencias, deseos, temores, entre otras), como por las vivencias externas de su entorno (aceptación social, amistades, habilidades, entre otras). En una época en la que en el nivel mundial, la actividad física de personas de todas las edades, está en aumento constante, es fundamental para profesionales como educadores físicos, entrenadores deportivos o instructores de ejercicio, tener presentes los principales motivos de participación de los sujetos que tienen a su cargo, con el fin de velar por elaborar planes de trabajo ideales para que se mantengan realizándolo, orientándolos a disfrutar y estar satisfechos con su intervención y así alargar su ciclo de vida activa, evitando el abandono, aspecto tan relacionado con el sedentarismo y el riesgo de padecer enfermedades crónicas y degenerativas. Así, los niños prefieren la diversión y hacer amigos; los adolescentes la competición y las amistades; los universitarios la aventura y la diversión; los adultos obtener actividad física regular y los adultos mayores los beneficios relacionados con la salud. Las mujeres se motivan por la apariencia y aspectos sociales, mientras los hombres por la competición y el estatus. Los sujetos que hacen deporte se motivan por la competición y los que hacen ejercicio por la imagen corporal. A mayor nivel de actividad, se valora más la competición. Finalmente, la diversión, la competición, el aprender habilidades y la condición física son los motivos más importantes para participantes de actividad física norteamericanos, europeos y asiáticos. El presente trabajo se realizó con el propósito de dar a conocer a los profesionales de las ciencias del movimiento humano, las diferentes variables que determinan los motivos de participación en los distintos tipos de actividad física en sujetos con diferente edad, género, cultura y nivel de actividad.


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L’objectif principal de ce mémoire de maîtrise sera d’examiner en détails les arguments que Gorgias avance dans le Traité sur le non-être pour supporter sa thèse de l’impossibilité de la connaissance. Ces arguments sont au nombre de trois : a) rien n’est; b) Si quelque chose est, c’est inconnaissable; c) Si c’est connaissable, c’est indémontrable aux autres. En plus de s’attaquer à la thèse parménidienne de la correspondance entre le « penser » (noein) et « l’être » (einai), ces arguments viennent justifier l’art rhétorique. En effet, sans la connaissance qui nous permettrait de départager le vrai du faux, l’être humain n’a plus rien d’autre que ses intérêts personnels et les moyens rhétoriques de les faire triompher. Dans un tel contexte, la rhétorique devient, à proprement parler, la seule science véritablement légitime.


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Online international introduction sites that offer romance tours to American men in search of a foreign bride are an important and rapidly growing component of the internet dating industry; the number of these agencies in the U.S. tripled from two hundred to six hundred in the past 10 years. Previous scholars have examined the so-called ‘mail order bride’ industry in order to demonstrate that the women involved are agents and not victims. Many scholars have also highlighted the importance of race in shaping American men’s desires in one particular region or country. My dissertation provides an important addition to the literature surrounding romance tourism by including participants from all three major regions associated with romance tourism: Eastern Europe, South America, and Southeast Asia. I collected the data for the dissertation by becoming a participant observer of a romance tour in Ukraine, Colombia, and the Philippines. I argue that romance tourism is an important example of the global intimate, and the ways in which globalized processes are created and sustained through everyday intimate emotions and interactions. By examining the ways in which the emotions of desire, disgust, and anxiety influence individual romance tour participant’s constructions of racialized hierarchies, the links between individual emotions and global systems are revealed. The concept of the global intimate challenges the hierarchy of scale that places the body, the home, and the intimate on a much lower level than the scale of the global or the national, and at the same time challenges the binary that divides the individual from the global. Through highlighting the different emotional negotiations that are constantly occurring in the romance tour industry, I highlight the important ways in which individual emotions and affects influence global processes on a large scale and vice versa.