405 resultados para Cyber-amoureux


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La implementación del voto electrónico en Colombia, mandato legal originado en la Ley 892 de 2004 en desarrollo del artículo 258 de la Constitución Política de Colombia, es el tema del presente trabajo, en el cual se hace un compendio histórico de la evolución del voto en Colombia, pasando a establecer los avances en el cumplimiento de la llamada por muchos “Ley de Voto Electrónico”, haciendo un recorrido por las actividades realizadas por la Organización Electoral, en especial, por la Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil, entidad gubernamental cabeza del proceso, donde se han cumplido algunas tareas encaminadas inicialmente a la realización de la prueba piloto que permita tomar experiencias para la implementación de dicho mecanismo. Así mismo, se hace una descripción de las dificultades tanto en Colombia como en otros países del mundo que han implementado el voto electrónico o lo están considerando. Un aspecto fundamental en el análisis son los estudios que tanto defensores como contradictores de este mecanismo de votación hacen, encontrando que con la misma fuerza se defiende y se ataca y que no hay una posición única, quizá la coincidencia está en que es un proceso que requiere de un alto grado de confianza de los actores involucrados, puesto que es lo que logra legitimarlo. Finalizando con las conclusiones, que dan cuenta de la realidad respecto a la viabilidad de la implementación del voto electrónico en Colombia.


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Las teorías administrativas se han basado, casi sin excepción, en los fundamentos y los modelos de la ciencia clásica (particularmente, en los modelos de la física newtoniana). Sin embargo, las organizaciones actualmente se enfrentan a un mundo globalizado, plagado de información (y no necesariamente conocimiento), hiperconectado, dinámico y cargado de incertidumbre, por lo que muchas de las teorías pueden mostrar limitaciones para las organizaciones. Y quizá no por la estructura, la lógica o el alcance de las mismas, sino por la falta de criterios que justifiquen su aplicación. En muchos casos, las organizaciones siguen utilizando la intuición, las suposiciones y las verdades a medias en la toma de decisiones. Este panorama pone de manifiesto dos hechos: de un lado, la necesidad de buscar un método que permita comprender las situaciones de cada organización para apoyar la toma de decisiones. De otro lado, la necesidad de potenciar la intuición con modelos y técnicas no tradicionales (usualmente provenientes o inspiradas por la ingeniería). Este trabajo busca anticipar los pilares de un posible método que permita apoyar la toma de decisiones por medio de la simulación de modelos computacionales, utilizando las posibles interacciones entre: la administración basada en modelos, la ciencia computacional de la organización y la ingeniería emergente.


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Hasta hace casi una década, la guerra contra el terrorismo fue una lucha solitaria de los Estados. Actualmente y debido a las implicaciones globales de este fenómeno, las acciones contra este flagelo han adquirido connotación internacional. Gran parte de los países miembros de las Naciones Unidas han acogido esta guerra –contra un enemigo común, pero indefinido- como un compromiso político en favor de la paz y seguridad internacional. La producción constante de instrumentos internacionales que condenan el terrorismo y que exigen tomar medidas para combatirlo, demuestran que esa intención política originaria se ha decantado en el ordenamiento internacional como una obligación autónoma, de carácter consuetudinario; que hace que actualmente no haya país en el mundo que pueda excusarse de combatir al terrorismo (interno o transnacional) independientemente de las justificaciones que se puedan aludir para el no cumplimiento.


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This paper presents a methodology to forecast the hourly and daily consumption in households assisted by cyber physical systems. The methodology was validated using a database of consumption of a set of 93 domestic consumers. Forecast tools used were based on Fast Fourier Series and Generalized Reduced Gradient. Both tools were tested and their forecast results were compared. The paper shows that both tools allow obtaining satisfactory results for energy consumption forecasting.


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The variability in non-dispatchable power generation raises important challenges to the integration of renewable energy sources into the electricity power grid. This paper provides the coordinated trading of wind and photovoltaic energy assisted by a cyber-physical system for supporting management decisions to mitigate risks due to the wind and solar power variability, electricity prices, and financial penalties arising out the generation shortfall and surplus. The problem of wind-photovoltaic coordinated trading is formulated as a stochastic linear programming problem. The goal is to obtain the optimal bidding strategy that maximizes the total profit. The wind-photovoltaic coordinated operation is modelled and compared with the uncoordinated operation. A comparison of the models and relevant conclusions are drawn from an illustrative case study of the Iberian day-ahead electricity market.


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This paper deals with the self-scheduling problem of a price-taker having wind and thermal power production and assisted by a cyber-physical system for supporting management decisions in a day-ahead electric energy market. The self-scheduling is regarded as a stochastic mixed-integer linear programming problem. Uncertainties on electricity price and wind power are considered through a set of scenarios. Thermal units are modelled by start-up and variable costs, furthermore constraints are considered, such as: ramp up/down and minimum up/down time limits. The stochastic mixed-integer linear programming problem allows a decision support for strategies advantaging from an effective wind and thermal mixed bidding. A case study is presented using data from the Iberian electricity market.


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Internet of Things systems are pervasive systems evolved from cyber-physical to large-scale systems. Due to the number of technologies involved, software development involves several integration challenges. Among them, the ones preventing proper integration are those related to the system heterogeneity, and thus addressing interoperability issues. From a software engineering perspective, developers mostly experience the lack of interoperability in the two phases of software development: programming and deployment. On the one hand, modern software tends to be distributed in several components, each adopting its most-appropriate technology stack, pushing programmers to code in a protocol- and data-agnostic way. On the other hand, each software component should run in the most appropriate execution environment and, as a result, system architects strive to automate the deployment in distributed infrastructures. This dissertation aims to improve the development process by introducing proper tools to handle certain aspects of the system heterogeneity. Our effort focuses on three of these aspects and, for each one of those, we propose a tool addressing the underlying challenge. The first tool aims to handle heterogeneity at the transport and application protocol level, the second to manage different data formats, while the third to obtain optimal deployment. To realize the tools, we adopted a linguistic approach, i.e.\ we provided specific linguistic abstractions that help developers to increase the expressive power of the programming language they use, writing better solutions in more straightforward ways. To validate the approach, we implemented use cases to show that the tools can be used in practice and that they help to achieve the expected level of interoperability. In conclusion, to move a step towards the realization of an integrated Internet of Things ecosystem, we target programmers and architects and propose them to use the presented tools to ease the software development process.


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Several decision and control tasks in cyber-physical networks can be formulated as large- scale optimization problems with coupling constraints. In these "constraint-coupled" problems, each agent is associated to a local decision variable, subject to individual constraints. This thesis explores the use of primal decomposition techniques to develop tailored distributed algorithms for this challenging set-up over graphs. We first develop a distributed scheme for convex problems over random time-varying graphs with non-uniform edge probabilities. The approach is then extended to unknown cost functions estimated online. Subsequently, we consider Mixed-Integer Linear Programs (MILPs), which are of great interest in smart grid control and cooperative robotics. We propose a distributed methodological framework to compute a feasible solution to the original MILP, with guaranteed suboptimality bounds, and extend it to general nonconvex problems. Monte Carlo simulations highlight that the approach represents a substantial breakthrough with respect to the state of the art, thus representing a valuable solution for new toolboxes addressing large-scale MILPs. We then propose a distributed Benders decomposition algorithm for asynchronous unreliable networks. The framework has been then used as starting point to develop distributed methodologies for a microgrid optimal control scenario. We develop an ad-hoc distributed strategy for a stochastic set-up with renewable energy sources, and show a case study with samples generated using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We then introduce a software toolbox named ChoiRbot, based on the novel Robot Operating System 2, and show how it facilitates simulations and experiments in distributed multi-robot scenarios. Finally, we consider a Pickup-and-Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem for which we design a distributed method inspired to the approach of general MILPs, and show the efficacy through simulations and experiments in ChoiRbot with ground and aerial robots.


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Several decision and control tasks involve networks of cyber-physical systems that need to be coordinated and controlled according to a fully-distributed paradigm involving only local communications without any central unit. This thesis focuses on distributed optimization and games over networks from a system theoretical perspective. In the addressed frameworks, we consider agents communicating only with neighbors and running distributed algorithms with optimization-oriented goals. The distinctive feature of this thesis is to interpret these algorithms as dynamical systems and, thus, to resort to powerful system theoretical tools for both their analysis and design. We first address the so-called consensus optimization setup. In this context, we provide an original system theoretical analysis of the well-known Gradient Tracking algorithm in the general case of nonconvex objective functions. Then, inspired by this method, we provide and study a series of extensions to improve the performance and to deal with more challenging settings like, e.g., the derivative-free framework or the online one. Subsequently, we tackle the recently emerged framework named distributed aggregative optimization. For this setup, we develop and analyze novel schemes to handle (i) online instances of the problem, (ii) ``personalized'' optimization frameworks, and (iii) feedback optimization settings. Finally, we adopt a system theoretical approach to address aggregative games over networks both in the presence or absence of linear coupling constraints among the decision variables of the players. In this context, we design and inspect novel fully-distributed algorithms, based on tracking mechanisms, that outperform state-of-the-art methods in finding the Nash equilibrium of the game.


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Historical evidence shows that chemical, process, and Oil&Gas facilities where dangerous substances are stored or handled are target of deliberate malicious attacks (security attacks) aiming at interfering with normal operations. Physical attacks and cyber-attacks may generate events with consequences on people, property, and the surrounding environment that are comparable to those of major accidents caused by safety-related causes. The security aspects of these facilities are commonly addressed using Security Vulnerability/Risk Assessment (SVA/SRA) methodologies. Most of these methodologies are semi-quantitative and non-systematic approaches that strongly rely on expert judgment, leading to security assessments that are not reproducible. Moreover, they do not consider the synergies with the safety domain. The present 3-year research is aimed at filling the gap outlined by providing knowledge on security attacks, as well as rigorous and systematic methods supporting existing SVA/SRA studies suitable for the chemical, process, and Oil&Gas industry. The different nature of cyber and physical attacks resulted in the development of different methods for the two domains. The first part of the research was devoted to the development and statistical analysis of security databases that allowed to develop new knowledge and lessons learnt on security threats. Based on the obtained background, a Bow-Tie based procedure and two reverse-HazOp based methodologies were developed as hazard identification approaches for physical and cyber threats respectively. To support the quantitative estimation of the security risk, a quantitative procedure based on the Bayesian Network was developed allowing to calculate the probability of success of physical security attacks. All the developed methods have been applied to case studies addressing chemical, process and Oil&Gas facilities (offshore and onshore) proving the quality of the results that can be achieved in improving site security. Furthermore, the outcomes achieved allow to step forward in developing synergies and promoting integration among safety and security management.


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The central aim of this dissertation is to introduce innovative methods, models, and tools to enhance the overall performance of supply chains responsible for handling perishable products. This concept of improved performance encompasses several critical dimensions, including enhanced efficiency in supply chain operations, product quality, safety, sustainability, waste generation minimization, and compliance with norms and regulations. The research is structured around three specific research questions that provide a solid foundation for delving into and narrowing down the array of potential solutions. These questions primarily concern enhancing the overall performance of distribution networks for perishable products and optimizing the package hierarchy, extending to unconventional packaging solutions. To address these research questions effectively, a well-defined research framework guides the approach. However, the dissertation adheres to an overarching methodological approach that comprises three fundamental aspects. The first aspect centers on the necessity of systematic data sampling and categorization, including identifying critical points within food supply chains. The data collected in this context must then be organized within a customized data structure designed to feed both cyber-physical and digital twins to quantify and analyze supply chain failures with a preventive perspective.


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Recent technological advancements have played a key role in seamlessly integrating cloud, edge, and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, giving rise to the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum paradigm. This cloud model connects many heterogeneous resources that generate a large amount of data and collaborate to deliver next-generation services. While it has the potential to reshape several application domains, the number of connected entities remarkably broadens the security attack surface. One of the main problems is the lack of security measures to adapt to the dynamic and evolving conditions of the Cloud-To-Thing Continuum. To address this challenge, this dissertation proposes novel adaptable security mechanisms. Adaptable security is the capability of security controls, systems, and protocols to dynamically adjust to changing conditions and scenarios. However, since the design and development of novel security mechanisms can be explored from different perspectives and levels, we place our attention on threat modeling and access control. The contributions of the thesis can be summarized as follows. First, we introduce a model-based methodology that secures the design of edge and cyber-physical systems. This solution identifies threats, security controls, and moving target defense techniques based on system features. Then, we focus on access control management. Since access control policies are subject to modifications, we evaluate how they can be efficiently shared among distributed areas, highlighting the effectiveness of distributed ledger technologies. Furthermore, we propose a risk-based authorization middleware, adjusting permissions based on real-time data, and a federated learning framework that enhances trustworthiness by weighting each client's contributions according to the quality of their partial models. Finally, since authorization revocation is another critical concern, we present an efficient revocation scheme for verifiable credentials in IoT networks, featuring decentralization, demanding minimum storage and computing capabilities. All the mechanisms have been evaluated in different conditions, proving their adaptability to the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum landscape.


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Embedded systems are increasingly integral to daily life, improving and facilitating the efficiency of modern Cyber-Physical Systems which provide access to sensor data, and actuators. As modern architectures become increasingly complex and heterogeneous, their optimization becomes a challenging task. Additionally, ensuring platform security is important to avoid harm to individuals and assets. This study primarily addresses challenges in contemporary Embedded Systems, focusing on platform optimization and security enforcement. The initial section of this study delves into the application of machine learning methods to efficiently determine the optimal number of cores for a parallel RISC-V cluster to minimize energy consumption using static source code analysis. Results demonstrate that automated platform configuration is not only viable but also that there is a moderate performance trade-off when relying solely on static features. The second part focuses on addressing the problem of heterogeneous device mapping, which involves assigning tasks to the most suitable computational device in a heterogeneous platform for optimal runtime. The contribution of this section lies in the introduction of novel pre-processing techniques, along with a training framework called Siamese Networks, that enhances the classification performance of DeepLLVM, an advanced approach for task mapping. Importantly, these proposed approaches are independent from the specific deep-learning model used. Finally, this research work focuses on addressing issues concerning the binary exploitation of software running in modern Embedded Systems. It proposes an architecture to implement Control-Flow Integrity in embedded platforms with a Root-of-Trust, aiming to enhance security guarantees with limited hardware modifications. The approach involves enhancing the architecture of a modern RISC-V platform for autonomous vehicles by implementing a side-channel communication mechanism that relays control-flow changes executed by the process running on the host core to the Root-of-Trust. This approach has limited impact on performance and it is effective in enhancing the security of embedded platforms.


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Gli Insider Threat sono una problematica complessa e rappresentano una delle problematiche più costose per le organizzazioni: questi ultimi possono, potenzialmente, realizzare grandi guadagni dalle informazioni sottratte danneggiando i clienti e provocando danni irreparabili all’organizzazione. Screening effettuati prima dell’assunzione e la costruzione di un relazione di fiducia basata sulla collaborazione rimangono fondamentali ma, spesso, non sono sufficienti ed è bene integrare il processo di difesa da insider threat all’interno delle business operation. Date queste precondizioni, l’obiettivo di questa tesi è stato quello di cercare un approccio sistematico per affrontare il problema dell’Insider Threat e di fornire nuovi strumenti per la sua detection altamente specializzati nel campo della cyber-security. Dato il campo applicativo, risulta fondamentale rendere questo processo totalmente trasparente al potenziale insider threat. Le più moderne tecniche di hiding, prese dai moderni malware, sono state implementate utilizzando eBPF rendendo possibile unire una quasi totale invisibilità unita alla stabilità garantita da questa tecnologia.


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L'avanzamento dell'e-commerce e l'aumento della densità abitativa nel centro città sono elementi che incentivano l'incremento della richiesta merci all'interno dei centri urbani. L'attenzione all'impatto ambientale derivante da queste attività operative è un punto focale oggetto di sempre maggiore interesse. Attraverso il seguente studio, l'obiettivo è definire attuali e potenziali soluzioni nell'ambito della logistica urbana, con particolare interesse alle consegne dell'ultimo miglio. Una soluzione proposta riguarda la possibilità di sfruttare la capacità disponibile nei flussi generati dalla folla per movimentare merce, pratica nota sotto il nome di Crowd-shipping. L'idea consiste nella saturazione di mezzi già presenti nella rete urbana al fine di ridurre il numero di veicoli commerciali e minimizzare le esternalità negative annesse. A supporto di questa iniziativa, nell'analisi verranno considerati veicoli autonomi elettrici a guida autonoma. La tesi è incentrata sulla definizione di un modello di ottimizzazione matematica, che mira a designare un network logistico-distributivo efficiente per le consegne dell'ultimo miglio e a minimizzare le distanze degli attori coinvolti. Il problema proposto rappresenta una variante del Vehicle Routing Problem con time windows e multi depots. Il problema è NP-hard, quindi computazionalmente complesso per cui sarà necessario, in fase di analisi, definire un approccio euristico che permetterà di ottenere una soluzione sub-ottima in un tempo di calcolo ragionevole per istanze maggiori. L'analisi è stata sviluppata nell'ambiente di sviluppo Eclipse, attraverso il risolutore Cplex, in linguaggio Java. Per poterne comprendere la validità, è prevista un'ultima fase in cui gli output del modello ottimo e dell'euristica vengono confrontati tra loro su parametri caratteristici. Bisogna tuttavia considerare che l' utilizzo di sistemi cyber-fisici a supporto della logistica non può prescindere da un costante sguardo verso il progresso.