427 resultados para Churberg, Fanny,
The effects of ocean acidification and elevated seawater temperature on coral calcification and photosynthesis have been extensively investigated over the last two decades, whereas they are still unknown on nutrient uptake, despite their importance for coral energetics. We therefore studied the separate and combined impacts of increases in temperature and pCO2 on phosphate, ammonium, and nitrate uptake rates by the scleractinian coral S. pistillata. Three experiments were performed, during 10 days i) at three pHT conditions (8.1, 7.8, and 7.5) and normal temperature (26°C), ii) at three temperature conditions (26°, 29°C, and 33°C) and normal pHT(8.1), and iii) at three pHT conditions (8.1, 7.8, and 7.5) and elevated temperature (33°C). After 10 days of incubation, corals had not bleached, as protein, chlorophyll, and zooxanthellae contents were the same in all treatments. However, photosynthetic rates significantly decreased at 33°C, and were further reduced for the pHT 7.5. The photosynthetic efficiency of PSII was only decreased by elevated temperature. Nutrient uptake rates were not affected by a change in pH alone. Conversely, elevated temperature (33°C) alone induced an increase in phosphate uptake but a severe decrease in nitrate and ammonium uptake rates, even leading to a release of nitrogen into seawater. Combination of high temperature (33°C) and low pHT(7.5) resulted in a significant decrease in phosphate and nitrate uptake rates compared to control corals (26°C, pHT = 8.1). These results indicate that both inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism may be negatively affected by the cumulative effects of ocean warming and acidification.
Marine organisms inhabiting environments where pCO2/pH varies naturally are suggested to be relatively resilient to future ocean acidification. To test this hypothesis, the effect of elevated pCO2 was investigated in the articulated coralline red alga Corallina elongata from an intertidal rock pool on the north coast of Brittany (France), where pCO2 naturally varied daily between 70 and 1000 µatm. Metabolism was measured on algae in the laboratory after they had been grown for 3 weeks at pCO2 concentrations of 380, 550, 750 and 1000 µatm. Net and gross primary production, respiration and calcification rates were assessed by measurements of oxygen and total alkalinity fluxes using incubation chambers in the light and dark. Calcite mol % Mg/Ca (mMg/Ca) was analysed in the tips, branches and basal parts of the fronds, as well as in new skeletal structures produced by the algae in the different pCO2 treatments. Respiration, gross primary production and calcification in light and dark were not significantly affected by increased pCO2. Algae grown under elevated pCO2 (550, 750 and 1000 µatm) formed fewer new structures and produced calcite with a lower mMg/Ca ratio relative to those grown under 380 µatm. This study supports the assumption that C. elongata from a tidal pool, where pCO2 fluctuates over diel and seasonal cycles, is relatively robust to elevated pCO2 compared to other recently investigated coralline algae.
Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations are expectedto decrease surface ocean pH by 0.3-0.5 units by 2100, lowering the carbonate ion concentration of surfacewaters. This rapid acidification is predicted to dramatically decrease calcification in many marine organisms. Reduced skeletal growth under increased CO2 levels has already been shown for corals, molluscs and many other marine organisms. The impact of acidification on the ability of individual species to calcify has remained elusive, however, as measuring net calcification fails to disentangle the relative contributions of gross calcification and dissolution rates on growth. Here, we show that corals and molluscs transplanted along gradients of carbonate saturation state at Mediterranean CO2 vents are able to calcify and grow at even faster than normal rates when exposed to the high CO2 levels projected for the next 300 years. Calcifiers remain at risk, however, owing to the dissolution of exposed shells and skeletons that occurs as pH levels fall. Our results show that tissues and external organic layers play a major role in protecting shells and skeletons from corrosive sea water, limiting dissolution and allowing organisms to calcify. Our combined field and laboratory results demonstrate that the adverse effects of global warming are exacerbated when high temperatures coincide with acidification.
Seawater carbonate chemistry and Balanophyllia europaea gross calcification during experiments, 2011
The richness of dance comes from the need to work with an individual body. Still, the body of the dancer belongs to plural context, crossed by artistic and social traditions, which locate the artists in a given field. We claim that role conflict is an essential component of the structure of collective artistic creativity. We address the production of discourse in a British dance company, with data that spawns from the ethnography ‘Dance and Cognition’, directed by David Kirsh at the University of California, together with WayneMcGregor-Random Dance. Our Critical Discourse Analysis is based on multiple interviews to the dancers and choreographer. Our findings show how creativity in dance seems to be empirically observable, and thus embodied and distributed shaped by the dance habitus of the particular social context.
The insertion of a DNA copy of its RNA genome into a chromosome of the host cell is mediated by the viral integrase with the help of mostly uncharacterized cellular cofactors. We have recently described that the transcriptional co-activator LEDGF/p75 strongly interacts with HIV-1 integrase. Here we show that interaction of HIV-1 integrase with LEDGF/p75 is important for viral replication. Using multiple approaches including two-hybrid interaction studies, random and directed mutagenesis, we could demonstrate that HIV-1 virus harboring a single mutation that disrupts integrase-LEDGF/p75 interaction, resulted in defective HIV-1 replication. Furthermore, we found that LEDGF/p75 tethers HIV-1 integrase to chromosomes and that this interaction may be important for the integration process and the replication of HIV-1.
A qualidade da vinculação é fundamental para o desenvolvimento das crianças e adolescentes e tem uma enorme importância tanto a nível social como a nível emocional O presente estudo teve como objetivo averiguar a associação entre a qualidade da vinculação e os comportamentos sociais entre adolescentes institucionalizados que constituíram a sua amostra (34 jovens, de ambos os sexos e com idades compreendidas entre os 11 e os 18 anos). O protocolo de investigação incluiu um questionário sociodemográfico e a versão portuguesa do Inventory of parent and peer attachment (IPPA, Armsden & Greenberg, 1987). Os resultados dão conta da perceção normativa dos comportamentos sociais, a despeito de se tratar de uma população de adolescentes institucionalizados. Relativamente à qualidade da vinculação, este estudo dá conta que, apesar da aparente instabilidade da retaguarda familiar, uma parte destes adolescentes tem, ainda assim, a perceção de uma vinculação segura aos pais. / The quality of attachment is essential for the healthy development of children and adolescents, both socially and emotionally. The goal of this study was to analyze the eventual association between the quality of attachment and social behaviors among the institutionalized adolescents in study (34 adolescents from both genders aged 11 to 18 years-old). The research protocol included a social-demographic questionnaire and the Portuguese language version of "Inventory of parent and peer attachment (IPPA, Armsden & Greenberg, 1987). The results show that the perception of social behavior among these adolescents is normative, despite their institutionalization. In what relates to attachment data shows that, regardless of the apparent disorganization of the familial background, these adolescents have the perception of a secure attachment to their parents.
Le syndrome des ovaires polykystiques (SOPK) touche entre 5 à 10 % des femmes en âge de procréer et est associé à de nombreuses complications. Ce désordre endocrinien est caractérisé par des niveaux circulants élevés d’androgènes, dont la production est principalement modulée par la P450c17 et son cofacteur, soit la P450oxydoréductase (POR). Plusieurs études démontrent que l’hyperandrogénie présente chez les femmes SOPK pourrait être causée par la formation de phénomènes toxiques survenant à la suite de l’exposition des tissus non adipeux à un excès d’acides gras non estérifiés (AGNE), appelé lipotoxicité. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer les mécanismes cellulaires sous-jacents à l’hyperandrogénie induite par la surexposition des cellules productrices d’androgènes aux AGNE. Pour y arriver, les cellules surrénaliennes bovines (CSB) ont été exposées en présence de forskoline (Fsk; 1X/2 jours; 10 µM; activateur des adénylates cyclases) et d’oléate (acide gras monoinsaturé, 2X/jour; 200 µM) durant 48 heures. Par la suite, le milieu de culture a été prélevé afin de doser le DHEA (principal androgène surrénalien) par ELISA. De plus, les protéines ont été récoltées afin de déterminer l’expression protéique de la P450c17 et de POR par Western blot. Finalement, pour déterminer les activités 17αhydroxylase et 17,20-lyase de la P450c17, la concentration de plusieurs stéroïdes a été déterminé par LC-MS/MS et le ratio produit/substrat a été effectué. Les résultats sont présentés en moyenne ± SEM. Ainsi, sous stimulation à la Fsk, la présence de 200 µM d’oléate (vs absence d’oléate) augmente la production de DHEA de 114% par les CSB (n=17; 214 ± 20% vs 100 ± 0%; p<0,0001). De plus, l’ajout d’oléate n’affecte pas l’expression de la P450c17 (n=8; 98 ± 6% vs 100 ± 0%; p=0,74) et de POR (n=7; 119 ± 13% vs 100 ± 0%; p= 0,22). Finalement, la présence d’oléate augmente l’activité 17αhydroxylase de la P450c17 de 124% (n=7; 224 ± 19% vs 100 ± 0%; p= 0,02) et tends à augmenter l’activité 17,20-lyase de la P450c17 de 81% (n=7; 181 ± 28% vs 100 ± 0%; p= 0,08). Ainsi, l’augmentation de la production des androgènes induite par les AGNE pourrait être due principalement à leurs effets sur l’augmentation des deux activités enzymatiques de la P450c17, sans effet significatifs sur l’expression de la P450c17 ni de son cofacteur POR. Les mécanismes sous-jacents à l’augmentation des activités de la P450c17 demeurent à élucider.
La chercheuse a consulté plusieurs écrits afin de définir l’insertion professionnelle et de soulever les principales difficultés des enseignants novices. Constatant que la gestion de classe est leur plus grande difficulté en début de carrière, elle a approfondi ses recherches sur ce concept en le définissant et le décrivant plus explicitement possible. Puisqu’il semble y avoir peu d’ouvrages pédagogiques fournissant des outils pratiques et complets pour les premiers jours avant et après la rentrée scolaire, la pertinence d’une recherche développement est justifiée. En plus de répondre aux besoins des enseignants novices du 2e cycle du primaire en début d’année scolaire et de s’appuyer rigoureusement sur le concept à la base de cette recherche, soit la gestion de classe, le guide a aussi été évalué par trois personnes expertes : Mme Fanny Dessain, enseignante en insertion professionnelle, Mme Odile Morin, enseignante au 2e cycle du primaire ainsi que Mme Nathalie Poulin, psychoéducatrice et formatrice à la CSDM (Commission scolaire de Montréal) pour les enseignants novices. À la suite de la lecture de leurs commentaires, des améliorations ont été apportées au guide pour lui procurer encore plus de rigueur et pour qu’il soit le plus près possible de la réalité des milieux scolaires actuels.