957 resultados para Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)


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Films of cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) and carboxymethylcellulose acetate butyrate (CMCAB) were deposited from ethyl acetate solutions onto bare silicon wafers (Si/SiO2) or amino-terminated surfaces (APS) by means of equilibrium adsorption. All surfaces were characterized by means of ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and contact angle measurements. The presence of amino groups on the support surface favored the adsorption of CAB and CMCAB, inducing the orientation almost polar groups to the surface and the exposition of alkyl group to the air. Such molecular orientation caused increase of the dispersive component of surface energy (gamma(d)(s)) and decrease of the polar component of surface energy (gamma(p)(s)) of cellulose esters in comparison to those values determined for films deposited onto bare Si/SiO2 wafers. Adsorption behavior of jacalin or concanavalin A onto CAB and CMCAB films was also investigated. The adsorbed amounts of lectins were more pronounced on cellulose esters with high (gamma(p)(s)) and total surface energy (gamma(t)(s)) values. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanoscience aims at manipulating atoms, molecules and nano-size particles in a precise and controlled manner. Nano-scale control of the thin film structures of organic/polymeric materials is a prerequisite to the fabrication of sophisticated functional devices. The work presented in this thesis is a compilation of various polymer thin films with newly synthesized functional polymers. Cationic and anionic LC amphotropic polymers, p-type and n-type semiconducting polymers with triarylamine, oxadiazole, thiadiazole and triazine moieties are suitable materials to fabricate multilayers by layer-by-layer (LBL) self-assembly with a well defined internal structure. The LBL assembly is the ideal processing technique to prepare thin polymer film composites with fine control over morphology and composition at nano-scale thickness, which may have applications in photo-detectors, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), displays and sensors, as well as in solar cells. The multilayer build-up was investigated with amphotropic LC polymers individually by solution-dipping and spin-coating methods; they showed different internal orders with respect to layering and orientation of the mesogens, as a result of the liquid crystalline phase. The synthesized p-type and n-type semiconducting polymers were examined optically and electrochemically, suggesting that they are favorably promising as hole-(p-type) or electron-(n-type) transport materials in electronic and optoelectronic devices. In addition, we report a successful film deposition of polymers by the vacuum deposition method. The vapor deposition method provides a clean environment; it is solvent free and well suited to sequential depositions in hetero-structured multilayer system. As the potential applications, the fabricated polymer thin films were used as simple electrochromic films and also used as hole transporting layers in LEDs. Electrochemical and electrochromic characterizations of assembled films reveal that the newly synthesized polymers give rise to high contrast ratio and fast switching electrochromic films. The LEDs with vacuum deposited films show dramatic improvements in device characteristics, indicating that the films are promising as hole transporting layers. These are the result of not only the thin nano-scale film structures but also the combination with the high charge carrier mobility of synthesized semiconducting polymers.


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In dieser Arbeit wurden Fluorkohlenstoff-basierte und siliziumorganische Plasmapolymerfilme hergestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer strukturellen und funktionalen Eigenschaften untersucht. Beide untersuchten Materialsysteme sind in der Beschichtungstechnologie von großem wissenschaftlichen und anwendungstechnischen Interesse. Die Schichtabscheidung erfolgte mittels plasmachemischer Gasphasenabscheidung (PECVD) an Parallelplattenreaktoren. Bei den Untersuchungen zur Fluorkohlenstoff-Plasmapolymerisation stand die Herstellung ultra-dünner, d. h. weniger als 5 nm dicker Schichten im Vordergrund. Dies wurde durch gepulste Plasmaanregung und Verwendung eines Gasgemisches aus Trifluormethan (CHF3) und Argon realisiert. Die Bindungsstruktur der Schichten wurden in Abhängigkeit der eingespeisten Leistung, die den Fragmentationsgrad der Monomere im Plasma bestimmt, analysiert. Hierzu wurden die Röntgen-Photoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS), Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM), Flugzeit-Sekundärionenmassenspektrometrie (ToF-SIMS) und Röntgenreflektometrie (XRR) eingesetzt. Es zeigte sich, dass die abgeschiedenen Schichten ein homogenes Wachstumsverhalten und keine ausgeprägten Interfacebereiche zum Substrat und zur Oberfläche hin aufweisen. Die XPS-Analysen deuten darauf hin, dass Verkettungsreaktionen von CF2-Radikalen im Plasma eine wichtige Rolle für den Schichtbildungsprozess spielen. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass der gewählte Beschichtungsprozess eine gezielte Reduzierung der Benetzbarkeit verschiedener Substrate ermöglicht. Dabei genügen Schichtdicken von weniger als 3 nm zur Erreichung eines teflonartigen Oberflächencharakters mit Oberflächenenergien um 20 mN/m. Damit erschließen sich neue Applikationsmöglichkeiten ultra-dünner Fluorkohlenstoffschichten, was anhand eines Beispiels aus dem Bereich der Nanooptik demonstriert wird. Für die siliziumorganischen Schichten unter Verwendung des Monomers Hexamethyldisiloxan (HMDSO) galt es zunächst, diejenigen Prozessparameter zu identifizieren, die ihren organischen bzw. glasartigen Charakter bestimmen. Hierzu wurde der Einfluss von Leistungseintrag und Zugabe von Sauerstoff als Reaktivgas auf die Elementzusammensetzung der Schichten untersucht. Bei niedrigen Plasmaleistungen und Sauerstoffflüssen werden vor allem kohlenstoffreiche Schichten abgeschieden, was auf eine geringere Fragmentierung der Kohlenwasserstoffgruppen zurückgeführt wurde. Es zeigte sich, dass die Variation des Sauerstoffanteils im Prozessgas eine sehr genaue Steuerbarkeit der Schichteigenschaften ermöglicht. Mittels Sekundär-Neutralteilchen-Massenspektrometrie (SNMS) konnte die prozesstechnische Realisierbarkeit und analytische Quantifizierbarkeit von Wechselschichtsystemen aus polymerartigen und glasartigen Lagen demonstriert werden. Aus dem Intensitätsverhältnis von Si:H-Molekülen zu Si-Atomen im SNMS-Spektrum ließ sich der Wasserstoffgehalt bestimmen. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch Abscheidung von HMDSO-basierten Gradientenschichten eine deutliche Reduzierung von Reibung und Verschleiß bei Elastomerbauteilen erzielt werden kann.


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Nel presente lavoro di tesi magistrale sono stati depositati e caratterizzati film sottili (circa 10 nm) di silicio amorfo idrogenato (a-Si:H), studiando in particolare leghe a basso contenuto di ossigeno e carbonio. Tali layer andranno ad essere implementati come strati di passivazione per wafer di Si monocristallino in celle solari ad eterogiunzione HIT (heterojunctions with intrinsic thin layer), con le quali recentemente è stato raggiunto il record di efficienza pari a 24.7% . La deposizione è avvenuta mediante PECVD (plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition). Tecniche di spettroscopia ottica, come FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) e SE (spettroscopic ellipsometry) sono state utilizzate per analizzare le configurazioni di legami eteronucleari (Si-H, Si-O, Si-C) e le proprietà strutturali dei film sottili: un nuovo metodo è stato implementato per calcolare i contenuti atomici di H, O e C da misure ottiche. In tal modo è stato possibile osservare come una bassa incorporazione (< 10%) di ossigeno e carbonio sia sufficiente ad aumentare la porosità ed il grado di disordine a lungo raggio del materiale: relativamente a quest’ultimo aspetto, è stata sviluppata una nuova tecnica per determinare dagli spettri ellisometrici l’energia di Urbach, che esprime la coda esponenziale interna al gap in semiconduttori amorfi e fornisce una stima degli stati elettronici in presenza di disordine reticolare. Nella seconda parte della tesi sono stati sviluppati esperimenti di annealing isocrono, in modo da studiare i processi di cristallizzazione e di effusione dell’idrogeno, correlandoli con la degradazione delle proprietà optoelettroniche. L’analisi dei differenti risultati ottenuti studiando queste particolari leghe (a-SiOx e a-SiCy) ha permesso di concludere che solo con una bassa percentuale di ossigeno o carbonio, i.e. < 3.5 %, è possibile migliorare la risposta termica dello specifico layer, ritardando i fenomeni di degradazione di circa 50°C.


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Nel 2004 due Fisici dell’Università di Manchester, nel Regno Unito, hanno isolato per la prima volta un materiale dallo spessore di un singolo atomo: il grafene. Questo materiale, composto da un reticolo di atomi di carbonio disposti a nido d’ape, possiede interessanti proprietà chimiche e fisiche, tra le quali una elevata resistenza chimica e meccanica, un’eccellente trasporto termico ed elettrico ed una elevata trasparenza. Il crescente fermento attorno al grafene ha suscitato un forte interesse a livello europeo, al punto che il 28 gennaio di quest’anno la Comunità Europea ha approvato i due più grandi progetti di ricerca mai finanziati in Europa. Tra questi il Graphene Flagship Project (www.graphene-flagship.eu) che coinvolge oltre 120 gruppi di ricerca da 17 Stati Europei e distribuirà nei prossimi anni 1,000 milioni di euro per lo sviluppo di tecnologie e dispositivi a base grafene. Nel mio elaborato di Tesi ho seguito le ricerche del gruppo grafene dell’Istituto per la Microelettronica e i Microsistemi del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Bologna, approfondendo il funzionamento del sistema di sintesi di questo materiale chiamato Chemical Vapour Deposition e le tecniche sperimentali che permettono il trasferimento del grafene su substrati come il silicio, ma anche materiali polimerici flessibili come il PET, per la realizzazione di elettrodi conduttivi, trasparenti per applicazioni nell’elettronica flessibile. Questa esperienza e stata molto importante per la mia formazione e mi ha dato modo di lavorare ad un soggetto di ricerca cosi attuale, importante e promettente come il grafene. Nutro personalmente grande passione e aspettativa per questo materiale e sono convinto che nel prossimo futuro la tecnologia del grafene saprà entrare nella vita quotidiana di tutti noi.


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Lo studio condotto in questa tesi ha lo scopo di esplorare possibili soluzioni alternative per aumentare la vita in esercizio di componenti per un contatto tribologico da strisciamento in motori idraulici. In particolare, per limitare l’usura e ridurre l’attrito fra i corpi a contatto, è stata presa in considerazione la deposizione di rivestimenti in carbonio amorfo idrogenato, appartenenti alla famiglia dei rivestimenti DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon), prodotti con tecnologia PACVD (Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition), grazie alla collaborazione con la ditta STS srl presso la quale sono state prodotte ed in parte caratterizzate diverse tipologie di strati sottili a base carbonio-carbonio. Questa scelta è stata motivata dal fatto che i rivestimenti DLC combinano basso attrito ed alta resistenza ad usura, dato che l’elevata durezza (e resistenza ad usura) è data dalla presenza di un’elevata frazione di C ibridati sp3 (con struttura simil-diamante) fra loro interconnessi, mentre la tendenza al basso attrito contro la maggior parte degli antagonisti deriva dalla struttura lamellare (quindi a basso sforzo di taglio), tipica del C sp2 (simil-grafite), che permette lo scorrimento fra i piani basali. Nel corso del presente lavoro sono quindi stati presi in esame due gruppi di rivestimenti DLC, differenziati in base alla tipologia di interstrato impiegato per moderare le tensioni residue e migliorare l’adesione (CrN singolo strato o WC/C multistrato), depositati su acciaio 20MnV6 sottoposto preliminarmente a cementazione gassosa per ottenere una adeguata capacità di supporto del carico. Gli strati in esame sono stati caratterizzati dal punto di vista microstrutturale e meccanico (con prove sia di adesione e con prove di nanoindentazione). Successivamente, i materiali rivestiti sono stati sottoposti a prove tribologiche di laboratorio (block-on-ring) in condizioni di strisciamento non lubrificato, per effettuare una valutazione comparativa fra i rivestimenti ed identificare i meccanismi di usura prevalenti nelle diverse coppie tribologiche.


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Angesichts der sich abzeichnenden Erschöpfung fossiler Ressourcen ist die Erforschung alternativer Energiequellen derzeit eines der meistbeachteten Forschungsgebiete. Durch ihr enormes Potential ist die Photovoltaik besonders im Fokus der Wissenschaft. Um großflächige Beschichtungsverfahren nutzen zu können, wird seit einigen Jahren auf dem Gebiet der Dünnschichtphotovoltaik intensiv geforscht. Jedoch sind die gegenwärtigen Solarzellenkonzepte allesamt durch die Verwendung giftiger (Cd, As) oder seltener Elemente (In, Ga) oder durch eine komplexe Phasenbildung in ihrem Potential beschränkt. Die Entwicklung alternativer Konzepte erscheint daher naheliegend.rnAufgrund dessen wurde in einem BMBF-geförderten Verbundprojekt die Abscheidung von Dünnschichten des binären Halbleiters Bi2S3 mittels physikalischer Gasphasenabscheidung mit dem Ziel der Etablierung als quasi-intrinsischer Absorber in Solarzellenstrukturen mit p-i-n-Schichtfolge hin untersucht.rnDurch sein von einem hochgradig anisotropen Bindungscharakter geprägtes Kristallwachstum war die Abscheidung glatter, einphasiger und für die Integration in eine Multischichtstruktur geeigneter Schichten mit Schichtdicken von einigen 100 nm eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen. Die Auswirkungen der beiden Parameter Abscheidungstemperatur und Stöchiometrie wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf die relevanten Kenngrößen (wie Morphologie, Dotierungsdichte und Photolumineszenz) untersucht. Es gelang, erfolgreich polykristalline Schichten mit geeigneter Rauigkeit und einer Dotierungsdichte von n ≈ 2 1015cm-3 auf anwendungsrelevanten Substraten abzuscheiden, wobei eine besonders starke Abhängigkeit von der Gasphasenzusammensetzung ermittelt werden. Es konnten weiterhin die ersten Messungen der elektronischen Zustandsdichte unter Verwendung von Hochenergie-Photoemissionsspektroskopie durchgeführt werden, die insbesondere den Einfluss variabler Materialzusammensetzungen offenbarten.rnZum Nachweis der Eignung des Materials als Absorberschicht standen innerhalb des Projektes mit SnS, Cu2O und PbS prinzipiell geeignete p-Kontaktmaterialien zur Verfügung. Es konnten trotz der Verwendung besonders sauberer Abscheidungsmethoden im Vakuum keine funktionstüchtigen Solarzellen mit Bi2S3 deponiert werden. Jedoch war es unter Verwendung von Photoemissionspektroskopie möglich, die relevanten Grenzflächen zu spektroskopieren und die Ursachen für die Beobachtungen zu identifizieren. Zudem konnte erfolgreich die Notwendigkeit von Puffermaterialien bei der Bi2S3-Abscheidung nachgewiesen werden, um Oberflächenreaktionen zu unterbinden und die Transporteigenschaften an der Grenzfläche zu verbessern.rn


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Degradation of non-volatile organic compounds-environmental toxins (methyltriclosane and phenanthrene), bovine serum albumin, as well as bioparticles (Legionella pneumophila, Bacillus subtilis, and Bacillus anthracis)-in a commercially available plasma air purifier based on a cold plasma was studied in detail, focusing on its efficiency and on the resulting degradation products. This system is capable of handling air flow velocities of up to 3.0m s(-1) (3200Lmin(-1)), much higher than other plasma-based reactors described in the literature, which generally are limited to air flow rates below 10Lmin(-1). Mass balance studies consistently indicated a reduction in concentration of the compounds/particles after passage through the plasma air purifier, 31% for phenanthrene, 17% for methyltriclosane, and 80% for bovine serum albumin. L. pneumophila did not survive passage through the plasma air purifier, and cell counts of aerosolized spores of B. subtilis and B. anthracis were reduced by 26- and 15-fold, depending on whether it was run at 10Hz or 50Hz, respectively. However rather than chemical degradation, deposition on the inner surfaces of the plasma air purifier occured. Our interpretation is that putative "degradation" efficiencies were largely due to electrostatic precipitation rather than to decomposition into smaller molecules.


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We investigated the atomic surface properties of differently prepared silicon and germanium (100) surfaces during metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy/chemical vapour deposition (MOVPE/MOCVD), in particular the impact of the MOVPE ambient, and applied reflectance anisotropy/difference spectroscopy (RAS/RDS) in our MOVPE reactor to in-situ watch and control the preparation on the atomic length scale for subsequent III-V-nucleation. The technological interest in the predominant opto-electronic properties of III-V-compounds drives the research for their heteroepitaxial integration on more abundant and cheaper standard substrates such as Si(100) or Ge(100). In these cases, a general task must be accomplished successfully, i.e. the growth of polar materials on non-polar substrates and, beyond that, very specific variations such as the individual interface formation and the atomic step structure, have to be controlled. Above all, the method of choice to grow industrial relevant high-performance device structures is MOVPE, not normally compatible with surface and interface sensitive characterization tools, which are commonly based on ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) ambients. A dedicated sample transfer system from MOVPE environment to UHV enabled us to benchmark the optical in-situ spectra with results from various surfaces science instruments without considering disruptive contaminants. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) provided direct observation of different terminations such as arsenic and phosphorous and verified oxide removal under various specific process parameters. Absorption lines in Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were used to identify specific stretch modes of coupled hydrides and the polarization dependence of the anti-symmetric stretch modes distinguished different dimer orientations. Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) studied the atomic arrangement of dimers and steps and tip-induced H-desorption proved the saturation of dangling bonds after preparati- n. In-situ RAS was employed to display details transiently such as the presence of H on the surface at lower temperatures (T <; 800°C) and the absence of Si-H bonds at elevated annealing temperature and also surface terminations. Ge buffer growth by the use of GeH4 enables the preparation of smooth surfaces and leads to a more pronounced amplitude of the features in the spectra which indicates improvements of the surface quality.


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Composite laminates on the nanoscale have shown superior hardness and toughness, but little is known about their high temperature behavior. The mechanical properties (elastic modulus and hardness) were measured as a function of temperature by means of nanoindentation in Al/SiC nanolaminates, a model metal–ceramic nanolaminate fabricated by physical vapor deposition. The influence of the Al and SiC volume fraction and layer thicknesses was determined between room temperature and 150 °C and, the deformation modes were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy, using a focused ion beam to prepare cross-sections through selected indents. It was found that ambient temperature deformation was controlled by the plastic flow of the Al layers, constrained by the SiC, and the elastic bending of the SiC layers. The reduction in hardness with temperature showed evidence of the development of interface-mediated deformation mechanisms, which led to a clear influence of layer thickness on the hardness.


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El ensamblado de nanotubos de carbono (CNT) como una fibra macroscópica en la cual están orientados preferentemente paralelos entre sí y al eje de la fibra, ha dado como resultado un nuevo tipo de fibra de altas prestaciones derivadas de la explotación eficiente de las propiedades axiales de los CNTs, y que tiene un gran número de aplicaciones potenciales. Fibras continuas de CNTs se produjeron en el Instituto IMDEA Materiales mediante el proceso de hilado directo durante la reacción de síntesis por deposición química de vapores. Uno de los objetivos de esta tesis es el estudio de la estructura de estas fibras mediante técnicas del estado del arte de difracción de rayos X de sincrotrón y la elaboración de un modelo estructural de dicho material. Mediciones texturales de adsorción de gases, análisis de micrografías de electrones y dispersión de rayos X de ángulo alto y bajo (WAXS/SAXS) indican que el material tiene una estructura mesoporosa con una distribución de tamaño de poros ancha derivada del amplio rango de separaciones entre manojos de CNTs, así como una superficie específica de 170m2/g. Los valores de dimensión fractal obtenidos mediante SAXS y análisis Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) de mediciones texturales coinciden en 2.4 y 2.5, respectivamente, resaltando el carácter de red de la estructura de dichas fibras. La estructura mesoporosa y tipo hilo de las fibra de CNT es accesible a la infiltración de moléculas externas (líquidos o polímeros). En este trabajo se estudian los cambios en la estructura multiescala de las fibras de CNTs al interactuar con líquidos y polímeros. Los efectos de la densificación en la estructura de fibras secas de CNT son estudiados mediante WAXS/SAXS. El tratamiento de densificación junta los manojos de la fibra (los poros disminuyen de tamaño), resultando en un incremento de la densidad de la fibra. Sin embargo, los dominios estructurales correspondientes a la transferencia de esfuerzo mecánica y carga eléctrica en los nanotubos no son afectados durante este proceso de densificación; como consecuencia no se produce un efecto sustancial en las propiedades mecánicas y eléctricas. Mediciones de SAXS and fibra de CNT antes y después de infiltración de líquidos confirman la penetración de una gran cantidad de líquidos que llena los poros internos de la fibra pero no se intercalan entre capas de nanotubos adyacentes. La infiltración de cadenas poliméricas de bajo peso molecular tiende a expandir los manojos en la fibra e incrementar el ángulo de apertura de los poros. Los resultados de SAXS indican que la estructura interna de la fibra en términos de la organización de las capas de tubos y su orientación no es afectada cuando las muestras consisten en fibras infiltradas con polímeros de alto peso molecular. La cristalización de varios polímeros semicristalinos es acelerada por la presencia de fibras de CNTs alineados y produce el crecimiento de una capa transcristalina normal a la superficie de la fibra. Esto es observado directamente mediante microscopía óptica polarizada, y detectado mediante calorimetría DSC. Las lamelas en la capa transcristalina tienen orientación de la cadena polimérica paralela a la fibra y por lo tanto a los nanotubos, de acuerdo con los patrones de WAXS. Esta orientación preferencial se sugiere como parte de la fuerza impulsora en la nucleación. La nucleación del dominio cristalino polimérico en la superficie de los CNT no es epitaxial. Ocurre sin haber correspondencia entre las estructuras cristalinas del polímero y los nanotubos. Estas observaciones contribuyen a la compresión del fenómeno de nucleación en CNTs y otros nanocarbonos, y sientan las bases para el desarrollo de composites poliméricos de gran escala basados en fibra larga de CNTs alineados. ABSTRACT The assembly of carbon nanotubes into a macroscopic fibre material where they are preferentially aligned parallel to each other and to the fibre axis has resulted in a new class of high-performance fibres, which efficiently exploits the axial properties of the building blocks and has numerous applications. Long, continuous CNT fibres were produced in IMDEA Materials Institute by direct fibre spinning from a chemical vapour deposition reaction. These fibres have a complex hierarchical structure covering multiple length scales. One objective of this thesis is to reveal this structure by means of state-of-the-art techniques such as synchrotron X-ray diffraction, and to build a model to link the fibre structural elements. Texture and gas absorption measurements, using electron microscopy, wide angle and small angle X-ray scattering (WAXS/SAXS), and pore size distribution analysis by Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH), indicate that the material has a mesoporous structure with a wide pore size distribution arising from the range of fibre bundle separation, and a high surface area _170m2/g. Fractal dimension values of 2.4_2.5 obtained from the SAXS and BJH measurements highlight the network structure of the fibre. Mesoporous and yarn-like structure of CNT fibres make them accessible to the infiltration of foreign molecules (liquid or polymer). This work studies multiscale structural changes when CNT fibres interact with liquids and polymers. The effects of densification on the structure of dry CNT fibres were measured by WAXS/SAXS. The densification treatment brings the fibre bundles closer (pores become smaller), leading to an increase in fibre density. However, structural domains made of the load and charge carrying nanotubes are not affected; consequently, it has no substantial effect on mechanical and electrical properties. SAXS measurements on the CNT fibres before and after liquid infiltration imply that most liquids are able to fill the internal pores but not to intercalate between nanotubes. Successful infiltration of low molecular weight polymer chains tends to expand the fibre bundles and increases the pore-opening angle. SAXS results indicate that the inner structure of the fibre, in terms of the nanotube layer arrangement and the fibre alignment, are not largely affected when infiltrated with polymers of relatively high molecular weight. The crystallisation of a variety of semicrystalline polymers is accelerated by the presence of aligned fibres of CNTs and results in the growth of a transcrystalline layer perpendicular to the fibre surface. This can be observed directly under polarised optical microscope, and detected by the exothermic peaks during differential scanning calorimetry. The discussion on the driving forces for the enhanced nucleation points out the preferential chain orientation of polymer lamella with the chain axis parallel to the fibre and thus to the nanotubes, which is confirmed by two-dimensional WAXS patterns. A non-epitaxial polymer crystal growth habit at the CNT-polymer interface is proposed, which is independent of lattice matching between the polymer and nanotubes. These findings contribute to the discussion on polymer nucleation on CNTs and other nanocarbons, and their implication for the development of large polymer composites based on long and aligned fibres of CNTs.


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The present thesis has been devoted to the synthesis and investigation of functional properties of silicon carbide thin films and nanowires. The work took profit from the experience of the research group in the synthesis of 3C-SiC from vapour phase. 3C-SiC thin films Thin films heteroepitaxy on silicon substrates was carried out in a vapour phase epitaxy reactor. The initial efforts were committed to the process development in order to enhance the crystal quality of the epi-layer. The carbonization process and a buffer layer procedure were optimized in order to obtain good quality monocrystalline 3C-SiC layers. The films characterization was used not only to improve the entire process, but also to assess the crystalline quality and to identify the defects. Methyltrichlorosilane (MTS) was introduced during the synthesis to increase the growth rate and enhance crystalline quality. The effect of synthesis parameters such as MTS flow and process temperature was studied in order to promote defect density reduction and the release of the strain due to lattice mismatch between 3C-SiC and silicon substrate. In-growth n-type doping was implemented using a nitrogen gas line and the effect of different synthesis parameters on doping level was studied. Raman measurements allowed a contactless characterization and evaluation of electrically active dopant. The effect of MTS on nitrogen incorporation was investigated and a promotion of dopant concentration together with a higher growth rate were demonstrated. This result allows to obtain higher doping concentrations without deteriorating crystal quality in 3C-SiC and, to the best of our knowledge, it has never been demonstrated before. 3C-SiC nanowires Core-shell SiC-SiO2 nanowires were synthesized using a chemical vapour deposition technique in an open tube configuration reactor on silicon substrates. Metal catalyst were used to promote a uniaxial growth and a dense bundle of nanowires 100 µm long and 60 nm thick was obtained. Substrate preparation was found to be fundamental in order to obtain a uniform nanowire density. Morphological characterization was carried out using scanning electron microscopy and the analysis of structural, compositional, optical properties is reported.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a produção e caracterização de filmes finos do tipo GeO2-Bi2O3 (BGO) produzidos por sputtering-RF com e sem nanopartículas (NPs) semicondutoras, dopados e codopados com íons de Er3+ ou Er3+/Yb3+ para a produção de amplificadores ópticos. A produção de guias de onda do tipo pedestal baseados nos filmes BGO foi realizada a partir de litografia óptica seguida por processo de corrosão por plasma e deposição física a vapor. A incorporação dos íons de terras-raras (TRs) foi verificada a partir dos espectros de emissão. Análises de espectroscopia e microscopia foram indispensáveis para otimizar os parâmetros dos processos para a construção dos guias de onda. Foi observado aumento significativo da luminescência do Er3+ (região do visível e do infravermelho), em filmes finos codopados com Er3+/Yb3+ na presença de nanopartículas de Si. As perdas por propagação mínimas observadas foram de ~1,75 dB/cm para os guias pedestal em 1068 nm. Para os guias dopados com Er3+ foi observado aumento significativo do ganho na presença de NPs de silício (1,8 dB/cm). O ganho óptico nos guias de onda amplificadores codopados com Er3+/Yb3+ e dopados com Er3+ com e sem NPs de silício também foi medido. Ganho de ~8dB/cm em 1542 nm, sob excitação em 980 nm, foi observado para os guias pedestal codopados com Er3+/Yb3+ (Er = 4,64.1019 átomos/cm3, Yb = 3,60.1020 átomos/cm3) com largura de 80 µm; para os guias codopados com concentração superior de Er3+/Yb3+ (Er = 1,34.1021 átomos/cm3, Yb = 3,90.1021 átomos/cm3) e com NPs de Si, foi observado aumento do ganho óptico de 50% para guia com largura de 100 µm. Os resultados apresentados demonstram que guias de onda baseados em germanatos, com ou sem NPs semicondutoras, são promissores para aplicações em dispositivos fotônicos.


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Hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) films were grown on a poly(lactic acid) (PLA) substrate by means of a radiofrequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (rf-PECVD) technique with different deposition times (5, 20 and 40 min). The main goal of this treatment was to increase the barrier properties of PLA, maintaining its original transparency and colour as well as controlling interactions with food simulants for packaging applications. Morphological, chemical, and mechanical properties of PLA/a-C:H systems were evaluated while permeability and overall migration tests were performed in order to determine the effect of the plasma treatment on the gas-barrier properties of PLA films and their application in food packaging. Morphological results suggested a good adhesion of the deposited layers onto the polymer surface and the samples treated for 5 and 20 min only slightly darkened the PLA film. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that the structural properties of the carbon layer deposited onto the PLA film depend on the exposure time. PLA/a-C:H system treated for 5 min showed the highest barrier properties, while none of the studied samples exceeded the migration limit established by the current legislation, suggesting the suitability of these materials in packaging applications.


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Ultrathin and transparent nanostructured Ni(OH)2 films were deposited on conducting glass (F:SnO2) by a urea-based chemical bath deposition method. By controlling the deposition time, the amount of deposited Ni(OH)2 was varied over 7 orders of magnitude. The turnover number for O2 generation, defined as the number of O2 molecules generated per catalytic site (Ni atom) and per second, increases drastically as the electrocatalyst amount decreases. The electrocatalytic activity of the studied samples (measured as the current density at a certain potential) increases with the amount of deposited Ni(OH)2 until a saturation value is already obtained for a thin film of around 1 nm in thickness, composed of Ni(OH)2 nanoplatelets lying flat on the conductive support. The deposition of additional amounts of catalyst generates a porous honeycomb structure that does not improve (only maintains) the electrocatalytic activity. The optimized ultrathin electrodes show a remarkable stability, which indicates that the preparation of highly transparent electrodes, efficient for oxygen evolution, with a minimum amount of nickel is possible.