962 resultados para Catalan language -- To 1500 -- Word order -- Congresses


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Estudi comparatiu de les dues traduccions catalanes publicades de David Copperfield de Charles Dickens. La primera de Josep Carner feta l’any 1930 però publicada el 1964 i la segona obra de Joan Sellent del 2003. L’anàlisi mostra que ambdues traduccions, excel·lents, reflecteixen una evolució singular i força accelerada del model de llengua que els traductors fan arribar al seu públic, que és reflex de la complexa història de la llengua catalana del segle xx, que encara s’ha d’escriure.


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Comentari al llibre de Susann Fischer, 'The Catalan Clitic System: A Diachronic Perspective on its Syntax and Phonology', que segons les autores de la ressenya constitueix una bona introducció a un tema de gran interès per als estudis històrics: la posició dels pronoms àtons en català i en altres llengües romàniques


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Comentari al llibre de Susann Fischer, 'The Catalan Clitic System: A Diachronic Perspective on its Syntax and Phonology', que segons les autores de la ressenya constitueix una bona introducció a un tema de gran interès per als estudis històrics: la posició dels pronoms àtons en català i en altres llengües romàniques


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L'humor permet entendre i organitzar el món. És un aspecte en l'educació de la identitat cultural que comença tan aviat com la canalla pot seguir una narració oral, i que s'intensifica a mesura que la lectura esdevé un hàbit. L'humor escrit ofereix recursos expressius i camps semàntics determinats per la llengua, i continguts i referents culturals determinats pels valors socials; el seu codi inclou convencions amb el lector sobre la presentació i l'argument. Com a estratègia d'adaptació, l'humor es va modificant segons les circumstàncies socials al llarg del temps. El present treball es centra en la literatura per a infants i joves escrita en català com a idioma original i editada entre el 1904 i el 2004.


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La tesi doctoral LA INTERVENCIÓ DE JOAN COROMINES EN ALGUNS DELS GRANS EPISODIS DE LA HISTÒRIA DE LA LLENGUA CATALANA DEL S. XX (AMB UN APÈNDIX D'OBSERVACIONS SOBRE LA LLENGUA CATALANA DE JOAN COROMINES) estudia l'aportació de Joan Coromines en la història de la llengua catalana del segle XX. El treball del lingüista és situat en el context de l'obra codificadora i modernitzadora de la llengua catalana realitzada per Pompeu Fabra durant les tres primeres dècades del segle passat i descriu la intervenció i les aportacions de Coromines en la continuació del treball normativitzador del català. La tesi demostra que Coromines és una figura indispensable per comprendre la dinàmica, la fesomia i la tessitura de la llengua catalana al llarg del crucial segle XX.


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The thesis L’ús dels clítics pronominals del català i la seva adquisició per parlants de romanès i de tagal [The use of pronominal clitics in Catalan and their acquisition by Romanian and Tagalog speakers] analyzes the mechanisms of transfer from the L1 in the process of acquisition of Catalan (L2) in two groups of learners, one of which has Romanian and the other Tagalog as their native language. Our study lends support to the idea of transfer from the L1 to a second language in general, and, in particular, within the process of acquisition of pronominal clitics from a Romance language (Catalan). The results show that the differences between the two groups are statistically significant and are attributable to the characteristics of the L1. Moreover, starting from a detailed description of the grammar of pronominal clitics in the three languages involved, we define the specific grammatical aspects of the Tagalog and Romanian languages that can have an influence on certain productions and on certain errors in the use of pronominal clitics in Catalan, within the process of acquisition of this Romance language as L2. In the theoretical domain, we started from studies on functional markedness to determine four reference terms that allowed us to carry out a systematized study of the difficulties in acquisition of the use of Catalan clitic pronouns according to their complexity and their degree of grammaticalization.


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Durant les tres primeres dècades del segle XX Pompeu Fabra va establir els tres pilars bàsics de la norma de la llengua catalana: l'ortografia, la gramàtica i el diccionari. Aquest procés de fixació de la llengua va comptar amb el suport de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC). Pocs anys després de publicar-se l'ortografia (1913-1917) i la gramàtica (1918) de l'IEC, el pare jesuïta Josep Calveras (1890-1964) es va posar a analitzar, des d'un punt de vista crític i teòric, els principis en què es basava la normativa del català. EI 1925 Josep Calveras publicava el seu primer llibre de caràcter lingüístic,sota el títol de La reconstrucció del llenguatge literari català. En aquest llibre elabora un discurs teòric sobre les característiques bàsiques de tota llengua estàndard, alhora que aplica els conceptes establerts a l'anàlisi del procés de construcció de la norma de la llengua catalana. Des de la publicació del seu primer llibre (1925) fins a l'última publicació lingüística (1936), Calveras insistirà a defensar la variació social i dialectal de lo llengua i a criticar l'estàndard per ser una creació artificial dels gramàtics.


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A presente pesquisa tem como Questão Central a avaliação da estrutura da narrativa por um grupo de seis crianças surdas profundas utilizando a Língua Gestual Portuguesa (LGP). Neste estudo questionou-se se se encontrariam diferenças na produção da narrativa entre crianças que adquiriram a LGP precocemente e as que tiveram o primeiro contato com a língua materna tardiamente. Colocou-se a hipótese geral que a língua natural das crianças surdas portuguesas é a LGP e as que tiveram um acesso precoce à sua língua apresentam um melhor desempenho na narração de uma história. Para verificar esta hipótese, foi aplicada uma prova que consistia no conto de uma história, a partir de uma sequência de imagens, em LGP a todos as crianças desta investigação. Releva-se a importância de um precoce ambiente comunicativo para que a criança surda adquira um desenvolvimento global semelhante aos seus pares ouvintes. Salienta-se ainda que a influência dos pais, dos educadores e dos professores é fundamental para que a criança surda possa desenvolver a sua língua natural, a LGP e a aprendizagem da segunda língua. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram as hipóteses colocadas, ou seja, as crianças que adquiriram precocemente a LGP apresentaram um maior desenvolvimento na estrutura da narrativa.


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This dissertation presents two experiments investigating the structural analysis of narratives produced by normal-hearing and hearing-impaired children. The results suggest that the evaluation of deaf children’s language at a discourse level is both possible and more relevant to academic achievement than traditional assessment procedures that focus on assessing language at a word, phrase or sentence level.


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This paper deconstructs the relationship between the Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) and national income. The ESI attempts to provide a single figure which encapsulates environmental sustainability' for each country included in the analysis, and this allied with a 'league table' format so as to name and shame bad performers, has resulted in widespread reporting within the popular presses of a number of countries. In essence, the higher the value of the ESI then the more 'environmentally sustainable' a country is deemed to be. A logical progression beyond the use of the ESI to publicise environmental sustainability is its use within a more analytical context. Thus an index designed to simplify in order to have an impact on policy is used to try and understand causes of good and bad performance in environmental sustainability. For example the creators of the ESI claim that ESI is related to GDP/capita (adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity) such that the ESI increases linearly with wealth. While this may in a sense be a comforting picture, do the variables within the ESI allow for alternatives to the story, and if they do then what are the repercussions for those producing such indices for broad consumption amongst the policy makers, mangers, the press, etc.? The latter point is especially important given the appetite for such indices amongst non-specialists, and for all their weaknesses the ESI and other such aggregated indices will not go away. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper focuses on improving computer network management by the adoption of artificial intelligence techniques. A logical inference system has being devised to enable automated isolation, diagnosis, and even repair of network problems, thus enhancing the reliability, performance, and security of networks. We propose a distributed multi-agent architecture for network management, where a logical reasoner acts as an external managing entity capable of directing, coordinating, and stimulating actions in an active management architecture. The active networks technology represents the lower level layer which makes possible the deployment of code which implement teleo-reactive agents, distributed across the whole network. We adopt the Situation Calculus to define a network model and the Reactive Golog language to implement the logical reasoner. An active network management architecture is used by the reasoner to inject and execute operational tasks in the network. The integrated system collects the advantages coming from logical reasoning and network programmability, and provides a powerful system capable of performing high-level management tasks in order to deal with network fault.


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A new wave of computerised therapy is under development which, rather than simulating talking therapies, uses bias modification techniques to target the core psychological process underlying anxiety. Such interventions are aimed at anxiety disorders, and are yet to be adapted for co-morbid anxiety in psychosis. The cognitive bias modification (CBM) paradigm delivers repeated exposure to stimuli in order to train individuals to resolve ambiguous information in a positive, rather than anxiety provoking, manner. The current study is the first to report data from a modified form of CBM which targets co-morbid anxiety within individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. Our version of CBM involved exposure to one hundred vignettes presented over headphones. Participants were instructed to actively simulate the described scenarios via visual imagery. Twenty-one participants completed both a single session of CBM and a single control condition session in counter-balanced order. Within the whole sample, there was no significant improvement on interpretation bias of CBM or state anxiety, relative to the control condition. However, in line with previous research, those participants who engage in higher levels of visual imagery exhibited larger changes in interpretation bias. We discuss the implications for harnessing computerised CBM therapy developments for co-morbid anxiety in schizophrenia.


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This article reports on part of a larger study of the impact of strategy training in listening on learners of French, aged 16 to 17. One aim of the project was to investigate whether such training might have a positive effect on the self-efficacy of learners, by helping them see the relationship between the strategies they employed and what they achieved. One group of learners, as well as receiving strategy training, also received detailed feedback on their listening strategy use and on the reflective diaries they were asked to keep, in order to draw their attention to the relationship between strategies and learning outcomes. Another group received strategy training without feedback or reflective diaries, while a comparison group received neither strategy training nor feedback. As a result of the training, there was some evidence that students who had received feedback had made the biggest gains in certain aspects of self-efficacy for listening; although their gains as compared to the non-feedback group were not as great as had been anticipated. Reasons for this are discussed. The article concludes by suggesting changes in how teachers approach listening comprehension that may improve learners' view of themselves as listeners.


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There are three key driving forces behind the development of Internet Content Management Systems (CMS) - a desire to manage the explosion of content, a desire to provide structure and meaning to content in order to make it accessible, and a desire to work collaboratively to manipulate content in some meaningful way. Yet the traditional CMS has been unable to meet the latter of these requirements, often failing to provide sufficient tools for collaboration in a distributed context. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems are networks in which every node is an equal participant (whether transmitting data, exchanging content, or invoking services) and there is an absence of any centralised administrative or coordinating authorities. P2P systems are inherently more scalable than equivalent client-server implementations as they tend to use resources at the edge of the network much more effectively. This paper details the rationale and design of a P2P middleware for collaborative content management.


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In 1989, the computer programming language POP-11 is 21 years old. This book looks at the reasons behind its invention, and traces its rise from an experimental language to a major AI language, playing a major part in many innovating projects. There is a chapter on the inventor of the language, Robin Popplestone, and a discussion of the applications of POP-11 in a variety of areas. The efficiency of AI programming is covered, along with a comparison between POP-11 and other programming languages. The book concludes by reviewing the standardization of POP-11 into POP91.