954 resultados para Canonical momenta


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Esta dissertação visa estudar como autoras pós-modernas se apropriam e reescrevem textos canônicos em uma tentativa de trazer à tona e desconstruir as metanarrativas patriarcais, que informam tais textos. Tal objetivo pretende ser alcançado através de um estudo sobre a formação do cânone literário, dos conceitos de mito e principalmente das estratégias narrativas utilizadas por essas autoras em seu processo criativo. Para tal, um estudo sobre intertextualidade, a paródia e a intertextualidade paródica é levado a cabo nesta dissertação. Dois romances figuram como objeto de investigação neste trabalho. O romance Nights at the Circus, da escritora inglesa Angela Carter, é o primeiro a ser analisado. Nesse romance, as estratégias de apagamento das fronteiras entre os gêneros e a intertextualidade paródica entre textos e mitos clássicos como formas de apropriação e subversão do cânone, são privilegiadas. O outro romance que se faz presente nesta dissertação é a obra da autora canadense Margaret Atwood intitulada The Penelopiad. Nesse romance, personagens que antes eram marginalizados ou não tinham voz figuram como personagens principais, como é o caso de Penélope e de suas doze criadas. Esta dissertação visa, assim, mostrar como essas apropriações de textos canônicos exercem um papel fundamental no questionamento da artificialidade de discursos que são naturalizados e dos valores propagados pelos mesmos


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The submerged vegetation of Lake Kariba is described in relation to degree of slope (lake morphometry), depth and light transparency. The direct gradient analysis technique - canonical correspondence analysis and the TWINSPAN classification programs were used to analyse the data set. The western end of the lake with low transparency has a low species diversity (with Vallisneria aethiopica dominating). Species diversity increases with increased transparency in the other parts of the lake. The classification revealed monospecific communities for all species as well as mixed communities with Lagarosiphon as the associate species with the broadest distribution. The ordination revealed a first axis strongly related to the depth and transparency gradients and the second axis related to slope.


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103 p.; 102 p.


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To determine if shoreface sand ridges provide unique habitats for fish on the inner continental shelf, two cross-shelf trawl surveys (23 km in length) were conducted in southern New Jersey (July and September 1991−95 with a beam trawl and July and September 1997−06 with an otter trawl) to assess whether species abundance, richness, and assemblages differed on and away from the ridge. The dominant species collected with both gears were from the families Paralichthyidae, Triglidae, Gobiidae, Serranidae, Engraulidae, Stromateidae, and Sciaenidae. Overall abundance (n=41,451 individuals) and species richness (n=61 species) were distributed bimodally across the nearshore to offshore transect, and the highest values were found on either side of the sand ridge regardless of gear type. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed three species assemblages: inshore (<5 meters depth), near-ridge (9−14 meters depth), and offshore (>14 meters depth), and variation in species composition between gear types. Environmental factors that corresponded with the assemblage changes included depth, temperature, distance from the top of the ridge, and habitat complexity. The most abundant near-ridge assemblages were distinct and included economically important species. Sand ridges of the inner continental shelf appear to be important habitat for a number of fish species and therefore may not be a suitable area for sand and gravel mining.


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The identification of larval istiophorid billfishes from the western North Atlantic Ocean has long been problematic. In the present study, a molecular technique was used to positively identify 27 larval white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus), 96 larval blue marlin (Makaira nigricans), and 591 larval sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) from the Straits of Florida and the Bahamas. Nine morphometric measurements were taken for a subset of larvae (species known), and lower jaw pigment patterns were recorded on a grid. Canonical variates analysis (CVA) was used to reveal the extent to which the combination of morphometric, pigment pattern, and month of capture information was diagnostic to species level. Linear regression revealed species-specific relationships between the ratio of snout length to eye orbit diameter and standard length (SL). Confidence limits about these relationships served as defining characters for sailfish >10 mm SL and for blue and white marlin >17 mm SL. Pigment pattern analysis indicated that 40% of the preflexion blue marlin examined possessed a characteristic lower jaw pigment pattern and that 62% of sailfish larvae were identifiable by lower jaw pigments alone. An identification key was constructed based on pigment patterns, month of capture, and relationships between SL and the ratio of snout length to eye orbit diameter. The key yielded identifications for 69.4% of 304 (blind sample) larvae used to test it; only one of these identifications was incorrect. Of the 93 larvae that could not be identified by the key, 71 (76.3%) were correctly identified with CVA. Although identif ication of certain larval specimens may always require molecular techniques, it is encouraging that the majority (92.4%) of istiophorid larvae examined were ultimately identifiable from external characteristics alone.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar como Alice Munro e Margaret Laurence se apropriam de gêneros canônicos, especificamente do Bildungsroman e do Künstlerroman, para subvertê-los e representar versões diferentes do sujeito feminino através de romances de cunho autobiográfico escritos por mulheres. A investigação é focada em dois romances: Lives of Girls and Women (1971), escrito por Alice Munro, e The Diviners (1974), escrito por Margaret Laurence. No romance de Alice Munro, as estratégias de apagamento das fronteiras entre gêneros, a ideia de que perspectivas de realidade mudam de acordo com a experiência e a memória de cada indivíduo, como também a ênfase no desenvolvimento da protagonista enquanto pessoa e escritora, são assuntos amplamente discutidos. No romance de Margaret Laurence, a ênfase no aspecto subjetivo da memória, a desconstrução de estereótipos de gênero e a renegociação da representação do sujeito feminino para o alcance de uma identidade feminina autônoma na vida e na arte são os principais assuntos investigados. Em vista disso, esta dissertação visa mostrar como a representação da identidade feminina é redefinida por duas escritoras canadenses que se apropriaram de discursos dominantes para subvertê-los e, então, reescreverem suas histórias


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9th Biennial Conference on Classical and Quantum Relativistic Dynamics of Particles and Fields (IARD)


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o romance de sensação, gênero da literatura popular, que fez muito sucesso e alcançou tiragens significativas no Rio de Janeiro da virada do século XIX. Com isso, busca-se contribuir para a compreensão da circulação cultural entre romances canônicos e populares, tema ainda pouco estudado pela literatura acadêmica. O romance de sensação será abordado, nos capítulos um e dois, no contexto do processo de modernização do Rio de Janeiro no século XIX que faz com que ele ganhe força enquanto produto estético da vida urbana frenética capaz de produzir sensações diversas a partir de elementos como as transformações do espaço, as novas tecnologias, uma nova forma de viver, bem como pela criminalização, pelo medo, pela fascinação pelo terrível e pela mistura entre ficção e notícia. Argumenta-se, ainda, que este tipo de romance terá seu desenvolvimento propiciado por elementos como o barateamento do livro, uma linguagem jornalística e sensacionalista e adequações estruturais que teriam viabilizado um aumento do público leitor e consumidor. Por fim, no terceiro capítulo, analisamos o romance Os estranguladores do Rio ou o crime da Rua Carioca. Romance sensacional do Rio oculto, do autor Abílio Soares Pinheiro, onde podemos observar as características dessas narrativas de caráter popular, que dialogam com textos jornalísticos e científicos, com estruturas de sedução e composição do folhetim, com audaciosas temáticas que incorporam o submundo da pobreza e do mundo criminoso, ambos marcados pela violência, sangue e sexo.


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Tradicionalmente, teóricos dos estudos literários têm dado pouco enfoque aos textos orais por acreditarem na escritura como única fonte teorizadora dos textos artísticos desmerecendo, assim, o valor histórico e o caráter próprio da literatura oral. O mesmo ocorre com a literatura voltada para o público infantojuvenil, que, apesar de ter conquistado o mercado editorial, ainda encontra dificuldades em entrar para o rol dos livros aceitos pelo cânone literário. Por meio de adaptações e traduções, tem-se oportunizado a aproximação dos jovens leitores das obras clássicas, cujas linguagens e distância cronológica e social configuram fator de impedimento de sua leitura. O que se pretendeu neste trabalho foi discutir como se deu a passagem da literatura popular/oral para a literatura canônica, tendo como exemplo o caso do Rei dos Elfos e a constituição de um mito literário com base no oral/popular: do Faustbuch ao Fausto de Goethe. Buscou-se fazer uma reflexão acerca do próprio processo de literarização, a partir de histórias contadas através da transmissão e transformadas em literatura para, por fim, ser possível analisar as múltiplas adaptações de Fausto para a literatura infantojuvenil contemporânea.


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We report a Monte Carlo representation of the long-term inter-annual variability of monthly snowfall on a detailed (1 km) grid of points throughout the southwest. An extension of the local climate model of the southwestern United States (Stamm and Craig 1992) provides spatially based estimates of mean and variance of monthly temperature and precipitation. The mean is the expected value from a canonical regression using independent variables that represent controls on climate in this area, including orography. Variance is computed as the standard error of the prediction and provides site-specific measures of (1) natural sources of variation and (2) errors due to limitations of the data and poor distribution of climate stations. Simulation of monthly temperature and precipitation over a sequence of years is achieved by drawing from a bivariate normal distribution. The conditional expectation of precipitation. given temperature in each month, is the basis of a numerical integration of the normal probability distribution of log precipitation below a threshold temperature (3°C) to determine snowfall as a percent of total precipitation. Snowfall predictions are tested at stations for which long-term records are available. At Donner Memorial State Park (elevation 1811 meters) a 34-year simulation - matching the length of instrumental record - is within 15 percent of observed for mean annual snowfall. We also compute resulting snowpack using a variation of the model of Martinec et al. (1983). This allows additional tests by examining spatial patterns of predicted snowfall and snowpack and their hydrologic implications.


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鄂尔多斯高原是一个多层次、复杂的生态过渡带,具有复杂多样的环境条件、生态特点,因此也就具有复杂多样的植物与环境关系。本文从群落和景观两个尺度水平上研究鄂尔多斯高原植物或植被与环境关系及景观空间格局。利用鄂尔多斯高原野外植物群落样方调坦数据、微生境环境数据、气候数据,以典范对应分析(Canonical Correspondence Analysis, CCA)的方法分析了鄂尔多斯高原植物分布空间格局与环境要素的关系并对秋类环境要素对鄂尔多斯高原植物空间分布格局的贡献进行了定量分解;利用1:500 000 鄂尔多斯高原植被、土壤、土地利用、土地沙漠化类型等专题地图在GIS支持下分析了鄂尔多斯高原景观空间格局、并利用上述专题图数据加上鄂尔多斯高原气候数据库分析了土壤、土地利用、土地利用、土地沙漠化和气候等对鄂尔多斯高原植被空间分布格局的作用。通过分析,得到了以下主要结论: 1 在分析方法上、利用典范对应分析的方法,把植物分布的空间因素与环境因素分离的方法发展为植物分布空间格局不同类型影响因素作用的定量分离,提出了相应的概念模型和实现方法。 2 影响鄂尔多斯高原植物分布空间格局的主要微生境环境要素是基质类型、地下水位、覆沙厚度等,而影响鄂尔多斯高原分布空间格局的主要气候要素中,降水和干湿指标的作用大于温度和热量指标的作用。 3 通过对鄂尔多斯高原植物分布空间格局与环境关系的研究,以植物对微生境环境要素的反应为根据,把鄂尔多斯高原主要植物划分为4个大类群:梁地植物、沙地植物、草甸植物和耐盐植物。根据它们对气候要素的反应,把鄂尔多斯高原主要植物划分为典型草原植物、荒漠草原植物和草原化荒漠植物3大类。进一步,根据鄂尔多劳动保护高原植物与环境关系的研究,进行了鄂尔多斯高原植被功能型划分的尝试,得到了鄂尔多斯高原的12种主要植被功能型。 4 对鄂尔多斯高原植物分布的空间格局的影响环境因素的贡献作了定量地分解。分析结果显示:鄂尔多斯高原植物分布空间格局中有27.02%可由已知环境变量得到解释,其中21.56%与微生境环境要素相关,7.51%与气候要素的作用有关,而气候与微生境环境要素的耦合作用的份额为2.05%。根据植物生长是否直接受到地下水的影响,鄂尔多斯高原存在两大类型生态特点差异明显的生境类型:中性立地和隐域生境,对两大类型生境上影响植物空间分布格局的环境要素的作用也进行了定量分解。分析结果表明:对于植物生长不直接受地下水影响的中性立地,已知环境要素的作用可以解释植物空间分布格局总信息的29.36%,稍大于对总体上鄂尔多斯高原植物分布空间格局的解释,其中9.23%与气候要素相关,22.08%与微生境环境要素相关,而两种类型环境要素的耦合作用则占1.95%。对于植物生长直接受到地下水影响的隐域生境,所有已知环境要素对植物分布空间格局的贡献率为72.28%,其中气候要素的作用为30.31%,微生境环境要素的作用为49.08%,两类环境要素的耦合作用为7.11%。 5 描述景观空间格局的指数多种多样,这些能数在描述特定区域的景观空间格局时是有信息冗余的。本文对利用FRAGSTATS所获得的鄂尔多斯高原植被、土壤、土地利用、土地沙漠化等景观分量的20个景观指数实施了因子分析。通过因子分析,我们可以把描述鄂尔多斯高原景观空间格局的景观指数归并为以下8类:多样性指数、斑块多度指数、斑块类型丰富度指数、斑块面积指数、斑块形状指数、分形维数、空间配置指数和斑块面积变异指数。通过因子分析,还得到了这些景观指数对描述鄂尔多斯景观格局的共性特征:在描述鄂尔多斯高原景观空间格局时,作用最大的是多样性指数、斑块多度指数、面积加权平均斑块形状指数和面积加权平均分形维数,其次是斑块类型丰富度指数、平均分维指数、平均形状指数和斑块面积指数,而空间配置指数(扩散与毗连指数)和斑块面积变异指数的作用则比较微弱。 6 对鄂尔多斯高原景观指数的因子分析是非常有效和成功的。因子分析对鄂尔多斯高原植被、土壤、土地利用、土地沙漠化景观指数的分析分别得到了5-6个主要因子,可以表达原有20个景观指数所表达信息的91.1-96.0%,即可以反应鄂尔多斯高原景观空间格局的大部分信息。本文所进行的因子分析对因子进行了方差最大化(Varimax)正交旋转的处理,因子分析得到的每一个主要因子都有一个或几个与之相关性非常高的景观指数与之对应,因此,就可以用与因子分析所得主要因子相关性最高的景观指数代替该主要因子来表达鄂尔多斯高原的景观空间格局。另外还因为有些景观指数之间具有极高的相关系数,所以对因子分析所得到的景观指数可以进一步精减,最后利用因子分析成功地把原有20个景观指数减少到了11个。最后被选来描述鄂尔多斯高原景观格局的景观指数有下列11个:MSIEI(修正的Simpson均匀度指数)、AWMPFD(面积加权平均斑块分形维数)、AWMSI(面积加权平均形状指数)、NP(斑块数目)、PR(斑块类型丰富度)、MSI(平均形状指数)、MPFD(平均斑块分形维数)、MPS(平均斑块面积)、PSCV(斑块面积变异系数)、DLFD(双对数分形维数)和IJI(扩散与毗连指数)。 7 鄂尔多斯高原植被、土壤、土地利用在景观组成结构上具有一个共同特点,就是各种类型的面积差异极大,少数类型占有极大比重,而其余面积则很小。产生这一情形的原因主要与人为活动的强烈影响有关,表现在地带性的植被与土壤面积所占的比重不高,沙地、沙生植被与风沙土则占有很大比重。 8 以地带性植被和滩地隐域性植被表示的鄂尔多斯高原的原生植被仅占高原面积的不足30%,而以地带性土壤和滩地隐域性土壤表示的原生性土壤占鄂尔多斯高原总面积的近40%,说明土壤退化不如植被退化严重,或滞后于植被退化。 9 鄂尔多斯高原各景观指数的空间变化曲线,植被与土壤很相近,具有非常相似的格局;土地利用景观格局空间变化特征与植被、土壤等明显不同;土地沙漠化的景观格局空间变化曲线介植被曲线、土壤曲线与土地利用曲线之间,说明土地沙漠化不仅是一个受人为活动影响的过程,而且与自然过程密切相关。 10 鄂尔多斯高原景观格局的空间梯度变化表现出了东西向和南北向的梯度,但总体上以东西向的变化比较明显。 11 通过鄂尔多斯高原土壤类型、土地利用、土地沙漠化等景观要素、气候、空间要素与鄂尔多斯高原植被空间分布格局的CCA分析,探讨了它们之间的相互关系。以对鄂尔多斯高原植被组成数据的总方差解释的百分率为标准,土壤对鄂尔多斯植被分布的空间格局的作用最大,其方差贡献率可达44.28%,其次是土地利用与鄂尔多斯高原植被的关系也很密切,土地利用对鄂尔多斯高原植被空间分布格局的方差贡献率为22.45%,空间因素对鄂尔多斯高原植被空间分布格局的贡献率为17.51%,土地沙漠化对鄂尔多斯高原植被空间分布格局的贡献为15.65%,排在第四位;气候因素对鄂尔多斯高原植被空间格局的贡献率为11.95%,居第五位。 12 在气候要素对鄂尔多斯高原植被空间分布格局的作用中,降水与干湿指标的作用大于温度与热量指标的作用。这一点与利用野外调查样方的群落数据植物与气候关系的分析是完全一致的。CCA分析还表明鄂尔多斯高原植被空间格局的东西向变化大于南北向分异。 13 在群落和景观水平上,鄂尔多斯高原植物空间分布或植被格局的影响因素的作用具有相似的格局,即气候因子的作用明显地小于地质、土壤、水文等微生境环境要素(群落水平)或土壤(景观水平)的作用,并在这两个尺度上气候要素对植物空间分布或植被格局的定量解释份额上也是非常相近的,都仅有10%左右。气候因子对鄂尔多斯高原植物空间分布格局的这种弱的解释能力,从侧面说明了人为活动等非自然因素对鄂尔多斯高原植物空间分布格局的强烈作用。 14 在鄂尔多斯高原生态系统管理上,应协调人与自然的关系;加强鄂尔多斯高原的生物多样性保育,对于本区生态和经济对非常重要的滩地,应协调好对其开发利用与保护的关系;在鄂尔多斯高原土地沙漠化防治方面,应把调整人地关系与自然生态背景与条件相结合,如使用“三圈”模式等生态系统管理模式等。


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本文对松嫩平原羊草地的群落结构及空间格局进行了分析,主要内容包含以下三个方面: 1、本文第一部分是对碱化草地植物群落分布的空间、环境因子分离。决定碱化草地植物物种在空间分布的因素可以大致分解成4个部分:(1)通过物种的生态位起作用的环境因子;(2)决定物种、群落间竞争激烈程度的空间距离因子;(3)环境和空间因子的交叉或耦合作用;(4)其它未知因子(如生物和随机因子)。本研究在1996年野外实地采样的基础上,运用DCA消势对应分析(Detrended Correspondence Analysis)对群落主要变化趋势及其与土壤环境因子之间的关系进行了分析。运用DCCA消势典范对应分析(Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis)对影响松嫩平原碱化草地群落结构季节动态的空间和环境因素进行了定量的分解。结果表明: 在影响群落分布的各因子中,环境因子独立约占40%,而环境一空间耦合因子占35%,空间因子独立约占3%,其它因子约占20%。在诸多因子中,土壤的盐渍化程度在整个生长季起着决定性作用,但土壤水分和氮素的作用因季节而变化。在干旱季节,植物生长的主要制约因子表现为土壤碱化度和土壤水份,而土壤氮素的作用处于次要地位。但在降雨较多、土壤湿润度较大的季节,土壤氮素的影响明显增强,成为仅次于土经度的决定性因素。 2、第二部分对东北松嫩平原碱化草地植物群落空间格局的分形性质进行了分析,分别用边长-面积指数和Korcak指数估计了斑块边界复杂性和斑块面积分布的分形维数。结果表明: 随放牧强度增加,占优势的羊草斑块的相对斑块化加剧,而斑块的边界在中度放牧时最不规则: 在水淹地,占优势的羊草斑块和次优势的碱茅斑块、獐茅斑块的斑块边界复杂性和斑块化程度比未水淹地都低,说明水降低了群落复合体内的异质性: 水淹地优势植物斑块的边长-面积指数和Korcak指数均低于次优势种,但在重度放牧地结果好相反,说明两种样地处于不同的演替阶段; 斑块边界复杂性符合同一尺度规律,在现有的面积范围以内没有尺度转换,而斑块面积分布则存在尺度转换点。对重牧地和水淹地的尺度分析表明,较小尺度上, 群落空间格局的相对斑块化程度较低,说明较小尺度上的空间格局要相对稳定一些,而较大尺度上则相反。可能原因是放牧干扰对大尺度的斑块影响更大。 3、对1989年开始围栏封育的样地10年来的空间格局变化进行时间序列分析,研究恢复演替过程中各个主要斑块类型的分布特征及动态,以及整个样地总体格局在演替系列中的变化。得出如下结果: 羊草是该区植被的优势种,其格局动态为:1989-1993年,羊草斑块总面积增加,斑块数目减少,相对斑块化指数降低,1994年后羊草的空间格局基本稳定。 羊草的斑块面积分布曲线在20平方米左右发生转折,即空间格局在此尺度发生尺度转换。不同尺度上斑块的相对斑块化指数及其在恢复演替中的变化趋势不同:小斑块的相对斑块化指数低,在1989-1993年期间增加,而后降低;大斑块的情况正好相反。说明羊草空间格局的主要变化之一是中等大小斑块的合并和数目减少,羊草斑块生长对格局的影响比斑块合并的影响要小。 獐茅斑块的格局动态为:1989-1994,斑块总面积、斑块数目、最大斑块面积增大,1995年开始降低。相对斑块化程度则先降后增。碱蓬斑块在1989-1993年间的格局动态与羊草正好相反:总面积减少,斑块数目增加,斑块面积大小的变化范围变窄,说明1993年之前,控制碱蓬斑块的主要生态学过程是其他物种的侵入,隔离原来较大的斑块,同时占据某些小斑块。1994年之后,碱蓬斑块的变化比较随机,其格局变化受到其他物种如杂草对策种虎尾草等的影响很大。 样地总体格局的变化为:1991年前,斑块种类和总斑块数目增加,斑块化程度随着增大;1993年后,斑块种类基本稳定下来;1991-1995,斑块化指数降低。在此期间,斑块数目增加,所以斑块化程度降低意味着斑块大小频率分布趋于均匀,大斑块被分裂,小斑块在长大,群落总体空间格局逐渐稳定。总体格局在三个尺度上有不同的自相似规律,这三个尺度分别为:La(a)<=1; 15.5。小尺度上相对斑块化程度低,但年际间变化较中尺度剧烈;中尺度相对斑块化程度变化较为缓,大尺度上,斑块分布一直趋于减少最大的斑块数目。总的变化趋势为,随恢复演替的深入,最大和最小的斑块数目都减少,处于中间尺度的斑块最多。


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As the use of found data increases, more systems are being built using adaptive training. Here transforms are used to represent unwanted acoustic variability, e.g. speaker and acoustic environment changes, allowing a canonical model that models only the "pure" variability of speech to be trained. Adaptive training may be described within a Bayesian framework. By using complexity control approaches to ensure robust parameter estimates, the standard point estimate adaptive training can be justified within this Bayesian framework. However during recognition there is usually no control over the amount of data available. It is therefore preferable to be able to use a full Bayesian approach to applying transforms during recognition rather than the standard point estimates. This paper discusses various approximations to Bayesian approaches including a new variational Bayes approximation. The application of these approaches to state-of-the-art adaptively trained systems using both CAT and MLLR transforms is then described and evaluated on a large vocabulary speech recognition task. © 2005 IEEE.


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Model based compensation schemes are a powerful approach for noise robust speech recognition. Recently there have been a number of investigations into adaptive training, and estimating the noise models used for model adaptation. This paper examines the use of EM-based schemes for both canonical models and noise estimation, including discriminative adaptive training. One issue that arises when estimating the noise model is a mismatch between the noise estimation approximation and final model compensation scheme. This paper proposes FA-style compensation where this mismatch is eliminated, though at the expense of a sensitivity to the initial noise estimates. EM-based discriminative adaptive training is evaluated on in-car and Aurora4 tasks. FA-style compensation is then evaluated in an incremental mode on the in-car task. © 2011 IEEE.


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We consider unforced, statistically-axisymmetric turbulence evolving in the presence of a background rotation, an imposed stratification, or a uniform magnetic field. We focus on two canonical cases: Saffman turbulence, in which E(κ → 0) ∼ κ 2, and Batchelor turbulence, in which E(κ → 0) ∼ κ 4. It has recently been shown that, provided the large scales evolve in a self-similar manner, then u ⊥ 2ℓ ⊥ 2ℓ // = constant in Saffman turbulence and u ⊥ 2ℓ ⊥ 4ℓ // = constant in Batchelor turbulence (Davidson, 2009, 2010). Here the subscripts ⊥ and // indicate directions perpendicular and parallel to the axis of symmetry, and ℓ ⊥, ℓ //, and u ⊥ are suitably defined integral scales. These constraints on the integral scales allow us to make simple, testable predictions for the temporal evolution of ℓ ⊥, ℓ //, and u ⊥ in rotating, stratified and MHD turbulence.