441 resultados para Bran.


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A joint mesocosm experiment took place in June/July 2012 in Corsica (bay of Calvi, Stareso station;http://www.stareso.com/) as part of the european MedSeA project. Nine mesocosms (52 m**3) were deployed over a 20 days period and 6 different levels of pCO2 and 3 control mesocosms (about 450 µatm), were used, in order to cover the range of pCO2 anticipated for the end of the present century. During this experiment, the potential effects of these perturbations on chemistry, planktonic community composition and dynamics including: eucaryotic and prokaryotic species composition, primary production, nutrient and carbon utilization, calcification, diazotrophic nitrogen fixation, organic matter exudation and composition, micro-layer composition and biogas production were studied by a group of about 25 scientists from 8 institutes and 6 countries. This is one of the first mesocosm experiments conducted in oligotrophic waters. A blog dedicated to this experiment can be viewed at: http://medseastareso2012.wordpress.com/.


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This data set contains measurements of inorganic phosphorus in samples of soil solution collected in 2005 from the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below) that have been aggregated to seasonal values. In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Glass suction plates with a diameter of 12 cm, 1 cm thickness and a pore size of 1-1.6 µm (UMS GmbH, Munich, Germany) were installed in April 2002 in depths of 10, 20, 30 and 60 cm to collect soil solution. Manual soil matric potential measurements were used to regulate the vacuum system. Manual soil matric potential measurements were used to regulate the vacuum system. The sampling bottles were continuously evacuated to a negative pressure between 50 and 350 mbar, such that the suction pressure was about 50 mbar above the actual soil water tension. Thus, only the soil leachate was collected. Cumulative soil solution was sampled biweekly and analyzed for dissolved inorganic P (PO4P). Here volume-weighted mean values are provided as aggregated seasonal values (spring = March to May, summer = June to August, fall = September to November, winter = December to February) for 2005 in spring, and winter. To calculate these values, the sampled volume of soil solution is used as weight for P concentrations of the respective sampling date. Inorganic phosphorus concentrations in the soil solution were measured photometrically with a continuous flow analyzer (CFA Autoanalyzer [Bran&Luebbe, Norderstedt, Germany]). Ammonium molybdate catalyzed by antimony tartrate reacts in an acidic medium with phosphate and forms a phospho-molybdic acid complex. Ascorbic acid reduces this complex to an intensely blue-colored complex. As the molybdic complex forms under strongly acidic conditions, we could not exclude the hydrolysis of labile organic P compounds in our samples. Furthermore, the molybdate reaction is not sensitive for condensed phosphates. The detection limits of both TDP and PO4P were 0.04 mg P l-1 (Autoanalyzer, Bran&Luebbe).


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Rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and the concomitant increased uptake of this by the oceans is resulting in hypercapnia-related reduction of ocean pH. Research focussed on the direct effects of these physicochemical changes on marine invertebrates has begun to improve our understanding of impacts at the level of individual physiologies. However, CO2-related impairment of organisms' contribution to ecological or ecosystem processes has barely been addressed. The burrowing ophiuroid Amphiura filiformis, which has a physiology that makes it susceptible to reduced pH, plays a key role in sediment nutrient cycling by mixing and irrigating the sediment, a process known as bioturbation. Here we investigate the role of A. filiformis in modifying nutrient flux rates across the sediment-water boundary and the impact of CO2- related acidification on this process. A 40 day exposure study was conducted under predicted pH scenarios from the years 2100 (pH 7.7) and 2300 (pH 7.3), plus an additional treatment of pH 6.8. This study demonstrated strong relationships between A. filiformis density and cycling of some nutrients; activity increases the sediment uptake of phosphate and the release of nitrite and nitrate. No relationship between A. filiformis density and the flux of ammonium or silicate were observed. Results also indicated that, within the timescale of this experiment, effects at the individual bioturbator level appear not to translate into reduced ecosystem influence. However, long term survival of key bioturbating species is far from assured and changes in both bioturbation and microbial processes could alter key biogeochemical processes in future, more acidic oceans.


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Incorporation of fiber in cereals may lead to quality issues, thus decreasing consumer acceptance. This is partially due to deterioration of the microstructure, one of the primary quality attributes of cereals. The objective of this study was to better understand the mechanisms by which dietary fibers affect the quality of cereal products during extrusioncooking. The study quantified the effect of amount and type of fiber and whole grain on (i) texture, (ii) structure, and (iii) rehydration properties of extruded cereals. New innovative methods were applied and combined with traditional techniques to characterize both the structure and the rehydration properties. Extruded cereals were produced using a starch-based recipe (whole and wheat flours) and two sources of fibers (oat bran concentrate and wheat bran). The oat and wheat bran levels used in this study were 0, 10, and 20%. The different mixtures were extruded in a pilot twinscrew extruder BC21 (Clextral) and then sugar coated after drying. Mechanical properties of extruded cereals were investigated by compression test. The cellular structure was observed by X-ray tomography. The quality of coating (thickness, homogeneity) was analyzed by optical coherence tomography. The rehydration properties of such cereals in milk were evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging and optical coherence tomography. This work revealed that structure assessment of extruded cereals may lead to a better understanding of the effect of fiber addition on texture and rehydration properties. The application of innovative methods, such as optical coherence tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, was found to be useful to quantify the structural properties.


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En la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha estudiado el efecto de una metodología para inducir la muda en dos estirpes de gallinas ponedoras comerciales, una ligera y otra semipesada, mediante el suministro de tres alimentos: salvado de trigo, cebada en grano y un pienso comercial de ponedoras aportado en cantidad restringida. Se realizaron dos pruebas en dos lotes diferentes de gallinas. En la primera de ellas se utilizaron 472 animales (236 de cada estirpe) alojados en jaulas con cuatro o seis gallinas por jaula, con una estructura factorial 2 x 3 x 2 (2 estirpes, 3 alimentos, 2 densidades) y una duración total de 32 semanas (4 de muda y 28 de producción posmuda). En la segunda prueba fueron 432 animales los utilizados (216 de cada estirpe), alojados en grupos de cuatro aves por jaula, con una estructura factorial 2 x 3 (2 estirpes, 3 alimentos) y una duración de 27 semanas (4 de muda y 23 de producción postmuda). En los dos experimentos realizados se estudió el efecto del uso de los alimentos citados para inducir de la muda sobre los resultados cuantitativos: pérdida de peso vivo durante la muda e intensidad de puesta, peso medio del huevo y masa de huevo diaria, durante y después de la muda, así como la distribución de la puesta en clases comerciales durante el segundo ciclo de puesta. Así como sobre los resultados cualitativos después de la muda: color de la cáscara de los huevos morenos, espesor de la cáscara, peso específico del huevo, altura del albumen, unidades Haugh y color de la yema. En la primera prueba se estudió, además, el efecto que la inducción de la muda mediante los tres alimentos considerados tuvo sobre la regresión del aparato reproductor de las gallinas durante este período de muda. En el primer experimento se observaron diferencias entre estirpes. Las gallinas ligeras tuvieron una más rápida regresión del aparato reproductor (ovario+oviducto) (P=0,003) que las semipesadas, aunque la regresión total no presentó diferencias significativas. Las gallinas semipesadas tuvieron mejores resultados después de la muda en intensidad de puesta (P<0,0001), en peso medio del huevo (P<0,0001) y en masa de huevo diaria (P=0,0002). También hubo diferencias significativas para las variables cualitativas espesor de la cáscara (mayor en huevos de gallinas semipesadas) mientras que los huevos procedentes de gallinas ligeras presentaron mejores valores de altura del albumen, de unidades Haugh y de color de yema; todas estas variables tuvieron un nivel de significación P<0,0001. El suministro restringido de pienso dio lugar a un mayor porcentaje de pérdida de peso vivo (P<0,0001) aunque la regresión de los órganos del aparato reproductor fue la más baja (P<0,003), no habiéndose encontrado diferencias entre los otros dos alimentos utilizados. Con este alimento también fue más lenta (P<0,0001) la disminución de la puesta durante la muda, aunque fue mayor la producción durante el segundo ciclo (P<0,0001). La única variable cualitativa afectada fue el espesor de cáscara (P<0,0001), con valores más altos en los huevos producidos por las gallinas mudadas con cebada. Los grupos de seis gallinas por jaula produjeron más huevos durante la muda (P<0,0001) aunque después de ésta la densidad de animales no tuvo efecto significativo, como tampoco lo hubo sobre los parámetros de calidad del huevo. En la segunda prueba las gallinas semipesadas experimentaron un menor porcentaje de pérdida de peso corporal (P<0,01) pero tuvieron mayores índices de puesta (P<0,001) y de huevos clasificables (P<0,001) durante la muda. En cambio, durante el segundo ciclo de producción las gallinas ligeras produjeron más huevos (P=0,0041), de menor peso (P<0,02) y con menor consumo de pienso (P<0,001). Los huevos puestos por las gallinas semipesadas tuvieron mayor espesor de cáscara y mayor color de yema, pero peor calidad de albumen (P<0,0001). La mayor pérdida de peso la experimentaron las gallinas mudadas con salvado (P<0,02). La producción durante la muda fue mayor (P<0,001) en las gallinas que consumieron pienso en cantidad restringida y también fueron las que tuvieron menor intensidad de puesta (P<0,006) y masa de huevo diaria (P<0,042) durante el segundo ciclo. El tratamiento de muda no tuvo efecto significativo sobre la calidad del huevo en esta segunda prueba. La principal conclusión que merece destacarse es que es posible inducir la muda a las gallinas ponedoras utilizando alimentos bajos en energía o en proteína, o altos en fibra, con un porcentaje de pérdida de peso vivo no tan alta como las recomendaciones tradicionales, y alcanzar buenos resultados productivos, tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos, durante el segundo ciclo de puesta. ABSTRACT Present Doctoral Thesis has studied the effect of a methodology to induce molting in two strains of commercial laying hens, one light and another semi-heavy one, through the provision of three feed: wheat bran, barley grain and a commercial laying hens feed provided in limited quantity. Two tests were performed in two different lots of layers. In the first 472 animals were used (236 of each strain) housed in cages with four or six hens per cage, with a structure 2 x 3 x 2 factorial (2 strains, 3 meals, 2 densities) and a total duration of 32 weeks (4 of molt and 28 of postmolting). In the second test 432 animals were used (216 each strain), housed in groups of four birds per cage, with a structure factorial 2 x 3 (2 strain, 3 meals) along 27 weeks (4 of molt and 23 of postmolting). In both experiments, we studied the effect of the use of above mentioned foods to induce molting on the quantitative results: body weight lost during the molt and laying index, average egg weight and egg mass daily during and after the molt, as well as on grading in commercial classes during the second laying cycle. As well as on qualitative outcomes after the molt: colour of Brown eggsshell, shell thickness, specific density, albumen height, Haugh units and yolk colour. In the first test was studied, in addition, the effect of induction of molting through the three feed considered on the regression of the reproductive tract of hens during molting period. In the first experiment, differences between strains were observed. Light hens had a faster regression of the reproductive tract (ovary+oviduct) (P=0,003) than semi-heavy hens, although the total regression did not present significant differences. Semi-heavy hens had better outcomes after the molt in laying index (P<0.0001), in average egg weight (P<0.0001) and daily egg mass (P=0, 0002). There were also significant differences for the qualitative variables (higher in semi-heavy hen eggs) as shell thickness while light chicken eggs showed better values of albumen height, Haugh units and yolk color; all these variables had the same level of significance (P<0.0001). Restricted supply of layer feed resulted in a greater percentage of live weight loss (P<0.0001) although the regression of the reproductive organs was the lowest (P<0.003), having not found differences between the other two feed used. With this food decreasing of laying during molting period was also slower (P<0.0001), although production was higher during the second cycle (P < 0.0001). The only qualitative variable affected was shell thickness (P<0.0001), with higher values in the eggs produced by hens molted with barley. Groups of six hens per cage produced more eggs during the moult (P<0.0001) but after this animal density had no significant effect, as neither had it on egg quality parameters. In the second trial hens semi-heavy experienced a lower percentage of body weight loss (P<0.01) but had higher rates of egg production (P<0.001) and of grading eggs (P<0.001) during the moult. On the other hand, during the second production cycle light hens produced more eggs (P=0,0041), of lower weight (P < 0.02) and with less feed intake (P<0.001). Eggs from semi-heavy hens had thicker shell and greater color yolk, but poorer quality of albumen (P<0.0001). The greater weight loss was experimented by the hens molted with wheat bran (P=0.02). Production during molting period was greater (P<0.001) in hens which consumed feed in restricted quantities and were also less the laying index (P=0.006) and daily egg mass (P=0.042) during the second cycle. The molting treatment had no significative effect on the quality of the egg in this second test. The main conclusion that deserves to stand out is that it is possible to induce molting hens using foods low in energy or in protein or high in fiber, with a percentage of live weight loss not as high as the traditional recommendations, and achieve good productive, both quantitative and qualitative results during the second implementation cycle.


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La producción de huevos disminuye a medida que las ponedoras envejecen. Un método para contrarrestar, al menos parcialmente, esta evolución natural del rendimiento productivo es la muda inducida. El retorno a la puesta de las gallinas tras la muda se debe a un proceso de rejuvenecimiento fisiológico de las aves, relacionado con la regresión del ovario y del oviducto durante la muda, siendo la pérdida de peso corporal decisiva para la regresión de estos órganos. En este trabajo estudiamos los efectos de 3 dietas distintas, utilizadas para inducir la muda (salvado de trigo, cebada y pienso comercial suministrado de forma restringida), sobre la pérdida de peso vivo, sobre la regresión del ovario y del oviducto, y sobre los rendimientos productivos posteriores, en gallinas ponedoras de 2 estirpes comerciales, alojadas con dos densidades diferentes (4 y 6 gallinas, por jaula). Se trabajó con 192 gallinas de cada estirpe, sacrificándose 36 animales (18+18) para poder evaluar la regresión del ovario-oviducto. La estirpe no tuvo influencia significativa sobre el porcentaje de pérdida de peso corporal, aunque sí sobre la pérdida de peso del oviducto y sobre la intensidad de puesta (IP) del segundo ciclo productivo. La menor pérdida de peso se produjo con el salvado y con la cebada, aunque la intensidad de puesta (IP) no varió entre tratamientos, excepto en gallinas ligeras mudadas con salvado de trigo, que alcanzaron una IP significativamente menor. Tampoco tuvo efecto significativo el número de gallinas por jaula sobre la IP, ni sobre la pérdida de peso. Egg production lows according layers get older. Induced moulting is a method to counteract this, at least partially. Production after moulting is due a process of physiologic rejuvenation of birds, connected with ovary and oviduct regression during the moult. Body weight loss is decisive for this process. We studied the effect of three different feed used to induce moulting (wheat bran, barley and restricted layer diet) on body weight loss, ovary and oviduct regression, and performance after moulting. 192 layers of two strains were used, housed in cages with 4 ó 6 birds per cage. 36 layers were euthanized to evaluate the reproductive tissues regression. Strain had not significative influence on body weight loss, but it had on ovary and oviduct weight losses, and on egg production (%) of second cycle of laying. The less body weight loss was in layers moulted with wheat bran and of that with barley. Egg production (%) was not different between treatments. Number of bird per cage had not significative effect on production and body, ovary and oviduct weight losses.


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The pH, VFA concentration, total gas and met hane production were determined in the rumen of four Sicilo- Sarde rams fitted with permanent canulas. Rams received a ration that included 1.5 kg DM of oat hay and were supplemented with one of four concentrates: CC (10% barley, 43.3% corn, 25% wheat bran, 17.7% soybean meal, 4% sheep Vitamin and Mineral Mixture (VMM)), SC (66% white sorghum, 30% faba, 4% sheep VMM); TC (71% triticale, 18% faba, 7%, soybean meal, 4% VMM) or BC (71.5% barley, 17.5% faba, 7% soybean meal and 4% VMM). 50 ml samples were taken before, 2, 5 and 8 hours after the morning meal. Total gas was determined on rumen content before the morning meal. The rumen pH was statistically different (P<0.05) before and 2 hours after the morning meal among concentrates feed. It was in favour of TC and BC (P<0.05) concentrates but was comparable at the end of the day. The concentration of VFA was significantly higher (P<0.05) for diets TC and BC following the meal and became comparable among concentrates thereafter. The proportion of acetate and butyrate acids evolved in the same way during the day regardless of the regimen. The total volu me of gas was different (P<0.05) among diets, the BC showed the highest value (87.00±17.29 ml) while the lowest value was found in the TC concentrate (56.58±13.06 ml). The CH4 production for the BC was significantly different (P<0.05) from that of TC. Quantities produced by the CC and SC were similar (22.08±4.18vs . 21.16±3.21).


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The biogeochemical cycles of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are interlinked by primary production, respiration and decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems. It has been suggested that the C, N and P cycles could become uncoupled under rapid climate change because of the different degrees of control exerted on the supply of these elements by biological and geochemical processes. Climatic controls on biogeochemical cycles are particularly relevant in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid ecosystems (drylands) because their biological activity is mainly driven by water availability. The increase in aridity predicted for the twenty-first century in many drylands worldwide may therefore threaten the balance between these cycles, differentially affecting the availability of essential nutrients. Here we evaluate how aridity affects the balance between C, N and P in soils collected from 224 dryland sites from all continents except Antarctica. We find a negative effect of aridity on the concentration of soil organic C and total N, but a positive effect on the concentration of inorganic P. Aridity is negatively related to plant cover, which may favour the dominance of physical processes such as rock weathering, a major source of P to ecosystems, over biological processes that provide more C and N, such as litter decomposition. Our findings suggest that any predicted increase in aridity with climate change will probably reduce the concentrations of N and C in global drylands, but increase that of P. These changes would uncouple the C, N and P cycles in drylands and could negatively affect the provision of key services provided by these ecosystems.


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Este proyecto describe la metodología a seguir para conectar la plataforma Arduino a dispositivos Android y establecer una conexión que permita controlar dicha plataforma. Sobre Arduino se acoplará un módulo 3G que permitirá hacer uso de funcionalidades propias de los teléfonos móviles. El objetivo final del proyecto era el control del módulo 3G mediante comandos AT enviados desde un dispositivo Android (tableta) conectado a través de USB. Para ello, se ha desarrollado una aplicación de demostración que permite el uso de algunas de las funcionalidades de comunicación del módulo 3G. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto se ha investigado sobre temas tales como: internet de las cosas, las tecnologías de comunicaciones móviles, el sistema operativo Android y el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles, la plataforma Arduino, el funcionamiento del módulo 3G y sobre la comunicación serie que permitirá comunicarse entre Android y módulo 3G. El proyecto proporciona una guía de iniciación con explicaciones de los diferentes dispositivos, tecnologías y pasos a seguir para la integración de las diferentes plataformas que se han usado en el proyecto: Arduino, Módulo de comunicaciones 3G, y Android. ABSTRACT. This project describes the methodology to connect the Arduino platform to Android devices and establish a connection to allow the platform control. A 3G module will be engaged on Arduino allowing the usage of mobile phones functionalities. The main objective of the project was the control of 3G module through AT commands sent from an Android device (tablet) connected via USB. For that, a demonstration application was developed to permit the use of some communication features of 3G module. To achieve the target, an investigation has been carried out about issues such as: internet of things, mobile communications technologies, the Android operating system and mobile applications development, the Arduino platform, the 3G module operation and serial communication that allows the communication between Android and the 3G module. The project provides a starter guide with explanations of the different devices, technologies and steps for the integration of the different platforms that have been used in the project: Arduino, 3G communications module and Android.


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Microbial corrected in situ estimatesof the ruminal undegraded fraction (RU) and intestinal effectivedigestibility (IED) of amino acids (AA), except tryptophan, of rye, wheat and corn grains, wheat bran, wheat and barley distilled dried grains and corn gluten feed were measured on three rumen- and duodenum-cannulated wethers using 15N-labelling techniques and considering ruminal rates of particle comminution and outflow.


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Mode of access: Internet.