991 resultados para Bohemia (Czech Republic)


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Copy of article on Jewish history of Porhlitz, today Pohořelice in the Czech Republic. Copy of letter from Dr. D. Whiteman describing experiences in Czechoslovakia during research trip 1988. Contains xeroxed photos of community leadership of Pohrlitz.


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The memoirs were written in 1982 in Sydney, Australia and include excerpts of letters from various relatives during the years 1938-1941. Early childhood recollections of World War One. The family was living in the 6th district of Vienna. Description of domestic life with maids, laundresses and a French governess. Death of her mother in 1918. Trip with her stepmother Ida Plohn to Prague. Recollections of a stay in the countryside at their maid's family, where Selma and her older sister Martha awaited the birth of their younger sister Trude. Memories of Christmas celebrations. Summer vacations in the mountains. Description of the extended family. Inflation and economic depression in the 1920s. Strict upbringing by her stepmother. Children recreation trip to Grado, Italy in 1925. Selma was accepted at the "Bundeserziehungsanstalt" for gifted students. Only few fellow Jewish students. Religious education with beloved rabbi Diamant. Recovery from tonsilitis in a senatorium in Aflenz, Austria. Celebration of Jewish holidays and visits at the Synagogue on Yom Kippur. Transfer to Realschule. Due to a sudden onset of various illnesses Selma was unable to continue school and had put an end to her father's dream of an university education for her. Difficult to find a position in the depression times of the early 1930s. Only few working options for a Jewish woman. Position as a secretary in a Jewish firm. Outings in the Vienna Woods. Membership in the Zionist group Betar.


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Family tree of descendents of Rabbi Moses Salman Schulhof in Prague, accompanied by an explanatory letter and photocopies of various publications.


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Parallel programming and effective partitioning of applications for embedded many-core architectures requires optimization algorithms. However, these algorithms have to quickly evaluate thousands of different partitions. We present a fast performance estimator embedded in a parallelizing compiler for streaming applications. The estimator combines a single execution-based simulation and an analytic approach. Experimental results demonstrate that the estimator has a mean error of 2.6% and computes its estimation 2848 times faster compared to a cycle accurate simulator.


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The title of the 14th International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB), “Publishing in the networked world: Transforming the nature of communication”, is a timely one. Scholarly communication and scientific publishing has recently been undergoing subtle changes. Published papers are no longer fixed physical objects, as they once were. The “convergence” of information, communication, publishing and web technologies along with the emergence of Web 2.0 and social networks has completely transformed scholarly communication and scientific papers turned to living and changing entities in the online world. The themes (electronic publishing and social networks; scholarly publishing models; and technological convergence) selected for the conference are meant to address the issues involved in this transformation process. We are pleased to present the proceedings book with more than 30 papers and short communications addressing these issues. What you hold in your hands is a by-product and the culmination of almost a Year long work of many people including conference organizers, authors, reviewers, editors and print and online publishers. The ELPUB 2010 conference was organized and hosted by the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland. Professors Turid Hedlund of Hanken School of Economics and Yaşar Tonta of Hacettepe University Department of Information Management (Ankara, Turkey) served as General Chair and Program Chair, respectively. We received more than 50 submissions from several countries. All submissions were peer-reviewed by members of an international Program Committee whose contributions proved most valuable and appreciated. The 14th ELPUB conference carries on the tradition of previous conferences held in the United Kingdom (1997 and 2001), Hungary (1998), Sweden (1999), Russia (2000), the Czech Republic (2002), Portugal (2003), Brazil (2004), Belgium (2005), Bulgaria (2006), Austria (2007), Canada (2008) and Italy (2009). The ELPUB Digital Library, http://elpub.scix.net serves as archive for the papers presented at the ELPUB conferences through the years. The 15th ELPUB conference will be organized by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe University and will take place in Ankara, Turkey, from 14-16 June 2011. (Details can be found at the ELPUB web site as the conference date nears by.) We thank Marcus Sandberg and Hannu Sääskilahti for copyediting, Library Director Tua Hindersson – Söderholm for accepting to publish the online as well as the print version of the proceedings. Thanks also to Patrik Welling for maintaining the conference web site and Tanja Dahlgren for administrative support. We warmly acknowledge the support in organizing the conference to colleagues at Hanken School of Economics and our sponsors.


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Scan circuit is widely practiced DFT technology. The scan testing procedure consist of state initialization, test application, response capture and observation process. During the state initialization process the scan vectors are shifted into the scan cells and simultaneously the responses captured in last cycle are shifted out. During this shift operation the transitions that arise in the scan cells are propagated to the combinational circuit, which inturn create many more toggling activities in the combinational block and hence increases the dynamic power consumption. The dynamic power consumed during scan shift operation is much more higher than that of normal mode operation.


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In this paper, we develop a low-complexity message passing algorithm for joint support and signal recovery of approximately sparse signals. The problem of recovery of strictly sparse signals from noisy measurements can be viewed as a problem of recovery of approximately sparse signals from noiseless measurements, making the approach applicable to strictly sparse signal recovery from noisy measurements. The support recovery embedded in the approach makes it suitable for recovery of signals with same sparsity profiles, as in the problem of multiple measurement vectors (MMV). Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm, termed as JSSR-MP (joint support and signal recovery via message passing) algorithm, achieves performance comparable to that of sparse Bayesian learning (M-SBL) algorithm in the literature, at one order less complexity compared to the M-SBL algorithm.


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Direction Of Arrival (DOA) estimation, using a sensor array, in the presence of non-Gaussian noise using Fractional Lower-Order Moments (FLOM)matrices is studied. In this paper, a new FLOM based technique using the Fractional Lower Order Infinity Norm based Covariance (FLIC) Matrix is proposed. The bounded property and the low-rank subspace structure of the FLIC matrix is derived. Performance of FLIC based DOA estimation using MUSIC, ESPRIT, is shown to be better than other FLOM based methods.


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The notion of the 1-D analytic signal is well understood and has found many applications. At the heart of the analytic signal concept is the Hilbert transform. The problem in extending the concept of analytic signal to higher dimensions is that there is no unique multidimensional definition of the Hilbert transform. Also, the notion of analyticity is not so well under stood in higher dimensions. Of the several 2-D extensions of the Hilbert transform, the spiral-phase quadrature transform or the Riesz transform seems to be the natural extension and has attracted a lot of attention mainly due to its isotropic properties. From the Riesz transform, Larkin et al. constructed a vortex operator, which approximates the quadratures based on asymptotic stationary-phase analysis. In this paper, we show an alternative proof for the quadrature approximation property by invoking the quasi-eigenfunction property of linear, shift-invariant systems. We show that the vortex operator comes up as a natural consequence of applying this property. We also characterize the quadrature approximation error in terms of its energy as well as the peak spatial-domain error. Such results are available for 1-D signals, but their counter part for 2-D signals have not been provided. We also provide simulation results to supplement the analytical calculations.