1000 resultados para Bimodalidad agraria
The impact, on nitrogen and phosphorous dynamics, of applying compost at different rates was investigated in soils developed on schist in new terraced vineyards (NTV) and in undisturbed areas (NC). Repacked soil columns amended with 0 (control), 50 t ha –1 (T1) and 100 t ha–1 (T2) of compost were studied under laboratory conditions simulating both situations. The columns were maintained for 1 year, during which time a total of 300 mm of simulated rainfall was applied in ten 30 mm applications. Soil organic matter (OM), nitrogen and phosphorous contents were analysed at the end of the study period and leachates were analysed after each simulated rainfall event. Significant differences in nitrate leaching were observed between the control and the treated soils and these differences were greater in the NC (control = 1.368 g, T1 = 1.526 g and T2 = 1.686 g) than in the NTV soils (control = 0.61 g, T1 = = 1.068 g and T2 = 1.283 g). The relative effect was greater in the NTV soils (T1/control = 1.11 vs. 1.75 and T2/control = 1.23 vs. 2.1 for NC and NTV, respectively). The nitrate concentration in the leached water reached up to 400 mg L–1, which implied a risk of groundwater pollution. Phosphorous losses through leaching were very low with concentrations of < 0.15 mg L–1, without any significant differences between treatments. The phosphorous concentrations in the surface horizon increased by 50.8% in T1 and by 66.8% in T2 in the NC soils, compared with increases of 20.3% and 38%, respectively, in the NTV soils. Due to the high infiltration capacity of the study soils, leaching effects must be considered in order to prevent groundwater pollution.
Spain is one of the countries with the highest greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the EU-27. Consequently, mitigation strategies need to be reported and quantified to accomplish the goals and requirements of the Kyoto Protocol. In this study, a first estimation of the carbon (C) mitigation potential of tillage reduction in Mediterranean rainfed Spain is presented. Results from eight studies carried out in Spain under rainfed agriculture to investigate the effects of no-tillage (NT) and reduced tillage (RT) compared with conventional tillage (CT) on soil organic carbon (SOC) were used. For current land surface under conservation tillage, NT and RT are sequestering 0.14 and 0.08 Tg C yr-1, respectively. Those rates represent 1.1% and 0.6% of the total CO2 emissions generated from agricultural activities in Spain during 2006. Alternatively, in a hypothetical scenario where all the arable dryland was under either NT or RT management, SOC sequestration would be 2.18 and 0.72 Tg C yr-1 representing 17.4% and 5.8% of the total 2006 CO2 equivalent emissions generated from the agricultural sector in Spain. This is a significant estimate that would help to achieve GHG emissions targets for the current commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol.
The present study analysed the meat characteristics of i) improved Castellana Negra chickens slaughtered at 18 weeks (CN-18) and ii) F1 crossbred chickens from improved Castellana Negra hens and improved Penedesenca Negra cocks (CNPN) slaughtered at 12 weeks and 18 weeks of age (young and adult animals, respectively). Purebred and crossbred specimens were compared at similar weights (CN-18 and CNPN-12) and ages (CN-18 and CNPN-18). The protein content of the meat was similar for the three types of animals; heavier animals (CNPN-18) had more fat than those slaughtered at lower weights (CNPN-12 and CN-18). Adults had a higher saturated fatty acid content and the young CNPN chickens had more monounsaturated fatty acids than CN chickens. In the CNPN adults, less water was lost during cooking, which is directly related to the juiciness of the meat. With regard to sensory analysis, a darker colour was observed in the meat as much as the internal fat of adult animals, in addition to greater colour uniformity. The meat of young CNPN birds was juicier, whereas that of the CN chickens was more fibrous. Therefore, we conclude that meat from CNPN chickens presents chemical, physical, and sensorial characteristics that make these animals a genetic base for alternative poultry production.
The objective of research was to analyse the potential of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) maps from satellite images, yield maps and grapevine fertility and load variables to delineate zones with different wine grape properties for selective harvesting. Two vineyard blocks located in NE Spain (Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah) were analysed. The NDVI was computed from a Quickbird-2 multi-spectral image at veraison (July 2005). Yield data was acquired by means of a yield monitor during September 2005. Other variables, such as the number of buds, number of shoots, number of wine grape clusters and weight of 100 berries were sampled in a 10 rows × 5 vines pattern and used as input variables, in combination with the NDVI, to define the clusters as alternative to yield maps. Two days prior to the harvesting, grape samples were taken. The analysed variables were probable alcoholic degree, pH of the juice, total acidity, total phenolics, colour, anthocyanins and tannins. The input variables, alone or in combination, were clustered (2 and 3 Clusters) by using the ISODATA algorithm, and an analysis of variance and a multiple rang test were performed. The results show that the zones derived from the NDVI maps are more effective to differentiate grape maturity and quality variables than the zones derived from the yield maps. The inclusion of other grapevine fertility and load variables did not improve the results.
The Spanish Barley Breeding Program is carried out by four public research organizations, located at the most representative barley growing regions of Spain. The aim of this study is to evaluate the program retrospectively, attending to: i) the progress achieved in grain yield, and ii) the extent and impact of genotype-by-environment interaction of grain yield. Grain yields and flowering dates of 349 advanced lines in generations F8, F9 and F10, plus checks, tested at 163 trials over 11 years were analized. The locations are in the provinces of Albacete, Lleida, Valladolid and Zaragoza. The data are highly unbalanced because the lines stayed at the program for a maximum of three years. Progress was estimated using relative grain yield and mixed models (REML) to homogenize the results among years and locations. There was evident progress in the program over the period studied, with increasing relative yields in each generation, and with advanced lines surpassing the checks in the last two generations, although the rate of progress was uneven across locations. The genetic gain was greater from F8 to F9 than from F9 to F10. The largest non-purely environmental component of variance was genotype-by-location-by-year, meaning that the genotype-by-location pattern was highly unpredictable. The relationship between yield and flowering time overall was weak in the locations under study at this advanced stage of the program. The program can be continued with the same structure, although measures should be taken to explore the causes of slower progress at certain locations.
The Spanish Government has established post-market environmental monitoring (PMEM) as mandatory for genetically modified (GM) crop varieties cultivated in Spain. In order to comply with this regulation, effects of Bt maize varieties derived from the event MON810 on the predatory fauna were monitored for two years in northeast and central Spain. The study was carried out with a randomized block design in maize fields of 3-4 ha on which the abundance of plant-dwelling predators and the activity-density of soil-dwelling predators in Bt vs. non-Bt near-isogenic varieties were compared. To this end, the plots were sampled by visual inspection of a certain number of plants and pitfall traps 6 or 7 times throughout two seasons. No significant differences in predator densities on plants were found between Bt and non-Bt varieties. In the pitfall traps, significant differences between the two types of maize were found only in Staphylinidae, in which trap catches in non-Bt maize were higher than in Bt maize in central Spain. Based on the statistical power of the assays, surrogate arthropods for PMEM purposes are proposed; Orius spp. and Araneae for visual sampling and Carabidae, Araneae, and Staphylinidae for pitfall trapping. The other predator groups recorded in the study, Nabis sp. and Coccinellidae in visual sampling and Dermaptera in pitfall trapping, gave very poor power results. To help to establish a standardized protocol for PMEM of genetically modified crops, the effect-detecting capacity with a power of 0.8 of each predator group is given.
En este trabajo se realiza un análisis comparado de dos métodos no paramétricos de medida de productividad total de los factores con datos de panel basados en programación: índices de Malmquist y un modelo DEA intertemporal que permite acotar las medidas de eficiencia y progreso técnico, suponiendo cambio técnico no regresivo. La aplicación se realiza sobre las agriculturas de los países de la Unión Europea, encontrándose algunas diferencias importantes entre ambos enfoques. Los resultados sugieren menor crecimiento de productividad agraria y, sobre todo, una ordenación distinta de países en relación con dichos crecimientos que los encontrados en otros trabajos.
En este artículo analizo las principales aportaciones a la teoría de la regulación medioambiental desarrolladas durante los últimos cuarenta años. Inicio este recorrido en los años sesenta con la presentación de las primeras contribuciones. A continuación, abordo el estudio de la década de los setenta, donde me centro de manera preferente en la comparación de las propiedades de los sistemas basados en incentivos económicos y de los basados en cantidades. Seguidamente me adentro en los desarrollos que surgieron durante los ochenta, concentrando mi atención en el análisis de los sistemas de licencias negociables. Por último, analizo cómo en la década de los noventa la regulación medioambiental se orienta hacia la búsqueda de soluciones para los problemas de contaminación global.
We estimate how climate variables affect price and acreage of productive farmland using the Ricardian approach. Furthermore, we use our estimations to evaluate the joint effects of possible cli- mate changes within the time horizon of 2010 and 2050. Our results show that the price of rainfed land in Spain tends to increase but rainfed acreage decreases. On the other hand, the effect on irrigated farmland price and acreage presents some mixed results, however, in the long run the dominant pattern is clearly increasing for both prices and acreage.
En este trabajo, se presenta un estudio de la situación económica y financiera del conjunto de cooperativas productoras de aceite de oliva inscritas en la Denominación de Origen Protegida «Les Garrigues» (DOPG)(Lleida). A partir de las cuentas anuales de dichas entidades se realiza un análisis de los estados financieros desde el punto de vista patrimonial, financiero y económico mediante la técnica de las ratios. De los resultados obtenidos, hemos podido observar que las cooperativas productoras de aceite de la Denominación de Origen Garrigues presentan un reducido volumen de actividad y tienen una baja capacidad de crecimiento, y la financiación ajena a corto plazo supone un porcentaje muy elevado en el conjunto de los fondos ajenos.
La realización de un Plan de Ordenación de Recursos Naturales (PORN) requiere de la aplicación de una metodología específica para evaluar los intereses que confluyen, solucionar los problemas que se presentan, y sistematizar la propia elaboración del Plan. El presente trabajo muestra la metodología aplicada a la elaboración de un PORN en el entorno próximo de un embalse localizado en Alcañiz (Teruel), y que ha sido objeto de un Proyecto Final de Carrera en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agraria (ETSEA) de Lleida (BERGUA, 1995). El trabajo comprende dos fases diferenciadas: en una primera fase se realiza el encuadre territorial y definición de la base descriptiva, objetiva y permanente sobre la que se asienta el conjunto del sistema. La segunda fase corresponde al tratamiento de la información recogida y al proceso de valoración. La zonificación propuesta para el entorno estudiado y sus respectivas actividades son función del resultado de la superposición de los componentes intervinientes en la valoración del territorio, y de los criterios y prioridades que permiten su definición. Finalmente, mediante la utilización de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (S.I.G.) se establece la asignación de usos del Territorio.
En este artículo se presenta un método para determinar la forma del área de mercado de una planta industrial agraria asilada cuando el espacio isótropo para el transporte que rodea a la misma se halla atravesado por rutas en las cuales los costes unitarios de transporte son menores. Se plantea también qué hipótesis implícitas sobre los costes de transportes se encuentran en los esquemas publicados sobre la forma del área de mercado.
Aim of study: To identify species of wood samples based on common names and anatomical analyses of their transversal surfaces (without microscopic preparations). Area of study: Spain and South America Material and methods: The test was carried out on a batch of 15 lumber samples deposited in the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid, from the expedition by Ruiz and Pavon (1777-1811). The first stage of the methodology is to search and to make a critical analysis of the databases which list common nomenclature along with scientific nomenclature. A geographic filter was then applied to the information resulting from the samples with a more restricted distribution. Finally an anatomical verification was carried out with a pocket microscope with a magnification of x40, equipped with a 50 micrometers resolution scale. Main results: The identification of the wood based exclusively on the common name is not useful due to the high number of alternative possibilities (14 for “naranjo”, 10 for “ébano”, etc.). The common name of one of the samples (“huachapelí mulato”) enabled the geographic origin of the samples to be accurately located to the shipyard area in Guayaquil (Ecuador). Given that Ruiz y Pavon did not travel to Ecuador, the specimens must have been obtained by Tafalla. It was possible to determine correctly 67% of the lumber samples from the batch. In 17% of the cases the methodology did not provide a reliable identification. Research highlights: It was possible to determine correctly 67% of the lumber samples from the batch and their geographic provenance. The identification of the wood based exclusively on the common name is not useful.
El objetivo de esta monografía es determinar las zonas de Cataluña más adecuadas para el cultivo de la trufa negra (Tuber melanosporum Vitt.). Para conseguir este objetivo, se han considerado los rangos de valores adecuados para el desarrollo de la trufa negra de los parámetros seleccionados; la precipitación media anual, la precipitación de los meses de verano, la temperatura media anual, la temperatura media del mes más frio, la temperatura media del mes más cálido, el pH y la textura. A partir del Atlas Climático Digital de Cataluña, del Modelo Digital del Terreno y de analíticas de suelos de diferentes localizaciones de Cataluña, se ha cartografiado la aptitud para el cultivo de la trufa negra. Cataluña dispone de 1.582.662 ha aptas para el cultivo de la trufa negra, 506.804 de las cuales necesitarían la aplicación de riegos de soporte o aportaciones de enmiendas calcáreas al suelo. De éstas 1.582.662 ha, 375.007 ha son terrenos que se dedican a cultivos de secano donde son necesarias las subvenciones de la Plítica Agraria Comunitaria para hacerlos rentables, o que han sufrido incendios forestales. El cambio climático global comportará un descenso de la superficie apta para el cultivo de la trufa negra del 14% para el año 2040.
La Conca de Barbera és una comarca geogràficament tancada, amb una terra i un clima adient per a la viticultura. La crisi agraria de finals del segle XIX, sobreproducció i fil·loxera, anorreà una estructura econòmica monocultivadora de vinya i una magre indústria vinculada a la producció vinícola (boters, alcoho- ler s...), la qual cosa genera una emigració en massa dels més febles (jornalers) o dels sense futur (boters), i un infern per als qui restaren a la Conca.