949 resultados para Bacillus subtilis - genetics


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Clostridium difficile, a causative agent of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and its potentially lethal form, pseudomembranous colitis, produces two large protein toxins that are responsible for the cellular damage associated with the disease. The level of toxin production appears to be critical for determining the severity of the disease, but the mechanism by which toxin synthesis is regulated is unknown. The product of a gene, txeR, that lies just upstream of the tox gene cluster was shown to be needed for tox gene expression in vivo and to activate promoter-specific transcription of the tox genes in vitro in conjunction with RNA polymerases from C. difficile, Bacillus subtilis, or Escherichia coli. TxeR was shown to function as an alternative sigma factor for RNA polymerase. Because homologs of TxeR regulate synthesis of toxins and a bacteriocin in other Clostridium species, TxeR appears to be a prototype for a novel mode of regulation of toxin genes.


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The replication terminator protein (RTP) of Bacillus subtilis is a homodimer that binds to each replication terminus and impedes replication fork movement in only one orientation with respect to the replication origin. The three-dimensional structure of the RTP-DNA complex needs to be determined to understand how structurally symmetrical dimers of RTP generate functional asymmetry. The functional unit of each replication terminus of Bacillus subtilis consists of four turns of DNA complexed with two interacting dimers of RTP. Although the crystal structure of the RTP apoprotein dimer has been determined at 2.6-A resolution, the functional unit of the terminus is probably too large and too flexible to lend itself to cocrystallization. We have therefore used an alternative strategy to delineate the three dimensional structure of the RTP-DNA complex by converting the protein into a site-directed chemical nuclease. From the pattern of base-specific cleavage of the terminus DNA by the chemical nuclease, we have mapped the amino acid to base contacts. Using these contacts as distance constraints, with the crystal structure of RTP, we have constructed a model of the DNA-protein complex. The biological implications of the model have been discussed.


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delta-Aminolevulinate in plants, algae, cyanobacteria, and several other bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis is synthesized from glutamate by means of a tRNA(Glu) mediated pathway. The enzyme glutamyl tRNA(Glu) reductase catalyzes the second step in this pathway, the reduction of tRNA bound glutamate to give glutamate 1-semialdehyde. The hemA gene from barley encoding the glutamyl tRNA(Glu) reductase was expressed in E. coli cells joined at its amino terminal end to Schistosoma japonicum glutathione S-transferase (GST). GST-glutamyl tRNA(Glu) reductase fusion protein and the reductase released from it by thrombin digestion catalyzed the reduction of glutamyl tRNA(Glu) to glutamate 1-semialdehyde. The specific activity of the fusion protein was 120 pmol.micrograms-1.min-1. The fusion protein used tRNA(Glu) from barley chloroplasts preferentially to E. coli tRNA(Glu) and its activity was inhibited by hemin. It migrated as an 82-kDa polypeptide with SDS/PAGE and eluted with an apparent molecular mass of 450 kDa from Superose 12. After removal of the GST by thrombin, the protein migrated as an approximately equal to 60-kDa polypeptide with SDS/PAGE, whereas gel filtration on Superose 12 yielded an apparent molecule mass of 250 kDa. Isolated fusion protein contained heme, which could be reduced by NADPH and oxidized by air.


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Chorismate mutase (EC catalyzes the intramolecular rearrangement of chorismate to prephenate. Arg-90 in the active site of the enzyme from Bacillus subtilis is in close proximity to the substrate's ether oxygen and may contribute to efficient catalysis by stabilizing the presumed dipolar transition state that would result upon scission of the C--O bond. To test this idea, we have developed a novel complementation system for chorismate mutase activity in Escherichia coli by reengineering parts of the aromatic amino acid biosynthetic pathway. The codon for Arg-90 was randomized, alone and in combination with that for Cys-88, and active clones were selected. The results show that a positively charged residue either at position 88 (Lys) or 90 (Arg or Lys) is essential. Our data provide strong support for the hypothesis that the positive charge is required for stabilization of the transition state of the enzymatic chorismate rearrangement. The new selection system, in conjunction with combinatorial mutagenesis, renders the mechanism of the natural enzyme(s) accessible to further exploration and opens avenues for the improvement of first generation catalytic antibodies with chorismate mutase activity.


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Alternative RNA polymerase sigma factors are a common means of coordinating gene regulation in bacteria. Using PCR amplification with degenerate primers, we identified and cloned a sigma factor gene, sigF, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The deduced protein encoded by sigF shows significant similarity to SigF sporulation sigma factors from Streptomyces coelicolor and Bacillus subtilis and to SigB, a stress-response sigma factor, from B. subtilis. Southern blot surveys with a sigF-specific probe identified cross-hybridizing bands in other slow-growing mycobacteria, Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and Mycobacterium avium, but not in the rapid-growers Mycobacterium smegmatis or Mycobacterium abscessus. RNase protection assays revealed that M. tuberculosis sigF mRNA is not present during exponential-phase growth in M. bovis BCG cultures but is strongly induced during stationary phase, nitrogen depletion, and cold shock. Weak expression of M. tuberculosis sigF was also detected during late-exponential phase, oxidative stress, anaerobiasis, and alcohol shock. The specific expression of M. tuberculosis sigF during stress or stationary phase suggests that it may play a role in the ability of tubercle bacilli to adapt to host defenses and persist during human infection.


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The first protein component of the Escherichia coli phosphoenolpyruvate: sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) is the 64-kDa protein enzyme I (EI), which can be phosphorylated by phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and carry out phosphotransfer to the acceptor heat-stable protein (HPr). The isolated amino-terminal domain (EIN) of E. coli EI is no longer phosphorylated by PEP but retains the ability to participate in reversible phosphotransfer to HPr. An expression vector was constructed for the production of large amounts of EIN, and conditions were developed for maximal expression of the protein. A three-column procedure is described for purification to homogeneity of EIN; a 500-ml culture yields approximately 80 mg of pure protein in about a 75% yield. Intact E. coli EI is effective in phosphotransfer from PEP to HPr from E. coli but not to the HPrs from Bacillus subtilis or Mycoplasma capricolum. Phosphotransfer from EI to enzyme IIAglc (EIIAglc) from E. coli or M. capricolum requires the intermediacy of HPr. The phosphorylated form of EIN is capable of more general phosphotransfer; it will effect phosphotransfer to HPrs from E. coli, B. subtilis, and M. capricolum as well as to EIAglc from E. coli. These studies demonstrate that the carboxyl-terminal domain of EI confers on the protein the capability to accept a phosphoryl group from PEP as well as a discriminator function that allows the intact protein to promote effective phosphoryl transfer only to E. coli HPr.


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Mutations in the spoIIIE gene prevent proper partitioning of one chromosome into the developing prespore during sporulation but have no overt effect on partitioning in vegetatively dividing cells. However, the expression of spoIIIE in vegetative cells and the occurrence of genes closely related to spoIIIE in a range of nonsporulating eubacteria suggested a more general function for the protein. Here we show that SpoIIIE protein is needed for optimal chromosome partitioning in vegetative cells of Bacillus subtilis when the normal tight coordination between septation and nucleoid partitioning is perturbed or when septum positioning is altered. A functional SpoIIIE protein allows cells to recover from a state in which their chromosome has been trapped by a closing septum. By analogy to its function during sporulation, we suggest that SpoIIIE facilitates partitioning by actively translocating the chromosome out of the septum. In addition to enhancing the fidelity of nucleoid partitioning, SpoIIIE also seems to be required for maximal resistance to antibiotics that interfere with DNA metabolism. The results have important implications for our understanding of the functions of genes involved in the primary partitioning machinery in bacteria and of how septum placement is controlled.


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GabR è un fattore di trascrizione chimerico appartenente alla famiglia dei MocR/GabR, costituito da un dominio N-terminale elica-giro-elica di legame al DNA e un dominio effettore e/o di oligomerizzazione al C-terminale. I due domini sono connessi da un linker flessibile di 29 aminoacidi. Il dominio C-terminale è strutturalmente omologo agli enzimi aminotransferasici fold-type I, i quali, utilizzando il piridossal-5’-fosfato (PLP) come cofattore, sono direttamente coinvolti nel metabolismo degli aminoacidi. L’interazione contemporanea di PLP e acido γ-aminobutirrico (GABA) a GabR fa sì che questa promuova la trascrizione di due geni, gabT e gabD, implicati nel metabolismo del GABA. GabR cristallizza come un omodimero con una configurazione testa-coda. Il legame con la regione promotrice gabTD avviene attraverso il riconoscimento specifico di due sequenze dirette e ripetute (ATACCA), separate da uno spacer di 34 bp. In questo studio sono state indagate le proprietà biochimiche, strutturali e di legame al DNA della proteina GabR di Bacillus subtilis. L’analisi spettroscopica dimostra che GabR interagisce con il PLP formando l’aldimina interna, mentre in presenza di GABA si ottiene l’aldimina esterna. L’interazione fra il promotore gabTD e le forme holo e apo di GabR è stata monitorata mediante Microscopia a Forza atomica (AFM). In queste due condizioni di legame è stata stimata una Kd di circa 40 ηM. La presenza di GABA invece, determinava un incremento di circa due volte della Kd, variazioni strutturali nei complessi GabR-DNA e una riduzione del compattamento del DNA alla proteina, indipendentemente dalla sequenza del promotore in esame. Al fine di valutare il ruolo delle caratteristiche topologiche del promotore, sono state inserite cinque e dieci bp all’interno della regione spacer che separa le due sequenze ripetute dirette riconosciute da GabR. I significativi cambiamenti topologici riscontrati nel frammento aggiunto di cinque bp si riflettono anche sulla forte riduzione dell’affinità di legame verso la proteina. Al contrario, l’inserzione di 10 bp provoca solamente l’allontanamento delle sequenze ripetute dirette. L’assenza quindi di cambiamenti significativi nella topologia di questo promotore fa sì che l’affinità di legame per GabR rimanga pressoché inalterata rispetto al promotore non mutato. L’analisi del potenziale elettrostatico superficiale di GabR mostra la presenza di una fascia carica positivamente che si estende lungo un’intera faccia della proteina. Per verificare l’importanza di questa caratteristica di GabR nel meccanismo di interazione al DNA, sono stati preparati ed indagati i mutanti R129Q e K362-366Q, in cui la carica positiva superficiale risultava indebolita. L’affinità di legame dei mutanti di GabR per il DNA era inferiore rispetto alla proteina non mutata, in particolar modo nel mutante K362-366Q. Le evidenze acquisite suggeriscono che la curvatura intrinseca del promotore ed il corretto orientamento delle sequenze sulla doppia elica, più della distanza che le separa, siano critici per sostenere l’interazione con GabR. Oltre a questo, la superficie positiva di GabR è richiesta per accomodare la curvatura del DNA sul corpo della proteina. Alla luce di questo, l’interazione GabR-gabTD è un esempio di come il riconoscimento specifico di sequenze, la topologia del DNA e le caratteristiche strutturali della proteina siano contemporaneamente necessarie per sostenere un’interazione proteina-DNA stabile.


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A prática da reutilização de produtos médico-hospitalares de uso único vem sendo aplicada desde meados da década de setenta. A principal razão que tem contribuído para disseminação desta conduta pelas instituições hospitalares radicadas tanto nos países em desenvolvimento como naqueles considerados ricos, tem sido a aparente economia de custos. Apesar dos riscos relacionados com a prática da reutilização, como reações pirogênicas, danos ocasionados por bactérias consideradas patogênicas em pacientes imunologicamente comprometidos, danos na integridade fisica dos produtos, assim como aumento do período de permanência dos pacientes no hospital, têm despertado o interesse em avaliar aspectos fisicos e biológicos dos produtos médico-hospitalares reutilizados. Baseando-se nestas considerações foram aplicados desafios com esporos de Bacillus Subtilis varo niger ATCC 9372 e endotoxina bacteriana E. coli 055:B5. Os produtos desafiados foram cateteres intravenosos, torneira três vias e tubos de traqueostomia. A possível presença microbiana foi investigada após contaminação intencional dos esporos de B. Subtillis (107 ufc/unid.) com submissão das unidades contaminadas à limpeza e posterior esterilização, utilizando óxido de etileno/CFC na proporção 12:88. Os ciclos de reprocessamentos simulados de produtos médico-hospitalares consistiram de contaminação de cada unidade teste com carga microbiana, lavagem com detergente enzimático, secagem e esterilização. Ao término de cada ciclo de reprocessamento foram separadas unidades representativas para avaliação por contagem microbiana (pour plate), testes de esterilidade por inoculação direta e indireta, citotoxidade por cultura de células e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A eficiência da esterilidade foi avaliada tanto por contagem microbiana como pelos testes de esterilidade, que resultaram em níveis microbianos de 103 ufc/unid. e detecção de contaminação até o 6° ciclo de reprocessamento nos cateteres intravenosos, tubos de traqueostomia e torneiras três vias. A segurança dos reprocessamentos dos produtos médico-hospitalares foi avaliada pela cultura de células de fibroblastos de camundongo (NCTC clone 929), as quais não apresentaram toxicidade. Entretanto, os resultados obtidos durante microscopia eletrônica de varredura comprovaram presença de carga microbiana após 10° ciclo de reprocessamento, assim como danos na superficie polimérica. Durante desafio com endotoxina bacteriana, que consistiu em contaminar as unidades com 200 UE, secagem e exposição ao ciclo de esterilização com óxido de etileno/CFC (12:88), verificou-se que após ciclos de reprocessamentos simulados, totalizando dez ciclos, foi possível detectar valores de recuperação de endotoxina em torno de 100%. Os cateteres-guia que foram adquiridos em instituição hospitalar após quatro reutilizações, apresentaram níveis de contaminação de 105 ufc/unid., assim como presença de bactérias consideradas patogênicas em pacientes comprometidos imunologicamente, já a detecção de endotoxina bacteriana nestes cateteres não foi considerada significativa. Logo, as avaliações aplicadas nas unidades submetidas aos ciclos de reprocessamentos simulados, assim como nos cateteres-guia reprocessados e reutilizados quatro vezes, refletiram a realidade de algumas instituições no âmbito nacional e internacional que praticam a reutilização de produtos médico-hospitalares de uso-único. Os resultados obtidos vêm enfatizar objeções quanto à prática da reutilização, considerando que a ausência de segurança pode ocasionar em danos ao paciente.


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[GRAPHICS] Oxidation of tetradecanoic and hexadecanoic acids by cytochrome P450(Biol) (CYP107H1) produces mainly the 11-, 12-, and 13-hydroxy C-14 fatty acids and the 11- to 15-hydroxy C-16 fatty acids, respectively. In contrast to previous reports, terminal hydroxylation is not observed. The enantiospecificity of fatty acid hydroxylation by P450(Biol) was also determined, and the enzyme was shown to be moderately selective for production of the (R)-alcohols.


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Cytochrome P450(Biol) (CYP107H1) is believed to supply pimelic acid equivalents for biotin biosynthesis in Bacillus subtilis: we report here that the mechanistic pathway adopted by this multifunctional P450 for the in-chain cleavage of fatty acids is via consecutive formation of alcohol and threo-diol intermediates, with the likely absolute configuration of the intermediates also reported.


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Two new antibacterial agents, rugulotrosin A (1) and B (2), were obtained from cultures of a Penicillium sp. isolated from soil samples acquired near Sussex Inlet, New South Wales, Australia. Rugulotrosin A (1) is a chiral symmetric dimer, and its relative stereostructure was determined by spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic analysis. Rugulotrosin B (2) is a chiral asymmetric dimer isomeric with 1. Its structure was determined by spectroscopic analysis with comparison to the co-metabolite 1 and previously reported fungal metabolites. Both rugulotrosins A and B displayed significant antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, while rugulotrosin A was also strongly active against Enterococcus faecalis and B. cereus.


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Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne Gram-positive bacterium that is responsible for a variety of infections (worldwide) annually. The organism is able to survive a variety of environmental conditions and stresses, however, the mechanisms by which L. monocytogenes adapts to environmental change are yet to be fully elucidated. An understanding of the mechanism(s) by which L. monocytogenes survives unfavourable environmental conditions will aid in developing new food processing methods to control the organism in foodstuffs. We have utilized a proteomic approach to investigate the response of L. monocytogenes batch cultures to the transition from exponential to stationary growth phase. Proteomic analysis showed that batch cultures of L. monocytogenes perceived stress and began preparations for stationary phase much earlier (approximately A(600) = 0.75, mid-exponential) than predicted by growth characteristics alone. Global analysis of the proteome revealed that the expression levels of more than 50% of all proteins observed changed significantly over a 7-9 h period during this transition phase. We have highlighted ten proteins in particular whose expression levels appear to be important in the early onset of the stationary phase. The significance of these findings in terms of functionality and the mechanistic picture are discussed.


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The mechanism of aliphatic hydroxylation by cytochromes P450 has been the subject of intense debate with several proposed mechanistic alternatives. Various cyclopropyl containing compounds (radical clocks), which can produce both unrearranged and ring opened products upon oxidation, have been key tools in these investigations. In this study, we introduce several cyclopropyl containing fatty acids 1a-4a with which to probe the mechanism of P450s capable of fatty acid hydroxylation. The probes are shown to be capable of distinguishing radical from cationic intermediates due to the rapid equilibration of isomeric cyclopropyl cations. Ring opening of a radical intermediate in an oxidative transformation is expected to yield a single rearranged alcohol, whereas a cation isomerizes prior to ring opening, leading to two isomeric homoallylic alcohols. Oxidation of these probes by P450(BM3) and P450(Biol) gives results consistent with a radical but not a cationic intermediate in fatty acid hydroxylation by these enzymes. Quantitation of the unrearranged and ring opened products gives remarkably homogeneous rates for oxygen rebound of (2-3) x 10(10) s(-1). The effects of introduction of a cyclopropane ring into a fatty acid upon the regiochemistry of hydroxylation are discussed.


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The effects of culture filtrates of Fusarium oxysporum and Sclerotium rolfsii on egg hatching and juvenile survival of Meloidogyne incognita in vitro and impact of these filtrates on infectivity of M. incognita were investigated on soybean seedlings. Five- and 10-day-old filtrates of F. oxysporum caused 65 and 54% egg-hatching inhibition, while that of S. rolfsii caused 61 and 49% inhibition, respectively. Juveniles of M. incognita died within 6 days when incubated in 5-day-old filtrate of F. oxysporum, while the similar filtrate of S. rolfsii caused 100% juvenile mortality on the fifth day. Filtrates reduced root galling, egg population, number of adult females in soybean plants at harvest and also soil population. Culture filtrates could be used as source of biological nematicides.