419 resultados para BITTER MELON
Some sectors in Brazil are earning notoriety in the international market, configuring itself in dynamic areas for the Country. The most typical case is the agribusiness. Rio Grande do Norte state has important role, because 90% of the output of the melon exported by Brazil is produced at Assu/Mossoró. The present work planned to verify the evolution of the culture of the melon produced at Assu/Mossoró area, from 1990 to 2003. Through descriptive research, utilizing the case study and documentary analysis of secondary data this work showed the evolution of the area reaped of melon in the pole Assu/Mossoró, the quantity produced of melon and of the value of the output of the melon between 1990 and 2003. The research verified that all of the factors studied show growth during the analyzed period, showing up the importance of the agribusiness for the region. However the analysis shows the vulnerability of the sector concerning external macroeconomics factors, such as the exchange rates. Showing the importance and/or dependence of the producers for public actions to development of the culture, that might be on areas like infrastructure, economics or taxes
La berenjena (Solanum melongena L.) es una planta solanácea de múltiples variedades, cuyos ancestros salvajes se sitúan en Indochina y el este de África. Su cultivo fue muy temprano en zonas de China e India. Aun así, no se extendió al Occidente antiguo ni apenas se conoció, de ahí su ausencia en los textos clásicos de botánica y farmacología. Fueron los árabes quienes llevaron el cultivo de la planta por el Norte de África y Al-Andalus, de donde pasó ya a Europa. Los primeros testimonios occidentales de la berenjena aparecen en traducciones latinas de textos árabes, para incorporarse luego a la literatura farmacológica medieval y, más tarde ya, a la del Renacimiento, que empezó a tratar de ella por su posible parecido con una especie de mandrágora. Pese a que se le reconocían algunas virtudes medicinales, siempre se la tuvo bajo sospecha por ser de sabor poco agradable, indigesta y causante de algunas afecciones. Solo los botánicos de finales del Renacimiento describirían la planta y sus variedades con criterios más «científicos» y botánicos, ya sin apenas intereses farmacológicos.
A cocaína é uma droga com ação estimulante no sistema nervoso central, extraída e refinada a partir da planta de coca (Erythroxylum coca). É característica por induzir o consumidor a um estado de hipervigilância reduzindo ao mesmo tempo, o cansaço e a fadiga. Este pó branco, cristalino, de sabor amargo, possui também um efeito anestésico local e vasoconstritor. As formas de apresentação mais comuns da droga são o cloridrato de cocaína e a cocaína crack. Esta droga destaca-se por ser o estimulante mais consumido na Europa com cerca de 3,4 milhões de consumidores estimados no ano de 2014. A prevalência do consumo desta droga em Portugal aumentou 0,3% de 2001, para 2012 na população geral (15-64 anos). Os estudos mais recentes em populações escolares (entre 2010 e 2011) evidenciaram, de um modo geral, o aumento da prevalência de consumo nesta população. Os efeitos adversos resultantes, tanto a nível físico como psíquico, são vários, sendo as manifestações orofaciais as que mais interferem na Qualidade de vida do toxicómano. As manifestações mais frequentes são as perfurações do septo nasal e palatino, bruxismo, gengivite, erosão dentária, xerostomia, cárie, lesões brancas atípicas e cefaleias em salva, tendo o Médico Dentista um papel importante no diagnóstico e tratamento destas lesões. A legislação, ao nível Europeu, sobre drogas procura uma uniformização das medidas aplicadas nos países membros, baseando-se no equilíbrio entre as sanções e o tratamento. Apesar das convenções das Nações Unidas sobre drogas limitarem o consumo de estupefacientes e substâncias psicotrópicas exclusivamente para fins médicos e científicos, cabe aos países signatários a liberdade de decisão das políticas a adoptar em matérias de infrações penais como a posse e o consumo ilegal.
Sodium is an essential nutrient with important functions in the organism, however, its ingestion in excess may cause various health problems such as arterial hypertension, brain diseases, heart failure and chronic renal failure. In this context, the present study proposes to prepare Minas Padrão cheese with different contents of sodium with the objective of evaluating the effect of the addition of potassium chloride in sensory characteristics and hysicochemical properties, as well as in the proximal composition and in microbiological quality. The cheeses were elaborate in concentrations of 100% of NaCl (C), 80% of NaCl + 20% of KCl (T1), 60% of NaCl + 40% of KCl (T2), 40% of NaCl + 60% of KCl (T3) and 20% of NaCl + 80% of KCl (T4) and stored for 20 days at 10 ºC. The proximal composition and physicochemical was based on the determination of moisture content, fat, protein, ash, chloride, sodium, potassium, titratable acidity and pH of all treatments after 20 days of storage. The microbiological quality of the samples was monitored through the count of Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., mold and yeast in the first and fifteenth day of storage. The sensorial characterization was performed by the technique of Free Profile choice. The results showed that the replacement of sodium chloride by potassium in the Minas Padrão cheese in concentration higher than 40% presented significantly higher moisture contents. Cheese with a reduction greater than 60% of sodium obtained significantly effect in the titratable acidity, presenting higher values compared to the other treatments. The cheese with 20% of salt replacement did not differ statistically in relation to the control. When the proportion of substituent was increased, a significant reduction of the sodium content of up to 73% was observed. As the sodium was replaced by potassium in cheese, the potassium content increased significantly, stablishing a reduction of 82% in relation to the control. There was no effect to sodium substitution by potassium in fat, protein, ash and chlorides, as well as the pH values. The microbiological results were in accordance with the current legislation, therefore suitable to be eaten. According to the Free Profile Choice technique it was observed that the control C cheese (100% of NaCl) showed results very close to the other treatments, differing only in flavor attributes. The replacement of sodium by potassium in proportions of 20% contributed to a bitter taste detected by the tasters. Whereas, the appearance, flavor and texture attributes showed no significant differences compared to the Minas Padrão cheese.
Similar to other developing countries Brazil’s position on climate change emphasises national sovereignty and the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”. However, in recent years Brasilia has also announced voluntary reductions in carbon emissions, making Brazil one of the leading emerging countries in its approach to climate change, while enhancing its international reputation and legitimacy. Compared to its neighbours Brazil has older and more developed domestic environmental institutions and movements. Yet, Brazil’s global leadership on climate change does not translate into a similar role in regional environmental governance. In the 2000s Argentina and Uruguay became embroiled in a bitter environmental conflict involving a shared natural resource, the Uruguay River. Brazil not only refused to mediate, but also kept it out of regional forums insisting on the conflict’s bilateral nature. Furthermore, Mercosur’s environmental agenda has progressively become eroded while Brazilian-led Unasur lacks an institutional framework dedicated to environmental concerns. This indicates that environmental concerns are far more important for Brazil’s global image than for its role as a regional leader. It also highlights the limited scope of the climate change negotiations which focus narrowly on reducing carbon emissions, without taking wider concerns over energy generation or environmental and social justice into account. Brazil has promoted hydropower generation, portrayed as “clean” energy. Yet, these projects have sparked strong domestic and regional civil society opposition due to their social and environmental costs which make it difficult for Brazil to claim a regional leadership role on environmental concerns.
Perimeter-baiting of non-crop vegetation using toxic protein baits was developed overseas as a technique for control of melon fly, Zeugodacus (Zeugodacus) cucurbitae (Coquillett) (formerly Bactrocera (Zeugodacus) cucurbitae), and evidence suggests that this technique may also be effective in Australia for control of local fruit fly species in vegetable crops. Using field cage trials and laboratory reared flies, primary data were generated to support this approach by testing fruit flies' feeding response to protein when applied to eight plant species (forage sorghum, grain sorghum, sweet corn, sugarcane, eggplant, cassava, lilly pilly and orange jessamine) and applied at three heights (1, 1.5 and 2 m). When compared across the plants, Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), most commonly fed on protein bait applied to sugarcane and cassava, whereas more cucumber fly, Zeugodacus (Austrodacus) cucumis (French) (formerly Bactrocera (Austrodacus) cucumis), fed on bait applied to sweet corn and forage sorghum. When protein bait was applied at different heights, B. tryoni responded most to bait placed in the upper part of the plants (2 m), whereas Z. cucumis preferred bait placed lower on the plants (1 and 1.5 m). These results have implications for optimal placement of protein bait for best practice control of fruit flies in vegetable crops and suggest that the two species exhibit different foraging behaviours.
Protective cropping could be an effective system for growing specialty melons in the dry tropics of North Queensland. The growing system could reduce outdoor risks for production loss, improve fruit quality, increase yield per m2, allow production offseason, and used for supplying niche markets in a segment of the larger melon market in Australia. First evaluations in Giru, Queensland, included seven cultivars of fruit types 'Galia', 'Hami', 'Charentais', small 'Canary', and 'Rockmelon', transplanted July 25, 2013 under a high polyethylene-covered tunnel. Plants were grown at a density of 2.8 plants m-2 in containers filled with volcanic rock and irrigated with a complete nutrient solution. Pruning and trellising was done to a single vertical stem, keeping lateral shoots on the main stem after the 7th leaf node. After bearing small fruit, lateral shoots were cut off after their second or third leaf node. To facilitate insect pollination, a screen window in the tunnel was left partially opened. On November 20 the cultivars had combined marketable yields that ranged from 2.8 to 8.2 fruits m-2 and 3.1 to 7.8 kg m-2. Total soluble solids levels in fruit ranged from 6 to 13 °Brix. Cultivars 'Tempo' ('Galia'), 'Tikal' ('Canary') and 'Sultan' ('Charentais') had fruit yields that were up to 2.6 times greater than yields commonly achieved with field-grown rockmelon crops. Sugar levels in fruits and marketable yields may be increased with changes in fertigation management. Promising results in this first evaluation justify examination of a greater number of genetic materials, in addition to the development of economic feasibility studies and further adaptive research to refine crop recommendations for growing melons in protective cropping systems.
The eggplant ( Solanum aethiopicum ) is the species of the Solanum genus, whose geographical distribution is broadest. It is grown throughout tropical Africa, and includes three groups of cultivars commonly called African or indigenous eggplant. Kumba group or “bitter eggplant” is an important Solanaceous vegetable crop in Burkina Faso. The objective of this study was to determine genetic variability, strength of association and level of heritability among agronomic interest traits. Phenotypic and genotypic variations and heritability of 14 traits were estimated in 61 accessions at Institut de Développement Rural (IDR), Gampela in Burkina Faso. High phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation were observed for fruit diameter, number of seeds per fruit, fruit weight, leaf blade length and width, and height at flowering. In addition, genetic and phenotypic variances were high for the number of seed, fruit weight, plant height at flowering and days to 50% flowering. High heritability estimates were recorded for all traits. Fruit weight showed a positive association with fruit diameter and thickness. The fifty percent flowering cycle registered positive correlations with plant height and fruit diameter. Fruit number showed a negative association with fruit weight and diameter, and 50% flowering cyle.
Some sectors in Brazil are earning notoriety in the international market, configuring itself in dynamic areas for the Country. The most typical case is the agribusiness. Rio Grande do Norte state has important role, because 90% of the output of the melon exported by Brazil is produced at Assu/Mossoró. The present work planned to verify the evolution of the culture of the melon produced at Assu/Mossoró area, from 1990 to 2003. Through descriptive research, utilizing the case study and documentary analysis of secondary data this work showed the evolution of the area reaped of melon in the pole Assu/Mossoró, the quantity produced of melon and of the value of the output of the melon between 1990 and 2003. The research verified that all of the factors studied show growth during the analyzed period, showing up the importance of the agribusiness for the region. However the analysis shows the vulnerability of the sector concerning external macroeconomics factors, such as the exchange rates. Showing the importance and/or dependence of the producers for public actions to development of the culture, that might be on areas like infrastructure, economics or taxes
Los ascomicetos mitospóricos entomopatógenos, que actúan por vía tegumentaria, han sido utilizados para el control microbiano de plagas mediante distintas estrategias que permiten el contacto de sus conidios con los insectos diana. Sin embargo, se conocen nuevos aspectos sobre su función ecológica tales como su capacidad secretora de compuestos con actividad insecticida, así como su sorprendente comportamiento como endófitos, que complementan su empleo clásico y que pueden pantag ermitir el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias de control de plagas. El empleo conjunto de estos hongos y sus extractos para el control de un insecto polífago de importancia mundial Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) es abordado en el capítulo II, donde se pone de manifiesto la existencia de variación intra- e interespecífica en la virulencia y estrategias patogénicas de las cepas de Beauveria bassiana y Metarhizium brunneum evaluadas frente a larvas del noctuido. La aplicación conjunta de cepas con distintas estrategias patogénicas junto con sus extractos a larvas del lepidóptero tuvo efecto aditivo, y alguno antagónico, de lo que depende su empleo conjunto. Los capítulos III y IV revelan la existencia de colonización endofítica transitoria tras la aplicación foliar de suspensiones de conidios de cepas de las especies mencionadas en alfalfa, tomate y melón, así como el impacto de esta colonización sobre dos fitófagos con diferentes hábitos de alimentación, uno masticador S. littoralis y otro picador-suctor Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). El capítulo III muestra la contribución aditiva de la mortalidad causada por la alimentación de larvas de S. littoralis a expensas de material vegetal colonizado endofíticamente por cepas de B. bassiana y M. anisopliae con la debida al tratamiento tópico de las mismas con las suspensiones fúngicas. El origen de la mortalidad iniciada a través de la vía digestiva en larvas de este lepidóptero permanece incierto para las cepas de B. bassiana, pero podría estar asociado a la presencia en la planta de metabolitos fúngicos en las cepas de M. brunneum como denota la presencia de destruxina (dtx) A en el 11,0% de los cadáveres. El capítulo IV revela que cepas de ambas especies fúngicas pueden iniciar ciclos de infección en insectos picadores-suctores cuando se alimentan a expensas de sustrato vegetal colonizado endofíticamente, si bien, ambas especies presentan estrategias diferentes. Así, B. bassiana muestra una gran capacidad para colonizar el melón, incluso con efecto traslaminar, que causa la infección de ninfas de B. tabaci por contacto con el tegumento. Sin embargo, la mortalidad de las mismas causada por M. brunneum, de crecimiento mucho más localizado en la hoja, está relacionada una vez mas con la presencia de dtx A en el 43,0% de los cadáveres. Estos resultados deben ser considerados para la evaluación del impacto real de los tratamientos con hongos entomopatógenos, y abren nuevas vías en el control de plagas.
Cassava root is the main staple for 70% of the population in Mozambique, particularly in inaccessible rural areas, but is known to be low in iron. Anaemia is a public health problem in mothers and preschool children in Mozambique and up to 40% of these cases are probably due to dietary iron deficiency. The World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recognize the fortification of foodstuff as an effective method to remedy dietary deficiencies of micronutrients, including iron. Cassava mahewu, a non-alcoholic fermented beverage is prepared at subsistence level from cassava roots using indigenous procedures. The aim of the study was to standardize mahewu fermentation and investigate if the type of cassava fermented, or the iron compound used for fortification affected the final product. Roots of sweet and bitter varieties of cassava from four districts (Rapale, Meconta, Alto Molocue and Zavala) in Mozambique, were peeled, dried and pounded to prepare flour. Cassava flour was cooked and fermented under controlled conditions (45°C for 24 h). The fermentation period and temperature were set, based on the findings of a pilot study which showed that an end-point pH of about 4.5 was regularly reached after 24 h at 45°C. Cassava mahewu was fortified with ferrous sulfate (FeSO4.7H2O) or ferrous fumarate (C4H2FeO4) at the beginning (time zero) and at the end of fermentation (24 h). The amount of iron added to the mahewu was based on the average of the approved range of iron used for the fortification of maize meal. The mean pH at the endpoint was 4.5, with 0.29% titratable acidity. The pH and acidity were different to those reported in previous studies on maize mahewu, whereas the solid extract of 9.65% was found to be similar. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast growth were not significantly different in mahewu fortified with either of the iron compounds. There was no significant difference between cassava mahewu made from bitter or sweet varieties. A standard method for preparation and iron fortification of cassava mahewu was developed. It is recommended that fortification occurs at the end of fermentation when done at household level.
Avaliaram-se a germinação e o vigor de sementes de melão (Cucumis melo L.), sob condicoes de ripado, utilizando-se solos com diferentes concentrações salinas. Observou-se que a germinação das sementes manteve-se inalterada ate o nível de 6,27 mmho/cm de condutividade elétrica, enquanto o seu vigor foi afetado por níveis inferiores. Níveis mais altos de salinidade exerceram efeitos bem pronunciados na germinação ao nível de CE 25oC= 9,46 mmho/cm, uma redução superior a 50% e no vigor, uma drástica redução.
Equipe técnica: Valter Rodrigues Oliveira, Leonardo Silva Boiteux, Agnaldo Donizete Ferreira de Carvalho, Ailton Reis, André Nepomuceno Dusi, Carlos Alberto Lopes, Celso Luiz Moretti, Geni Livtin Villas Bôas, Ítalo Moraes Rocha Guedes, Jadir Borges Pinheiro, João Maria Charchar, Leonora Mansur Mattos, Mirtes Freitas de Lima, Ronessa Bartolomeu de Souza, Werito Fernandes de Melo, Gláucia Salles Cortopassi Buso, Marco Antônio Ferreira, Fernando Antonio de Souza Aragão, Francisco das Chagas Vidal Neto, Waldelice Oliveira de Paiva, João Ribeiro Crisóstomo, Ricardo Elesbão Alves, José Luiz Mosca, Heloisa Almeida Cunha Figueiras, Antônio Apoliano dos Santos, Nivaldo Duardo Costa (CPATSA), Joston Simão de Assis (CPATSA), Rita de Cássia Souza Dias (CPATSA), José Amauri Buso, Marcos Coelho.
Esta cartilha traz orientações sobre a adoção de práticas agrícolas mais amigáveis a esses polinizadores. A linguagem simples e a ilustração didática e criativa fazem desse material um guia para valorizar o ambiente e a sustentabilidade da agricultura. O conjunto de informações é especialmente útil a produtores e apicultores que precisam estar atentos para o manejo e a colocação de colmeias nas áreas de plantio.
This paper presents the results of four field experiments carried out with the objetive of evaluating the feaibility of irrigation by porous capsule method, from 1979 to 1983, at Bebedouro Experiment Station, EMBRAPA-CPATSA, Petrolina, PE, Brazil. The irrigation system consisted of fulcrum of cone shaped porous capsules, interconnected with conduit pipe and installed in the soil at equidistance and 0.10 m deep along contour lines. The hydrostatic pressures studies did not significantly influence the crop yield, but influenced, at 0.10 level, the daily water release from porous unit. The mean yields for watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris Shard), var. Charleston Gray, for muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) var. Valenciano Amarelo, and for maize (Zea mays L.), var. Centralmex, estimated in ton/2,500 units/ha or in cobs/2,500 units/ha, were 28.5, 10 and 17,500, respectively. The water consumption for watermelon, musk melon and maize was, respectively, 60 mm, 60 mm and 100 mm in a deep sandy yellow-red latosol. The cost of the system was US$ 1.677,41/ha.