861 resultados para Artificial neural networks seasons
The objective of this work is the development of a methodology for electric load forecasting based on a neural network. Here, it is used Backpropagation algorithm with an adaptive process based on fuzzy logic. This methodology results in fast training, when compared to the conventional formulation of Backpropagation algorithm. Results are presented using data from a Brazilian Electric Company and the performance is very good for the proposal objective.
Systems based on artificial neural networks have high computational rates due to the use of a massive number of simple processing elements and the high degree of connectivity between these elements. Neural networks with feedback connections provide a computing model capable of solving a large class of optimization problems. This paper presents a novel approach for solving dynamic programming problems using artificial neural networks. More specifically, a modified Hopfield network is developed and its internal parameters are computed using the valid-subspace technique. These parameters guarantee the convergence of the network to the equilibrium points which represent solutions (not necessarily optimal) for the dynamic programming problem. Simulated examples are presented and compared with other neural networks. The results demonstrate that proposed method gives a significant improvement.
This paper describes a analog implementation of radial basis neural networks (RBNN) in BiCMOS technology. The RBNN uses a gaussian function obtained through the characteristic of the bipolar differential pair. The gaussian parameters (gain, center and width) is changed with programmable current source. Results obtained with PSPICE software is showed.
This paper introduces a method for the supervision and control of devices in electric substations using fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks. An automatic knowledge acquisition process is included which allows the on-line processing of operator actions and the extraction of control rules to replace gradually the human operator. Some experimental results obtained by the application of the implemented software in a simulated environment with random signal generators are presented.
This work presents a procedure for electric load forecasting based on adaptive multilayer feedforward neural networks trained by the Backpropagation algorithm. The neural network architecture is formulated by two parameters, the scaling and translation of the postsynaptic functions at each node, and the use of the gradient-descendent method for the adjustment in an iterative way. Besides, the neural network also uses an adaptive process based on fuzzy logic to adjust the network training rate. This methodology provides an efficient modification of the neural network that results in faster convergence and more precise results, in comparison to the conventional formulation Backpropagation algorithm. The adapting of the training rate is effectuated using the information of the global error and global error variation. After finishing the training, the neural network is capable to forecast the electric load of 24 hours ahead. To illustrate the proposed methodology it is used data from a Brazilian Electric Company. © 2003 IEEE.
This work presents a methodology to analyze transient stability for electric energy systems using artificial neural networks based on fuzzy ARTMAP architecture. This architecture seeks exploring similarity with computational concepts on fuzzy set theory and ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory) neural network. The ART architectures show plasticity and stability characteristics, which are essential qualities to provide the training and to execute the analysis. Therefore, it is used a very fast training, when compared to the conventional backpropagation algorithm formulation. Consequently, the analysis becomes more competitive, compared to the principal methods found in the specialized literature. Results considering a system composed of 45 buses, 72 transmission lines and 10 synchronous machines are presented. © 2003 IEEE.
Many electronic drivers for the induction motor control are based on sensorless technologies. The proposal of this work Is to present an alternative approach of speed estimation, from transient to steady state, using artificial neural networks. The inputs of the network are the RMS voltage, current and speed estimated of the induction motor feedback to the input with a delay of n samples. Simulation results are also presented to validate the proposed approach. © 2006 IEEE.
There are several papers on pruning methods in the artificial neural networks area. However, with rare exceptions, none of them presents an appropriate statistical evaluation of such methods. In this article, we proved statistically the ability of some methods to reduce the number of neurons of the hidden layer of a multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP), and to maintain the same landing of classification error of the initial net. They are evaluated seven pruning methods. The experimental investigation was accomplished on five groups of generated data and in two groups of real data. Three variables were accompanied in the study: apparent classification error rate in the test group (REA); number of hidden neurons, obtained after the application of the pruning method; and number of training/retraining epochs, to evaluate the computational effort. The non-parametric Friedman's test was used to do the statistical analysis.
Several systems are currently tested in order to obtain a feasible and safe method for automation and control of grinding process. This work aims to predict the surface roughness of the parts of SAE 1020 steel ground in a surface grinding machine. Acoustic emission and electrical power signals were acquired by a commercial data acquisition system. The former from a fixed sensor placed near the workpiece and the latter from the electric induction motor that drives the grinding wheel. Both signals were digitally processed through known statistics, which with the depth of cut composed three data sets implemented to the artificial neural networks. The neural network through its mathematical logical system interpreted the signals and successful predicted the workpiece roughness. The results from the neural networks were compared to the roughness values taken from the worpieces, showing high efficiency and applicability on monitoring and controlling the grinding process. Also, a comparison among the three data sets was carried out.
Autonomous robots must be able to learn and maintain models of their environments. In this context, the present work considers techniques for the classification and extraction of features from images in joined with artificial neural networks in order to use them in the system of mapping and localization of the mobile robot of Laboratory of Automation and Evolutive Computer (LACE). To do this, the robot uses a sensorial system composed for ultrasound sensors and a catadioptric vision system formed by a camera and a conical mirror. The mapping system is composed by three modules. Two of them will be presented in this paper: the classifier and the characterizer module. The first module uses a hierarchical neural network to do the classification; the second uses techiniques of extraction of attributes of images and recognition of invariant patterns extracted from the places images set. The neural network of the classifier module is structured in two layers, reason and intuition, and is trained to classify each place explored for the robot amongst four predefine classes. The final result of the exploration is the construction of a topological map of the explored environment. Results gotten through the simulation of the both modules of the mapping system will be presented in this paper. © 2008 IEEE.
A neural method is presented in this paper to identify the harmonic components of an ac controller. The components are identified by analyzing the single-phase current waveform. The method effectiveness is verified by applying it to an active power filter (APF) model dedicated to the selective harmonic compensation. Simulation results using theoretical and experimental data are presented to validate the proposed approach. © 2008 IEEE.
This paper proposes the application of computational intelligence techniques to assist complex problems concerning lightning in transformers. In order to estimate the currents related to lightning in a transformer, a neural tool is presented. ATP has generated the training vectors. The input variables used in Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were the wave front time, the wave tail time, the voltage variation rate and the output variable is the maximum current in the secondary of the transformer. These parameters can define the behavior and severity of lightning. Based on these concepts and from the results obtained, it can be verified that the overvoltages at the secondary of transformer are also affected by the discharge waveform in a similar way to the primary side. By using the tool developed, the high voltage process in the distribution transformers can be mapped and estimated with more precision aiding the transformer project process, minimizing empirics and evaluation errors, and contributing to minimize the failure rate of transformers. © 2009 The Berkeley Electronic Press. All rights reserved.
An alternative method is presented in this paper to identify the harmonic components of non-linear loads in single phase power systems based on artificial neural networks. The components are identified by analyzing the single phase current waveform in time domain in half-cycle of the ac voltage source. The proposed method is compared to the fast Fourier transform. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the proposed approach.
This paper proposes a filter based on a general regression neural network and a moving average filter, for preprocessing half-hourly load data for short-term multinodal load forecasting, discussed in another paper. Tests made with half-hourly load data from nine New Zealand electrical substations demonstrate that this filter is able to handle noise, missing data and abnormal data. © 2011 IEEE.
Multinodal load forecasting deals with the loads of several interest nodes in an electrical network system, which is also known as bus load forecasting. To perform this demand, it is necessary a technique that is precise, trustable and has a short-time processing. This paper proposes two methodologies based on general regression neural networks for short-term multinodal load forecasting. The first individually forecast the local loads and the second forecast the global load and individually forecast the load participation factors to estimate the local loads. To design the forecasters it wasn't necessary the previous study of the local loads. Tests were made using a New Zealand distribution subsystem and the results obtained are compatible with the ones founded in the specialized literature. © 2011 IEEE.