979 resultados para Air pollution control industry.
In this paper we attempt an empirical application of the multi-region input-output (MRIO) method in order to enumerate the pollution content of interregional trade flows between five Mid-West regions/states in the US –Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan and Wisconsin – and the rest of the US. This allows us to analyse some very important issues in terms of the nature and significance of interregional environmental spillovers within the US Mid-West and the existence of pollution ‘trade balances’ between states. Our results raise questions in terms of the extent to which authorities at State level can control local emissions where they are limited in the way some emissions can be controlled, particularly with respect to changes in demand elsewhere in the Mid-West and US. This implies a need for policy co-ordination between national and state level authorities in the US to meet emissions reductions targets. The existence of an environmental trade balances between states also raises issues in terms of net losses/gains in terms of pollutants as a result of interregional trade within the US and whether, if certain activities can be carried out using less polluting technology in one region relative to others, it is better for the US as a whole if this type of relationship exists.
BACKGROUND: There are limited data on the composition and smoke emissions of 'herbal' shisha products and the air quality of establishments where they are smoked. METHODS: Three studies of 'herbal' shisha were conducted: (1) samples of 'herbal' shisha products were chemically analysed; (2) 'herbal' and tobacco shisha were burned in a waterpipe smoking machine and main and sidestream smoke analysed by standard methods and (3) the air quality of six waterpipe cafes was assessed by measurement of CO, particulate and nicotine vapour content. RESULTS: We found considerable variation in heavy metal content between the three products sampled, one being particularly high in lead, chromium, nickel and arsenic. A similar pattern emerged for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Smoke emission analyses indicated that toxic byproducts produced by the combustion of 'herbal' shisha were equivalent or greater than those produced by tobacco shisha. The results of our air quality assessment demonstrated that mean PM2.5 levels and CO content were significantly higher in waterpipe establishments compared to a casino where cigarette smoking was permitted. Nicotine vapour was detected in one of the waterpipe cafes. CONCLUSIONS: 'Herbal' shisha products tested contained toxic trace metals and PAHs levels equivalent to, or in excess of, that found in cigarettes. Their mainstream and sidestream smoke emissions contained carcinogens equivalent to, or in excess of, those of tobacco products. The content of the air in the waterpipe cafes tested was potentially hazardous. These data, in aggregate, suggest that smoking 'herbal' shisha may well be dangerous to health.
L’exposition quotidienne aux polluants atmosphériques tels que le dioxyde de soufre, les particules fines (PM2.5) et l’ozone en milieu urbain sont associés à des effets néfastes sur la santé respiratoire des enfants. Des études épidémiologiques transversales rapportent des associations entre la pollution atmosphérique et des problèmes de santé respiratoires chez les enfants en milieu industriel telles que la prévalence de l’asthme et de l'hyperréactivité bronchique. Ces études épidémiologiques transversales ne permettent pas d’évaluer les effets sur la santé d’une exposition de courte durée. Peu d’études ont évalué les effets respiratoires des expositions aiguës chez les enfants à la pollution atmosphérique d’émissions industrielles. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons analysé l’association entre l’exposition journalière aux émissions d’une aluminerie et l’hospitalisation pour problèmes respiratoires (asthme, bronchiolite) chez les enfants de Shawinigan. Pour étudier ces effets des expositions aiguës, nous avons utilisé le devis épidémiologique de type « case-crossover » qui compare l’exposition lors des jours « cas » (jour d’hospitalisation) avec l’exposition lors des jours « contrôle » (exposition du même individu, les mêmes jours de la semaine, durant le même mois). Les variables d’exposition suivantes ont été calculées pour les enfants vivants dans un rayon de 7.5 km de l’industrie et pour ceux habitant à moins de 2.5 km de la station de mesure de polluants près de l’industrie : i) le nombre d’heures par jour durant lesquelles la résidence de chaque enfant recevait le panache de fumée de l’industrie. ii) les concentrations journalières de PM2.5 et de SO2 (moyenne et maximales) de la station de mesure des polluants localisée près de l’industrie. Des régressions logistiques conditionnelles ont été utilisées pour estimer les rapports de cotes (OR) et leurs intervalles de confiance à 95% (IC95%). Au total, 429 hospitalisations d’enfants pour asthme et bronchiolite ont été recensées pendant la période d’étude allant de 1999 à 2008. Le risque d’hospitalisations pour asthme et bronchiolite a augmenté avec l’augmentation du nombre d’heures d’exposition aux fumées de l’industrie, chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans. Pour les enfants de 2-4 ans, cette association était : OR : 1.27, pour un interquartile de 4.8 heures/jour; intervalle de confiance à 95%: 1.03-1.56. Des tendances moins prononcées sont notées avec les niveaux de SO2 et de PM2.5. Cette étude suggère que l’exposition journalière aux émissions industrielles identifiées par l’exposition horaire des vents venant de l’usine pourrait être associée à une exacerbation des problèmes respiratoires chez les jeunes enfants. De plus, l’effet plus prononcé avec la variable d’exposition basée sur les vents suggère un effet découlant des polluants autres que ceux mesurés (SO2 et PM2.5), possiblement comme les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP).
Health is an important aspect of everybody’s life. Today, there is an increasing recognition and commitment to the pursuit of health both within government and beyond. Any attempt on the part of the " State to protect and promote people’s health, in turn, must be accompanied by effective controls on air quality, as air constitutes ‘ one of the important elements of man’s life and the consequences of air pollution covers a very wide spectrum ranging from material ---damage to personal discomfort and illness. The broad social and economic objectives adumbrated in the Directive Principles of State Policy including the commitment to improve public health underlying in Article 47 and the obligation to preserve and protect-the natural environment cast under Article 48A of the Constitution are being used as versatile weapons by the State to regulate the public health scenario. Preservation and maintenance of air quality is a significant area within the sphere of public health, where the regulatory arm of the law is not adequately touched and in this arena urgent State intervention through legislative and administrative action is called for in the well-being of the society. Judiciary also plays a pivotal role in this arena in the larger interest of the society and for the benefit of the present and future generations. The research study is an attempt to analyze how far the existing legal system, for maintaining air quality and in controlling air pollution, is effective in protecting public health. The study also analyzes the limitations of the control mechanisms. The study focuses on industrial air pollution, indoor and personal air pollution, vehicular pollution and noise pollution which are today appearing as the major public health hazards affecting the air quality. However, this is not to overlook the importance of controls required under other areas of public health.
El Formaldehído es una sustancia química de amplio uso a nivel mundial con efectos documentados en personas expuestas entre los cuales se destacan irritación de la piel, mucosas, tracto respiratorio y ojos. Según la Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer (IARC) el formaldehido se encuentra clasificado en el grupo 1 como agente cancerígeno con suficiente evidencia de producir neoplasias en humanos. Los sectores industriales en Colombia que utilizan de forma frecuente el formaldehído incluyen los fabricantes de maderas, los servicios funerarios, y los sectores de salud y educación. El presente estudio de corte transversal pretende, con base en mediciones históricas (2004-2013) construir un perfil de exposición a formaldehído en trabajadores vinculados al sector de salud y educación en Colombia, divididos y analizados según actividades de trabajo similares (Patólogos, Histotecnólogos, Auxiliares de laboratorio, Docentes y Estudiantes), con el fin de establecer una línea base de diagnóstico para la orientación acciones dirigidas al control del riesgo. Con base en los hallazgos y soportados en estimadores estadísticos aplicables a los grupos de exposición, en general existe un tendencia de no conformidad al comparar los resultados aplicables con valores de referencia de larga duración definidos para el agente por autoridades internacionales. De forma complementaria se encontraron brechas significativas respecto a la implementación de controles administrativos y técnicos que sugieren circunstancias de exposición no controladas en los colectivos de interés.
The Nature of air transport 1. Air transport is important • It is a big industry • It is vital to many industries and regions 2. It is multi-facited • Airlines • Airports • Air traffic control • Domestic and international 3. It is a network Industry • Portugal is part of Europe (legal fact) • Portugal is part of the world (globalization) 4. It is not wanted for its own sake • It “facilitates” and does not create 5. It has environmental implications • Noise • Greenhouse gas emissions
Soil and subsoil pollution is not only significant in terms of environmental loss, but also a matter of environmental and public health. Solid, liquid and gaseous residues are the major soil contamination agents. They originate from urban conglomerates and industrial areas in which it is impossible to emphasize the chemical, petrochemical and textile industry; thermoelectric, mining, and ironmaster activities. The contamination process can thus be defined as a compound addition to soil, from what qualitative and or quantitative manners can modify soil's natural characteristics and use, producing baneful and deteriorative effects on human health. Studies have shown that human exposition to high concentration of some heavy metals found on soil can cause serious health problems, such as pulmonary or kidney complications, liver and nervous system harm, allergy, and the chronic exposition that leads to death. The present study searches for the correlation among soil contamination, done through a geochemical baseline survey of an industrial contamination area on the shoreline of Sao Paulo state. The study will be conducted by spatial analysis using Geographical Information Systems for mapping and regression analysis. The used data are 123 soil samples of percentage concentration of heavy metals. They were sampled and spatially distributed by geostatistics methods. To verify if there is a relation between heavy metals soil pollution and morbidity an executed correlation and regression analysis will be done using the pollution registers as the independent variables and morbidity as dependable variables. It is expected, by the end of the study, to identify the areas relation between heavy metals soil pollution and morbidity, moreover to be able to provide assistance in terms of new methodologies that could facilitate soil pollution control programs and public health planning. © 2010 WIT Press.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: The Amazon represents an area of 61% of Brazilian territory and is undergoing major changes resulting from disorderly economic development, especially the advance of agribusiness. Composition of the atmosphere is controlled by several natural and anthropogenic processes, and emission from biomass burning is one with the major impact on human health. The aim of this study was to evaluate genotoxic potential of air pollutants generated by biomass burning through micronucleus assay in exfoliated buccal cells of schoolchildren in the Brazilian Amazon region. Methods: The study was conducted during the dry seasons in two regions of the Brazilian Amazon. The assay was carried out on buccal epithelial cells of 574 schoolchildren between 6-16 years old. Results: The results show a significant difference between micronucleus frequencies in children exposed to biomass burning compared to those in a control area. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that in situ biomonitoring using a sensitive and low cost assay (buccal micronucleus assay) may be an important tool for monitoring air quality in remote regions. It is difficult to attribute the increase in micronuclei frequency observed in our study to any specific toxic element integrated in the particulate matters. However, the contribution of the present study lies in the evidence that increased exposure to fine particulate matter generates an increased micronuclei frequency in oral epithelial cells of schoolchildren.
Salamanca, situated in center of Mexico is among the cities which suffer most from the air pollution in Mexico. The vehicular park and the industry, as well as orography and climatic characteristics have propitiated the increment in pollutant concentration of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2). In this work, a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network has been used to make the prediction of an hour ahead of pollutant concentration. A database used to train the Neural Network corresponds to historical time series of meteorological variables and air pollutant concentrations of SO2. Before the prediction, Fuzzy c-Means and K-means clustering algorithms have been implemented in order to find relationship among pollutant and meteorological variables. Our experiments with the proposed system show the importance of this set of meteorological variables on the prediction of SO2 pollutant concentrations and the neural network efficiency. The performance estimation is determined using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). The results showed that the information obtained in the clustering step allows a prediction of an hour ahead, with data from past 2 hours.
Background: In recent years, Spain has implemented a number of air quality control measures that are expected to lead to a future reduction in fine particle concentrations and an ensuing positive impact on public health. Objectives: We aimed to assess the impact on mortality attributable to a reduction in fine particle levels in Spain in 2014 in relation to the estimated level for 2007. Methods: To estimate exposure, we constructed fine particle distribution models for Spain for 2007 (reference scenario) and 2014 (projected scenario) with a spatial resolution of 16x16 km2. In a second step, we used the concentration-response functions proposed by cohort studies carried out in Europe (European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects and Rome longitudinal cohort) and North America (American Cancer Society cohort, Harvard Six Cities study and Canadian national cohort) to calculate the number of attributable annual deaths corresponding to all causes, all non-accidental causes, ischemic heart disease and lung cancer among persons aged over 25 years (2005-2007 mortality rate data). We examined the effect of the Spanish demographic shift in our analysis using 2007 and 2012 population figures. Results: Our model suggested that there would be a mean overall reduction in fine particle levels of 1mg/m3 by 2014. Taking into account 2007 population data, between 8 and 15 all-cause deaths per 100,000 population could be postponed annually by the expected reduction in fine particle levels. For specific subgroups, estimates varied from 10 to 30 deaths for all non-accidental causes, from 1 to 5 for lung cancer, and from 2 to 6 for ischemic heart disease. The expected burden of preventable mortality would be even higher in the future due to the Spanish population growth. Taking into account the population older than 30 years in 2012, the absolute mortality impact estimate would increase approximately by 18%. Conclusions: Effective implementation of air quality measures in Spain, in a scenario with a short-term projection, would amount to an appreciable decline infine particle concentrations, and this, in turn, would lead to notable health-related benefits. Recent European cohort studies strengthen the evidence of an association between long-term exposure to fine particles and health effects, and could enhance the health impact quantification in Europe. Air quality models can contribute to improved assessment of air pollution health impact estimates, particularly in study areas without air pollution monitoring data.
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