1000 resultados para Actividade anti-bacteriana
A rapid test based on an immunochromatography assay - Determine Syphilis TP (Abbott Lab.) for detecting specific antibodies to Treponema pallidum was evaluated against serum samples from patients with clinical, epidemiological and serological diagnosis of syphilis, patients with sexually transmitted disease other than syphilis, and individuals with negative serology for syphilis. The Determine test presented the sensitivity of 93.6%, specificity of 92.5%, and positive predictive value and negative predictive value of 95.2% and 93.7%, respectively. One serum sample from patient with recent latent syphilis showed a prozone reaction. Determine is a rapid assay, highly specific and easy to perform. This technique obviates the need of equipment and its diagnostic features demonstrate that it may be applicable as an alternative assay for syphilis screening under some emergency conditions or for patients living in remote localities.
In a transversal study on a sample of 386 children and adolescents from an outpatient clinic for filariasis in Recife, Northeast Brazil, the frequency of anti-Toxocara antibodies and its relation to age, gender, number of peripheral eosinophils, Wuchereria bancrofti microfilariae and intestinal helminths was determined. The total anti-Toxocara IgG antibody frequency was 39.4%, by ELISA technique. The difference in frequency between males (40.1%) and females (37.6%) was not statistically significant. The 6 to 10-year-old subset presented the highest frequency of anti-Toxocara antibodies (60%), and within this age group there was a statistically significant male bias. There was also a significant association between the number of eosinophils and the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies. Intestinal parasite frequency was 52.1%, but no association was found between this data and the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies. In the present sample, 42.2% of the patients were Wuchereria bancrofti carriers, however, again this was not associated with the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies. In conclusion, anti-Toxocara antibodies were highly prevalent in this sample. The present data show that there is no cross correlation between anti-Toxocara IgG antibody and the presence of intestinal helminths and filariasis.
Introdução: A actividade científica faz parte do desempenho de um clínico da carreira médica hospitalar e os hospitais centrais devem ser a sede privilegiada da investigação clínica hospitalar. O objectivo do presente trabalho é o de avaliar retrospectivamente a actividade científica e de investigação de um hospital central, o Hospital de Dona Estefânia. Métodos: Foram avaliados, de 1993 a 2002 (dez anos), os resumos do Anuário do Hospital de Dona Estefânia, publicação anual que colige os trabalhos realizados pelo seu corpo clínico. O estudo incluiu a análise do tipo de trabalhos, a sua forma de divulgação e a produção científica, por intermédio da taxa de trabalhos por médico e por área de assistência. Resultados: Nos dez anos em análise foram incluídos 1821 trabalhos científicos, sendo 49.7% de investigação; a produção média anual do Hospital foi de 182 trabalhos, 165 comunicações e 24.5 publicações. Em 2002 foram considerados 312 médicos em 24 áreas de assistência, calculando-se uma razão por médico de 0.73 trabalhos científicos, dos quais 0.29 trabalhos de investigação. Discussão: O Anuário constituiu um excelente instrumento para medição directa da actividade científica e de investigação, abrangendo não só trabalhos publicados, mas também os não publicados. Embora não haja dados nacionais similares para comparação, seria de esperar uma maior produção científica do que a que consta no Anuário, tratando-se de um hospital central. Para tal facto podem ter contribuído a sobrecarga assistencial e o valor exíguo atribuído à actividade científica e, particularmente à investigação, na legislação que regula a contratação do corpo clínico nos hospitais portugueses.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar – Qualidade Alimentar
RESUMO Nos países industrializados observam-se elevadas prevalências de pré- obesidade e obesidade em jovens e adolescentes, com consequências negativas para a saúde. A obesidade é apontada como o distúrbio nutricional mais frequente em crianças e adolescentes nos países desenvolvidos e é resultado da acumulação excessiva ou anormal de gordura no tecido adiposo. Segundo a I.O.T.F. considera- se que uma criança tem pré-obesidade quando o seu percentil de I.M.C. está entre o p88 e p99 para as raparigas e entre o p90 e o p99 para os rapazes. Considerase que tem obesidade quando o percentil de I.M.C. é superior ao p99, para ambos os sexos. A prevalência de pré-obesidade e obesidade em crianças e adolescentes tem vindo a aumentar a nível mundial a um ritmo alarmante, sobretudo nos países desenvolvidos e em alguns segmentos de países em desenvolvimento. Estudos demonstram que a obesidade em crianças e adolescentes se encontra fortemente correlacionada com o aumento da morbilidade e mortalidade, reflectindo-se numa variedade de situações patológicas com risco de persistência no adulto. Dada a sua extrema importância em termos de Saúde Pública, as tendências para a pré- obesidade e obesidade em crianças e adolescentes devem ser monitorizadas com especial atenção. Os hábitos alimentares e o gasto energético são factores que influenciam a obesidade e o seu controlo. Há estudos que concluem que existe uma associação directa entre estes factos e a presença de obesidade e outros apresentam conclusões contrárias. Pretendeu-se determinar a prevalência de excesso de peso (pré-obesidade e obesidade) infantojuvenil em Portugal e associá-la com os hábitos alimentares, actividade física e comportamentos sedentários dos adolescentes. A população em estudo é todos os adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, que frequentam o ensino básico (2º e 3º ciclos) e secundário oficial de Portugal Continental (n=5708). Todos os elementos em estudos foram avaliados antropometricamente (peso e altura) e responderam a um questionário de hábitos alimentares e frequência alimentar, actividade física e comportamentos sedentários. Como resultados do estudo verificou-se que a prevalência de pré- obesidade infanto-juvenil em Portugal é de 22,6% e a prevalência de obesidade de 7,8%. Quer a obesidade quer a pré-obesidade apresentam indicadores superiores nos rapazes (p=0,01) e nos adolescentes mais jovens (p=0,00). Em relação aos hábitos alimentares estudados é de referir que a frequência de consumo de refeições fora de casa é muito similar entre o grupo normoponderal e o grupo com excesso de peso sendo a refeição da ceia consumida por um número muito superior de adolescentes normoponderais comparativamente com os que apresentam excesso de peso (p=0,01). Em relação à ingestão de determinados alimentos ou grupos alimentícios, verificou-se que, regra geral, o consumo de alimentos de características nutricionais de baixa qualidade (gordura saturada, sal e açucares simples) era superior no grupo normoponderal comparativamente ao grupo com excesso de peso (refrigerantes, snacks, fast-food, cereais açucarados, sobremesas doces) (p<0,05). Em relação à actividade física, o número de horas semanais de actividade física diminui do grupo normoponderal para o grupo com excesso de peso. Dentro do grupo com excesso de peso, os obesos apresentam ainda uma média inferior em relação aos pré-obesos. Poderemos afirmar que quanto maior o índice de actividade física menor o percentil de I.M.C., mostrando-se assim a actividade física como um factor protector de um peso saudável (p<0,05). Quando solicitado que caracterizassem o estilo de vida e a habilidade desportiva, verificou-se que nos grupos com excesso de peso se caracterizavam em indicadores mais baixos do que os normoponderais (p<0,05). No que diz respeito aos comportamentos sedentários, verifica-se que são mais prevalentes nos grupos com excesso de peso do que no grupo normoponderal (p<0,05). Em conclusão, os resultados da prevalência de obesidade obtidos assemelham-se aos resultados obtidos noutros estudos, constituindo um dado revelador de uma situação bastante preocupante em termos de Saúde Pública. Em relação aos hábitos alimentares as diferenças não são significativas entre os diferentes grupos (normoponderal, pré-obesidade e obesidade). A actividade física apresentou-se como um factor protector do aumento de peso com uma associação directa com o estado nutricional (I.M.C.). Verificou-se que os adolescentes em Portugal que apresentavam indicadores mais elevados de actividade física eram aqueles que se encontravam com peso normal. Os comportamentos sedentários apresentaram-se como um factor propício ao desenvolvimento do excesso de peso estando directamente relacionados com o percentil de I.M.C. Os comportamentos sedentários mais frequentes são o visionamento televisivo e o computador/internet. Assim, poder-se-á fundamentar a necessidade de medidas interventivas a este nível com o intuito de controlar os indicadores encontrados. ABSTRACT In the industrialized countries high prevalences of pre-obesity and obesity are observed in youngsters and adolescents, with negative health consequences. Obesity is pointed as the most frequent nutritional disturbance in children and adolescents in developed countries and results from the excessive or abnormal accumulation of fat in the adipose tissue. According to the IOTF a child is pre-obese when the BMI percentile is between p88 and p99 for girls and between p90 and p99 for boys. Obesity is considered when the BMI percentile is above p99 for both sexes. The prevalence of pre-obesity and obesity in children and adolescents has been rising alarmingly worldwide, especially in developed countries and some segments of developing countries. Studies indicate that obesity in children and adolescents is strongly associated with increased morbidity and mortality resulting in a variety of pathological situations with risk of persistence in adulthood. Given its major Public Health importance, pre-obesity and obesity trends in children and adolescents should be monitored with special attention. Eating habits and energy expenditure are factors that influence obesity and its control. Some studies conclude that there is a direct association between these factors and the presence of obesity and others present opposite conclusions. It was intended to determine the prevalence of overweight (pre-obesity and obesity) in children and youth in Portugal and to associate it with eating habits, physical activity and sedentary behaviors of adolescents. The population in study is constituted by all adolescents of both sexes that attend basic (2nd and 3rd grade) and secondary official education of continental Portugal (n=5708). All participants in study were anthropometrically evaluated (weight and height) and answered a questionnaire of eating habits and food frequency, physical activity and sedentary behaviors. The study results indicate a prevalence of pre-obesity in children and youth in Portugal of 22.6% and a prevalence of obesity of 7.8%. Both obesity and pre-obesity present higher indicators in boys (p=0.01) and younger adolescents (p=0.00). In relation to the studied eating habits it should be noted that the frequency of consumption of meals away from home is very similar between the normal weight group and the overweight group. Moreover, the supper meal is consumed by a much larger number of normal weight adolescents as compared to the ones with overweight (p=0.01). Regarding the intake of certain foods or food groups, it was found that, in general, the consumption of foods with characteristics of low nutritional quality (saturated fat, salt and simple sugars) was higher in the normoponderal group compared with the overweight group (soft drinks, snacks, fast-food, sugary cereals, desserts) (p<0.05). In respect to physical activity, the number of weekly hours of physical activity decreases from the normoponderal group to the group with overweight. Within the group with overweight, obese subjects also present a lower average than pre-obese subjects. As we can affirm that the higher the physical activity index the lower the BMI percentile, physical activity appears as a protective factor for a healthy weight (p<0.05). When they were asked to characterize their lifestyle and sports ability, it was found that overweight groups characterized themselves with lower indicators than the normoponderal group (p<0.05). Regarding sedentary behaviors, it appears that they were more prevalent in groups with overweight than in the normoponderal group (p<0.05). In conclusion, the results of the obesity prevalence attained are similar to the results obtained in other studies, revealing a very worrying situation in terms of Public Health. In relation to the eating habits there were no significant differences between the groups (normoponderal, pre-obesity and obesity). Physical activity appears as a protective factor from weight gain with a direct association with nutritional status (BMI). It was found that young people in Portugal who had the highest indicators of physical activity were those who presented normal weight. The sedentary behaviors were presented as a factor conducive to the development of overweight being directly related to the BMI percentile. The most frequent sedentary behaviors were television viewing and computer/internet
Resumo - As doenças crónicas não transmissíveis são uma ameaça crescente à Saúde Pública em Portugal. As principais causas de mortalidade e morbilidade são doenças relacionadas com os estilos de vida, hábitos alimentares e de actividade física. Os Cuidados de Saúde Primários estão na linha da frente para dar resposta a estas patologias. Os profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente médicos e enfermeiros, sentem dificuldades para as tratar, como a falta de tempo, de conhecimentos e de confiança para o fazer, bem como uma descrença na efectividade das suas intervenções no âmbito da mudança comportamental destes pacientes. A dificuldade em referenciar estes pacientes a outros profissionais, especializados, como os nutricionistas e os fisiologistas do exercício, implica dotar médicos e enfermeiros com as competências básicas de aconselhamento alimentar e de actividade física, bem como serem capazes de assumirem uma atitude centrada no paciente e motivadora da mudança comportamental. O objectivo deste estudo é avaliar os conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas no tratamento da obesidade e sua associação com o nível de actividade física reportado por médicos e enfermeiros. Este é um estudo observacional, transversal, que recorre à aplicação de um questionário de resposta directa. --------Abstract - Non communicable chronic diseases are increasingly relevant public health threats. The main causes of mortality and morbidity in Portugal are lifestyle, food and exercise habits, related diseases. Primary health care services are in the front line to adress this pathologies. Health care professionals, namely physicians and nurses, face numerous barriers like reduced consultation time, knowledge and confidence to deal with this problems, as well as a disbelief in the efectiviness of their intervention in patients health behaviour change. The inhability to reference this patients to nutrition and exercise specialists, increases the need to give physicians and nurses the adequate nutrition and exercise basic counselling skills, as well as promoting a patient centred attitude that enables them to increase patients motivation to health behaviour change. The study sought to assess the nutrition knowledge, atittudes and practice and its associations with self - reported personal physical activity habits of primary health care professionals. This is a descriptive, cross- sectional stu
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is known to be an important modulator in the pathogenesis of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). Changes in ANS control of heart rate variability (HRV) occur during orthostatism to maintain cardiovascular homeostasis. Wavelet transform has emerged as a useful tool that provides time-frequency decomposition of the signal under investigation, enabling intermittent components of transient phenomena to be analyzed. AIM: To study HRV during head-up tilt (HUT) with wavelet transform analysis in PAF patients and healthy individuals (normals). METHODS: Twenty-one patients with PAF (8 men; age 58 +/- 14 yrs) were examined and compared with 21 normals (7 men, age 48 +/- 12 yrs). After a supine resting period, all subjects underwent passive HUT (60 degrees) while in sinus rhythm. Continuous monitoring of ECG and blood pressure was carried out (Task Force Monitor, CNSystems). Acute changes in RR-intervals were assessed by wavelet analysis and low-frequency power (LF: 0.04-0.15 Hz), high-frequency power (HF: 0.15-0.60 Hz) and LF/HF (sympathovagal) were calculated for 1) the last 2 min of the supine period; 2) the 15 sec of tilting movement (TM); and 3) the 1st (TT1) and 2nd (TT2) min of HUT. Data are expressed as means +/- SEM. RESULTS: Baseline and HUT RR-intervals were similar for the two groups. Supine basal blood pressure was also similar for the two groups, with a sustained increase in PAF patients, and a decrease followed by an increase and then recovery in normals. Basal LF, HF and LF/ HF values in PAF patients were 632 +/- 162 ms2, 534 +/- 231 ms2 and 1.95 +/- 0.39 respectively, and 1058 +/- 223 ms2, 789 +/- 244 ms2 and 2.4 +/- 0.36 respectively in normals (p = NS). During TM, LF, HF and LF/HF values for PAF patients were 747 +/- 277 ms2, 387 +/- 94 ms2 and 2.9 +/- 0.6 respectively, and 1316 +/- 315 ms2, 698 +/- 148 ms2 and 2.8 +/- 0.6 respectively in normals (p < 0.05 for LF and HF). During TF1, LF, HF and LF/ HF values for PAF patients were 1243 +/- 432 ms2, 302 +/- 88 ms2 and 7.7 +/- 2.4 respectively, and 1992 +/- 398 ms2, 333 +/- 76 ms2 and 7.8 +/- 0.98 respectively for normals (p < 0.05 for LF). During TF2, LF, HF and LF/HF values for PAF patients were 871 +/- 256 ms2, 242 +/- 51 ms2 and 4.7 +/- 0.9 respectively, and 1263 +/- 335 ms2, 317 +/- 108 ms2 and 8.6 +/- 0.68 respectively for normals (p < 0.05 for LF/HF). The dynamic profile of HRV showed that LF and HF values in PAF patients did not change significantly during TM or TT2, and LF/HF did not change during TM but increased in TT1 and TT2. CONCLUSION: Patients with PAF present alterations in HRV during orthostatism, with decreased LF and HF power during TM, without significant variations during the first minutes of HUT. These findings suggest that wavelet transform analysis may provide new insights when assessing autonomic heart regulation and highlight the presence of ANS disturbances in PAF.
The prevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) antibodies was assessed in adolescents (age ranging from 10.4 to 19.9 years) at an Adolescent Outpatient Clinic in São Paulo, Brazil. Anti-HAV was detected in 137 (54.2%) out of 253 individuals. When separated into two age groups, anti-HAV frequency was higher in the 15 to 19 year-old group (64%) in comparison to the 10 to 14 year-old group (46%) (Chi-square test: p = 0.004). These results suggest that adolescents in São Paulo are at risk of hepatitis A infection and are probably contracting HAV infection during this age period.
A total of 354 serum samples from inhabitants who frequent the Clinical Laboratory in Catalão, Goiás, in the central-western region of Brazil, were collected from June to August, 2002. The samples were evaluated by indirect immunofluorescence antibody tests and an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay in order to detect anti-Taenia solium metacestode IgG antibodies. Reactive and inconclusive samples were tested by Western blotting (WB). Considering WB as a confirmation, the frequency of antibodies in the serum samples of the above population was 11.3% (CI 5.09 - 17.51). The immunodominant bands most frequently recognized in WB were 64-68 kDa (97.5%) and 47-52 kDa (80%). The percentage of seropositivity to cysticercosis was significantly higher for individuals residing in areas without sewage systems (p < 0.0001). In conclusion, the results indicate a probable endemic situation of cysticercosis in this population. These results reinforce the urgent need for control and prevention measures to be taken by the local public health services.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tecnologia Alimentar/Qual
The present study was undertaken to assess the effect of the crude extract of Cleome droserifolia (CD) leaves on experimentally infected mice with Schistosoma mansoni. Two groups of mice, showing a patent infection of S. mansoni, one of them was daily treated with an alcoholic extract of CD leaves (0.31 g kg-1 body weight, i.p.) for 21 days. The schistosomicidal activity of the CD extract was evaluated, three weeks post-treatment, on some parasitological and histopathological aspects including worm load, oogram pattern, faecal eggs releasing and granuloma formation. In addition, serum thyroid hormones levels (tri-iodothyronine; T3 and tetra-iodo-thyronin; T4), serum total protein contents and hepatic reduced glutathione (GSH) were evaluated. Treatment using CD extract resulted in a weak reduction in worm burden (32.46%) and affected the viability of both mature and immature eggs as indicated by the increase in the percentage of dead eggs and the decrease in the percentage of live ones. In addition, a week post-treatment, eggs elimination was observed in the stool of the infected-treated group which was low compared to the infected group. There was a suppressive effect of the extract on granuloma formation that could be due to the antioxidant effect of the extract. These data are confirmed by increasing hepatic GSH, serum total proteins and thyroid hormone levels in the infected-treated group as compared to the infected group. Treatment significantly enhanced b globulin fractions of the protein. Based on these assumptions, CD extract has beneficial effects on thyroid hormones status and anti-schistosomiasis activity. The beneficial effects of CD extract could be related to its direct effects on the parasite, and secondary to its effect on the antioxidant capacity of the host. The present study could emphasize the precise mechanism (s) of CD extract protection.