934 resultados para Accidental poisoning
Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
O selénio (Se) é um micronutriente essencial para o crescimento, desenvolvimento e normal metabolismo dos animais, incluindo o ser humano. É parte integrante de um conjunto de proteínas, as selenoproteínas, com ação antioxidante (protegendo as membranas celulares contra danos dos radicais livres), envolvidas no metabolismo das hormonas da tiróide, na regulação do crescimento e viabilidade celular, nas funções do sistema imune e na reprodução. É introduzido na dieta alimentar (principalmente nas formas de selenometionina e selenocisteína) através das plantas, e de produtos que delas derivam, que assimilam os compostos de selénio presentes no solo. Uma vez que a quantidade de selénio existente nos solos é muito variável, o teor nos alimentos vai depender da sua origem geográfica e, por consequência, a ingestão de selénio varia entre regiões e países. Baixos níveis de selénio estão associados a um declínio na função imune e problemas cognitivos. A deficiência de Se pode também ocasionar problemas musculares e cardiomiopatia. Concentrações reduzidas foram observadas em indíviduos com crises epiléticas e também em casos de pré-eclampsia. A deficiência de selénio pode também desenvolver-se durante a nutrição parenteral. Atualmente, a Dose Diária Recomendada (DDR) é de 55 μg/dia para homens e mulheres adultos e saudáveis. No entanto, existem evidências clínicas de que a ingestão em doses superiores (200-300 μg/dia) pode ter um papel benéfico na prevenção de alguns tipos de cancro e doenças cardiovasculares, na melhoria da resposta imunológica, como neuroprotetor e na fertilidade. O Se desempenha um papel importante na fertilidade masculina, sendo necessário na biossíntese da testosterona e na formação e normal desenvolvimento dos espermatozóides. Em mulheres grávidas o Se, ajuda a prevenir complicações antes e durante o parto e promove o normal desenvolvimento do feto. Como antioxidante o selénio vai combater os danos provocados pelos radicais livres, impedindo que estes exerçam o seu papel prejudicial no organismo. Sendo o sistema imunológico muito suscetível aos danos provocados pelo stress oxidativo, o Se vai exercer efeitos benéficos combatendo os danos por ele causados. Relativamente à capacidade viral, não é possível saber com exatidão qual a quantidade de Se necessária ou concentração ideal no plasma para evitar a ocorrência e desenvolvimento de infeções virais. No entanto, sabe-se que tem um efeito benéfico em pacientes HIV positivos e em indivíduos infetados com o vírus da hepatite (B ou C) contra a progressão para o neoplasia de fígado. Em teoria, a nível cardiovascular, este elemento pode exercer um efeito protetor, embora alguns estudos epidemiológicos não tenham mostrado uma associação clara entre o risco cardiovascular e os níveis selénio. A nível cerebral o Se vai atuar como neuroprotetor, prevenindo o aparecimento de patologias como demência e doença de Alzheimer. Apesar destes indicadores, a maioria dos países europeus, incluindo Portugal, regista uma deficiente ingestão de selénio por parte da população. A suplementação poderá constituir uma opção para garantir os níveis nutricionais recomendados e/ou ser utilizada com o objetivo de prevenir algumas doenças e o envelhecimento. No entanto o selénio pode também ser tóxico se ingerido em excesso, estando a dose máxima admissível fixada em 400 μg/dia. A intoxicação por selénio é chamada selenose e os sintomas comuns incluem: hálito a alho, distúrbios gastrointestinais, perda de cabelo, descamação das unhas, danos neurológicos e fadiga. Assim, atualmente acredita-se que enquanto indivíduos com baixo nível de Se podem obter benefícios da suplementação, esta pode ser prejudicial aqueles com valores normais ou elevados.
To evaluate the effects of chronic lead exposure on the nervous system in adults, a set of neurobehavioural and electrophysiological tests was administered to 99 lead exposed foundry employees and 61 unexposed workers. Current and past blood lead concentrations were used to estimate the degree of lead absorption; all previous blood lead concentrations had been less than or equal to 90 micrograms/100 ml. Characteristic signs (such as wrist extensor weakness) or symptoms (such as colic) of lead poisoning were not seen. Sensory conduction in the sural nerve was not affected. By contrast, various neurobehavioural functions deteriorated with increasing lead burden. Workers with blood lead concentrations between 40 and 60 micrograms/100 ml showed impaired performance on tests of verbal concept formation, visual/motor performance, memory, and mood. Thus impairment in central nervous system function in lead exposed adults occurred in the absence of peripheral nervous system derangement and increased in severity with increasing lead dose.
Globally, agriculture is being intensified with mechanization and increased use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. There has been a scaling up of production to satisfy the demands of supermarket distribution. Problems associated with intensification of production, trade globalisation and a larger market demand for greater volumes of fresh produce, include consumers' concern about pesticide residues and leaching of nutrients and pesticides into the environment, as well as increases in the transmission of human food-poisoning pathogens on raw vegetables and in fruit juices. The first part of this research was concerned with the evaluation of a biological control strategy for soil-borne pathogens, these are difficult to eliminate and the chemicals of which the most effective fumigants e.g. methyl bromide, are being withdrawn form use. Chitin-containing crustaceans shellfish waste was investigated as a selective growth substrate amendment in the field, in glasshouse and in storage trials against Sclerotinia disease of Helianthus tuberosus, Phytophthora fragariae disease of Fragaria vesca and Fusarium disease of Dianthus. Results showed that addition to shellfish waste stimulated substrate microbial populations and lytic activity and induced plant defense proteins, namely chitinases and cellulases. Protective effects were seen in all crop models but the results indicate that further trials are required to confirm long-term efficacy. The second part of the research investigated the persistence of enteric bacteria in raw salad vegetables using model food poisoning isolates. In clinical investigations plants are sampled for bacterial contamination but no attempt is made to differentiate between epiphytes and endophytes. Results here indicate that the mode isolates persist endophytically thereby escaping conventional chlorine washes and they may also induce host defenses, which results in their suppression and in negative results in conventional plate count screening. Finally a discussion of criteria that should be considered for a HACCP plan for safe raw salad vegetable production is presented.
A small proportion of harmful algae produce toxins which are harmful to human health. Strict monitoring programmes are in place within Ireland and the EU to effectively manage risk to human consumers of shellfish species that have accumulated marine biotoxins in their tissues. However, little is known about the impacts of HABs on shellfish health. This study used Solid Phase Adsorption and Toxin Tracking (SPATT) for the passive sampling of algal biotoxins at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve in West Cork, Ireland. Spatial and temporal monitoring of the incidence of a wide range of lipophilic toxins was assessed over a 4-month period. Active sampling accumulated sufficient quantities of toxin for use in subsequent experimentation. In addition to commonly occurring Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) toxins, Dinophysis toxin-1 and Pinnatoxin-G were both detected in the samples. This is the first identification of these latter two toxins in Irish waters. The effects of the DSP toxin okadaic acid (OA) were investigated on three shellfish species: Mytilus edulis, Ruditapes philippinarum and Crassostrea gigas. Histological examination of the gill, mantle and hepatopancreas tissues revealed varying intensity of damage depending both on the tissue type and the species involved. At the cellular level, flow cytometric analysis of the differential cell population distribution was assessed. No change in cell population distribution was observed in Mytilus edulis or Ruditapes philippinarum, however significant changes were observed in Crassostrea gigas granulocytes at the lower levels of toxin exposure. This indicated a chemically-induced response to OA. DNA fragmentation was measured in the haemolymph and hepatopancreas cells post OA-exposure in Mytilus edulis and Crassostrea gigas. A significant increase in DNA fragmentation was observed in both species over time, even at the lowest OA concentrations. DNA fragmentation could be due to genotoxicity of OA and/or to the induction of cell apoptosis.
My thesis investigates the dynamics behind the changing nature of the leadership of the western Roman army in the fifth century through the concept of ‘warlordism’. I carried this out by analyzing those cases of insubordination and military unrest in the officer class of the western Roman army, which can be shown to be linked to the slow decline of central authority and the imperial office in the period 395-480. My thesis demonstrates that theories of ‘Warlordism’, as developed in social sciences, can be useful for both the late Imperial west as for other eras of ancient history, such as the late Roman republic. Warlordism was a way of continuing politics, if necessary by military means, when commanders found themselves outside the legitimate framework. Unlike the case of usurpation of the imperial office, when there was little hope of achieving permanent recognition and acceptance, it offered insubordinate officers a chance of returning to the ruling imperial regime depending on circumstances and the success of their resistance. I propose that warlordism functioned as an alternative to usurpation, a tool for military dissidence, fuelled by an economy of violence. Contrary to modern warlordism, the warlordism of the fifth century AD represented a transient phase which no imperial commander was willing to prolong indefinitely. At some stage, given the means, warlords in the western Roman army wanted to become part of the imperial echelon again. Yet these alternative methods of violent opposition, and the acquisition of force through private means, ensured the breakdown of the state’s monopoly on violence and the disintegration of centralized armies. What started as an accidental revolution became a new form of military rule.
As part of a long-term study on howling monkey behavior and social dynamics, a known natal male was observed taking over his group from his putative sire. Due to the accidental death of one of the adult males, this natal male had matured in a one-male group and had never observed juvenile male emigration nor adult male immigration and associated behaviors. Nevertheless, the behaviors associated with the takeover were indistinguishable from those of an immigrant male, including disappearance of immatures, one of whom was found with extensive injuries. While it cannot be said that the natal male inherited these behaviors from his presumed father, it can be said that he exhibited species-typical behaviors associated with male takeover in the absence of observational learning. © 1994 Japan Monkey Centre.
Walkers fall frequently, especially during infancy. Children (15-, 21-, 27-, 33-, and 39-month-olds) and adults were tested in a novel foam pit paradigm to examine age-related changes in the relationship between falling and prospective control of locomotion. In trial 1, participants walked and fell into a deformable foam pit marked with distinct visual cues. Although children in all 5 age groups required multiple trials to learn to avoid falling, the number of children who showed adult-like, 1-trial learning increased with age. Exploration and alternative locomotor strategies increased dramatically on learning criterion trials and displays of negative affect were limited. Learning from falling is discussed in terms of the immediate and long-term effects of falling on prospective control of locomotion.
In a series of four studies, we investigated the visual cues that walkers use to predict slippery ground surfaces and tested whether visual information is reliable for specifying low-friction conditions. In Study 1, 91% of participants surveyed responded that they would use shine to identify upcoming slippery ground. Studies 2-4 confirmed participants' reliance on shine to predict slip. Participants viewed ground surfaces varying in gloss, paint color, and viewing distance under indoor and outdoor lighting conditions. Shine and slip ratings and functional walking judgments were related to surface gloss level and to surface coefficient of friction (COF). However, judgments were strongly affected by surface color, viewing distance, and lighting conditions--extraneous factors that do not change the surface COF. Results suggest that, although walkers rely on shine to predict slippery ground, shine is not a reliable visual cue for friction. Poor visual information for friction may underlie the high prevalence of friction-related slips and falls.
An investigation of the potential environmental and health impacts in the immediate aftermath of one of the largest coal ash spills in U.S. history at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Kingston coal-burning power plant has revealed three major findings. First the surface release of coal ash with high levels of toxic elements (As = 75 mg/kg; Hg = 150 microg/kg) and radioactivity (226Ra + 228Ra = 8 pCi/g) to the environment has the potential to generate resuspended ambient fine particles (< 10 microm) containing these toxics into the atmosphere that may pose a health risk to local communities. Second, leaching of contaminants from the coal ash caused contamination of surface waters in areas of restricted water exchange, but only trace levels were found in the downstream Emory and Clinch Rivers due to river dilution. Third, the accumulation of Hg- and As-rich coal ash in river sediments has the potential to have an impact on the ecological system in the downstream rivers by fish poisoning and methylmercury formation in anaerobic river sediments.
Background. Thoracic epidural catheters provide the best quality postoperative pain relief for major abdominal and thoracic surgical procedures, but placement is one of the most challenging procedures in the repertoire of an anesthesiologist. Most patients presenting for a procedure that would benefit from a thoracic epidural catheter have already had high resolution imaging that may be useful to assist placement of a catheter. Methods. This retrospective study used data from 168 patients to examine the association and predictive power of epidural-skin distance (ESD) on computed tomography (CT) to determine loss of resistance depth acquired during epidural placement. Additionally, the ability of anesthesiologists to measure this distance was compared to a radiologist, who specializes in spine imaging. Results. There was a strong association between CT measurement and loss of resistance depth (P < 0.0001); the presence of morbid obesity (BMI > 35) changed this relationship (P = 0.007). The ability of anesthesiologists to make CT measurements was similar to a gold standard radiologist (all individual ICCs > 0.9). Conclusions. Overall, this study supports the examination of a recent CT scan to aid in the placement of a thoracic epidural catheter. Making use of these scans may lead to faster epidural placements, fewer accidental dural punctures, and better epidural blockade.
This paper investigates the application of a non-destructive ultrasonic technique for characterising the rheological properties of solder paste through the use of through-mode microsecond ultrasonic pulses for evaluation of viscoelastic properties of lead-free solder paste containing different types of flux. Ultrasonic techniques offer a robust and reliable form of non-destructive testing of materials where access to the sample is restricted or when sample handling can interfere with the monitoring or analysis process due to externally incorporated changes to the material’s physical state or accidental contamination during the removal or testing process. Ultrasonic based techniques are increasingly used for quality control and production monitoring functions which requires evaluation of changes in material properties for a wide range of industrial applications such as cement paste quality, plastic/polymer extrusion process, dough and even sugar content in beverage drinks. In addition, ultrasound techniques are of great interest for their capability to take rapid measurements in systems which are optically opaque. The conventional industry approach for characterising the rheological properties of suspensions during processing/packaging stage is mainly through the use of viscometer and some through the use of rheometer. One of the potential limitations of viscometer and rheometer based measurements is that the collection and preparation of the solder paste samples can irreversibly alter the structure and flow behaviour of the sample. Hence the measurement may not represent the actual quality of the whole production batch. Secondly, rheological measurements and the interpretation of rheological data is a very technical and time consuming process, which requires professionally trained R&D personnel. The ultrasound technique being proposed provides simple, yet accurate and easy to use solution for the in-situ rheological characterisation of solder pastes which will benefit the materials suppliers (who formulate and produce solder pastes) and solder paste consumers (especially, contract electronics manufacturers). The results from the work show that the technique can be used by R&D personnel involved in paste formulation and manufacture to monitor the batch-to-batch quality and consistency.
The most common mode of deactivation suffered by catalysts fitted to two-stroke engines has traditionally been thermal degradation, or even meltdown, of the washcoat and substrate. The high temperatures experienced by these catalysts are caused by excessively high concentrations of HC and CO in the exhaust gas which are, in turn, caused by a rich AFR and the loss of neat fuel to the exhaust during the scavenging period. The effects of catalyst poisoning due to additives in the oil is often regarded as a secondary, or even negligible, deactivating mechanism in two-stroke catalysts and has therefore received little attention. However, with the introduction of direct in-cylinder fuel injection to some larger versions of this engine, the quantities of HC escaping to the exhaust can be reduced to levels similar to those found on four-stroke gasoline engines. Under these conditions, the effects of poisoning are much more significant to catalyst durability, particularly for crankcase scavenged derivatives which allow considerable quantities of oil to escape into the exhaust in a neat, or partially burned form. In this paper the effects of oil-derived sulphur on catalyst performance are examined using specialised test apparatus. The oil used throughout the study was formulated specifically for a two-stroke engine fitted with direct in-cylinder fuel injection. The sulphur content of this oil was 0.21% by mass and particular attention was paid to the role of this element in the resulting deactivation. The catalyst was also designed for two-stroke applications and contained a high palladium loading of 300g/ft3 (28g/l) to prolong the life of the catalyst. It was found that the sulphur caused permanent deactivation of the CO reaction and increased the light-off temperature by around 40oC after oiling for 60 hours. This deactivation was progressive and led to a reduction in surface area of the washcoat, particularly in the micropores of around 5Å diameter. By using a validated catalyst model the change in surface area of the precious metal was estimated. It was found that the simulated palladium surface area had to be reduced by a factor of around 7.5 to produce the light-off temperature of the deactivated catalyst. Conversely, the light-off temperature of the C3H6 reaction was barely affected by the deactivation.