638 resultados para Accidental drowning


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Esta pesquisa de doutorado, que teve início em 2000, tem como tema o "fogo acidental" na Amazônia e particularmente no Estado do Pará. O objetivo de estudo são as campanhas de prevenção ao fogo acidental (no âmbito da produção e recepção das informações) implementadas por órgãos governamentais e não governamentais, principalmente a partir de 1998. Quatro projetos e suas respectivas campanhas foram escolhidos para compor o escopo de análise: o Proteger, o PGAI Queimadas, o Projeto O Bom Manejo do fogo e o projeto Fogo Emergência Crônica. Trata-se de campanhas com muitos elementos convergentes, quer do ponto de vista teórico/metodológico, dos destinatários das informações, dos objetivos, dos materiais produzidos ou das áreas geográficas trabalhadas. Esta tese mostra, no âmbito das campanhas, como se estabeleceram as relações de poder entre os agentes de instituições ambientais e os agentes e instituições voltados para a agricultura familiar. Por outro lado, explicita as diversas "estratégicas" e "táticas" desenvolvidas pelos agricultores familiares e suas instituições de representação (como os sindicatos de trabalhadores rurais e as associações) para, do ponto de vista da recepção, reconstruir com diferentes sentidos os discursos das campanhas e marcar seu lugar na disputa simbólica. A hipótese central desta pesquisa, fundada principalmente em conceitos de Pierre Bourdieu, é a de que há uma "tensão" entre as "visões de mundo" de instituições e agentes do campo ambiental e instituições e agentes do campo da agricultura familiar, no que se refere à temática trabalhada pelas campanhas. Portanto, as relações de comunicação explicitadas por esta pesquisa e estabelecidas pelas campanhas são relações de poder que reafirmam o desequilíbrio de forças entre os campos. Isto resulta no alcance apenas parcial e temporário dos principais objetivos das campanhas, quais sejam: redução do número de ocorrências de fogo acidental provocadas por queimadas agrícolas e mudança de comportamento por parte de agricultores familiares.


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Achados acidentais de instrumentos líticos em região de terra firme junto ao rio Curuá, no médio curso da Bacia do Xingu, sugere uma ocupação disseminada por caçador-coletores pré-cerâmicos na região, contrariamente a expectativas de que a floresta tropical teria recursos alimentares insuficientes para a ocupação humana longe da várzea. Os artefatos líticos incluem pontas de projétil de lascamento cuidadoso, possivelmente relacionados a alguns artefatos do Pleistoceno final encontrados na Caverna da Pedra Pintada, em Monte Alegre. Os resíduos alimentares encontrados com os artefatos de Monte Alegre eram de uma economia de coleta de ambientes rupestres e ribeirinhos. As pontas do Xingu foram recolhidas por garimpeiros nas reias e cascalhos no leito do rio Curuá. Os garimpeiros encontraram os artefatos enquanto escavavam e peneiravam sedimentos auríferos. Tais depósitos algumas vezes também contêm remanescentes de plantas e artefatos de madeira pré-históricos, fontes de informação potencial sobre antigos habitats, subsistência e tecnologia. O grupo de pesquisa do Projeto Baixo Amazonas viajou a diversos dos sítios submersos com os garimpeiros para preparar escavações para o futuro. Em um sítio, Curupité, onde os garimpeiros encontraram uma grande ponta com pedúnculo e um arpão de madeira inteiro em 1986, a equipe utilizou equipamento de mergulho para prospectar o leito do rio e os barrancos, e mapearam a topografa com um teodolito a laser.


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Os Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos (HPAs) são poluentes de efeito tóxico, prejudiciais ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana, fazem parte de um grupo de compostos poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs), que por suas características tem impactado o ambiente, sendo por esse motivo bastante estudados. Podem estar presentes nas formas particulada, dissolvida e/ou gasosa, estando presentes em diferentes ambientes; solo, sedimento, ar, água, material particulado na atmosfera, organismos e alimentos (Kennish, 2007). As fontes naturais de HPAs incluem atividades vulcânicas, queimadas naturais, exsudação de óleos, além de processos biogênicos. HPAs antrogênicos podem ocorrer pela combustão incompleta de óleos combustíveis (automotores e industriais), queima intencional de madeira e plantações, efluentes domésticos e/ou industriais, drenagens pluviais urbanas, derrames acidentais de óleos e derivados. Hidrofóbicos e lipofílicos, essas substâncias podem ser facilmente adsorvidas em sedimentos, sendo este compartimento um importante reservatório desses poluentes. Para avaliar a presença desses compostos no ambiente, utilizou-se nesse trabalho a Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência. As amostras utilizadas no desenvolvimento e otimização da metodologia foram coletadas na baia do Guajará (Belém – PA). O presente trabalho constituiu-se dessa forma em um desenvolvimento de um procedimento metodológico (com adaptações e otimizações) para quantificar 16 HPAs em 10 pontos na baia do Guajará, Belém – PA, em duas etapas de campo, totalizando 20 amostras analisadas. Na etapa de desenvolvimento do método analítico foram testados sistemas de eluição, polaridade do sistema e fluxo do eluente entre outros. Para validação do método foram avaliados os parâmetros fidelidade, linearidade, limite de detecção, limite de quantificação do método. Razões diagnósticas foram calculadas para identificação das fontes primárias do HPAs encontrados na baia. Foram identificadas, a partir de razões diagnósticas da ΣHPAs BMM/ΣHPAsAMM; Fen/Ant; Flt/Pir; Ant/Σ178; Flt/Σ202; B(a)P/Σ228 e Ind(123cd) pireno/Σ276 as fontes primárias dos 16 HPAs estudados no sedimento da baia. A somatória das concentrações dos HPAs leves na primeira etapa de campo, variou de 132,13 ng.g-1 a 1704,14 ng.g-1, a ΣHPAs dos pesados de 125,82 g.g-1 a 1269,71 ng.g-1 e ΣHPAs totais de 317,84 ng.g-1 a 3117,06 ng.g-1.. Na segunda etapa de campo, as concentrações dos HPAs leves variou de 76,12 ng.g-1 a 1572,80 ng.g-1 ; a ΣHPAs pesados variou entre 213,90 ng.g-1 a 1423,03 ng.g-1, e Σ HPAs totais teve concentrações de 290,02 ng.g-1 a 2995,82 ng.g-1. A partir dos resultados obtidos pode-se classificar a baia do Guajará como moderadamente impactada. A combustão constitui a fonte predominante de HPAs nos sedimentos da baia do Guajará, seguida da combustão de biomassa vegetal e aporte de petróleo e derivados. A maioria dos pontos estudados nesse trabalho, nas duas etapas de campo, apresentaram concentrações de HPAs individuais acima dos VGQS.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Foi avaliar a frequência e os fatores de risco de quedas em mulheres na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico, transversal, envolvendo 358 mulheres (idade entre 45 e 65 anos e amenorreia >12 meses) com tempo de pós-menopausa <10 anos. Os critérios de exclusão foram: doença neurológica ou músculo esquelético, vestibulopatias, hipertensão arterial não controlada, hipotensão postural, déficit visual sem correção, uso de medicamentos (sedativos e hipnóticos). A queda foi definida como mudança de posição inesperada, não intencional, que faz com que o indivíduo permaneça em nível inferior à posição inicial. Foram analisados o histórico de quedas (últimos 24 meses) e as características clínicas, antropométricas (índice de massa corpórea (IMC) e circunferência da cintura (CC)) e densidade mineral óssea. Na comparação segundo grupo de mulheres com e sem histórico de queda, foi empregado o Teste do Qui-quadrado ou Exato de Fisher e regressão logística com cálculo do odds ratio (OR). RESULTADOS: Entre as mulheres incluídas, 48,0% (172/358) referiram queda, com fratura em 17,4% (30/172). A queda ocorreu dentro de casa em 58,7% (101/172). A média de idade foi 55,7±6,5 anos, tempo de menopausa de 5,8±3,5anos, IMC 28,3±4,6 kg/m² e CC 89,0±11,4 cm. Foi observada maior frequência de tabagismo e diabetes entre as mulheres com histórico de quedas quando comparadas àquelas sem queda, de 25,6 versus 16,1% e 12,8 versus 5,9%, respectivamente (p<0,05). Na análise multivariada em função das variáveis clínicas influentes, o risco de queda aumentou com o tabagismo atual (OR 1,93; IC95% 1,01-3,71). Demais variáveis clínicas e antropométricas não influenciaram no risco de queda. CONCLUSÕES: Em mulheres na pós-menopausa inicial houve expressiva frequência de quedas. O tabagismo foi indicador clínico de risco para queda. Com o reconhecimento de fatores determinantes para queda, medidas preventivas são importantes, como a orientação de abolir o tabagismo.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The child accidents are a serious public health problem, but can be prevented by the education. The Ministries of Health and Education suggest preventive actions in schools, but these are scarce, as well as the materials to be used in the educational context. The objective of this study was to evaluate an educational intervention on prevention of accidental falls. Participants were 17 students of the fourth year of elementary school at a municipal school. We checked the students' prior knowledge, read a paradicdatic book and re-verification of knowledge. The results indicated an increase of correct answers by 40% comparing the data obtained before and after the action. It is concluded that the educational activity favored the expansion of knowledge about the theme in the educational environment.


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Background: We aimed to estimate and analyze epidemiological profile of deaths during childhood. Method: We used the databases of deaths provided by Information System of mortality between 2006 and 2010. We selected only those records where the occurrence of deaths corresponded to Porto Velho city and those who were aged between 12 and 48 months old at the moment of death. We examined only deaths from preventable causes and poorly defined. Results: The total number of deaths was estimated to be 103, 48.6% male. High frequencies of deaths occurred (39.8%) in children before reaching two years old. Vast majority of deaths (66.9%) was due to preventable causes, 18.4% by poorly defined causes and nearly one in three by external causes. Approximately one in four were due to traffic accidents, 41.9% by drowning and submersion. Also, there were significant frequencies of deaths associated with respiratory diseases (17.5%) and infectious and parasitic diseases (16.6%). Conclusion: These findings reinforce the importance of studies of infant mortality, drawing attention to the debate on policy design to reduce childhood deaths, especially in acting on preventable causes.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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BackgroundThe success of epidural anaesthesia depends on correct identification of the epidural space. For several decades, the decision of whether to use air or physiological saline during the loss of resistance technique for identification of the epidural space has been governed by the personal experience of the anaesthesiologist. Epidural block remains one of the main regional anaesthesia techniques. It is used for surgical anaesthesia, obstetrical analgesia, postoperative analgesia and treatment of chronic pain and as a complement to general anaesthesia. The sensation felt by the anaesthesiologist from the syringe plunger with loss of resistance is different when air is compared with saline (fluid). Frequently fluid allows a rapid change from resistance to non-resistance and increased movement of the plunger. However, the ideal technique for identification of the epidural space remains unclear.ObjectivesTo evaluate the efficacy and safety of both air and saline in the loss of resistance technique for identification of the epidural space.To evaluate complications related to the air or saline injected.Search methodsWe searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (2013, Issue 9), MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Latin American and Caribbean Health Science Information Database (LILACS) (from inception to September 2013). We applied no language restrictions. The date of the most recent search was 7 September 2013.Selection criteriaWe included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-randomized controlled trials (quasi-RCTs) on air and saline in the loss of resistance technique for identification of the epidural space.Data collection and analysisTwo review authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data.Main resultsWe included in the review seven studies with a total of 852 participants. The methodological quality of the included studies was generally ranked as showing low risk of bias inmost domains, with the exception of one study, which did not mask participants. We were able to include data from 838 participants in the meta-analysis. We found no statistically significant differences between participants receiving air and those given saline in any of the outcomes evaluated: inability to locate the epidural space (three trials, 619 participants) (risk ratio (RR) 0.88, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.33 to 2.31, low-quality evidence); accidental intravascular catheter placement (two trials, 223 participants) (RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.33 to 2.45, low-quality evidence); accidental subarachnoid catheter placement (four trials, 682 participants) (RR 2.95, 95% CI 0.12 to 71.90, low-quality evidence); combined spinal epidural failure (two trials, 400 participants) (RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.44 to 2.18, low-quality evidence); unblocked segments (five studies, 423 participants) (RR 1.66, 95% CI 0.72 to 3.85); and pain measured by VAS (two studies, 395 participants) (mean difference (MD) -0.09, 95% CI -0.37 to 0.18). With regard to adverse effects, we found no statistically significant differences between participants receiving air and those given saline in the occurrence of paraesthesias (three trials, 572 participants) (RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.69 to 1.15); difficulty in advancing the catheter (two trials, 227 participants) (RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.32 to 2.56); catheter replacement (two trials, 501 participants) (RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.26 to 1.83); and postdural puncture headache (one trial, 110 participants) (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.12 to 5.71).Authors' conclusionsLow-quality evidence shows that results do not differ between air and saline in terms of the loss of resistance technique for identification of the epidural space and reduction of complications. Applicability might be compromised, as most of the results described in this review were obtained from parturient patients. This review underlines the need to conduct well-designed trials in this field.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Rumenostomy may be performed for therapeutic and digestibility research purposes in bovines, small ruminants and camelids. Several studies requires romenostomy in buffaloes in order to sample ruminal content for laboratorial assays. However, complications and outcome of rumenostomy was poorly studied in buffaloes. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to describe a two-stage rumenostomy technique in buffaloes, focused on intra and post-operative period.Materials, Methods & Results: Nine Murrah buffaloes were submitted to a 36-h and 12-h of food and water fastening. The animals were given acepromazine and maintained in standing position. Flank local anesthesia was carried out. A circular skin incision was carried out in the center of the left flank, followed by divulsion of the external and internal obliques and transversus abdominus muscles, and incision of the peritoneum. Subsequently, a segment of the dorsal aspect of the rumen was grasped and pulled through the flank incision. The rumen was attached to the peritoneum and skin incision margins in four points (dorsal, ventral, cranial and caudal). Additional simple interrupted sutures attaching the rumen serosa to the skin were applied subsequently. Four additional interrupted horizontal mattress sutures were applied equidistantly, taking bites only in the skin and rumen serosa. Following 12 h, the second stage was carried out. The buffaloes were prepared and restrained as performed for the first stage. A circular flap was excised from the exteriorized rumen and the silicone romenostomy cannula was placed. Clinical parameters, postoperative recovery, weight and behavioral pain scale were assessed. Positioning and anesthesia regimen were adequate for the achievement of the procedure. However, two animals fell in the restraint chute during the first surgical stage. Mild ischemia of the exteriorized rumen segment was observed on the second surgical stage, which resulted in less hemorrhage and enhanced cannula positioning. Complete cicatrization and permanent adhesion of the rumen to the skin were achieved. No ruminal leakage to the abdominal cavity occurred. No signs of pain were reported. There were few cases of laxity of the romenostomy opening leading to drop of cannula, myiasis on the margin of the stoma site and few cases of mild ruminal content leakage on the long-term assessment.Discussion: Restraint in standing position was considered adequate, although lateral recumbence constitutes another option. However, higher risk of contamination and technical difficulties in placing the cannulas are expected if lateral recumbence is considered. In other trials using acepromazine, no accidental recumbence occurred. Xylazine was also indicated for chemical restraint of buffaloes. It is known that flexible cannulas provide better anatomic adjustment and adaptation as well as being effective for sampling ruminal content, as seen in the current study. Ruminal leakage is one of the most frequent complications of romenostomy, which may affect animal's welfare. The animals in the current study presented no variations on the body score, even though on those presenting cannula loosening or ruminal content leakage. Moreover, no significant changes of the ruminal content parameters were noticed. Myiasis was also reported following ruminal surgical interventions, which were mainly attributed to extensive breeding. Loss of the cannula, subcutaneous emphysema and suture dehiscence are common complications of romenostomy. Nonetheless, none of those complications were found on the current study. Thus, romenostomy was feasible and efficient for sampling and performing assays of the ruminal content in buffaloes.


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Marine turtles are reptiles that occur on the Brazilian coast and can travel very large distances between feeding and nesting grounds. Five species found in Brazil are threatened. The consumption of turtle meat and eggs is an ancient habit in many coastal communities around the world. The main causes that threaten these species are the increase in fishing and the drastic changes in the environment. The presence of turtles near the beaches and their accidental capture were reported by fishermen in the region of Cananéia, where this work was developed. This study was also made based in interviews of fishermen that living in the area and the follow up of their fishing activities. This methodology made possible to identify the turtles in the area, the behavior of the fishermen with these animals and the relation between non-commercial fishing and turtles. The fishing traps area has a direct relation with the capture of turtles. The higher incidence of turtle capture is usually next to islands, rocky coasts, low lands and bay entrances, which are areas where the most common species of the region (Chelonia mydas) normally look for food. The fishermen opinions about the critical situation of these species and their conservation has also been studied. Several programs in Environmental Education for the communities of the region have been recommended