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对河流地球化学特征的研究可以获得有关流域化学风化以及化学元素在地球表生系统生物地球化学循环的相关信息。同时,流域风化作用是全球长期碳旋回及与其有关的环境效应的一个重要组成部分。我国学者对大流域的碳酸盐岩地区进行了大量研究,但硅酸盐地区的研究相对薄弱,研究指出:中国河流水的离子组成主要受碳酸盐风化作用和蒸发岩溶蚀作用的影响,受铝硅酸盐风化作用的影响不如前两者明显。硅酸盐岩的风化产物在一定程度上控制着地表水系的地球化学组成,因而对硅酸盐岩区河流的地球化学组成变化的研究,有助于我们了解硅酸盐岩地区的化学风化作用与水文地球化学特征的关系,以及控制河流水体地球化学组成变化的多种因素。赣江是长江的主要支流,在江西省国民经济、生态环境保护和社会生活中占有重要的地位。尤为重要的是,赣江流域广泛分布有硅酸岩岩石和土壤,是世界上硅酸岩连片分布的典型地区之一。由赣江水体和悬浮物携带输送的各类物质组分经鄱阳湖输入长江是全球元素地球化学循环的重要组成部分,对全球环境变化研究有重要意义。 本论文利用赣江流域物理化学参数、化学质量平衡和同位素地球化学研究手段,重点讨论赣江流域的水化学特征、主要离子来源,并探讨主要的化学风化反应。定量计算了流域化学风化侵蚀速率及其对大气CO2消耗的影响,探讨了河流水化学特征与人为活动、气候、地形、岩性等因素之间的关系。得出如下主要结论和几点新认识。 赣江流域河流受控于中亚热带湿润季风气候条件下,碳酸盐硅酸盐化学风化和人为活动的共同影响,以快速的碳酸盐和典型硅酸盐的化学风化共同侵蚀作用区别于其他地区河流。枯水期和丰水期样品中,阳离子中Na+和Ca+含量最高,其次是Mg2+,K+含量最低;阴离子中,Cl-,HCO3-占主导地位,SO42-次之,NO3-含量最低;溶解性硅的含量变化范围不大。赣江流域河水的化学组成反映了硅酸盐岩化学风化作用对河水化学组成控制的典型特征。 受赣江流域气候、岩性、地形和人为活动的影响,枯水期丰水期离子成分主要来源于岩石/土壤的化学风化。碳酸盐岩矿物风化与硅酸盐岩矿物相比是普遍而快速的,所以赣江流域风化很大程度上会受碳酸盐所支配。此外,人为输入影响与赣江流域发达的农业、工业生产产生污染相一致。 赣江流域HCO3-与Ca2+、HCO3-与Mg2+、SO42-与Mg2+、Na+与Cl-均存在明显的相关关系。Na+与SO42-、HCO3-与Si、Na+与Si、K+与Si不存在相关性或相关性不明显。赣江流域样品Si/(Na*+K)比值范围低,表明风化作用在表生环境中进行,风化作用中主要是富含阳离子的次生矿物。Si浓度受生物影响很小,主要是岩性的作用。 除了岩石风化溶解作用,赣江流域盆地区域降水量将直接影响地表径流和河流流量。河流流量对各主要离子浓度的影响顺序为HCO3->Ca2+>Mg2+>SO42- >Na+>Cl-,起到稀释作用。所以赣江流域河水特征受岩性和气候条件的共同作用。 赣江流域高的锶同位素比值(87Sr/86Sr)表明了赣江流域Sr来源的硅酸岩风化典型特征,丰水期河流溶解态Sr浓度有所下降。锶同位素为大气降水和岩石风化的混合型,并且辨别出两个碳酸盐硅酸盐是最主要的岩石风化溶解端元组分。 利用SPSS统计软件,对9个离子组分作为变量进行主成分分析(PCA)和因子分析,解析出主要影响因素。分析统计结果表明两类岩石和人为输入对河水溶解质的贡献率分别是:碳酸盐最大,其次是硅酸盐,人为活动输入最小。并定量的计算出碳酸盐、硅酸盐、大气CO2和人类活动对于赣江溶质组成的相对贡献率。根据径流量和流域面积,计算得到每年赣江流域岩石风化作用的大气CO2消耗分别为枯水期520.2×103mol/km2和丰水期383.4×103mol/km2,较强烈的碳酸盐风化溶解和明显的硅酸盐风化特征导致了赣江流域岩石风化作用的CO2消耗率高于世界平均水平。扣除大气CO2和人类活动输入的贡献后,估算得到赣江流域的年均化学风化率为30.3t/km2•a,在影响河流化学风化的众多因素中,地质和气候因素起着主导作用。赣江流域对于全球的大气CO2源汇效应是明显的汇项。
Drug-protein binding is an important process in determining the activity and fate of a pharmaceutical agent once it has entered the body. This review examines the method of microdialysis combined with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) that has been developed;by ours to study such interactions, in which the microdialysis was applied to sample the free drug in the mixed solution of drug with protein, and HPLC to quantify the concentration of free drug in the microdialysate. This technique has successfully been used for determining various types of binding interactions between the low affinity drugs, high affinity drugs and enantiomers to HSA. For the case of competitive binding of two drugs to a protein in solution, a displacement equation has been derived and examined with four nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and HSA as model drugs and protein, respectively. Microdialysis with HPLC was adopted to determine simultaneously the free solute and displacing agent in drug-protein solutions. The method is able to locate the binding site and determine affinity constants even up to 10(7) L/mol accurately.
High-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry has been used to identify isoflavone aglycones and glycosides in kudzu root. Fourteen isoflavones were detected. Among these, six were identified by comparison with authentic standards. Tentative identifications of the other isoflavones are based on UV spectra, mass spectra of protonated and deprotonated molecules, and MS-MS data. Several are reported for the first time in kudzu root. The bioactivity and bioavailability of isoflavone aglycones are usually greater than those of their glycosides. To improve the bioavailability of kudzu root isoflavones, crude beta-glycosidases prepared from microbes were used to hydrolyze the isoflavone glycosides. Several MS modes are combined not only to identify the isoflavones in kudzu root, but also to describe the biotransformation of kudzu root isoflavone glycosides. It is also proved that crude beta-glycosidases have high selectivity toward the O-glycosides of isoflavones.
This paper begins by defining the meaning of the term `maritime policy'. Since devolution in the UK, the opening of the new Scottish parliament in 1998 and the creation of the Scottish Executive, little effort has been made to establish a distinct maritime policy for Scotland. As was evident prior to devolution, the primary emphasis from any maritime policy perspective has continued to be a focus on lifeline island ferry services. This ignores significant developments in several other key maritime transport sectors, and this paper provides examples of areas that require some form of policy response, including intra-European short sea shipping, UK coastal shipping, urban/river transport and global container shipping. Long-standing institutional bias against maritime transport coupled with subsidy devoted almost entirely to land transport systems has resulted in a quite distorted marketplace. This suggests that a maritime policy is now imperative if maritime transport is to play a more significant role in the overall transport system. Further discussion centres on the need to consider, from a Scottish policy perspective, the role of various state-sponsored maritime service providers and how these bodies might fit better within evolving policy. The conclusion is that formulation of a maritime policy by the Scottish Executive is overdue and that a degree of restructuring of transport responsibilities within the Executive, combined with adequate resource allocation towards the maritime industry, will be necessary in order that market distortions can be overcome, so enabling Scotland to fully exploit the competitive and environmental advantages that maritime transport can provide.
Ridoux, O. and Ferr?, S. (2004) Introduction to logical information systems. Information Processing & Management, 40 (3), 383-419. Elsevier
Srinivasan, A., King, R. D. and Bain, M.E. (2003) An Empirical Study of the Use of Relevance Information in Inductive Logic Programming. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 4(Jul):369-383
[20] hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
OBJECTIVE: This study examined the impact of smoking, quitting, and time since quit on absences from work. METHODS: Data from the nationally representative Tobacco Use Supplements of the 1992/93, 1995/96, and 1998/99 Current Population Surveys were used. The study included full time workers aged between 18-64 years, yielding a sample size of 383 778 workers. A binary indicator of absence due to sickness in the last week was analysed as a function of smoking status including time since quit for former smokers. Extensive demographic variables were included as controls in all models. RESULTS: In initial comparisons between current and former smokers, smoking increased absences, but quitting did not reduce them. However, when length of time since quit was examined, it was discovered that those who quit within the last year, and especially the last three months, had a much greater probability of absences than did current smokers. As the time since quitting increased, absences returned to a rate somewhere between that of never and current smokers. Interactions between health and smoking status significantly improved the fit of the model. CONCLUSIONS: Smokers who quit reduced their absences over time but increase their absences immediately after quitting. Quitting ill may account for some but not all of this short run impact.