Drug-protein interaction studied by technique of microdialysis combined with high performance liquid chromatography

Autoria(s): Zou, HF; Wang, HL; Zhang, YK



Drug-protein binding is an important process in determining the activity and fate of a pharmaceutical agent once it has entered the body. This review examines the method of microdialysis combined with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) that has been developed;by ours to study such interactions, in which the microdialysis was applied to sample the free drug in the mixed solution of drug with protein, and HPLC to quantify the concentration of free drug in the microdialysate. This technique has successfully been used for determining various types of binding interactions between the low affinity drugs, high affinity drugs and enantiomers to HSA. For the case of competitive binding of two drugs to a protein in solution, a displacement equation has been derived and examined with four nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and HSA as model drugs and protein, respectively. Microdialysis with HPLC was adopted to determine simultaneously the free solute and displacing agent in drug-protein solutions. The method is able to locate the binding site and determine affinity constants even up to 10(7) L/mol accurately.






邹汉法 汪海林 张玉奎 .Drug-Protein Interaction Studied By Technique of Microdialysis Combined with High Performance Liquid Chromatography,Reviews in Analytical Chemistry; 18(6)(1999)383-407 ,1999,():-

