989 resultados para 250102 Chemistry of Catalysis
The presence and abundance of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria was investigated in continental shelf and slope sediments (300-3000 m water depth) off northwest Africa in a combined approach applying quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) analysis of anammox-specific 16S rRNA genes and anammox-specific ladderane biomarker lipids. We used the presence of an intact ladderane monoether lipid with a phosphocholine (PC) headgroup as a direct indicator for living anammox bacteria and compared it with the abundance of ladderane core lipids derived from both living and dead bacterial biomass. All investigated sediments contained ladderane lipids, both intact and core lipids, in agreement with the presence of anammoxspecific 16S rRNA gene copies, indicating that anammox occurs at all sites. Concentrations of ladderane core lipids in core top sediments varied between 0.3 and 97 ng g**-1 sediment, with the highest concentrations detected at the sites located on the shelf at shallower water depths between 300 and 500 m. In contrast, the C20 [3]-ladderane monoether-PC lipid was most abundant in a core top sediment from 1500 m water depth. Both anammox-specific 16S rRNA gene copy numbers and the concentration of the C20 [3]-ladderane monoether-PC lipid increased downcore in sediments located at greater water depths, showing highest concentrations of 1.2 x 10**8 copies g**-1 sediment and 30 pg g**-1 sediment, respectively, at the deepest station of 3000 m water depth. This suggests that the relative abundance of anammox bacteria is higher in sediments at intermediate to deep water depths where carbon mineralization rates are lower but where anammox is probably more important than denitrification.
Samples of dust from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core, Summit, Greenland, dated within marine isotope stage 2 (between 23,340 and 26,180 calendar years B.P.) around the time of the coldest, local, last glacial temperatures, have been analyzed to determine their provenance. To accomplish this, we have compared them with approximately Coeval aeolian sediments (mostly loesses) sampled in possible source areas (PSAs) from around the northern hemisphere. The <5-µm grain-size fraction of these samples was analyzed on the basis that it corresponds to the atmospheric dust component of that time and locale, which was sufficiently fine grained to be transported over long distances. On the basis of comparison of the clay mineralogy and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope composition with ice dust and PSAs and assuming that we have sampled the most important PSAs, we have determined that the probable source area of these GISP2 dusts was in eastern Asia. The dust was not derived from either the midcontinental United States or the Sahara, two more proximal areas that have been suggested as potential sources based on atmospheric circulation modeling. Except for a brief period during an interstadial, when dust transport was exceptionally low (for glacial times) and had a mineralogical composition indicative of a slightly more southern provenance, the source area of the dust did not change significantly during times of variably higher fluxes of dust with larger mean grain size or lower fluxes of dust with smaller mean grain size. This includes the high-dust period that correlates with the Heinrich 2 period of major iceberg discharge into the North Atlantic. Variable wind strengths must therefore be invoked to account for these abrupt and significant changes in dust flux and grain size.
A ridge of peridotite was drilled off of the Galicia margin (Hole 637A) during ODP Leg 103. The ridge is located at the approximate boundary between oceanic and continental crust. This setting is of interest because the peridotite may be representative of upwelling upper mantle beneath an incipient ocean basin. The composition of the Galicia margin peridotite is compared with those of other North Atlantic peridotites. Hole 637A ultramafic lithologies include clinopyroxene-rich spinel harzburgite and lherzolite, as well as plagioclase-bearing peridotites. Variations in mineral modal abundances and mineral compositions are observed but are not systematic. The peridotites are broadly similar in composition to other peridotites recovered from ocean basins, but the mineral compositions and abundances suggest that they are less depleted in basaltic components than other North Atlantic peridotites by about 10%. In particular, the peridotites are enriched in the magmaphilic elements Na, Al, and Ti, as compared with other abyssal peridotites. The high abundances of these elements suggest that the Hole 637A peridotites had experienced, at most, very small amounts of partial melting prior to their emplacement. The presence of plagioclase rimming spinel in some samples suggests that the peridotite last equilibrated at about 9 kbar, near the transition between plagioclase- and spinel-peridotite stability fields. Temperatures of equilibration of the peridotite are calculated as 900°-1100°C. The relatively undepleted composition of the peridotite indicates that it was emplaced at a shallow mantle level under a relatively cool thermal regime and cooled below solidus temperatures without having participated in any significant partial melting and basalt production. This is consistent with the emplacement of the peridotite during incipient rifting of the ocean basin, before a true spreading center was established.
Five hundred meters of a unique Upper Cretaceous Cr-rich glauconitic sequence (Unit III) that overlies a 3-m-thick alkali-basalt flow with underlying epiclastic volcanogenic sediments was drilled at ODP Leg 120 Site 748. The Cr-rich glauconitic sequence is lithostratigraphically and biostratigraphically divided into three subunits (IIIA, IIIB, IIIC) that can also be recognized by the Cr concentration of the bulk sediment, which is low (<200 ppm) in Subunits IIIC and IIIA and high (400-800 ppm) in Subunit IIIB. The Cr enrichment is caused by Cr-spinel, which is the only significant heavy mineral component beside Fe-Ti ores. Other Cr-bearing components are glauconite pellets and possibly some other clay minerals. The glauconitic sequence of Subunit IIIB was formed by reworking of glauconite and volcanogenic components that were transported restricted distances and redeposited downslope by mass-transportation processes. The site of formation was a nearshore, shallow inner shelf environment, and final deposition may have been on the outer part of a narrow shelf, at the slope toward the restricted, probably synsedimentary, faulted Raggatt Basin. The volcanic edifices uncovered on land were tholeiitic basalts (T-MORB), alkali-basaltic (OIB) and (?)silicic volcanic complexes, and ultramafic rocks. The latter were the ultimate source for the Cr-spinel contribution. Terrestrial aqueous solutions carried Fe, K, Cr, Si, and probably Al into the marine environment, where, depending on the redox conditions of microenvironments in the sediment, green (Fe- and K-rich) or brown (Al-rich) glauconite pellets formed. The Upper Cretaceous glauconitic sequence at Site 748 on the Southern Kerguelen Plateau constitutes the transition in space and time from terrestrial to marine, from magmatically active subaerial to magmatically passive submarine conditions, and from a tranquil platform to active rifting conditions.
Both the biomass of autotrophic dinoflagellates and its contribution to total chlorophyll were found to increase significantly with seawater temperature and the level of stratification in southern Patagonian waters during spring and winter. The highest peak of biomass corresponded to a single species, Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard) Schiller, and was detected in middle shelf waters, coinciding with the primary productivity and CO2 uptake maxima reported for the area under spring conditions.
We report here chemical analyses of sulfide and other minerals occurring in the massive sulfide deposit cored at Site 471. Details of the mineralogy and inferred paragenesis of the deposit will be reported elsewhere. The sulfide deposit at Site 471 occurs between overlying pelagic sediment and underlying basalt. The deposit is vertically zoned and consists, from top to bottom, of the following mineral assemblages: (1) pyrite, chalcopyrite, and Zn-sulfide in chert and calcite gangue (about 35 cm thick); (2) a 5-cm-thick metalliferous sediment layer described in detail by Leinen (this volume); and (3) a 4-cm-thick chert layer. The overlying sediment is a calcareous silty claystone that contains middle Miocene coccoliths (Bukry, this volume). The underlying basalt has been extensively chloritized and veined with calcite. In places feldspars are albitized, and calcite occurs as pseudomorphs after olivine. Relict textures suggest that the basalt grades into diabase and gabbro with increasing depth. Neither stock work nor disseminated sulfides was observed in the altered rocks.
Measurements of uranium concentration and the 234U/238 U activity ratio in oceanic basalts which have undergone low-temperature seafloor alteration indicate that uranium uptake is a pervasive occurrence but that the various phases involved behave differently with respect to this process. Palagonite exhibits uranium contents 8-20 times higher than unaltered glass coupled with low 234U/238U, suggesting ongoing preferential leaching of 234U. Altered crystalline interiors of several old basalts have 234U/238U > 1, indicative of recent uranium exchange with seawater. The data also provide evidence for uranium sources with 234U/238U higher than the seawater value of 1.14. Manganese crusts on basalts of a variety of ages have isotopic ratios indicating that they either are recent deposits or also have experienced continuing uranium exchange with seawater.
During Leg 109 of the Ocean Drilling Program, about 100 m of serpentinized peridotites were drilled on the western wall of the M.A.R. axial rift valley, 45 km south of the Kane Fracture Zone. The present study reports petrological and mineralogical data obtained from 29 small pieces of these ultramafic rocks, including about 60% serpentinized harzburgites, 26% serpentinized lherzolites, 14% serpentinized dunites, and one sample of olivine websterite. Modal analyses show that all these rocks are plagioclase-free four-phase peridotites equilibrated in the spinel lherzolite facies. The estimated average modal composition of the sample set is about 80% olivine, 14% opx, 5% cpx, and 1% spinel, that is, a cpx-poor lherzolite. The well developed porphyroclastic structures and mineralogical characteristics of these rocks indicate their affinity with the group of residual mantle tectonites, among the abyssal peridotites. Features typical of magmatic cumulates are lacking. The high contents in Al2O3 of the cpx (average 5.4%) and of the opx (average 4.3%) porphyroclasts, the low Cr# of the spinels (average 22.9%), and the rather high content in modal cpx (about 5%), indicate a moderate percentage of melting, of the order of 10%-15%. Site 670 peridotites plot close to the least depleted mantle rocks collected in the oceans in most diagrams used to define the average trend of the ocean-floor peridotites. Microprobe traverses across the cores of the exsolved opx and cpx porphyroclasts permitted the recalculation of the magmatic compositions of these pyroxenes: the 'primitive' opx were equilibrated at about 1300°C, probably at the end of the main melting episodes, whereas the 'primitive' cpx show lower equilibration temperatures, at about 1200°C, reflecting a more complex thermal history. The subsolidus evolution is well recorded, from 1200°C to about 950CC, by the exsolved pyroxenes and the olivine and spinel phases. Unusually high blocking temperatures, close to 1000°C, indicate that the peridotite body was cooled very rapidly between 1000°C and the beginning of serpentinization. Oxygen fugacities, calculated for 10 kb and at the blocking temperatures indicated by the olivine/spinel geothermometer, are close to the usual fugacities calculated in oceanic peridotites and basalts (of the order of 10**-10 to 10**-11, on the QFM buffer). Site 670 peridotites have compositions close to those of the peridotites collected in the Kane Fracture Zone area, and obviously belong to the moderately depleted mantle peridotites which characterize abyssal peridotites collected away from mantle plumes and oceanic islands. In particular, they differ from the highly residual harzburgites collected along the M.A.R. over the Azores bulge.
Concentrations of dissolved Ca2+, Sr2+, Mg2+, SO4[2-], and alkalinity were measured in pore waters squeezed from sediments taken from ODP Holes 626C and 626D in the Florida Straits; Holes 627A and 627B, 628A, and 630A and 630C north of Little Bahama Bank; Holes 631 A, 632A and 632B, and 633A in Exuma Sound; and Holes 634A and 635A and 635B in Northeast Providence Channel. These data are compared with the mineralogy and strontium content of the sediments from which the waters were squeezed. Contrasts in the geochemical profiles suggest that significantly different processes govern pore-water signatures at each group of sites. In Little Bahama Bank, strong positive Ca2+ gradients are correlated with weak negative Mg2+ profiles. These trends are analogous to those seen at DSDP sites where carbonate deposits immediately overlie mafic basement, but as the depth to basement may be in excess of 5000 m, we suggest that diffusion gradients are initiated by an underlying sedimentary unit. In contrast, Ca2+ and Mg2+ gradients in Exuma Sound are not developed to any appreciable extent over similar thicknesses of sediment. We suggest that the pore-water chemistry in these deposits is principally controlled by diagenetic reactions occurring within each sequence. The location and extent of carbonate diagenesis can be estimated from dissolved Sr2+ profiles. In Little Bahama Bank and Exuma Sound, Sr2+ concentrations reach a maximum value of between 700 and 1000 µmol/L. Although the depths at which these concentrations are achieved are different for the two areas, the corresponding age of the sediment at the dissolved Sr2+ maximum is similar. Consequently, the diffusive flux of Sr2+ and the calculated rates of recrystallization in the two areas are likewise of a similar magnitude. The rates of recrystallization we calculate are lower than those found in some DSDP pelagic sites. As the waters throughout most of the holes are saturated with respect to SrSO4, celestite precipitation may cause erroneously low Sr2+ production rates and, consequently, low calculated rates of recrystallization. We therefore encourage only the discriminate use of Sr2+ profiles in the quantification of diagenetic processes.