990 resultados para 020107 Mesospheric Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Physics


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Perturbation theory in the lowest non-vanishing order in interelectron interaction has been applied to the theoretical investigation of double-ionization decays of resonantly excited single-electron states. The formulae for the transition probabilities were derived in the LS coupling scheme, and the orbital angular momentum and spin selection rules were obtained. In addition to the formulae, which are exact in this order, three approximate expressions, which correspond to illustrative model mechanisms of the transition, were derived as limiting cases of the exact ones. Numerical results were obtained for the decay of the resonantly excited Kr 1 3d^{-1}5p[^1P] state which demonstrated quite clearly the important role of the interelectron interaction in double-ionization processes. On the other hand, the results obtained show that low-energy electrons can appear in the photoelectron spectrum below the ionization threshold of the 3d shell. As a function of the photon frequency, the yield of these low-energy electrons is strongly amplified by the resonant transition of the 3d electron to 5p (or to other discrete levels), acting as an intermediate state, when the photon frequency approaches that of the transition.


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The Kr 4s-electron photoionization cross section as a function of the exciting-photon energy in the range between 30 eV and 90 eV was calculated using the configuration interaction (CI) technique in intermediate coupling. In the calculations the 4p spin-orbital interaction and corrections due to higher orders of perturbation theory (the so-called Coulomb interaction correlational decrease) were considered. Energies of Kr II states were calculated and agree with spectroscopic data within less than 10 meV. For some of the Kr II states new assignments were suggested on the basis of the largest component among the calculated CI wavefunctions.


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The photoionization cross sections for the production of the Kr II 4s state and Kr II satellite states were studied in the 4s ionization threshold region. The interference of direct photoionization and ionization through the autoionization decay of doubly-excited states was considered. In the calculations of doubly-excited state energies, performed by a configuration interaction technique, the 4p spin-orbit interaction and the (Kr II core)-(excited electron) Coulomb interaction were included. The theoretical cross sections are in many cases in good agreement with the measured values. Strong resonant features in the satellite spectra with threshold energies greater than 30 eV are predicted.


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A new type of many-electron radiative transitions involving three electrons is predicted. The results of their investigation by many-body perturbation theory are presented. New spectral lines observed in the wavelength range of 37.5 to 54.0 nm by means of photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (PIFS) following the excitation of the Kr I 3d{^-1}np resonances are reported and compared with the predictions.


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Cross sections for double photoionization of the Ne L shell into the 2s2p{^5 3}P^0} and ^1P^0 and the 2s^02p^6 ^1S^e states were measured for energies from threshold up to 150 eV, using photon induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Both 2s2p^5 channels were observed with comparable magnitude in contradiction to a propensity rule based on the Wannier-Peterkop-Rau theory. A comparison of the summed ^3P^0 and ^1P^0 cross sections with MBPT calculations results in a deviation of 50%.


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A comparison between experimental and calculated spectral shape and energy dependence of the M MO x-ray anisotropy in heavy-ion collisions of I on Au is presented. The calculation is performed within the kinematic-dipole model of anisotropy using MO x-rays determined from SCF relativistic correlation diagrams.


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Due to the tremendous spin-orbit splitting of quasi-molecular levels in superheavy collision systems (Z = Z_1 + Z_2 {\ge\approx} 137) bombarding energy 0.5-6 MeV N{^-1}, unusual couplings may occur around Z \simeq 165. Experimental evidence for such a theoretically predicted coupling is discussed.


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In the collision system Xe - Ag, the thresholds for excitation of quasimolecular L radiation and characteristic Ag L radiation have been found to lie at about 5 MeV and 1 MeV, respectively. These results are discussed on the basis of ab initio calculations of the screened interaction potential and the electron-correlation diagram.


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The potential energy curve of the system Ne-Ne is calculated for small internuclear distances from 0.005 to 3.0 au using a newly developed relativistic molecular Dirac-Fock-Slater code. A significant structure in the potential energy curve is found which leads to a nearly complete agreement with experimental differential elastic scattering cross sections. This demonstrates the presence of quasi-molecular effects in elastic ion-atom collisions at keV energies.


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Ab initio fully relativistic SCF molecular calculations of energy eigenvalues as well as coupling-matrix elements are used to calculate the 1s_\sigma excitation differential cross section for Ne-Ne and Ne-O in ion-atom collisions. A relativistic perturbation treatment which allows a direct comparison with analogous non-relativistic calculations is also performed.


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Using the single-particle amplitudes from a 20-level coupled-channel calculation with ab initio relativistic self consistent LCAO-MO Dirac-Fock-Slater energy eigenvalues and matrix elements we calculate within the frame of the inclusive probability formalism impact-parameter-dependent K-hole transfer probabilities. As an example we show results for the heavy asymmetric collision system S{^15+} on Ar for impact energies from 4.7 to 16 MeV. The inclusive probability formalism which reinstates the many-particle aspect of the collision system permits a qualitative and quantitative agreement with the experiment which is not achieved by the single-particle picture.


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To evaluate single and double K-shell inclusive charge transfer probabilities in ion-atom collisions we solve the time-dependent Dirac equation. By expanding the timedependent wavefunction in a set of molecular basis states the time-dependent equation reduces to a set of coupled-channel equations. The energy eigenvalues and matrix elements are taken from self-consistent relativistic molecular many-electron Dirac-Fock-Slater calculations. We present many-electron inclusive probabilities for different final configurations as a function of impact parameter for single and double K-shell vacancy production in collisions of bare S on Ar.


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Introducción: En el tratamiento con Luz Pulsada Intensa (LPI) para el fotoenvejecimiento de las manos no se encuentran estudios que evidencien si existe alguna diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el grado de efectividad y seguridad al utilizar gel o aceite mineral como medios de acople. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad y seguridad terapéutica en el uso de gel vs aceite mineral. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico de cohorte retrospectivo que involucró 29 pacientes. Realizado en tres fases; selección y recolección de las historias clínicas, evaluación fotográfica de registros pre tratamiento y pos tratamiento con determinación del grado de mejoría global en el fotoenvejecimiento de las manos por parte de tres evaluadores cegados, y análisis estadístico de los datos obtenidos por medio de las pruebas de Mann Whitney y Wilcoxon. Resultados: Se encontró mejoría dada por disminución en un grado del fotoenvejecimiento para los dos medios de acople con la misma significancia estadística. La percepción subjetiva mostró mejoría en todos los pacientes evaluados. La seguridad es similar en los dos grupos pero se evidenció mayor severidad en los efectos secundarios con el uso de aceite, con diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los efectos moderados y severos. Conclusión: La efectividad es la misma independiente del medio de acople que se use. La seguridad a pesar de evidenciar un perfil similar es mayor con el uso de gel en cuanto a la menor severidad de los efectos presentados. Se requieren más estudios de tipo ensayos clínicos controlados que permitan determinar una mayor evidencia.


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