956 resultados para íon Fe (II)
On cover: II. Wissenschaftliche veröffentlichung der Deutschen Orient-gesellschaft.
Series list on p. [ii].
Vol. 6 is Photocopy.
The 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (HPCIH) family of ligands are typically tridentate N,N,O chelators that exhibit very high in vitro activity in mobilizing intracellular Fe and are promising candidates for the treatment of Fe overload diseases. Complexation of ferrous perchlorate with HPCIH in MeCN solution gives the expected six-coordinate complex Fe-II(PCIH)(2). However, complexation of Fe-II with 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde picolinoyl hydrazone (HPCPH, an isomer of HPCIH) under the same conditions leads to spontaneous assembly of an unprecedented asymmetric, mixed-ligand dinuclear triple helical complex Fe-2(II)(PCPH)(2)(PPH), where PPH2- is the dianion of bis(picolinoyl) hydrazine. The X-ray crystal structure of this complex shows that each ligand binds simultaneously to both metal centres in a bidentate fashion. The dinuclear complex exhibits two well separated and totally reversible Fe-III/II redox couples as shown by cyclic voltammetry in MeCN solution.
Complexes of cytotoxic chelators from the dipyridyl ketone isonicotinoyl hydrazone (HPKIH) analogues
In an effort to better understand the antiproliferative effects of the tridentate hydrazone chelators di-2-pyridyl ketone isonicotinoyl hydrazone (HPKIH) and di-2-pyridyl ketone benzoyl hydrazone (HPKBH), we report the coordination chemistry of these ligands with the divalent metal ions, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn. These complexes are compared with their Fe-II analogues which were reported previously. The crystal structures of Co(PKIH)(2), Ni(PKIH)(2), Cu(PKIH)(2), Mn(PKBH)(2), Ni(PKBH)(2), Cu(PKBH)(2), and Zn(PKBH)(2) are reported where similar bis-tridenate coordination modes of the ligands are defined. In pure DMF, all complexes except the Zn-II compounds exhibit metal-centered M-III/II (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) or M-II/I (Cu) redox processes. All complexes show ligand-centered reductions at low potential. Electrochemistry in a mixed water/DMF solvent only elicited metal-centered responses from the Co and Fe complexes. Remarkably, all complexes show antiproliferative activity against the SK-N-MC neuroepithelioma cell line similar to (HPKIH) or significantly greater than that of the (HPKBH) ligand which suggests a mechanism that does not only involve the redox activity of these complexes. In fact, we suggest that the complexes act as lipophilic transport shuttles that allow entrance to the cell and enable the delivery of both the ligand and metal which act in concert to inhibit proliferation.
Alguma forma de atenção está continuamente presente na atividade consciente humana, trazendo implicações e interesses tanto de cunho clínico quanto para a Psicologia da Saúde. A atenção é entendida como um estado seletivo, intensivo e dirigido da percepção. Dentro do contexto esportivo a muito da atenção para ser explorada. O objetivo neste trabalho foi testar a atenção de goleiros de futebol de campo através de duas tarefas experimentais. Nossas hipóteses foram que prática esportiva, especificamente em goleiros, e em função do seu treinamento, melhora seu desempenho em tarefas dissociativas do contexto peculiar ao esporte. E ainda; havendo melhora no desempenho, se é devida a componente perceptivo de discriminação, ao alocamento temporal de atenção, ou à sustentação da mesma por períodos prolongados, isto é, uma maior capacidade de concentração ou menos fadigabilidade. Comparamos 27 goleiros de futebol de campo, com idades entre 15 e 27 anos; separados por tempo de treino. Utilizamos neste estudo um programa comercial de computador, configurado para a criação de testes de atenção (Stim, Neurosoft. Inc); que controla todos os aspectos da tarefa. Correlacionamos tempo de reação e porcentagem de acertos com duração do treinamento dos goleiros em meses (e com a idade). Dividimos o grupo de goleiros em dois subgrupos, pela mediana de tempo de treinamento. Apesar da alta correlação entre tempo de treinamento e idade, inevitavelmente em nossa amostra, não houve correlação significativa entre idade e desempenho em ambas as tarefas. A correlação entre desempenho e tempo de treinamento foi altamente significativa na tarefa I. Não verificamos a correlação entre desempenho e tempo de treinamento na tarefa II, apesar da correlação significativa entre desempenhos nas duas tarefas. Foram feitas análises de correlações entre tempo de treinamento e desempenho nas tarefas separadas por blocos. Na tarefa I, a correlação entre tempo de treino e desempenho em cada bloco foi sempre significativa; tanto em teste paramétrico quanto em teste não paramétrico. Já na tarefa II não houve correlação significativa em tempo de treinamento e desempenho em qualquer dos blocos. Na análise categórica, ou seja, dos grupos divididos em dois subgrupos pela mediana de tempo de treinamento; a diferença de desempenho entre os subgrupos foi significativa apenas na tarefa I, no total de acertos (T- test de amostras independentes; F=4.36, p=0.037) e em acertos nos últimos dois blocos (bloco 3 p=0.048; bloco 4 p=0.026). Com o tempo de treinamento, a melhora no que diferenciar e o aumento na condição da fadigabilidade, tende a refinar e a diminuir. A prática esportiva pode de fato melhorar a capacidade perceptiva e a sustentação da atenção, que é à base da disciplina humana para realização de qualquer tarefa. Conseqüentemente, uma melhora afetiva e somática, além disso, uma melhora cognitiva e intelectual traz consigo uma aplicabilidade real na qualidade de vida das pessoas
In this chapter, selected results obtained so far on Fe(III) spin crossover compounds are summarized and discussed. Fe(III) spin transition materials of ligands containing chalcogen donor atoms are considered with emphasis on those of N,N-disubstituted-dithiocarbamates, N,N-disubstituted-XY-carbamates (XY=SO, SSe, SeSe), X-xanthates (X=O, S), monothio-β-diketonates and X-semicarbazones (X=S, Se). In addition, attention is directed to Fe(III) spin crossover systems of multidentate Schiff base-type ligands. Examples of spin inter-conversion in Fe(III) compounds induced by light irradiation are given.
A Szolvencia II néven említett új irányelv elfogadása az Európai Unióban új helyzetet teremt a biztosítók tőkeszükséglet-számításánál. A tanulmány a biztosítók működését modellezve azt elemzi, hogyan hatnak a biztosítók állományának egyes jellemzői a tőkeszükséglet értékére egy olyan elméleti modellben, amelyben a tőkeszükséglet-értékek a Szolvencia II szabályok alapján számolhatók. A modellben biztosítási illetve pénzügyi kockázati "modul" figyelembevételére kerül sor külön-külön számolással, illetve a két kockázatfajta közös modellben való együttes figyelembevételével (a Szolvencia II eredményekkel való összehasonlításhoz). Az elméleti eredmények alapján megállapítható, hogy a tőkeszükségletre vonatkozóan számolható értékek eltérhetnek e két esetben. Az eredmények alapján lehetőség van az eltérések hátterében álló tényezők tanulmányozására is. ____ The new Solvency II directive results in a new environment for calculating the solvency capital requirement of insurance companies in the European Union. By modelling insurance companies the study analyses the impact of certain characteristics of insurance population on the solvency capital based on Solvency II rules. The model includes insurance and financial risk module by calculating solvency capital for the given risk types separately and together, respectively. Based on the theoretical results the difference between these two approaches can be observed. Based on the results the analysis of factors in°uencing the differences is also possible.
A high input of lithogenic sediment from glaciers was assumed to be responsible for high Fe and Mn contents in the Antarctic soft shell clam Laternula elliptica at King George Island. Indeed, withdrawal experiments indicated a strong influence of environmental Fe concentrations on Fe contents in bivalve hemolymph, but no significant differences in hemolymph and tissue concentrations were found among two sites of high and lower input of lithogenic debris. Comparing Fe and Mn concentrations of porewater, bottom water, and hemolymph from sampling sites, Mn appears to be assimilated as dissolved species, whereas Fe apparently precipitates as ferrihydrite within the oxic sediment or bottom water layer prior to assimilation by the bivalve. Hence, we attribute the high variability of Fe and Mn accumulation in tissues of L. elliptica around Antarctica to differences in the geochemical environment of the sediment and the resulting Fe and Mn flux across the benthic boundary.
Reactive iron (oxyhydr)oxide minerals preferentially undergo early diagenetic redox cycling which can result in the production of dissolved Fe(II), adsorption of Fe(II) onto particle surfaces, and the formation of authigenic Fe minerals. The partitioning of iron in sediments has traditionally been studied by applying sequential extractions that target operationally-defined iron phases. Here, we complement an existing sequential leaching method by developing a sample processing protocol for d56Fe analysis, which we subsequently use to study Fe phase-specific fractionation related to dissimilatory iron reduction in a modern marine sediment. Carbonate-Fe was extracted by acetate, easily reducible oxides (e.g. ferrihydrite and lepidocrocite) by hydroxylamine-HCl, reducible oxides (e.g. goethite and hematite) by dithionite-citrate, and magnetite by ammonium oxalate. Subsequently, the samples were repeatedly oxidized, heated and purified via Fe precipitation and column chromatography. The method was applied to surface sediments collected from the North Sea, south of the Island of Helgoland. The acetate-soluble fraction (targeting siderite and ankerite) showed a pronounced downcore d56Fe trend. This iron pool was most depleted in 56Fe close to the sediment-water interface, similar to trends observed for pore-water Fe(II). We interpret this pool as surface-reduced Fe(II), rather than siderite or ankerite, that was open to electron and atom exchange with the oxide surface. Common extractions using 0.5 M HCl or Na-dithionite alone may not resolve such trends, as they dissolve iron from isotopically distinct pools leading to a mixed signal. Na-dithionite leaching alone, for example, targets the sum of reducible Fe oxides that potentially differ in their isotopic fingerprint. Hence, the development of a sequential extraction Fe isotope protocol provides a new opportunity for detailed study of the behavior of iron in a wide-range of environmental settings.
An in situ iron enrichment experiment was carried out in the Southern Ocean Polar Frontal Zone and fertilized a patch of water within an eddy of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (EisenEx, Nov. 2000). During the experiment, a physical speciation technique was used for iron analysis in order to understand the changes in iron distribution and size-fractionations, including soluble Fe (<200 kDa), colloidal Fe (200 kDa-0.2 µm) and labile particle Fe (>0.2 µm), throughout the development of the phytoplankton bloom. Prior to the first infusion of iron, dissolved (<0.2 µm) iron concentrations in the ambient surface seawater were extremely low (0.06±0.015 nM) with colloidal iron being a minor fraction. For the iron addition, an acidified FeSO4 solution was released three times over a 23-day period to the eddy. High levels of dissolved iron concentrations (2.0±1.1 nM) were measured in the surface water until 4 days after the first iron infusion. After every iron infusion, when high iron concentrations were observed before storm events, there was a significant correlation between colloidal and dissolved iron concentrations ([Colloidal Fe]=0.7627[Dissolved Fe]+0.0519, R2=0.9346). These results indicate that a roughly constant proportion of colloidal vs. dissolved iron was observed after iron infusion (~76%). Storm events caused a significant decrease in iron concentrations (<0.61 nM in dissolved iron) and changed the proportions of the three iron size-fractions (soluble, colloidal and labile particle). The changes in each iron size-fraction indicate that colloidal iron was eliminated from surface mixed layer more easily than particulate and soluble fractions. Therefore, particle and soluble iron efficiently remain in the mixed layer, probably due to the presence of suspended particles and naturally dissolved organic ligands. Our data suggest that iron removal through colloidal aggregation during phytoplankton bloom should be considered in the oceanic iron cycle.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral elaborar uma proposta de processo de enfermagem contemplando históricos de enfermagem, diagnósticos de enfermagem, prescrição de cuidados de enfermagem para gestantes e puérperas em Unidade de Internação Obstétrica à luz de Horta, fundamentada em NANDA e, como objetivos específicos: identificar os dados clínico-obstétricos mais frequentes das gestantes em Unidade de Internação Obstétrica; identificar os dados clínico-obstétricos mais frequentes das puérperas em Unidade de Internação Obstétrica; identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem a partir dos dados clínico-obstétricos mais frequentes das gestantes em Unidade de Internação Obstétrica; identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem a partir dos dados clínico-obstétricos mais frequentes das puérperas em Unidade de Internação Obstétrica; elaborar modelos de histórico de enfermagem e de prescrição de cuidados de enfermagem para os diagnósticos de enfermagem identificados; e obter o consenso dos enfermeiros assistenciais da Unidade de Internação Obstétrica sobre a proposta construída. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória, realizada em uma Unidade de Internação Obstétrica de um hospital universitário do Sul do Brasil. Realizou-se uma consulta documental em 148 prontuários, com vistas à identificação dos diagnósticos e cuidados de enfermagem, baseados, respectivamente, na taxonomia II da North American Diagnosis Association 2009-2011 e da Nursing Intervention Classification. Desenvolveu-se um modelo de histórico de enfermagem para gestante/puérpera e outro para o recém-nascido. No total, identificaram-se 26 diagnósticos de enfermagem, assim distribuídos: nove direcionados às gestantes; nove, às puérperas; dois, ao binômio mãe/filho; seis, ao recém-nascido. A análise foi realizada por meio da apresentação da proposta construída e discussão com base em autores da área. Com isso, almeja-se contribuir para direcionar o cuidado de enfermagem às necessidades das gestantes, puérperas, binômios mãe/filho e recém-nascidos nesse microcenário, favorecendo a educação em saúde, a identificação precoce e a prevenção de complicações. Permanecem lacunas quanto às necessidades psicoespirituais, visto que elas não foram abordadas nos resultados. Assim, essa proposta de Processo de Enfermagem em Unidade Obstétrica contemplando históricos, diagnósticos e cuidados de enfermagem mantém em aberto o aperfeiçoamento do modelo, visando à inclusão de outros diagnósticos de enfermagem, de forma a aproximar-se de um cuidado mais holístico.
Strigolactones are a group of plant compounds of diverse but related chemical structures. They have similar bioactivity across a broad range of plant species, act to optimize plant growth and development, and promote soil microbe interactions. Carlactone, a common precursor to strigolactones, is produced by conserved enzymes found in a number of diverse species. Versions of the MORE AXILLARY GROWTH1 (MAX1) cytochrome P450 from rice and Arabidopsis thaliana make specific subsets of strigolactones from carlactone. However, the diversity of natural strigolactones suggests that additional enzymes are involved and remain to be discovered. Here, we use an innovative method that has revealed a missing enzyme involved in strigolactone metabolism. By using a transcriptomics approach involving a range of treatments that modify strigolactone biosynthesis gene expression coupled with reverse genetics, we identified LATERAL BRANCHING OXIDOREDUCTASE (LBO), a gene encoding an oxidoreductase-like enzyme of the 2-oxoglutarate and Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenase superfamily. Arabidopsis lbo mutants exhibited increased shoot branching, but the lbo mutation did not enhance the max mutant phenotype. Grafting indicated that LBO is required for a graft-transmissible signal that, in turn, requires a product of MAX1. Mutant lbo backgrounds showed reduced responses to carlactone, the substrate of MAX1, and methyl carlactonoate (MeCLA), a product downstream of MAX1. Furthermore, lbo mutants contained increased amounts of these compounds, and the LBO protein specifically converts MeCLA to an unidentified strigolactone-like compound. Thus, LBO function may be important in the later steps of strigolactone biosynthesis to inhibit shoot branching in Arabidopsis and other seed plants.
Doutoramento em Gestão
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2011.