758 resultados para transtorno bipolar


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O Transtorno do Espectro Autístico (TEA) é uma síndrome complexa, com prevalência maior no sexo masculino, em que as dificuldades manifestam-se antes dos três anos de idade e concentram-se em três áreas principais: desvios qualitativos na comunicação, interação social e comportamento repetitivo e estereotipado. São variadas as propostas terapêuticas aplicadas a crianças com Autismo, sendo algumas notadamente mais destacadas no meio científico, tais como o Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) e a Intervenção Comportamental. Outras intervenções, complementares, são consideradas importantes no desenvolvimento de habilidades comunicativas, diminuição de problemas comportamentais e incentivo à interação social de crianças com TEA. Estas atividades organizam espaços promotores de experiências positivas a indivíduos com diversos transtornos como, por exemplo, os grupos de educação musical. Utilizando o contexto da educação musical, o presente estudo teve por objetivo descrever o comportamento de duas crianças autistas em contexto de aulas de música (percussão). Para tanto, foi desenvolvido o Protocolo de Observação da Criança com o Transtorno do Espectro Autístico em Contexto de Aulas de Música (percussão), cujas categorias contemplam as principais características dos quadros de TEA, manifestadas, durante as aulas de música, em momentos de interação com os adultos e com os pares, assim como as respostas emitidas mediante as tarefas. Os resultados indicam que a criança A, não-verbal, apresentou maior frequência quanto a responder funcionalmente às iniciativas de interação dos adultos, iniciar interações funcionais com adultos e diminuição do comportamento repetitivo e estereotipado ao longo das aulas. A criança B, verbal, apresentou maior frequência quanto a iniciar interações não-adaptativas com adultos, responder de forma não-adaptativa aos adultos e manutenção do comportamento repetitivo e estereotipado no curso das aulas.


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To quantify the effects of methylmercury (MeHg) on amacrine and on ON-bipolar cells in the retina, experiments were performed in MeHg-exposed groups of adult trahiras (Hoplias malabaricus) at two dose levels (2 and 6 µg/g, ip). The retinas of test and control groups were processed by mouse anti-parvalbumin and rabbit anti-aprotein kinase C (aPKC) immunocytochemistry. Morphology and soma location in the inner nuclear layer were used to identify immunoreactive parvalbumin (PV-IR) and aPKC (aPKC-IR) in wholemount preparations. Cell density, topography and isodensity maps were estimated using confocal images. PV-IR was detected in amacrine cells in the inner nuclear layer and in displaced amacrine cells from the ganglion cell layer, and aPKC-IR was detected in ON-bipolar cells. The MeHg-treated group (6 µg/g) showed significant reduction of the ON-bipolar aPKC-IR cell density (mean density = 1306 ± 393 cells/mm2) compared to control (1886 ± 892 cells/mm2; P < 0.001). The mean densities found for amacrine PV-IR cells in MeHg-treated retinas were 1040 ± 56 cells/mm2 (2 µg/g) and 845 ± 82 cells/mm2 (6 µg/g), also lower than control (1312 ± 31 cells/mm2; P < 0.05), differently from the data observed in displaced PV-IR amacrine cells. These results show that MeHg changed the PV-IR amacrine cell density in a dose-dependent way, and reduced the density of aKC-IR bipolar cells at the dose of 6 µg/g. Further studies are needed to identify the physiological impact of these findings on visual function.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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A literatura tem descrito comorbidades entre os sintomas das crianças com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade (TDAH) e as alterações de processamento auditivo e tais sintomas têm sido negligenciados na avaliação e, consequentemente, na reabilitação desses indivíduos.OBJETIVO:Comparar os achados do potencial evocado auditivo de longa latência em crianças com e sem TDAH. MÉTODO:Este estudo é de coorte histórica com corte transversal do tipo caso-controle, no qual participaram 30 crianças, com e sem TDAH na faixa etária de 8 a 12 anos. Foi realizado o potencial evocado auditivo de longa latência em duas varreduras, por meio de tarefas passivas diferindo quanto frequência e duração (MMNf e MMNd) e ativas (P300f e P300d). RESULTADOS:Na comparação entre o desempenho das crianças com e sem TDAH no teste de avaliação eletrofisiológica da audição foram observadas diferenças ao nível de significância para a amplitude de P2 da OE, que foi maior para o grupo com TDAH, e para a amplitude e latência de N2, que se mostraram alteradas no grupo com TDAH. CONCLUSÃO:O presente estudo possibilitou maior conhecimento da via auditiva central das crianças com e sem TDAH quando avaliadas a partir de testes eletrofisiológicos.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to characterize and to compare the visual-motor perception of students with Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with students with good academic performance. METHODS: Forty students from 2nd to 5th grades of an elementary public school, male gender (100%), aged between 7 and 10 years and 8 months old participated, divided into: GI (20 students with ADHD) and GII (20 students with good academic performance), paired according to age, schooling and gender with GI. The students were submitted to Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-2). RESULTS: The students of GI presented low performance in spatial position and visual closure (reduced motor) and inferior age equivalent in reduced motor perception, when compared to GII. CONCLUSION: The difficulties in visual-motor perception presented by students of GI cannot be attributed to a primary deficit, but to a secondary phenomenon of inattention that interferes directly in their visual-motor performance.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Family Health Strategy facilitates user access to mental health actions. This study aimed to verify the community health agents’ perceptions of the Family Health Strategy about mental disorder. A qualitative study was conducted with 26 randomly selected community health agents, among the professionals of 13 units, which constitute the Family Health Strategy of Itapeva (SP). The community health agents responded to a personal information questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Data were checked through content analysis. Stigmatizing perception of the mentally disturbed persons, lack of knowledge about the process of falling ill and the mental disorder evolution, and the unpreparedness to act in this population were observed. Capacitating agents enable them to contribute in a positive way to the effective functioning of a care net in mental health in the city.


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This study aimed to characterize and compare the performance of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and students with good academic performance on the readingassessment processes. Forty students ranging from 8 years and 2 months old to 10 years and 11 months old, from both genders, from 1st to 4th grades of elementary level, participated inthis study, distributed in two groups: GI, with 20 students with interdisciplinary diagnosis ofAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and GII, 20 students with good academic performance,paired with GI according to gender, age and school level. The students wereassessedthrough the Brazilian adaptation of the Assessment Process of Reading – PROLEC, composedof four blocks: identification of letters, lexical, syntactic and semantic processes. Statisticallysignificant difference occurred between GI and GII in the PROLEC tests, with the exception of thesame-different and lexical decision tests, indicating that the students from GI presented inferior performance when compared with students from GII. Regarding the classification of the resultsof PROLEC, there was a statistically significant difference in the lexical, syntactic and semanticprocesses and the letter and sound test, with the exception of same-different tests of identificationof letters process. The findings suggests that the group of students with ADHD showsinferior performance compared to the group without disabilities, highlighting that the attentionfactor affects the cognitive functions impairing the acquisition of skills necessary for reading.


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Este trabalho configura-se numa proposição de estudo de caso, que procurou discutir e orientar a prática pedagógica de alunos da educação especial, com vistas ao seu desenvolvimento acadêmico. Foi realizado no decorrer de um ano letivo, numa unidade escolar de uma rede municipal de ensino do oeste paulista. Contou com a participação de professores do ensino comum, da educação especial, gestores da escola e fez parte de um conjunto de ações desenvolvidas no projeto de extensão universitária, numa proposição conjunta entre universidade e escola. Num primeiro momento foram realizadas observações do cotidiano escolar de um aluno com transtorno global do desenvolvimento, autismo, e de uma aluna com duplo diagnóstico, paralisia cerebral e autismo, associada à coleta de informações sobre as trajetórias educacionais e os diagnósticos clínicos. Com base nessas informações efetivaram-se intervenções psicoeducacionais com os alunos e professoras especialistas e aplicou-se a Escala de Comportamento Adaptativo Vineland. De modo geral, identificou-se um padrão restrito de aprendizagens funcionais e comportamentos interacionas nos casos observados. Ao final da proposta questionou-se qual a contribuição das práticas pedagógicas, ofertadas na sala de aula comum, para o desenvolvimento educacional dos alunos em questão. As análises foram compartilhadas com os profissionais da escola e com os respectivos familiares, e direcionamentos foram apontados a favor da manutenção no ensino comum ou ao encaminhamento à escola especial.


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This study aimed to characterize and to compare the performance of students with an interdisciplinary diagnosis of dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in students with good academic performance on the reading processes. Sixty students from both genders, from 2nd to 4th grades of municipal public schools in Marília - SP participated in this study, they were distributed as follows: GI, 20 students with interdisciplinary diagnosis of dyslexia; GII, 20 students with ADHD and GIII, 20 students with good academic performance, paired according to gender, age and grade level with GI and GII. The students were submitted to the application of the assessment of reading processes (PROLEC) composed by four processes: letters identification, lexical, syntactical and semantic. The results highlighted that the students of GIII showed superior performance comparing with GI and GII. There was difference between GI and GII only in low frequency word reading and non words reading of the lexical process. The inferior performance from GI and GII in the PROLEC tests can be justified by the difficulty on the coding and decoding abilities. In ADHD students this difficulty was due to impaired interaction between the visual, linguistic, attention and auditory processing and in the dyslexic students was due to failure at the phonological mediation process, which depends on the knowledge of rules of grapheme - phoneme conversion to the acquisition of word reading. These changes affect the reading achievement and the comprehension of the read text.


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OBJECTIVE: the aim of this study was to compare the cognitive-linguistic skills performance and reading of students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and students without behavioral and/or learning disorders. METHOD: the study included 20 students from 5th to 8th grade of elementary school. The students were divided into: Group I (GI): composed by 10 students with an interdisciplinary diagnosis of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, and Group II (GII): composed by 10 students without complaints of behavioral and/or learning disorders. The tests of metalinguistic skills and reading (PROHMELE) were used as procedure, composed of syllabic and phonemic identification, syllabic and phonemic manipulation, repetition of nonwords and reading tests. RESULTS: the results showed statistically significant differences between GI and GII, demonstrating that students from GI presented superior performances when compared to the students from GII. CONCLUSION: according to the findings of this study we can conclude that the difficulties presented by students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder can be attributed to inattention, hyperactivity and disorganization, characteristic of this diagnosis, and not to a disorder of language of phonological basis.