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There is overwhelming evidence for the existence of substantial genetic influences on individual differences in general and specific cognitive abilities, especially in adults. The actual localization and identification of genes underlying variation in cognitive abilities and intelligence has only just started, however. Successes are currently limited to neurological mutations with rather severe cognitive effects. The current approaches to trace genes responsible for variation in the normal ranges of cognitive ability consist of large scale linkage and association studies. These are hampered by the usual problems of low statistical power to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of small effect. One strategy to boost the power of genomic searches is to employ endophenotypes of cognition derived from the booming field of cognitive neuroscience This special issue of Behavior Genetics reports on one of the first genome-wide association studies for general IQ. A second paper summarizes candidate genes for cognition, based on animal studies. A series of papers then introduces two additional levels of analysis in the ldquoblack boxrdquo between genes and cognitive ability: (1) behavioral measures of information-processing speed (inspection time, reaction time, rapid naming) and working memory capacity (performance on on single or dual tasks of verbal and spatio-visual working memory), and (2) electrophyiosological derived measures of brain function (e.g., event-related potentials). The obvious way to assess the reliability and validity of these endophenotypes and their usefulness in the search for cognitive ability genes is through the examination of their genetic architecture in twin family studies. Papers in this special issue show that much of the association between intelligence and speed-of-information processing/brain function is due to a common gene or set of genes, and thereby demonstrate the usefulness of considering these measures in gene-hunting studies for IQ.


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A mechanical electroscope based on a change in the resonant frequency of a cantilever one micron in size in the presence of charge has recently been fabricated. We derive the decoherence rate of a charge superposition during measurement with such a device using a master equation theory adapted from quantum optics. We also investigate the information produced by such a measurement, using a quantum trajectory approach. Such instruments could be used in mesoscopic electronic systems, and future solid-state quantum computers, so it is useful to know how they behave when used to measure quantum superpositions of charge.


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Whereas in other Australian states voluntary organizations set up and managed infant health clinics and state governments only later became involved, in order to resolve conflicts or raise standards, Queensland began with government control. From the start, these well-baby clinics were established and maintained by the state government, whose policy precluded any involvement by the voluntary sector in baby clinic management or other aspects of the work of the Maternal and Child Welfare section of the Department of Health and Home Affairs. One organization, the Mothercraft Association of Queensland, attempted to contribute to maternal-infant welfare in the years 1931-1961. This article will discuss how the association worked in a way that was complementary to the government's work, and non-confrontationist, to achieve some of its goals.


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Objective: The aims of this study were to examine working memory in the acute-subacute phase of schizophrenia and mania and to examine correlations between working memory and specific symptom domains. Method: Visuospatial working memory and symptom profiles were assessed in three groups (schizophrenia group, n=19; mania, n=12; controls, n=19) on two occasions separated by 4 weeks. Results: Both patient groups had significant deficits on working memory compared to the well controls and the schizophrenia and mania groups were equally impaired. All groups showed equivalent improvement over time. In the patient groups, impaired working memory was significantly correlated with the presence of both negative symptoms and positive thought disorder. Conclusion: Impaired wet-king memory is found in both schizophrenia and mania during the acute-subacute phases. Further research is required in order to clarify the neurocognitive mechanisms linking impaired working memory with both negative symptoms and positive thought disorder.


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Fifty single oospore progeny were established from an in vitro mating of A1 and A2 mating type isolates of Phytophthora cinnamomi from South Africa. Forty-nine progeny were identified as F-1 hybrids using seven random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers, and one was a selfed isolate of the A1 mating type parent. Among the hybrid progeny, 24 and 25 were A1 and A2 mating type, respectively. Aggressiveness of progeny and parental isolates was assessed on 1-year-old seedlings of Eucalyptus smithii. The mean aggressiveness of hybrid oosporic isolates, expressed as lesion length, was significantly (P = 0.0001) lower than that of the parental isolates. No significant difference in aggressiveness of A1 and A2 mating type F-1 hybrid isolates was observed. This is the first report demonstrating sexual recombination in vitro in P. cinnamomi.


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Traffic and tillage effects on runoff and crop performance on a heavy clay soil were investigated over a period of 4 years. Tillage treatments and the cropping program were representative of broadacre grain production practice in northern Australia, and a split-plot design used to isolate traffic effects. Treatments subject to zero, minimum, and stubble mulch tillage each comprised pairs of 90-m 2 plots, from which runoff was recorded. A 3-m-wide controlled traffic system allowed one of each pair to be maintained as a non-wheeled plot, while the total surface area of the other received a single annual wheeling treatment from a working 100-kW tractor. Rainfall/runoff hydrographs demonstrate that wheeling produced a large and consistent increase in runoff, whereas tillage produced a smaller increase. Treatment effects were greater on dry soil, but were still maintained in large and intense rainfall events on wet soil. Mean annual runoff from wheeled plots was 63 mm (44%) greater than that from controlled traffic plots, whereas runoff from stubble mulch tillage plots was 38 mm (24%) greater than that from zero tillage plots. Traffic and tillage effects appeared to be cumulative, so the mean annual runoff from wheeled stubble mulch tilled plots, representing conventional cropping practice, was more than 100 mm greater than that from controlled traffic zero tilled plots, representing best practice. This increased infiltration was reflected in an increased yield of 16% compared with wheeled stubble mulch. Minimum tilled plots demonstrated a characteristic midway between that of zero and stubble mulch tillage. The results confirm that unnecessary energy dissipation in the soil during the traction process that normally accompanies tillage has a major negative effect on infiltration and crop productivity. Controlled traffic farming systems appear to be the only practicable solution to this problem.


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This study investigated the residues responsible for the reduced picrotoxin sensitivity of the alpha beta heteromeric glycine receptor relative to the alpha homomeric receptor. By analogy with structurally related receptors, the beta subunit M2 domain residues P278 and F282 were considered the most likely candidates for mediating this effect. These residues align with G254 and T258 of the alpha subunit. The T258A, T258C and T258F mutations dramatically reduced the picrotoxin sensitivity of the alpha homomeric receptor. Furthermore, the converse F282T mutation in the beta subunit increased the picrotoxin sensitivity of the alpha beta heteromeric receptor. The P278G mutation in the beta subunit did not affect the picrotoxin sensitivity of the alpha beta heteromer. Thus, a ring of five threonines at the M2 domain depth corresponding to alpha subunit T258 is specifically required for picrotoxin sensitivity. Mutations to alpha subunit T258 also profoundly influenced the apparent glycine affinity. A substituted cysteine accessibility analysis revealed that the T258C sidechain increases its pore exposure in the channel open state. This provides further evidence for an allosteric mechanism of picrotoxin inhibition, but renders it unlikely that picrotoxin las an allosterically acting 'competitive' antagonist) binds to this residue.


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Single cell genetic analysis is generally performed using PCR and FISH. Until recently, FISH has been the method of choice. FISH however is expensive, has significant misdiagnosis rates, can result in interpretation difficulties and is labour intensive making it unsuitable for high throughput processing. Recently fluorescent PCR reliability has increased to levels at or surpassing FISH whilst maintaining low cost. However, PCR accuracy has been a concern due to allelic dropout. Multiplex PCR can now increase accuracy by using multiple markers for each chromosome to firstly provide diagnosis if markers fail and,or secondly confirm diagnosis. We compare a variety of diagnostic methods and demonstrate for the first time a multiplex PCR system providing simultaneous diagnosis and confirmation of the major aneuploidy chromosomes (21, 18, 13) and sex as well as DNA fingerprint in single cells. We also discuss the implications of using PCR for aneuploidy screening in preimplantation genetic diagnosis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.