742 resultados para postgraduate qualification


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La valoració global de Barcelona que fan en el document és que les universitats de renom de la nostra ciutat estan a disposició dels estudiants internacionals a un cost molt més baix que les universitats dels Estats Units o el Regne Unit. Barcelona està en el cor cultural d'Europa i aconsegueix la màxima puntuació en qualitat de teatre i produccions musicals. La diversitat se celebra en aquesta ciutat ben comunicada. Barcelona no és, però, la destinació ideal per a inversors o persones que busquen feina. Malgrat un entorn polític obert, la ciutat està castigada per un baix creixement econòmic, alts impostos i l'escalada de l'atur. Objectiva valoració


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Sorprenentment llegia que el conseller Mas-Colell i alguns responsables universitaris deien que l'oferta de graus, 460, a Catalunya és excessiva i que això fa difícil la tria de l'estudi per l'alumne. A mi em sembla que això no és exactament cert. Cap estudiant no es planteja una tria entre 460 graus. Poso per exemple el grau de medicina. No crec que el problema sigui triar entre els sis llocs on estudiar medicina, els estudiants no dubten gaire, trien segons interessos. O fer Química en els quatre llocs possibles. Hi ha repeticions de graus que no hi haurien de ser, però em sembla que això hauria de corregir-se per la pròpia iniciativa de les universitats


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Tässä tutkimuksessa vastataan kysymykseen ”Kuinka IT-palvelunhallinnan parhaita käytäntöjä voidaan implementoida osaksi kohdeorganisaation toimintaa?”. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostetaan parhaiden käytäntöjen siirron, tietojohtamisen ja tiedon siirron tieteellisistä keskusteluista. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus suoritetaan kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osuudessa muodostetaan integroiva malli aiemmista tieteellisistä keskusteluista, joista tutkimuksen viitekehys rakentuu. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osuudessa tutkitaan kohdeorganisaation edellytyksiä parhaiden käytäntöjen käyttöönottoon sekä toimintatapoja ja tukijärjestelmiä, joilla käyttöönottoa voidaan tukea. Keskeisimpinä kohdeorganisaatiolle suositeltavina toimenpiteinä esitetään yksikön sisäisen viestinnän tehostamista, tiedonhallintakäytäntöjen määrittelyä ja formalisointia, kannustavuuden lisäystä ja toiminnan mitoittamista resursseihin sopivaksi.


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Si jo pogués decidir, tornaria a fer un curs preparatori per a la Universitat, per aquells que hi volguessin accedir, amb carreres de tres, quatre i cinc anys, i màsters d'un i dos anys. Combinacions diverses haurien de ser possibles. Res no hauria d'impedir que en un mateix territori, l'àrea de Barcelona, per concretar, hi pogués haver químics de tres, químics de quatre i químics de cinc. Caldria, però, fer un pas més i parlar de nivell i competència. Un altre dia ho farem.


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Training of highly qualified personnel is the most transversal axis among those identified in the document "Mobilizing Axes in Chemistry", published by SBQ, in 2002, which demands to deep the discussions, initiated in the symposium "The Chemist's Education", whose main objective was to discuss the repercussions of that training in the teaching and in the industrial section. After the publication of an initial paper, a couple of meetings and workshops held in Rio de Janeiro, in December 2003, involving the national chemist community, discussed the "The role of the graduate degrees in the Chemist's Education" and "The Chemist's Education", and confirmed the need to invest in the formation of qualified human resources in profusion and in all levels. Actions to be taken were delineated. Presently, the graduate programs in Chemistry are showing expressive results. However, although these professionals are mostly absorbed by the academy (the absorption of the industry is less significant), only a few programs give special attention to the didactical and pedagogical training. The regional decentralization is actually a tendency in most programs, but the interaction academy-economic activities is still a challenge. It is necessary to establish with the industrial section, the highly qualified professional's profile in Chemistry that the industry can absorb. The undergraduation is growing in number and quality, however still excessively concentrated in the Southeast area. The national "Curricula Guidelines" for Chemistry Courses, through its flexible approach, propitiate the integral, interdisciplinary (non compartmentalized) and critical-reflexive training of the professionals as citizens and as entrepreneurs. However, deficiencies are still recognized. The evaluation system of undergraduate courses has been able to identify the most fragile modalities of courses and other indicators. It was also verified that Brazilian chemistry industry absorbs minimally the highly qualified professionals, which is attributed to the fact that the Federal Council of Chemistry is vertically organized and does not recognize the graduate degrees as professional qualification. In the conclusion, it stands out, among other aspects, the importance of the effective implantation of the national curricula guidelines, bringing out courses whose didactical and pedagogical projects may offer a solid formation in Chemistry, but comprehensive and general enough to enable the Chemistry professionals to develop varied skills.


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The present paper constitutes a synthesis of the results gotten during the five campaigns of air quality measurement in the years of 2003 and 2004 carried out in the Portuguese city of Viana do Castelo to characterise the reference situation and to accompany the Polis Programme, an urban re-qualification and environmental valorisation plan. The main objective of the monitoring programme consisted of the evaluation of atmospheric pollutants whose levels were susceptible of enhancement in the course of the urbanistic public works. The presented results refer to measurements performed in two distinct places of this city, comprising various consecutive days of acquisition that include, at least, one day of weekend.


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En el marco de las competencias profesionales del educador musical, la creatividad ocupa una posición que a menudo ha sido definida como sistémica. La labor del educador y/o formador en el aula de música requiere, de forma genérica, el despliegue de competencias que incorporen la creatividad. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un trabajo realizado con dos muestras de alumnos, de tercer curso de magisterio y de un curso postgrado. Se ofrecen y se analizan los datos recogidos con la finalidad de desplegar un mapa que integre competencias creativas genéricas, específicas y disciplinares


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This work intends to present the history of top-level Chemistry education in Rio de Janeiro. It's important to rescue the history of Chemistry Institute of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro since 1959. It's also important to understand the incorporation of two undergraduate courses: Chemistry and Chemistry bachelor's degree. It covers historical background of Chemistry education in old National Faculty of Philosophy, considering power disputes between Industrial Chemistry Course and Chemical Engineering; when and in which circumstances the Institute was created; political context and its relation with postgraduate. Finally, discuss the incorporation of undergraduate courses and curriculum modifications since 1968.


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The sustainable development of an emergent country is dependent on a consistent scientific, technologic and innovative policy, on nature and biodiversity, on a rational exploration of natural resources to feeding, social advance and economical aim along with maintenance of health and diseases treatment. Phytochemical investigations may be used to contribute with development throughout undergraduate and graduate career preparing professionals with qualification to these activities, as researcher and professor, including discovering and divulgation of new scientific knowlegments. The role of organic compounds produced by secondary metabolism of plants in the development of new drugs is presented (e. g.) throughout exposition using examples of features involved in this activity, since the recognition of a plant-derived popular medicine, until the laboratory semi-synthesis of its main constituents. Several aspects related to the use of some vegetable species in treatment of many tropical diseases are pointed. Economical and social importance of isolation, structural characterization, pharmacological investigation and chemical transformations of new natural organic substances isolated from the plants are related.


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In an article recently published in Química Nova, entitled "Chemistry Without Borders" ("Química Sem Fronteiras") [Pinto, A. C.; Zucco, C.; Galembeck, F.; Andrade, J. B.; Vieira, P. C. Quim. Nova 2012, 35, 2092], the authors highlighted the important aspects of science and technology with special emphasis on the field of Chemistry and its contributions toward a more prosperous Brazil of future. As a second step in that direction, this article extends the discussion of a key issue for the country in the framework of the chemistry community through the so called position papers in strategic areas. This document is a part of the contribution of the Brazilian Chemical Society to the World Science Forum to be held in Rio de Janeiro in November 2013. In this context, the present paper provides a brief discussion on neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) with emphasis on the current challenges and opportunities towards the development and evolution of the field. NTDs leads to illness, long-term disability or death, and has severe social, economic and psychological consequences for millions of men, women, and children worldwide. In most cases, the available treatments are inadequate and extremely limited in terms of efficacy and safety, leading to an urgent demand for new drugs. In addition to the traditional challenges involved in any drug discovery process, it is widely recognized that there is an innovation gap and a lack of investment for research and development (R&D) in the area of NTDs. In the last few decades, methods toward combating, eradication, prevention, and treatment of NTDs have been repeatedly emphasized in the major international agendas. Developments in these strategies and alliances have continued to have an essential impact, particularly in the area of drug discovery, both in Brazil and globally and should be encouraged and supported. Several examples of international activities dedicated to the reduction of the devastating global impact of NTDs can be provided. Despite the beneficial developments in the past 30 years, NTDs continue to devastate poor communities in remote and vulnerable areas, in large part, due to market failures and public policies. Recent studies have shown that among 756 new drugs approved between 2000 and 2011, only four new chemical entities (NCEs) were identified for the treatment of malaria, while none were developed against NTDs or tuberculosis. Furthermore, only 1.4% of approximately 150,000 clinical trials were registered for neglected diseases, with a smaller number of trials for NCEs. Establishment and strengthening of global strategies involving the triad "government-academia-industry" is fundamental to the success in R&D of new drugs for NTDs. National and international public-private initiatives that aim to create, encourage, and invest in R&D projects have been implemented and therefore are of utmost importance to successfully integrate Brazil into this new paradigm. It is essential to lay the foundation for mechanisms that will intensify investments in infrastructure, training, and qualification of personnel with an ultimate strategic vision that foresees continuity. Our research group has made significant contributions to the development of this field with the goal of forging new frontiers while tackling both current and future challenges that include indispensable elements such as innovation and integration.


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This study aims to investigate the pedagogical knowledge of Higher Education Chemistry teachers. From the perspective of qualitative research, questionnaires were given, there was documentary analysis and were interviewed twenty-six teachers of the Institute of Chemistry of an institution of state public higher education of São Paulo. Discussed the relevance of pedagogic disciplines in Postgraduate courses and participation in monitoring programs and teacher training in higher education teacher formation. It was found that most teachers lack pedagogical training and some do not show interest in the subject, but look for ways to overcome the difficulties encountered. The results obtained demonstrate the urgency to rethink and reorganize the PostGraduate courses before the real need for training of teachers for higher education.


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The profile analysis of CNPq Research Productivity Fellows (PQ) in the four subfields of chemistry and in their respective specialties highlighted particularities with regard to the indicators related to the judging criteria established by the Chemistry Advisory Committee. The curricula of all 727 PQ fellows with active grants in 15/03/2013 were analyzed spanning the past10 years (2003-2013). Out of all PQ-1 fellows, researchers in the subfield of Organic Chemistry had the highest median number of articles published per year. The subfield of Analytical Chemistry qualifies a higher number of postgraduate level students in comparison to other Chemistry subfields. Furthermore, this subfield had the highest average Hirsch index among PQ-1A and PQ-1B fellows. On the other hand, Inorganic Chemistry had the highest average number of patent applications per researcher, while Physical Chemistry had the specialties with the highest citation rates per paper and the highest average impact factors per journal. In all subfields, women made up a low proportion, especially at the highest levels of PQ fellowships. Although quantitative differences in scientific output were observed among the subfields, qualitative evaluation of science output was not carried out.


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Tässä työssä käydään lyhyesti läpi sähkökaapeleiden haurastumisilmiöt säteilyn ja lämmön osalta, näiden yhteisvaikutus kaapelimateriaaleihin sekä yleisimpien ydinvoimalaitoksilla käytettävien kaapeleiden ominaisuuksia. Työssä esitellään myös kaapeleiden kelpoistukseen käytettäviä menetelmiä sekä maailmalla tehtyjä tutkimuksia.


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Inhimillisellä pääomalla on merkitystä kaikissa toimivissa organisaatioissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää puolustusvoimien hallintoyksikön tulosjohtamisen edellyttämää inhimillistä pääomaa ja sen kehittämistä. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena maavoimien joukko-osastossa. Aineistoa kerättiin sekä kvantitatiivisesti että kvalitatiivisesti. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan joukko-osaston tulosjohtaminen edellyttää nykyistä enemmän koulutusta asian kanssa toimiville henkilöille. Koulutusta tulee kehittää järjestämällä koulutusta kaikilla upseeritutkinnon jälkeisillä kursseilla. Tutkimuksessa käsitellyllä osaamisella on merkitystä joukko-osastossa ja sitä voidaan kehittää koulutuksen lisäksi suunnitelmallisilla henkilösijoituksilla. Tulosjohtamiseen liittyvässä kodifioidussa tiedossa todetaan puutteita, jolloin hiljaisen tiedon merkitys korostuu.


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