957 resultados para organizational crisis
We empirically investigate the determinants of EMU sovereign bond yield spreads with respect to the German bund. Using panel data techniques, we examine the role of a wide set of potential drivers. To our knowledge, this paper presents one of the most exhaustive compilations of the variables used in the literature to study the behaviour of sovereign yield spreads and, in particular, to gauge the effect on these spreads of changes in market sentiment and risk aversion. We use a sample of both central and peripheral countries from January 1999 to December 2012 and assess whether there were significant changes after the outbreak of the euro area debt crisis. Our results suggest that the rise in sovereign risk in central countries can only be partially explained by the evolution of local macroeconomic variables in those countries.
We empirically investigate the determinants of EMU sovereign bond yield spreads with respect to the German bund. Using panel data techniques, we examine the role of a wide set of potential drivers. To our knowledge, this paper presents one of the most exhaustive compilations of the variables used in the literature to study the behaviour of sovereign yield spreads and, in particular, to gauge the effect on these spreads of changes in market sentiment and risk aversion. We use a sample of both central and peripheral countries from January 1999 to December 2012 and assess whether there were significant changes after the outbreak of the euro area debt crisis. Our results suggest that the rise in sovereign risk in central countries can only be partially explained by the evolution of local macroeconomic variables in those countries.
Desde que empezó la crisis hemos presenciado un doble proceso político que amenaza con socavar algunos de los avances más importantes en materia de igualdad de género realizados en época reciente. Por un lado, hemos asistido a un inmenso recorte del gasto público social y, por el otro, al ascenso por doquier de la derecha, la cual desempolva obcecada sus recetas de auxilio a la familia tradicional para salvarla de los supuestamente crecientes y virulentos ataques perpetrados sobre esta durante los últimos años. Estos dos procesos se encuentran profundamente relacionados y contribuyen a provocar nuevos y actualizados mecanismos de acumulación por desposesión del trabajo reproductivo no remunerado de las mujeres.
Presentación del Modelo de empresa saludable y sostenible y del Modelo para la intervención psicosocial laboral.
La elevada y preocupante cifra de desempleo juvenil hoy día en España invita a reflexionar sobre cómo era esta situación en los prolegómenos de la actual crisis económica y social. En el presente artículo se analiza y reflexiona si tras la explicación predominante, basada en la responsabilización del joven, se eludían otros aspectos interesantes a tener en cuenta. Para ello se aplica una metodología variada, basada en la revisión estadística y documental, complementada con observación participante y entrevistas (semiestructuradas y estructuradas) a jóvenes (16-19 años), a profesionales del ámbito educativo-ocupacional y a responsables de la administración local. La principal aportación realizada es, por un lado, la identificación, a partir del análisis empírico, de algunas reflexiones en torno a elementos que cuestionan el discurso culpabilizador hacia el joven, y por otro lado, la presentación de elementos exógenos a la figura del joven interesantes de incorporar en el análisis sobre jóvenes e inserción laboral.
Segons dades de Biocat, Catalunya té el 21% de les empreses del sector biotecnològic espanyol que mouen més de 15.000 milions d'euros i ocupen més de 22.000 persones. A final del 2011, en el sector hi constaven 1.156 empreses i entitats, incloent-hi centres de recerca. De les 481 empreses, un 84% són d'origen català. Una part important són d'R+D+I i d'àmbit en què les universitats i centres de recerca catalans estan més ben situats en els rànquings internacionals
The thesis deals with the phenomenon of learning between organizations in innovation networks that develop new products, services or processes. Inter organizational learning is studied especially at the level of the network. The role of the network can be seen as twofold: either the network is a context for inter organizational learning, if the learner is something else than the network (organization, group, individual), or the network itself is the learner. Innovations are regarded as a primary source of competitiveness and renewal in organizations. Networking has become increasingly common particularly because of the possibility to extend the resource base of the organization through partnerships and to concentrate on core competencies. Especially in innovation activities, networks provide the possibility to answer the complex needs of the customers faster and to share the costs and risks of the development work. Networked innovation activities are often organized in practice as distributed virtual teams, either within one organization or as cross organizational co operation. The role of technology is considered in the research mainly as an enabling tool for collaboration and learning. Learning has been recognized as one important collaborative process in networks or as a motivation for networking. It is even more important in the innovation context as an enabler of renewal, since the essence of the innovation process is creating new knowledge, processes, products and services. The thesis aims at providing enhanced understanding about the inter organizational learning phenomenon in and by innovation networks, especially concentrating on the network level. The perspectives used in the research are the theoretical viewpoints and concepts, challenges, and solutions for learning. The methods used in the study are literature reviews and empirical research carried out with semi structured interviews analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The empirical research concentrates on two different areas, firstly on the theoretical approaches to learning that are relevant to innovation networks, secondly on learning in virtual innovation teams. As a result, the research identifies insights and implications for learning in innovation networks from several viewpoints on organizational learning. Using multiple perspectives allows drawing a many sided picture of the learning phenomenon that is valuable because of the versatility and complexity of situations and challenges of learning in the context of innovation and networks. The research results also show some of the challenges of learning and possible solutions for supporting especially network level learning.
Tras dos décadas con todo a favor para las entidades bancarias españolas, sobre todo para las cajas de ahorros, en cuento a su crecimiento y su expansión, la llegada de la crisis actual ha cambiado toda esta tendencia. El proceso de reestructuración del sistema bancario español a partir de 2009 provoca grandes transformaciones dentro del sector financiero, que afectan especialmente a las mismas cajas. Estos cambios son visibles a diferentes escalas del territorio. Por ello en este trabajo descubriremos el comportamiento de las oficinas bancarias en la ciudad de Lleida, especialmente durante el reciente período para averiguar las repercusiones que pueden tener estas medidas en una ciudad de tamaño medio, pero para ello encuadraremos nuestro trabajo en otras escalas territoriales.
Aquest Treball Final de Grau se centra en la gestió de comunicació en les situacions de crisis institucionals, donat que aquestes han demostrat que la imatge és un dels actius més rellevants en les organitzacions. Per atenuar totes les conseqüències negatives de les crisis, s’ha de comprometre’s a la preparació i a la prevenció dels riscos des de tots els punts de vista. Les crisis ben gestionades poden ser oportunitats per reposicionar una marca i, a la vegada, enfortir-la. Per aquest motiu, una bona gestió de crisis és la base per intentar evitar una crisis o, en el cas que succeeixi, sortir il·lès de les conseqüències i millorar la imatge de l’entitat. A més a més, per recalcar la importància d’una bona preparació abans que esdevingui la crisis, s’analitza un cas - la crisis sanitària de l’ebola a España - on es reflexa clarament la necessitat d’estar previngut.
This paper compares different times of museums considering the situation of the past two decades. It reflects on the upswing and down, knowing that partake of the latter and we are in a deep crisis and unsustainable policies dictating contradictory. This situation raises the museums with their own project and creative professionals can better overcome difficulties because they do not suffer crisis of ideas. Some paradoxes are evident as the case of Greece, the place where the museums are repositories of highly relevant cultural values and the same institutions that have enhanced their improvement in the years of the upswing, they currently require, cuts that put them in a position risk. Similarly we can see that policies are applied to thin the identity of museums since they rely on adjustments that do not study each particular case. Alternatively there is the creativity and efforts of managers and professionals in general and cooperative work. It gives details of some of our participatory projects that go in this direction and to be successfully applied
Culture has several meanings: civilization, creation, knowledge, life… We analyze how each one suffers the so-called crisis of culture. Civilization lives the crisis as «liquidity», according to Bauman’s diagnosis, with significant negative impact on education. The creation and enjoyment of cultural products, such as museums, suffer its crisis as fragility resulting from the civilization crisis, notably in the form of consumerist banality or pure entertainment. Culture as knowledge and as life is analyzed under the joint notion «humanistic culture». This, which in turn is creation, knowledge and life has its specific corruption in the elitist knowledge, merely theoretical. The hallmark of genuine humanism contains an essential component, the dimension of ethical and political commitment. The crisis in the humanistic studies, noted by Nussbaum, threats the values of humanistic culture; in particular is a political risk, because democracy is a system that needs to sustain and improve the values of humanistic culture. In the background, and beyond the differences between the cultural meanings, there is a unique cultural crisis, a crisis of ethics and politics at a time
Invocatio: D.D.