499 resultados para nordiska språk (namnforskning)


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El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar qu competencias generales y qu competencias comunicativas, segn el enfoque comunicativo, se promueven en tres libros de texto de espaol como lengua extranjera y determinar su relacin con la variable afectiva de la ansiedad. Para alcanzar los planteamientos de nuestra investigacin utilizamos una aproximacin cualitativa, empleando el cuestionario de anlisis NAKIBAR 2004 perteneciente al trabajo de investigacin realizado por Joseba Ezeiza Ramos (2004). Los resultados muestran que los tres materiales didcticos satisfacen cada criterio del enfoque comunicativo en diversos grados. Sin embargo, ambos libros constituyen la exteriorizacin de dicho mtodo, con el fin preciso de apoyar al estudiante en desarrollar la habilidad de poner en funcin los procesos de comunicacin. Es por esto por lo que este tipo de actividades podran potencialmente activar sentimientos de aprensin


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La tesina investiga cmo cinco profesores interpretan la norma de Gy11 que indica que todo lo esencial de la enseanza de lenguas modernas debe realizarse en la lengua meta. Las entrevistas semiestructuradas indican que los profesores interpretan la norma de maneras parecidas, es decir, que los profesores deben usar la lengua meta lo mximo posible en la enseanza. La mayora de los profesores estn de acuerdo con la norma, sin embargo, tienen varias crticas contra Skolverket y la formulacin de la norma. Ninguno de los profesores ha cambiado su uso de la lengua meta en el aula debido a la norma.


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The aim of this thesis is to investigate the use of literature within the Swedish Upper Secondary EFL-classroom from the students perspective. How do the students in the study relate to literature and its use to enhance and enable their communicative competence and cultural understanding? Also, how do their answers compare with their teachers and the adult perspectives and findings from previous international research? The empirical data obtained from the study has been analysed from the perspectives of sociocultural and motivational theory, and the findings show that the participating students believe literature to be a good didactic tool to apply in the EFL-classroom, both in order to enhance their communicative competence and their cultural understanding. The students prefer to have a sociocultural approach to their literature-learning, with group-discussions of various sizes. The key for the students in this respect is interesting, relevant and engaging subject-matter, as well as a positive and motivational teacher. The responses given by the students correlate with those given by their teacher as well as previous international research. The students regard literature as a way of gaining new perspectives, as well as experiencing language in use. Where they diverge somewhat from the international research is in regard to literatures use for enhancing their competence to speak in class, and that some students seem to think that communication and cultural understanding are separable. Future studies within this field might include the conducting of a larger and more in-depth survey regarding the students ideas about literature, culture and communication. Why do so many of the student respondents neither agree nor disagree with the statement concerning communication and cultural understanding being inseparable? This can be an important issue to investigate in todays global climate of cross-cultural and intercultural experiences, especially in view of the political climate of diverse attitudes towards refugees, immigrants and emigration


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The importance of extensive literature reading in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context has been given increasing attention in recent research. Literature reading is also a required part of the national syllabi of the (EFL) courses offered to both adolescents and adults at Upper Secondary level in Sweden. This thesis aims to investigate the teachers process of making literature choices for extensive reading in upper secondary EFL courses in Sweden. Eight teachers of three different student groups took part in the study, representing adolescent university preparatory programs and vocational programs, as well as programs for adult students. Questionnaires were used and the data was analyzed for patterns revealing three main factors affecting teachers literature choice: language proficiency, reading experience and contextual factors. These three factors were fitted into the theoretical framework of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic reading models, with the addition of a perspective of motivational research. The results of this survey underline the importance of extensive reading, according to teachers, and that motivation for literature choice can be primarily related to factors associated with psycholinguistic reading models. The survey also points to the need for further investigating of teachers own experiences of literature reading, searching for deeper motivational factors which influence teaching choices. Another future field of research is the choice of reading activities assigned together with the chosen literature, which probably also influence teachers choices in the Swedish EFL classroom.


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The English language has become an international language and is globally used as a lingua franca. Therefore, there has been a shift in English-language education toward teaching English as an interna-tional language (EIL). Teaching from the EIL paradigm means that English is seen as an international language used in communication by people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. As the approach to English-language education changes from the traditional native-speaker, target country context, so does the role of culture within English-language teaching. The aim of this thesis is to in-vestigate and analyse cultural representations in two Swedish EFL textbooks used in upper-secondary school to see how they correspond with the EIL paradigm. This is done by focusing on the geograph-ical origin of the cultural content as well as looking at what kinds of culture are represented in the textbooks. A content analysis of the textbooks is conducted, using Kachrus Concentric Circles of English as the model for the analysis of the geographical origin. Horibes model of the three different kinds of culture in EIL is the model used for coding the second part of the analysis. The results of the analysis show that culture of target countries and "Culture as social custom" dominate the cultural content of the textbook. Thus, although there are some indications that the EIL paradigm has influ-enced the textbooks, the traditional approach to culture in language teaching still prevails in the ana-lysed textbooks. Because of the relatively small sample included in the thesis, further studies need to be conducted in order to make conclusions regarding the Swedish context as a whole.


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Even though English should mainly be used in the EFL-classroom according to the Swedish national curriculum, some recent scholars have argued that a judicious use of the students L1 by the teachers in some particular situations may benefit the learning environment there. From this context, this thesis examines what research says about in what particular situations the L1 is used by teachers in upper secondary EFL-classrooms as well as the teachers and the students attitudes towards this practice. The method used was a systematic literature review, where seven articles from all across the globe were analyzed, compared and synthesized. The results show that the L1 was mainly used by the teachers when managing discipline, when explaining grammar and when teaching vocabulary. However, the articles did not conclude how the L1 could be used strategically by the teachers. Concerning the teachers and students attitudes, the majority of these were positive towards L1 use by the teacher in the above mentioned situations. However, the teachers were not aware of how the L1 could be used by them in a judicious and a strategic way. Lastly, it can be concluded that more research is needed on how the L1 can be used more strategically by the teachers as well as on the students perspective on this.


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This study aims to investigate possible distinctions between professional and non-professional written travel texts all treating the same destination: the Norwegian ski resort Trysil. The study will investigate to what extent the different texts correlate with the genre of travel texts, as the travel texts are treated as personal narratives, and how they conform to a given structure for narratives and with guidelines for professional writers. Furthermore, the investigation aims to explore to what extent there are similarities and differences between the texts regarding the given structure. The texts will first be analysed and organized separately by macrorules and a news schema that are constructed specifically for these sorts of texts, in order to reveal their discourse structure, and then compared to each other. As the discourse structure of the different texts is revealed, it is seen that there are certain differences between the two different text types. Finally, seen that the text types differ in their structure, this study will show that despite the fact that journalists write stories, and that non-professional written stories are narratives, they do not share the same structure, and are constructed in different ways.


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Die vorliegende Magisterarbeit ist die direkte Fortsetzung der Studie Die didaktische Umsetzung von Mrchen eine Literaturstudie. Hierbei handelt es sich in beiden Fllen an im Rahmen des mneslrarprogrammes an Hgskolan Dalarna verfasste Examensarbeiten. Diese hier prsentierte Studie untersucht inwieweit die innerhalb der Forschung gepriesenen Mrchentexte tatschlich von Lehrkrften an den schwedischen Schulen und im Bereich des DaFUnterrichtes didaktisch umgesetzt werden. Mit Hilfe einer Unterrichtseinheit mit dem Thema Mrchen auf dem Gymnasium sowie einer unter Lehrkrften durchgefhrten Umfrage betreffend deren Verwendung von Mrchen im DaF-Unterricht konnte konstatiert werden, dass die im Literaturkanon stiefmtterlich behandelten Mrchen mit Hilfe der meisten der befragten Pdagogen einen Weg in die Klassenzimmer gefunden haben. Die am Unterricht teilgenommenen Lernenden konnten gleichzeitig besttigen, dass eine solche didaktische Umsetzung nicht nur Freude bereiten, sondern ebenfalls die Lernbereitschaft steigern und damit auch das Wissen erweitern kann.


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Pronouns carry considerable importance in language. The speakers identity and connection to the audience emerges through the consistent use of certain pronouns (De Fina, 1995). This research is about the use of we, us, and our in political discourse. Specifically, their use will be examined in the inaugural addresses of George W. Bush in 2005 and Barack Obama in 2009. The aim of this research is to examine the frequencies and the co-occurrences of these pronouns and then compare their use in these two speeches. More specifically, how do the pronouns examined affect the message and enhance hearer credibility. This is done by applying (a) a quantitative corpus linguistics analysis and (b) qualitative analysis of the context of use. The results show that there is a difference in frequency of pronoun use; however, the usage of pronouns is rather similar in the two speeches


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Le travail actuel a t rdig dans le but dclaircir en quoi consiste le rle de limage comme outil didactique aux cours de franais aux collges et aux lyces sudois. Nous avons abord notre thme sous des perspectives diffrentes : dun ct, nous avons analys les images dans deux livres, puisque les manuels font souvent partie de chaque leon de franais ; de lautre ct, nous avons fait un questionnaire que nous avons distribu aux professeurs travers les mdias sociaux et par email. Nous avons galement tudi les donnes rcoltes aux cours des entretiens avec trois professeurs de franais au lyce sudois, pour savoir comment les professeurs intgrent des images dans la pratique. Selon les rsultats de notre tude, il nous a t possible daffirmer que limage est un outil qui nest pas omniprsent, mais qui est parfois utilis afin de rendre les leons plus varies. La photographie est le type dimage le plus rpandu dans la pratique des professeurs et dans les manuels ; le format numrique est le plus frquent en tenant en compte de la rvolution technologique et de lhabitude des jeunes travailler avec les ordinateurs. Cependant, limage nest pas un outil indpendant. Elle est trs souvent complte par dautres outils didactiques et sert principalement accompagner la lecture, dvelopper lexpression orale et le vocabulaire et aussi illustrer des phnomnes culturels. En conclusion, il ressort de notre mmoire, quil est important que le professeur accompagne le travail avec des images avec des instructions et des commentaires, afin de rendre lapprentissage plus efficace.


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Syftet med uppsatsen r att underska hur lrare beskriver och uppfattar sitt arbete i tv olika frberedelseklasser, en med en hg andel flerspråkiga elever och en med f flerspråkiga elever. I studien jmfrs och analyseras lrarnas beskrivningar av arbetsstt, frberedelseklassens organisation och elevernas skolframgng. Fr att uppn syftet har en kvalitativ studie genomfrts dr fyra lrare har intervjuats. Resultaten som framkom visar att arbetsstten i de bda frberedelseklasserna r snarlika. Samtliga lrare betonar vikten av att utforma arbetet utifrn varje individ och utg ifrn elevens tidigare kunskaper. I resultatet visade sig den stora skillnaden mellan skolorna vara tillgngen p modersmlslrarna och studiehandledarna. Vidare r freberedelseklasserna organiserade p olika stt och gruppuppdelningarna ser ven olika ut. Resultatet uppvisar att utslussningen frn frberedelseklasserna i bda fallen sker efter ungefr ett och ett halvt r. Informanterna berttar om vikten av kartlggning och samarbete med mnes- och klasslrare. Nr det gller elevernas skolframgng visar det sig i denna underskning att samtliga lrare menar att det r ytterst individuellt hur eleverna klarar sig efter sin tid i frberedelseklassen. Informanterna pekar p att det r olika faktorerar som pverkar elevernas skolframgngar. Vidare pekar resultatet p att i brjan av sin tid i frberedelseklassen interagerar eleverna frmst med varandra, men att eleverna tids nog integreras och blir slutligen en del av den ordinarie klassen. Slutligen visar resultatet att faddersystem r att fredra, men att det oftast r andraspråkselever som blir faddrar till de nyanlnda.


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Denna litteraturstudie undersker hur lrare, enligt tidigare forskning, skulle kunna arbeta med naturvetenskapligt språk samt vilken betydelse ett arbetsstt som lyfter språket kan ha fr elevers lrande av naturvetenskap. Detta r en systematisk litteraturstudie dr relevant forskning har skts via databaser och en tidsskrift fr att noggrant dokumenteras. NorDiNa r den tidskrift som har bidragit med mest material till denna systematiska litteraturstudie, men ven databasen ERIC och Hgskolan Dalarnas databas Summon har genomsks och bidragit med forskningsrapporter. Resultatet visar att det finns flera metoder som kan anvndas fr att stdja elevers lrande av naturvetenskapliga begrepp. Lraren har en viktig roll i den naturvtenskapliga utbildningen och behver vara ansvarstagande och frberedd infr de utmaningar som kan dyka upp, detta fr att kunna bemta och hjlpa elever p bsta stt. Eleverna behver stttning i mtet med det naturvtenskapliga språket och hjlp fr att lra sig och frst det. Språket har visats i studien vara en viktig komponent fr att frst naturvetenskapen bde i och utanfr skolan. Sammanfattningsvis s behver lrare arbeta med det naturvetenskapliga språket utifrn varierande arbetsmetoder som vcker intresse fr elevernas fortsatta utveckling inom det naturvetenskapliga språket och mnet.


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Previous research has shown multiple benefits and challenges with the incorporation of childrens literature in the English as a Second language (ESL) classroom. In addition, the use of childrens literature in the lower elementary English classroom is recommended by the Swedish National Agency for Education. Consequently, the current study explores how teachers in Swedish elementary school teach ESL through childrens literature. This empirical study involves English teachers from seven schools in a small municipality in Sweden. The data has been collected through an Internet survey. The study also connects the results to previous international research, comparing Swedish and international research. The results suggest that even though there are many benefits of using childrens literature in the ESL classroom, the respondents seldom use these authentic texts, due to limited time and a narrow supply of literature, among other factors. However, despite these challenges, all of the teachers claim to use childrens literature by reading aloud in the classroom. Based on the results, further research exploring pupils thoughts in contrast to teachers would be beneficial. In addition, the majority of the participants expressed that they wanted more information on how to use childrens literature. Therefore, additional research relating to beneficial methods of teaching English through childrens literature, especially in Sweden, is recommended.