736 resultados para military engineering


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Itsearviointiraportissa kuvataan Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston konetekniikan kandidaatin ja diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto-ohjelmat opetussuunnitelman 2011-2012 mukaisesti. Itsearviointiraportti on tuotettu saksalaisen ASIIN-akkreditointiorganisaation raportointimallin mukaisesti.


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Artikkeli luettavissa osassa: Part 2. - ISBN 9789522163172(PDF). - Liitteenä työpaperi


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Kemiantekniikan kandidaatin ja diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto-ohjelmien itsearviointiraportissa käsitellään tutkinto-ohjelmien osaamistavoitteita ja niiden saavuttamista. Raportissa käydään läpi myös käytössä olevat resurssit sekä tutkinto-ohjelmiin liittyviä tunnuslukuja. Itsearviointi on toteutettu kansainvälisen akkreditointijärjestön kriteerien mukaisesti (ASIIN ja EUR-ACE).


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This thesis investigated the contemporary phenomenon of detail engineering outsourcing. The case organization had pursued a new outsourcing approach with a trusted partner. The goal of this empirical study was to examine the impact of the consequential partnership outsourcing arrangement. Particularly, the beneficence of the arrangement was evaluated based on the underlying organizational routine and the long-term economic implications of its performance outcome. The case study was needed, as the unit will likely have to rely on such distance outsourcing arrangements more and more in the future, and understanding on the impact of such operations is needed. The main findings revealed that the new outsourcing arrangement is not currently a very attractive strategic option for organizing production. The benefits which stem from the emerged, unique engineering project routine are not significant enough to make the arrangement an advantageous one, especially since increasing partnering costs are being met. This conclusion was drawn via the extended transaction cost view. Benchmarking was done in reliance to an old arrangement from which the new pursuit was a departure from. The case study then enlightened the engineering unit on the impact of its strategic maneuver by combining the routines-theory framework with contemporary methods of governance structure evaluation. Through this, it was shown that greater efforts are needed to make the new outsourcing approach a more beneficial one. However, the studied arrangement was seen to inhold potential for better results. The findings can be used to capitalize on this.


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Abstract—This paper discusses existing military capability models and proposes a comprehensive capability meta-model (CCMM) which unites the existing capability models into an integrated and hierarchical whole. The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture is used as a structure for the CCMM. The CCMM takes into account the abstraction level, the primary area of application, stakeholders, intrinsic process, and life cycle considerations of each existing capability model, and shows how the models relate to each other. The validity of the CCMM was verified through a survey of subject matter experts. The results suggest that the CCMM is of practical value to various capability stakeholders in many ways, such as helping to improve communication between the different capability communities.


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I min avhandling undersöker jag av kriget framkallade psykiska störningar hos finländska soldater under fortsättningskriget. Vilka var de psykiskt invalidiserade soldaterna och hurudana var deras traumatiska erfarenheter? Vilken var den bredare upplevelsevärlden vid fronten där störningarna uppstod, och hur kan man förklara att majoriteten av soldaterna ändå klarade sig utan mentala rubbningar i denna av våld präglade miljö? Hur förhöll sig Finlands armé i allmänhet och den krigspsykiatri som utvecklades under kriget specifikt till soldaternas psykiska störningar? Som Matti Ponteva redan 1977 utredde, det totala antalet psykiatriska soldatpatienter under fortsättningskriget var ca 15 700 män. I min undersökning betonar jag att den siffran omfattar endast en del av fenomenet: långt ifrån alla finländska soldater som uppvisade psykiska symptom förpassades från fronten i psykiatrisk vård. De finländska psykiatrerna hade före vinterkriget inte kommit i direkt kontakt med av krig orsakade psykiska störningar. Deras kunskaper kom nästan uteslutande från den tyska krigspsykiatrin, där den ledande tanken framför allt efter första världskriget var att förklara psykiska störningar med soldaternas personliga brister och svagheter. Slutligen resonerar jag, varför synen på soldaternas psykiska störningar på ett så markant sätt skilde sig från synen på andra krigsskador. Att soldater stupade eller sårades fysiskt kunde framställas som yttringar av manligt hjältemod och offervillighet. Att brytas ner psykiskt av kriget blev däremot en tom symbol för våldet och saknade annat innehåll än uttryckligen en meningslöshet. Psykiska störningar associerades med ett moraliskt fördömande och ett stigma av skam, och förutom att man tenderade att förneka och marginalisera deras existens försökte man göra en skillnad mellan dem och den egentliga krigsupplevelsen. Det har varit problematiskt att inkludera de psykiskt rubbade soldaterna i den nationella historieskrivningen fram till våra dagar.


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Transgenic technology has become an essential tool for the development of animal biotechnologies, and animal cloning through somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) enabled the generation of genetically modified animals utilizing previously modified and selected cell lineages as nuclei donors, assuring therefore the generation of homogeneous herds expressing the desired modification. The present study aimed to discuss the use of SCNT as an important methodology for the production of transgenic herds, and also some recent insights on genetic modification of nuclei donors and possible effects of gene induction of pluripotency on SCNT.


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The political environment of security and defence has changed radically in the Western industrialised world since the Cold War. As a response to these changes, since the beginning of the twenty-first century, most Western countries have adopted a ‘capabilities-based approach’ to developing and operating their armed forces. More responsive and versatile military capabilities must be developed to meet the contemporary challenges. The systems approach is seen as a beneficial means of overcoming traps in resolving complex real -world issues by conventional thinking. The main objectives of this dissertation are to explore and assess the means to enhance the development of military capabilities both in concept development and experimentation (CD&E) and in national defence materiel collaboration issues. This research provides a unique perspective, a systems approach, to the development areas of concern in resolving complex real-world issues. This dissertation seeks to increase the understanding of the military capability concept both as a whole and with in its life cycle. The dissertation follows the generic functionalist systems methodology by Jackson. The methodology applies a comprehensive set of constitutive rules to examine the research objectives. This dissertation makes contribution to current studies about military capability. It presents two interdepen dent conceptual capability models: the comprehensive capability meta-model (CCMM) and the holistic capability life cycle model (HCLCM). These models holistically and systematically complement the existing, but still evolving, understanding of military capability and its life cycle. In addition, this dissertation contributes to the scientific discussion of defence procurement in its broad meaning by introducing the holistic model about the national defence materiel collaboration between the defence forces, defence industry and academia. The model connects the key collaborative mechanisms, which currently work in isolation from each other, and take into consideration the unique needs of each partner. This dissertation contributes empirical evidence regarding the benefits of enterprise architectures (EA) to CD&E. The EA approach may add value to traditional concept development by increasing the clarity, consistency and completeness of the concept. The most important use considered for EA in CD&E is that it enables further utilisation of the concept created in the case project.


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Cyber security is one of the main topics that are discussed around the world today. The threat is real, and it is unlikely to diminish. People, business, governments, and even armed forces are networked in a way or another. Thus, the cyber threat is also facing military networking. On the other hand, the concept of Network Centric Warfare sets high requirements for military tactical data communications and security. A challenging networking environment and cyber threats force us to consider new approaches to build security on the military communication systems. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a cyber security architecture for military networks, and to evaluate the designed architecture. The architecture is described as a technical functionality. As a new approach, the thesis introduces Cognitive Networks (CN) which are a theoretical concept to build more intelligent, dynamic and even secure communication networks. The cognitive networks are capable of observe the networking environment, make decisions for optimal performance and adapt its system parameter according to the decisions. As a result, the thesis presents a five-layer cyber security architecture that consists of security elements controlled by a cognitive process. The proposed architecture includes the infrastructure, services and application layers that are managed and controlled by the cognitive and management layers. The architecture defines the tasks of the security elements at a functional level without introducing any new protocols or algorithms. For evaluating two separated method were used. The first method is based on the SABSA framework that uses a layered approach to analyze overall security of an organization. The second method was a scenario based method in which a risk severity level is calculated. The evaluation results show that the proposed architecture fulfills the security requirements at least at a high level. However, the evaluation of the proposed architecture proved to be very challenging. Thus, the evaluation results must be considered very critically. The thesis proves the cognitive networks are a promising approach, and they provide lots of benefits when designing a cyber security architecture for the tactical military networks. However, many implementation problems exist, and several details must be considered and studied during the future work.


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TRIZ is one of the well-known tools, based on analytical methods for creative problem solving. This thesis suggests adapted version of contradiction matrix, a powerful tool of TRIZ and few principles based on concept of original TRIZ. It is believed that the proposed version would aid in problem solving, especially those encountered in chemical process industries with unit operations. In addition, this thesis would help fresh process engineers to recognize importance of various available methods for creative problem solving and learn TRIZ method of creative problem solving. This thesis work mainly provides idea on how to modify TRIZ based method according to ones requirements to fit in particular niche area and solve problems efficiently in creative way. Here in this case, the contradiction matrix developed is based on review of common problems encountered in chemical process industry, particularly in unit operations and resolutions are based on approaches used in past to handle those issues.


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Julkaisumaa: 056 BE BEL Belgia


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This doctoral thesis describes the development work performed on the leachand purification sections in the electrolytic zinc plant in Kokkola to increase the efficiency in these two stages, and thus the competitiveness of the plant. Since metallic zinc is a typical bulk product, the improvement of the competitiveness of a plant was mostly an issue of decreasing unit costs. The problems in the leaching were low recovery of valuable metals from raw materials, and that the available technology offered complicated and expensive processes to overcome this problem. In the purification, the main problem was consumption of zinc powder - up to four to six times the stoichiometric demand. This reduced the capacity of the plant as this zinc is re-circulated through the electrolysis, which is the absolute bottleneck in a zinc plant. Low selectivity gave low-grade and low-value precipitates for further processing to metallic copper, cadmium, cobalt and nickel. Knowledge of the underlying chemistry was poor and process interruptions causing losses of zinc production were frequent. Studies on leaching comprised the kinetics of ferrite leaching and jarosite precipitation, as well as the stability of jarosite in acidic plant solutions. A breakthrough came with the finding that jarosite could precipitate under conditions where ferrite would leach satisfactorily. Based on this discovery, a one-step process for the treatment of ferrite was developed. In the plant, the new process almost doubled the recovery of zinc from ferrite in the same equipment as the two-step jarosite process was operated in at that time. In a later expansion of the plant, investment savings were substantial compared to other technologies available. In the solution purification, the key finding was that Co, Ni, and Cu formed specific arsenides in the “hot arsenic zinc dust” step. This was utilized for the development of a three-step purification stage based on fluidized bed technology in all three steps, i.e. removal of Cu, Co and Cd. Both precipitation rates and selectivity increased, which strongly decreased the zinc powder consumption through a substantially suppressed hydrogen gas evolution. Better selectivity improved the value of the precipitates: cadmium, which caused environmental problems in the copper smelter, was reduced from 1-3% reported normally down to 0.05 %, and a cobalt cake with 15 % Co was easily produced in laboratory experiments in the cobalt removal. The zinc powder consumption in the plant for a solution containing Cu, Co, Ni and Cd (1000, 25, 30 and 350 mg/l, respectively), was around 1.8 g/l; i.e. only 1.4 times the stoichiometric demand – or, about 60% saving in powder consumption. Two processes for direct leaching of the concentrate under atmospheric conditions were developed, one of which was implemented in the Kokkola zinc plant. Compared to the existing pressure leach technology, savings were obtained mostly in investment. The scientific basis for the most important processes and process improvements is given in the doctoral thesis. This includes mathematical modeling and thermodynamic evaluation of experimental results and hypotheses developed. Five of the processes developed in this research and development program were implemented in the plant and are still operated. Even though these processes were developed with the focus on the plant in Kokkola, they can also be implemented at low cost in most of the zinc plants globally, and have thus a great significance in the development of the electrolytic zinc process in general.