811 resultados para limited attention
The purpose of the study is to analyse lateral rigidity in the framework of pre-internationalisation to find out its reflections on managerial decision making. The interest of the study lies in the intersection of the meaningful but relatively stagnant concept of lateral rigidity, and the pre-internationalisation phase of companies that has received only a limited amount of research attention. The theoretical basis for the study is drawn from managerial decision making and internationalisation literatures. Firstly, the study aims to define the concept of lateral rigidity in order to secondly find out how it influences managers’ pre-internationalisation decision making. The study is theoretical in nature, and is based solely on literature examination. Concept analysis method is used to determine the attributes of lateral rigidity for the purpose of recognising the concept in the pre-internationalisation framework. The attributes that are found to comprise lateral rigidity are culture, know-how, uncertainty and attitude. Furthermore, these attributes are more specifically found to consist of environmental, personal and operational matters. Through the analysis of the pre-internationalisation literature it is discovered that all the attributes appear there, and present a variety of influences on pre-internationalisation decision making that can be characterised as being negative. The study finds that culture influences managers’ decision making via subjective reasoning and behaviour that stem from a domestic inclination, and via unfamiliarity with foreign markets. Against assumption, home cultural factors, e.g. values and customs, do not appear to have an influence. Know-how is found to influence decision making via managers’ previous experiences, subjective abiding perceptions, and the usage of previous operation patterns. Uncertainty, then again, influences managers’ risk perception, unfamiliarity avoidance, and the scope of potential international operations. Attitude is found to have a robust influence on managerial decision making via the usage of familiar processes and decision regimes, subjective preference of convention, and plausible results of operations. Ergo, the effects of lateral rigidity on managers show to represent an encumbrance in the pre-internationalisation phase; even though internationalisation would take place, the related decisions and actions are highly constrained. Especially the subjectivity of managers is seen to have a meaningful role in the decision making process.
Kuntaorganisaatioiden muutokset ovat tulleet Suomessa runsaan parinkymmenen vuoden aikana yhä välttämättömämmiksi sekä globaalien että kansallisten toimintaympäristöjen muuttumisen vuoksi. Niitä tehtäessä on kuitenkin kohdattu suuria vaikeuksia jo muutosprosessien alussa, suunnittelu- ja päätöksentekovaiheessa. Keskityttäessä organisaatiomuutosten tavoitteisiin ja lopputulokseen ovat keinot niihin pääsemiseksi jääneet vaille riittävää huomiota. Tämän väitöskirjatutkimuksen päätavoite on selvittää syitä, jotka edistävät ja haittaavat kuntaorganisaation muutosprosessia. Sekundäärisenä tavoitteena on tarkastella motivaation, toimintakulttuurin, poliittisten ja ideologisten eroavaisuuksien sekä arvojen ja asenteiden vaikutusta muutosprosessiin sen eri vaiheissa sekä erilaisissa olosuhteissa. Tutkimuksessa käytetään kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää, joka tukeutuu erään kunnan teknisen toimialan muutosprosessiin. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevana ajanjaksona sekä vakaassa että muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä ovat tuon kunnan teknisen toimialan organisaatiomuotoina olleet virasto, liikelaitos, osakeyhtiö ja toimintojen ulkoistaminen. Empiirisen aineiston sekä niin kansallisten kuin kansainvälisten tutkimusten perusteella pyritään löytämään muutosprosessia vaikeuttavia tekijöitä sekä keinoja vaikuttaa prosessin onnistumiseen. Tapaustutkimuksen aineistona ovat tarkastellun kunnan organisaatiomuutoksia koskevat dokumentit. Niitä on täydennetty haastattelemalla henkilöitä, jotka ovat joko suoraan vaikuttaneet muutokseen tai ainakin olleet siinä kiinteästi mukana. Muutosprosessiin liittyviä haasteita lähestytään prosessitutkimuksen avulla pyrkien selvittämään erilaiset kriittiset tapahtumat ja käännekohdat, syy-yhteydet sekä mahdolliset muutoksia suuntaavat mallit. Vaikka muutoksiin vaikuttavat tekijät ovat tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella pääosin samat kuin mitä on havaittu kansainvälisissä tutkimuksissa, liittyy niihin kuitenkin tutkimuksen tapauskohteessa kansallisia ja osittain paikallisiakin erityispiirteitä. On havaittavissa sekä kansallisten ominaispiirteiden että pohjoismaisen hyvinvointiyhteiskunnan ihanteen vaikutusta ihmisten suhtautumisessa muutosprosessiin sekä käyttäytymiseen sen aikana. Tämän tutkimuksen valossa avoimuus ja oikeudenmukaisuus ovat vahvimmin vaikuttavia tekijöitä kuntaorganisaation muutoksessa. Tämän tutkimuksen teoriatarkastelu pohjautuu tutkimuksiin, jotka ovat kohdistuneet muutosprosesseihin yleensä niin julkishallinnon kuin yksityissektorin organisaatioissa. Vaikka tämän väitöskirjan tutkimuksen fokus on kuntasektorilla, ovat sen tulokset suurelta osin sovellettavissa myös yksityissektorille.
Limited occurrence of resistant radish (Raphanus sativus) to AHAS-inhibiting herbicides in Argentina
Radish has developed feral and weedy biotypes, which is a concern for agriculture around the world. In Argentina, it is one of the most widespread and troublesome crop weeds. In Brazil, this species has developed herbicide-resistance to acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) inhibiting herbicides. The objective of this study was to record the presence of herbicide-resistant weedy radish plants in Argentina. In spring 2008, we found a small population of radish at the end of the flowering stage in an imidazolinone-tolerant canola field treated with imazethapyr. Screening and dose-response tests were conducted to two successive generations. They proved the biotype resistant status, and showed extensive survival (between 50 and 80% of control) to the application of a double dose of four AHAS‑inhibiting herbicides from two different chemical families (imidazolinones and sulfonylureas). Dose-response assays exhibited very high resistance for imazethapyr (LD50 = 2452.5 g a.i. ha-1, GR50 = 2926.9 g a.i. ha-1) and intermediate for metsulfuron (LD50 = 3.0 g a.i. ha-1, GR50 = 43.2 g a.i. ha-1). The acquisition of cross-resistance to different herbicide families would confer an adaptive and invasive advantage in agricultural environments to this biotype. Due to the herbicide rotation conducted in the field, the dispersion of this biotype was restricted. This is the first report of resistance in weedy radish in Argentina.
Bioanalytical data from a bioequivalence study were used to develop limited-sampling strategy (LSS) models for estimating the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve (AUC) and the peak plasma concentration (Cmax) of 4-methylaminoantipyrine (MAA), an active metabolite of dipyrone. Twelve healthy adult male volunteers received single 600 mg oral doses of dipyrone in two formulations at a 7-day interval in a randomized, crossover protocol. Plasma concentrations of MAA (N = 336), measured by HPLC, were used to develop LSS models. Linear regression analysis and a "jack-knife" validation procedure revealed that the AUC0-¥ and the Cmax of MAA can be accurately predicted (R²>0.95, bias <1.5%, precision between 3.1 and 8.3%) by LSS models based on two sampling times. Validation tests indicate that the most informative 2-point LSS models developed for one formulation provide good estimates (R²>0.85) of the AUC0-¥ or Cmax for the other formulation. LSS models based on three sampling points (1.5, 4 and 24 h), but using different coefficients for AUC0-¥ and Cmax, predicted the individual values of both parameters for the enrolled volunteers (R²>0.88, bias = -0.65 and -0.37%, precision = 4.3 and 7.4%) as well as for plasma concentration data sets generated by simulation (R²>0.88, bias = -1.9 and 8.5%, precision = 5.2 and 8.7%). Bioequivalence assessment of the dipyrone formulations based on the 90% confidence interval of log-transformed AUC0-¥ and Cmax provided similar results when either the best-estimated or the LSS-derived metrics were used.
Tutkimus sijoittuu varhaiskasvatuksen hajautetun organisaation kontekstiin, mutta tulokset ovat siirrettävissä muihinkin suomalaisiin kasvatus- ja opetustoimen organisaatioihin. Hajautettujen organisaatioiden tutkimus on ollut varhaiskasvatuksen kentällä vielä vähäistä, vaikka organisaatiomallin vaikutukset johtajuuden toteuttamiselle ovat merkittävät. Hajautetulla organisaatiolla varhaiskasvatuksessa tarkoitetaan sitä, että yhden johtajan alaisuudessa on monta eri päiväkotia tai erilaisia päivähoitomuotoja. Tämä organisaatiomalli on yhä enenevässä määrin kasvava suomalaisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa. Varhaiskasvatuksen hajautettujen organisaatioiden tutkimuksessa on aiemmin tarkasteltu johtajan ja työntekijöiden ja työntekijöiden keskinäisiä ammatillisia suhteita. Tässä tutkimuksessa näkökulma painottuu johtamiseen ja työskentelyyn hajautetuissa organisaatiossa sinänsä sekä myös laadunarviointiin sekä pedagogiikkaan. Viitekehyksenä tutkimuksessa on LMX-teoria (leader-member-exchange, johtajuuden vaihtoteoria), jossa tarkastellaan esimies-alaissuhdetta ja siihen kiinteästi liittyvää luottamuksen käsitettä. Luottamuksen merkitys hajautetuissa organisaatioissa korostuu, koska esimies ei ole fyysisesti päivittäin läsnä työntekijöiden arjessa. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan hajautetuissa varhaiskasvatuksen organisaatioissa työskentelyä seuraavien tutkimuskysymysten avulla: 1) Mitkä ovat varhaiskasvatuksen hajautettujen organisaatioiden johtamisen erityispiirteet? 2) Miten eri työntekijäryhmät kokevat hajautetussa organisaatiossa työskentelyn? 3) Millaisia kokemuksia esimiehillä ja työntekijöillä on heidän yksiköissään toteutetusta laadunarvioinnista? 4) Millaiseksi työntekijät ja esimiehet kokevat esimieheltään saadun tuen? Tutkimuksessa oli kolme eri aineistoa. Ensimmäinen aineisto koostui 11 hajautetun organisaation johtajan haastattelusta. Toinen aineisto (n = 223) sisälsi haastateltujen esimiesten lomakevastausten lisäksi heidän alaisuudessaan toimivien työntekijöiden, 10 esimieskoulutukseen osallistuneen johtajan sekä kolmen erillisyksikön työntekijöiden vastaukset. Kolmas aineisto oli kerätty pääkaupunkiseudulta varhaiskasvatuksen johtajilta lomakekyselynä (n = 112). Aineistoa on analysoitu teorialähtöisen ja aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin ja tilastollisten analyysien avulla Tulokset osoittavat, että johtajat kokivat hallinnollisten töiden vievän paljon aikaa. Esimiehen kanssa eri työpaikassa työskentelevät työntekijät hahmottivat koko organisaation selkeämmin kuin esimiehen kanssa fyysisesti samassa paikassa työskentelevät. Esimiesten käsitysten mukaan laadunarviointia suoritettiin enemmän kuin mitä työntekijöiden mukaan. Työntekijät kaipasivat esimiehiltään tukea yhteistyöhön ja vuorovaikutukseen, pedagogiseen ohjaukseen, kehittämiseen ja toiminnan resursseihin liittyen. Erillisyksikössä työskentelevät kokivat saavansa enemmän tukea kuin esimiehen kanssa fyysisesti samassa yksikössä työskentelevät työntekijät. Sekä esimieheltä saadun pedagogisen tuen että luottamuksen kokemukset kiinnittävät tämän tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan huomion rakenteiden merkitykseen hajautetuissa organisaatioissa. Arviointiin, pedagogiseen tukeen ja tiedonkulkuun liittyvien rakenteiden huomioiminen helpottaa hajautetussa organisaatiossa johtamista. Edellisten lisäksi johtajan selkeä visio omasta johtamistyöstään ja jaetun johtajuuden hyödyntäminen edesauttavat työn hallinnan kokemuksia.
This master’s thesis studies the probability of bankruptcy of Finnish limited liability companies as a part of credit risk assessment. The main idea of this thesis is to build and test bankruptcy prediction models for Finnish limited liability companies that can be utilized in credit decision making. The data used in this thesis consists of historical financial statements from 2112 Finnish limited liability companies, half of which have filed for bankruptcy. A total of four models are developed, two with logistic regression and two with multivariate discriminant analysis (MDA). The time horizon of the models varies from 1 to 2 years prior to the bankruptcy, and 14 different financial variables are used in the model formation. The results show that the prediction accuracy of the models ranges between 81.7% and 88.9%, and the best prediction accuracy is achieved with the one year prior the bankruptcy logistic regression model. However the difference between the best logistic model and the best MDA model is minimal. Overall based on the results of this thesis it can be concluded that predicting bankruptcy is possible to some extent, but naturally the results are not perfect.
Sleep disorders are not uncommon and have been widely reported throughout the world. They have a profound impact on industrialized 24-h societies. Consequences of these problems include impaired social and recreational activities, increased human errors, loss of productivity, and elevated risk of accidents. Conditions such as acute and chronic insomnia, sleep loss, excessive sleepiness, shift-work, jet lag, narcolepsy, and sleep apnea warrant public health attention, since residual sleepiness during the day may affect performance of daily activities such as driving a car. Benzodiazepine hypnotics and zopiclone promote sleep, both having residual effects the following day including sleepiness and reduced alertness. In contrast, the non-benzodiazepine hypnotics zolpidem and zaleplon have no significant next-day residual effects when taken as recommended. Research on the effects of wakefulness-promoting drugs on driving ability is limited. Countermeasures for excessive daytime sleepiness have a limited effect. There is a need for a social awareness program to educate the public about the potential consequences of various sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, sleep apnea, shift-work-related sleep loss, and excessive daytime sleepiness in order to reduce the number of sleep-related traffic accidents.
The influence of a peripheral cue represented by a gray ring on responsivity to a subsequent target varies. When a vertical line inside a ring was a go target and a white small ring inside a ring was a no-go target, reaction time was shorter at the same location relative to a different location. However, no reaction time difference between the two locations occurred when a white cross inside the ring, instead of the white vertical line inside the ring, was the go target. We investigated whether this last finding was due to a forward masking influence of the cue, a requirement of low attention for the discrimination or a lack of attention mobilization by the cue. In Experiment 1, the intensity of the cue was reduced in an attempt to reduce forward masking. In Experiment 2, the vertical line and the cross were presented in the same block of trials so as to be dealt with a common attentional strategy. In Experiments 3 and 4, the no-go target was a 45º rotated cross inside a ring to increase the difficulty of the discrimination. No evidence was obtained that the cross was forward masked by the cue nor that it demanded less attention to be discriminated from the small ring. There was a facilitation of responsivity by the cue when the small ring was replaced by the rotated cross. The results suggest that when the discrimination to be performed is too easy the cue does not mobilize attention.
The adaptive behavior of human beings is usually supported by rapid monitoring of outstanding events in the environment. Some investigators have suggested that a primary attention deficit might trigger symptoms of schizophrenia. In addition, researchers have long discussed the relationship between schizophrenia and the schizophrenia-like psychosis of epilepsy (SLPE). On the basis of these considerations, the objective of the present study was to investigate attention performance of patients with both disorders. Patient age was 18 to 60 years, and all patients had received formal schooling for at least four years. Patients were excluded if they had any systemic disease with neurologic or psychiatric comorbidity, or a history of brain surgery. The computer-assisted TAVIS-2R test was applied to all patients and to a control group to evaluate and discriminate between selective, alternating and sustained attention. The TAVIS-2R test is divided into three parts: one for selective attention (5 min), the second for alternating attention (5 min), and the third for the evaluation of vigilance or sustained attention (10 min). The same computer software was used for statistical analysis of reaction time, omission errors, and commission errors. The sample consisted of 36 patients with schizophrenia, 28 with interictal SLPE, and 47 healthy controls. The results of the selective attention tests for both patient groups were significantly lower than that for controls. The patients with schizophrenia and SLPE performed differently in the alternating and sustained attention tests: patients with SLPE had alternating attention deficits, whereas patients with schizophrenia showed deficits in sustained attention. These quantitative results confirmed the qualitative clinical observations for both patient groups, that is, that patients with schizophrenia had difficulties in focusing attention, whereas those with epilepsy showed perseveration in attention focus.
Increasing demand and shortage of energy resources and clean water due to the rapid development of industry, population growth and long term droughts have become an issue worldwide. As a result, global warming, long term droughts and pollution-related diseases are becoming more and more serious. The traditional technologies, such as precipitation, neutralization, sedimentation, filtration and waste immobilization, cannot prevent the pollution but restrict the waste chemicals only after the pollution emission. Meanwhile, most of these treatments cannot thoroughly degrade the contaminants and may generate toxic secondary pollutants into ecosystem. Heterogeneous photocatalysis as the innovative wastewater technology attracts many attention, because it is able to generate highly reactive transitory species for total degradation of organic compounds, water pathogens and disinfection by-products. Semiconductor as photocatalysts have demonstrated their efficiency in degrading a wide range of organics into readily biodegradable compounds, and eventually mineralized them to innocuous carbon dioxide and water. But, the efficiency of photocatalysis is limited, and hence, it is crucial issue to modify photocatalyst to enhance photocatalytic activity. In this thesis, first of all, two literature views are conducted. A survey of materials for photocatalysis has been carried out in order to summarize the properties and the applications of photocatalysts that have been developed in this field. Meanwhile, the strategy for the improvement of photocatalytic activity have been explicit discussed. Furthermore, all the raw material and chemicals used in this work have been listed as well as a specific experimental process and characterization method has been described. The synthesize methods of different photocatalysts have been depicted step by step. Among these cases, different modification strategies have been used to enhance the efficiency of photocatalyst on degradation of organic compounds (Methylene Blue or Phenol). For each case, photocatalytic experiments have been done to exhibit their photocatalytic activity.The photocatalytic experiments have been designed and its process have been explained and illustrated in detailed. Moreover, the experimental results have been shown and discussion. All the findings have been demonstrated in detail and discussed case by case. Eventually, the mechanisms on the improvement of photocatalytic activities have been clarified by characterization of samples and analysis of results. As a conclusion, the photocatalytic activities of selected semiconductors have been successfully enhanced via choosing appropriate strategy for the modification of photocatalysts.
A long-standing debate in the literature is whether attention can form two or more independent spatial foci in addition to the well-known unique spatial focus. There is evidence that voluntary visual attention divides in space. The possibility that this also occurs for automatic visual attention was investigated here. Thirty-six female volunteers were tested. In each trial, a prime stimulus was presented in the left or right visual hemifield. This stimulus was characterized by the blinking of a superior, middle or inferior ring, the blinking of all these rings, or the blinking of the superior and inferior rings. A target stimulus to which the volunteer should respond with the same side hand or a target stimulus to which she should not respond was presented 100 ms later in a primed location, a location between two primed locations or a location in the contralateral hemifield. Reaction time to the positive target stimulus in a primed location was consistently shorter than reaction time in the horizontally corresponding contralateral location. This attentional effect was significantly smaller or absent when the positive target stimulus appeared in the middle location after the double prime stimulus. These results suggest that automatic visual attention can focus on two separate locations simultaneously, to some extent sparing the region in between.
Our objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of a long-acting formulation of methylphenidate (MPH-SODAS) on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in an outpatient sample of adolescents with ADHD and substance use disorders (SUD). Secondary goals were to evaluate the tolerability and impact on drug use of MPH-SODAS. This was a 6-week, single-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study assessing efficacy of escalated doses of MPH-SODAS on ADHD symptoms in 16 adolescents with ADHD/SUD. Participants were randomly allocated to either group A (weeks 1-3 on MPH-SODAS, weeks 4-6 on placebo) or group B (reverse order). The primary outcome measures were the Swanson, Nolan and Pelham Scale, version IV (SNAP-IV) and the Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI). We also evaluated the adverse effects of MPH-SODAS using the Barkley Side Effect Rating Scale and subject reports of drug use during the study. The sample consisted of marijuana (N = 16; 100%) and cocaine users (N = 7; 43.8%). Subjects had a significantly greater reduction in SNAP-IV and CGI scores (P < 0.001 for all analyses) during MPH-SODAS treatment compared to placebo. No significant effects for period or sequence were found in analyses with the SNAP-IV and CGI scales. There was no significant effect on drug use. MPH-SODAS was well tolerated but was associated with more severe appetite reduction than placebo (P < 0.001). MPH-SODAS was more effective than placebo in reducing ADHD symptoms in a non-abstinent outpatient sample of adolescents with comorbid SUD. Randomized clinical trials, with larger samples and SUD intervention, are recommended.
Higher prevalence rates of anxiety and depression have been reported in parents of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The interaction between the burden of ADHD in offspring, a higher prevalence rate of this highly inherited disorder in parents, and comorbidities may explain this finding. Our objective was to investigate levels of ADHD, anxious and depressive symptomatology, and their relationship in parents of ADHD children from a non-clinical sample using a dimensional approach. The sample included 396 students enrolled in all eight grades of a public school who were screened for ADHD using the SNAP IV rating scale. Positive cases were confirmed through a semi-structured interview. Parents of all 26 ADHD students and 31 paired controls were enrolled. A sample of 36 parents of ADHD children (21 mothers, 15 fathers) and 30 parents of control children (18 mothers, 12 fathers) completed the Adult Self Report Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and Beck Depression Inventory in order to investigate anxious and depressive symptomatology. Probands' mothers presented a higher level of ADHD symptomatology (with only inattention being a significant cluster). Again, mothers of ADHD children presented higher depressive and anxiety levels; however, these did not correlate with their own ADHD symptomatology. Only trait-anxiety levels were higher in ADHD mothers. Our findings suggest that: 1) anxious and depressive symptoms might be more prevalent in mothers of ADHD students; 2) anxious and depressive symptomatology might be independent of impairment associated with ADHD symptoms; 3) anxious and depressive symptoms are independent of the presence of ADHD.
We recently demonstrated that automatic attention favors the right side of space and, in the present study, we investigated whether voluntary attention also favors this side. Six reaction time experiments were conducted. In each experiment, 12 new 18-25-year-old male right-handed individuals were tested. In Experiments 1, 2, 3 (a, b) and 4 (a, b), tasks with increasing attentional demands were used. In Experiments 1, 2, 3a, and 4a, attention was oriented to one or both sides by means of a central spatially informative visual cue. A left or right side visual target appeared 100, 300, or 500 ms later. Attentional effects were observed in the four experiments. In Experiments 2, 3a and 4a, these effects were greater when the cue indicated the right side than when it indicated the left side (respectively: 16 ± 10 and 44 ± 6 ms, P = 0.015, for stimulus onset asynchrony of 500 ms in Experiment 2; 38 ± 10 and 70 ± 7 ms, P = 0.011, for Experiment 3a, and 23 ± 11 and 61 ± 10 ms, P = 0.009, for Experiment 4a). In Experiments 3b and 4b, the central cue pointed to both sides and was said to be non-relevant for task performance. In these experiments right and left reaction times did not differ. The most conservative interpretation of the present findings is that voluntary attention orienting favors the right side of space, particularly when a difficult task has to be performed.
This study reviewed the use of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity-symptoms and Normal-behaviors (SWAN) rating scale in diagnostic and evolutive approaches to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and in correlational studies of the disorder. A review of articles published in indexed journals from electronic databases was conducted and 61 articles on the SWAN scale were analyzed. From these, 27 were selected to a) examine use of SWAN in research on attention disorders and b) verify evidence of its usefulness in the areas of genetics, neuropsychology, diagnostics, psychiatric comorbidities, neuroimaging, pharmacotherapy, and to examine its statistical reliability and validity in studies of diverse populations. This review of articles indicated a growing use of the SWAN scale for diagnostic purposes, for therapy, and in research on areas other than ADHD, especially when compared with other reliable scales. Use of the scale in ADHD diagnosis requires further statistical testing to define its psychometric properties.