922 resultados para julian date of birth
New immigrants to Canada typically have a more favourable health profile than the non-immigrant population. This phenomenon, known as the 'healthy immigrant effect', has been attributed to both the socioeconomic advantage (ie. educational attainment, occupational opportunity) of non-refugee immigrants and existing screening protocols that admit only the healthiest of persons to Canada. It has been suggested that this health advantage diminishes as the time of residence in Canada increases, due in part to the adoption of health-risk behaviours such as alcohol and cigarette use, an increase in excess body weight, and declining rates of physical activity. However, the majority of health research concerning immigrants to Canada has been limited to cross-sectional studies (Dunn & Dyck, 2000; Newbold & Danforth, 2003), which may mask an immigrant-specific cohort effect. Furthermore, the practice of aggregating foreign-bom persons by geographical regions or treating all immigrants as a homogeneous group may also obfuscate intra-immigrant differences in health. Accordingly, this study uses the Canadian National Population Health Surveys (NPHS) and data from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to prospectively evaluate factors that predict health status among immigrants to Canada. Each immigrant in the NPHS was linked to the UNDP Human Development Index of their country of birth, which uses a combined measure of health, education, and per capita income of the populace. The six-year change in health function, psychological distress, and self-rated health were considered from a population health perspective (Evans, 1994), using generalized-estimating equations (GEE) to examine the compounding effect of past and recent predictors of health. Demographic
The reproductive biology of the Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) was studied on Gull Island, Presqu'ile Provincial Park, Ontario, in 1976 and 1977. Early started clutches (comprising the majority of clutches on Gull Island) in 1977 produced more chicks per nest (2.20 ± 0.09) than late started clutches (0.86 ± 0.13) as a result of reductions in mean clutch size, hatching success and fledging success with date of clutch initiation. Seasonal changes in mean clutch size, hatching success and fledging success also resulted in early clutches, initiated at the peak of clutch starts, producing more chicks per nest (2.34 ± 0.11) than either pre-peak (2.13 ± 0.20) or post-peak (1.82 ± 0.29) clutches. Possible reasons for these trends, including the observed predominance of immature plumaged, breeding gulls in late started areas, are discussed. Clutches were deserted at night for varying lengths of time from at least 15 April until 10 May, 1977. It is suggested that this nocturnal desertion behaviour resulted in the enhancement of inter- and intra-clutch hatching synchrony in early started areas and further, that this may in part explain the existence of the behaviour in terms of its adaptive significance.
An invitation to the opening of a new A&P Food shop on Front Street in Thorold, Ontario. The date of the event is Wednesday October 23rd, 1929 from 6pm to 10pm.
Probate of Last Will and Testament of William Smith of the township of Lincoln. Mr. Smith was a farmer. His goods and chattels are left to his children and grandchildren. The document was registered May 9, 1865 - instrument no. 15383 and the original date of the document is January 20, 1856.
Indenture stating that Benjamin Middough of Stamford sold a tract of land in the County of Oxford, district of London to William Woodruff of Niagara. The land consisted of 200 acres on lot 34 of the 2nd Concession. This transaction was registered on August 4, 1834 - instrument no. 2413. The date of sale was January 17, 1823.
Indenture regarding land sold by John Robertson of Niagara to John Jackson of Niagara. This transaction is for part of Lot no. 93 in Niagara Township. This document was registered in the Lincoln and Haldimand Registry on September 10, 1823 in Book J folio 322 - instrument no. 6357. Date of transaction was May 5, 1823.
List of registrations (1 page, handwritten) on lots 80 and 81 of McMicken and Dickson’s Block in the Village of Drummondville since the date of recording the deed in favour of Martin Zimmerman. This includes the registrations from 1857-1859, March 9, 1860.
Many studies have focused on the concept of humanization of birth in normal pregnancy cases or at low obstetric risk, but no studies, at our knowledge, have so far specifically focused on the humanization of birth in both high-risk, and low risk pregnancies, in a highly specialized hospital setting. The present study thus aims to: 1) define the specific components of the humanized birth care model which bring satisfaction to women who seek obstetrical care in highly specialized hospitals; and 2) explore the organizational and cultural dimensions which act as barriers or facilitators for the implementation of humanized birth care practices in a highly specialized, university affiliated hospital in Quebec. A single case study design was chosen for this thesis. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, field notes, participant observations, selfadministered questionnaire, relevant documents, and archives. The samples comprised: 11 professionals from different disciplines, 6 administrators from different hierarchical levels within the hospital, and 157 women who had given birth at the hospital during the study. The performed analysis covered both quantitative descriptive and qualitative deductive and inductive content analyses. The thesis comprises three articles. In the first article, we proposed a conceptual framework, based on Allaire and Firsirotu’s (1984) organizational culture theory. It attempts to examine childbirth patterns as an organizational cultural phenomenon. In our second article, we answered the following specific question: according to the managers and multidisciplinary professionals practicing in a highly specialized hospital as well as the women seeking perinatal care in this hospital setting, what is the definition of humanized care? Analysis of the data collected uncovered the following themes which explained the perceptions of what humanized birth was: personalized care, recognition of women’s rights, humanly care for women, family-centered care,women’s advocacy and companionship, compromise of security, comfort and humanity, and non-stereotyped pregnancies. Both high and low risk women felt more satisfied with the care they received if they were provided with informed choices, were given the right to participate in the decision-making process and were surrounded by competent care providers. These care providers who humanly cared for them were also able to provide relevant medical intervention. The professionals and administrators’ perceptions of humanized birth, on the other hand, mostly focused on personalized and family-centered care. In the third article of the thesis, we covered the dimensions of the internal and external components of an institution which can act as factors that facilitate or barriers that prevent, a specialized and university affiliated hospital in Quebec from adopting a humanized child birthing care. The findings revealed that both the external dimensions of a highly specialized hospital -including its history, society, and contingency-; and its internal dimensions -including culture, structure, and the individuals present in the hospital-, can all affect the humanization of birth care in such an institution, whether separately, simultaneously or in interaction. We thus hereby conclude that the humanization of birth care in a highly specialized hospital setting, should aim to meet all the physiological, as well as psychological aspects of birth care, including respect of the fears, beliefs, values, and needs of women and their families. Integration of competent and caring professionals and the use of obstetric technology to enhance the level of certainty and assurance in both high-risk and low risk women are both positive factors for the implementation of humanized care in a highly specialized hospital. Finally, the humanization of birth care approach in a highly specialized and university affiliated hospital setting demands a new healthcare policy. Such policy must offer a guarantee for women to have the place of birth, and the health care professional of their choice as well as those, which will enable women to make informed choices from the beginning of their pregnancy.
This study focuses on the onset of southwest monsoon over Kerala. India Meteorological Department (IMD) has been using a semi-objective method to define monsoon onset. The main objectives of the study are to understand the monsoon onset processes, to simulate monsoon onset in a GCM using as input the atmospheric conditions and Sea Surface Temperature, 10 days earlier to the onset, to develop a method for medium range prediction of the date of onset of southwest monsoon over Kerala and to examine the possibility of objectively defining the date of Monsoon Onset over Kerala (MOK). It gives a broad description of regional monsoon systems and monsoon onsets over Asia and Australia. Asian monsoon includes two separate subsystems, Indain monsoon and East Asian monsoon. It is seen from this study that the duration of the different phases of the onset process are dependent on the period of ISO. Based on the study of the monsoon onset process, modeling studies can be done for better understanding of the ocean-atmosphere interaction especially those associated with the warm pool in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.
The present study on the dynamics of land use in recently settled forest areas. In the course of events, tribals lost their land; the demographic structure of Attappady changed; the cropping pattern got diversified; traditional techniques of production were ruined; new crops and new techniques of cultivation came to stay; and the entire cost and return structure of production underwent radical change. Migration to Attappady is essentially a continuation of the Malabar migration process from Travancore, through, some people from Tamil Nadu also had migrated to this region earlier. The demographic structure, along with land structure, has changed in favour of the settlers within a short span of time. Lack of security of ownership has acted as a strong reason for wanton exploitation of land resources. The major influencing factors on crop choices among settlers were labour endowment, date of settlement and education. Attappady is an unique ecosystem in Kerala characterized by many interdependables. The latest hand of environmental degradation is a grave danger especially on sloppy terrains,which are under cultivation of tapioca and dry annual crops like groundnuts, cotton, grams etc. Soil erosion as a result of the unplanned cultivation of these crops has resulted in dramatic decline in soil fertility and hence low crop productivity. This calls for a watershed management approach for the sustainable development of the region. A progressive agrarian transformation is warranted to maintain the homegarden as a sustainable production system in ecological and socio-economic terms.
During the period from 12 to 15 April, 2009 nearly the entire Iran, apart from the southern border, experienced an advective cooling event. While winter freezing concerns are typical, the nature of this freezing event was unusual with respect to its date of occurrence and accompanying synoptic meteorological situation. To analyze the freezing event, the relevant meteorological data at multiple levels of the atmosphere were examined from the NCEP/ NCAR reanalysis dataset. The results showed that a polar vortex was responsible for the freezing event over the country extending southward extraordinarily in such a way that its ridge influenced most parts of Iran. This was recognized as an abnormal extension of a polar vortex in the recent years. The sea-level pressure fields indicated that a ridge of large-scale anticyclone centered over Black Sea extended southward and prevailed over most parts of Iran. This resulted in the formation of a severe cold air advection from high latitudes (Polar region) over Iran. During the study period, moisture pumping was observed from the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf. The winds at 1000 hPa level blew with a magnitude of 10 m s-1 toward south in the region of convergence (between -2 9 10-6 s-1 and -12 9 10-6 s-1). The vertical profilesof temperature and humidity also indicated that the ICE structural icing occurred at multiple levels of the atmosphere, i.e, from 800 hPa through 400 hPa levels. In addition to the carburetor (or induction), icing occurred between 900 and 700 hPa levels in the selected radiosonde stations during the study period. In addition, the HYSPLIT backward trajectory model outputs were in quite good agreement with the observed synoptic features
Objetivos: La mediastinitis se presenta hasta en el 4% de los pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica, con un mortalidad hospitalaria reportada del 14 al 47%, generando aumento en los costos de atención, deterioro de la calidad de vida y la sobrevida a largo plazo del enfermo; su etiología es multifactorial. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar cuáles antecedentes clínicos del paciente y factores relacionados con el procedimiento quirúrgico se asocian con la aparición mediastinitis. Métodos: Diseño de casos y controles anidado en una cohorte histórica de pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica en el periodo de enero de 2005 a julio de 2011. Los pacientes con mediastinitis se compararon con un grupo control sin mediastinitis tomados del mismo grupo de riesgo en una relación 1:4, y pareados por fecha de cirugía. El diagnóstico de mediastinitis se hizo con criterios clínicos, de laboratorio y hallazgos quirúrgicos. Resultados: Se identificaron 30 casos en ese periodo. Los factores asociados a la aparición del evento fueron: Diabetes Mellitus OR 2,3 (1.1- 4,9), uso de circulación extracorpórea OR 2,4 (1,1 -5.5), tiempo de perfusión OR 1,1 (1,1 – 1.3) y pacientes mayores de 70 años OR 1.1 (1,2-1-4). Conclusiones: La mediastinitis sigue siendo una complicación de baja prevalencia con consecuencias devastadoras. El impacto clínico y económico de esta complicación debe obligar a los grupos quirúrgicos a crear estrategias de prevención con base en el conocimiento de los factores de riesgo de su población.
Vignettes and self-reported work disability in the United States: Correction of report heterogeneity
Subjective measures of health tend to suffer from bias given by reporting heterogeneity. however, some methodologies are used to correct the bias in order to compare self-assessed health for respondents with different sociodemographic characteristics. One of the methods to correct this is the hierarchical ordered probit (hopit), which includes rates of vignettes -hypothetical individuals with a fixed health state- and where two assumptions have to be fulfilled, vignette equivalence and response consistency. this methodology is used for the self-reported work disability for a sample of the united states for 2011. The results show that even though sociodemographic variables influence rating scales, adjusting for this does not change their effect on work disability, which is only influenced by income. the inclusion of variables related with ethnicity or place of birth does not influence the true work disability. however, when only one of them is excluded, it becomes significant and affects the true level of work disability as well as income.
Introducción: La retinopatía del prematuro (ROP) se presenta hasta en el 73% de los neonatos pretérmino por debajo de la semana 27, los agentes antiangiogénicos se presentan como una herramienta para su tratamiento con resultados prometedores. En el presente estudio se pretendió evaluar los resultados de la terapia antiangiogénica con ranibizumab en pacientes con retinopatía del prematuro según la evidencia descrita hasta la fecha. Metodología: se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura con componente meta-analítico de los datos sociodemográficos y clínicos, incluyendo todos los artículos sobre el tema sin límite de fecha de publicación. Se usó una estrategia de búsqueda en diferentes bases de datos, todos los estudios relacionados con el pronóstico de la enfermedad fueron elegibles. Resultados: Se encontraron un total de 13 artículos que cumplieron criterios de elegibilidad para su inclusión, que incluyeron 75 pacientes en total (133 ojos evaluados). La edad promedio al nacimiento fue 23.6 semanas, la edad al momento de aplicación de tratamiento fue 36.3 semanas. 11/13 artículos reportaron que el tratamiento con ranibizumab fue satisfactorio en términos de resolución completa de la enfermedad sin efectos secundarios (64 pacientes) Discusión: Los resultados de la terapia con ranibizumab para retinopatía del prematuro según la evidencia hasta la fecha permiten recomendar el uso de terapia antiangiogénica con el fin de mejorar la salud visual a mediano y largo plazo y por ende disminución en la prevalencia de ceguera por esta causa.
A new snow-soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer (Snow-SVAT) scheme, which simulates the accumulation and ablation of the snow cover beneath a forest canopy, is presented. The model was formulated by coupling a canopy optical and thermal radiation model to a physically-based multi-layer snow model. This canopy radiation model is physically-based yet requires few parameters, so can be used when extensive in-situ field measurements are not available. Other forest effects such as the reduction of wind speed, interception of snow on the canopy and the deposition of litter were incorporated within this combined model, SNOWCAN, which was tested with data taken as part of the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) international collaborative experiment. Snow depths beneath four different canopy types and at an open site were simulated. Agreement between observed and simulated snow depths was generally good, with correlation coefficients ranging between r^2=0.94 and r^2=0.98 for all sites where automatic measurements were available. However, the simulated date of total snowpack ablation generally occurred later than the observed date. A comparison between simulated solar radiation and limited measurements of sub-canopy radiation at one site indicates that the model simulates the sub-canopy downwelling solar radiation early in the season to within measurement uncertainty.