913 resultados para human in vitro myogenesis


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The cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) is one of the major metabolizing enzymes. The muscle relaxant tizanidine is a selective substrate of CYP1A2, and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) rofecoxib was thought to modestly in-hibit it. Cases suggesting an interaction between tizanidine and rofecoxib had been reported, but the mechanism was unknown. Also other NSAIDs are often used in combination with muscle relaxants. The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of rofecoxib, several other NSAIDs and female sex steroids on CYP1A2 ac-tivity in vitro and in vivo, and to evaluate the predictability of in vivo inhibition based on in vitro data. In vitro, the effect of several NSAIDs, female sex steroids and model inhibitors on CYP1A2 activity was studied in human liver microsomes, without and with preincubation. In placebo controlled, cross-over studies healthy volunteers ingested a single dose of tizanidine after a pretreament with the inhibitor (rofecoxib, tolfenamic acid or celecoxib) or placebo. Plasma (and urine) concentrations of tizanidine and its metabolites were measured, and the pharmacodynamic effects were recorded. A caffeine test was also performed. In vitro, fluvoxamine, tolfenamic acid, mefenamic acid and rofecoxib potently in-hibited CYP1A2. Ethinylestradiol, celecoxib, desogestrel and zolmitriptan were moderate, and etodolac, ciprofloxacin, etoricoxib and gestodene were weak inhibi-tors of CYP1A2. At 100 µM, other tested NSAIDs and steroids inhibited CYP1A2 less than 35%. Rofecoxib was found to be a mechanism-based inhibitor of CYP1A2. In vivo, rofecoxib greatly increased the plasma concentrations (over ten-fold) and the pharmacodynamic effects of tizanidine. Also the metabolism of caf-feine was impaired by rofecoxib. Despite the relatively strong in vitro CYP1A2 inhibitory effects, tolfenamic acid and celecoxib did not have a significant effect on tizanidine and caffeine concentrations in humans. Competitive inhibition model and the free plasma concentration of the inhibitor predicted well the effect of fluvoxam-ine and the lack of effect of tolfenamic acid and celecoxib on tizanidine concentra-tions in humans, and mechanism-based inhibition model explained the effects of rofecoxib. However, the effects of ciprofloxacin and oral contraceptives were un-derestimated from the in vitro data. Rofecoxib is a potent mechanism-based inhibitor of CYP1A2 in vitro and in vivo. This mechanism may be involved in the adverse cardiovascular effects of rofecoxib. Tolfenamic acid and celecoxib seem to be safe in combination with tizanidine, but mefenamic acid might have some effect on tizanidine concentrations in vivo. Con-sidering the mechanism of inhibition, and using the free plasma concentration of the inhibitor, many but not all CYP1A2 interactions can be predicted from in vitro data.


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This thesis is a study of the x-ray scattering properties of tissues and tumours of the breast. Clinical radiography is based on the absorption of the x-rays when passing right through the human body and gives information about the densities of the tissues. Besides being absorbed, x-rays may change their direction within the tissues due to elastic scattering or even to refraction. The phenomenon of scattering is a nuisance to radiography in general, and to mammography in particular, because it reduces the quality of the images. However, scattered x-rays bear very useful information about the structure of the tissues at the supra-molecular level. Some pathologies, like breast cancer, produce alterations to the structures of the tissues, being especially evident in collagen-rich tissues. On the other hand, the change of direction due to refraction of the x-rays on the tissue boundaries can be mapped. The diffraction enhanced imaging (DEI) technique uses a perfect crystal to convert the angular deviations of the x-rays into intensity variations, which can be recorded as images. This technique is of especial interest in the cases were the densities of the tissues are very similar (like in mammography) and the absorption images do not offer enough contrast. This thesis explores the structural differences existing in healthy and pathological collagen in breast tissue samples by the small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) technique and compares these differences with the morphological information found in the DEI images and the histo-pathology of the same samples. Several breast tissue samples were studied by SAXS technique in the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. Scattering patterns of the different tissues of the breast were acquired and compared with the histology of the samples. The scattering signals from adipose tissue (fat), connective tissue (collagen) and necrotic tissue were identified. Moreover, a clear distinction could be done between the scattering signals from healthy collagen and from collagen from an invasive tumour. Scattering from collagen is very characteristic. It includes several scattering peaks and scattering features that carry information about the size and the spacing of the collagen fibrils in the tissues. It was found that the collagen fibrils in invaded tumours were thinner and had a d-spacing length 0,7% longer that fibrils from healthy tumours. The scattering signals from the breast tissues were compared with the histology by building colour-coded maps across the samples. They were also imaged with the DEI technique. There was a total agreement between the scattering maps, the morphological features seen in the images and the information of the histo- pathological examination. The thesis demonstrates that the x-ray scattering signal can be used to characterize tissues and that it carries important information about the pathological state of the breast tissues, thus showing the potential of the SAXS technique as a possible diagnostic tool for breast cancer.


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Lipid analysis is commonly performed by gas chromatography (GC) in laboratory conditions. Spectroscopic techniques, however, are non-destructive and can be implemented noninvasively in vivo. Excess fat (triglycerides) in visceral adipose tissue and liver is known predispose to metabolic abnormalities, collectively known as the metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance is the likely cause with diets high in saturated fat known to impair insulin sensitivity. Tissue triglyceride composition has been used as marker of dietary intake but it can also be influenced by tissue specific handling of fatty acids. Recent studies have shown that adipocyte insulin sensitivity correlates positively with their saturated fat content, contradicting the common view of dietary effects. A better understanding of factors affecting tissue triglyceride composition is needed to provide further insights into tissue function in lipid metabolism. In this thesis two spectroscopic techniques were developed for in vitro and in vivo analysis of tissue triglyceride composition. In vitro studies (Study I) used infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), a fast and cost effective analytical technique well suited for multivariate analysis. Infrared spectra are characterized by peak overlap leading to poorly resolved absorbances and limited analytical performance. In vivo studies (Studies II, III and IV) used proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS), an established non-invasive clinical method for measuring metabolites in vivo. 1H-MRS has been limited in its ability to analyze triglyceride composition due to poorly resolved resonances. Using an attenuated total reflection accessory, we were able to obtain pure triglyceride infrared spectra from adipose tissue biopsies. Using multivariate curve resolution (MCR), we were able to resolve the overlapping double bond absorbances of monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. MCR also resolved the isolated trans double bond and conjugated linoleic acids from an overlapping background absorbance. Using oil phantoms to study the effects of different fatty acid compositions on the echo time behaviour of triglycerides, it was concluded that the use of long echo times improved peak separation with T2 weighting having a negligible impact. It was also discovered that the echo time behaviour of the methyl resonance of omega-3 fats differed from other fats due to characteristic J-coupling. This novel insight could be used to detect omega-3 fats in human adipose tissue in vivo at very long echo times (TE = 470 and 540 ms). A comparison of 1H-MRS of adipose tissue in vivo and GC of adipose tissue biopsies in humans showed that long TE spectra resulted in improved peak fitting and better correlations with GC data. The study also showed that calculation of fatty acid fractions from 1H-MRS data is unreliable and should not be used. Omega-3 fatty acid content derived from long TE in vivo spectra (TE = 540 ms) correlated with total omega-3 fatty acid concentration measured by GC. The long TE protocol used for adipose tissue studies was subsequently extended to the analysis of liver fat composition. Respiratory triggering and long TE resulted in spectra with the olefinic and tissue water resonances resolved. Conversion of the derived unsaturation to double bond content per fatty acid showed that the results were in accordance with previously published gas chromatography data on liver fat composition. In patients with metabolic syndrome, liver fat was found to be more saturated than subcutaneous or visceral adipose tissue. The higher saturation observed in liver fat may be a result of a higher rate of de-novo-lipogenesis in liver than in adipose tissue. This thesis has introduced the first non-invasive method for determining adipose tissue omega-3 fatty acid content in humans in vivo. The methods introduced here have also shown that liver fat is more saturated than adipose tissue fat.


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Angiogeneesi on tärkeä ilmiö elimistön fysiologiassa, mutta myös lukuisissa patologisissa tiloissa. Angiogeneesi on monivaiheinen prosessi, joka sisältää angiogeneesiä indusoivia ja sitä inhiboivia tekijöitä tasapainossa keskenään. Useat tutkimukset puoltavat sitä, että tymosiini ȕ4 (Tȕ4) ja tetrapeptidi Ac-SDKP (N-asetyyliseryyli- aspartyyli-lysyyli-proliini) indusoivat angiogeneesiä in vitro ja in vivo. Tutkimukset viittaavat myös siihen, että prolyylioligopeptidaasi (POP) hydrolysoi peptidifragmentin Ac- SDKP Tȕ4:n (43 ah) proliinin jälkeen. POP on laajalti esiintyvä seriiniproteaasi, joka pystyy pilkkomaan vain alle 30 aminohapon oligopeptidejä. Tȕ4:n tulee siksi pilkkoutua ensin jonkin, vielä tuntemattoman peptidaasin johdosta. POP:ia on löydetty eniten aivoista, minkä vuoksi sitä on tutkittu varsinkin muistin ja oppimisen häiriötiloissa sekä neurodegeneratiivisten sairausten yhteydessä. POP:in todellinen fysiologinen merkitys on kuitenkin vielä selvittämättä. Tämän pro gradun kirjallisuusosiossa selvitetään angiogeneesiin liittyvien tekijöiden yhteyksiä sekä kuvataan angiogeenisten Tȕ4:n, Ac-SDKP:n ja POP:in ominaisuuksia, esiintymistä ja toimintaa. Kokeellisen osion tarkoituksena oli osoittaa, osallistuvatko POP ja Tȕ4 tetrapeptidin Ac-SDKP muodostumiseen ja kapillaarimuodostumiseen ja edelleen, voidaanko POPaktiivisuutta, tetrapeptidi- ja kapillaarimuodostumista estää spesifisellä POP-inhibiittorilla, KYP-2047:llä. Kokeellinen osa oli kaksiosainen. Ensimmäisessä osassa tutkittiin POPaktiivisuutta ja suoritettiin Ac-SDKP –pitoisuusmittauksia ajanjaksolla 0-180 min Wistarkannan rotista tehdyillä homogenaateilla. Tutkimusryhminä olivat 0,1 ja 0,5 μM KYP-2047 (+2 μM Tȕ4), 1:20 (0,625 μM) humaaniperäinen rekombinantti-POP (+ 2 μM Tȕ4), 2 μM Tȕ4 (pos. kontrolli) ja raakahomogenaatti (neg. kontrolli). Toisessa osassa tutkittiin kapillaarimuodostumista ajanjaksolla 0-180 min humaaniperäisillä napanuoralaskimon primaariendoteelisoluilla MatrigelTM Matrix -päällystetyllä 48- kuoppalevyllä, jolle oli siirrostettu 50 000 solua/kuoppa. Naudan seerumilla ja antibiooteilla käsitellyt tutkimusryhmät olivat 5 ja 10 μM KYP-2047 (+4 μM Tȕ4), 1:20 (0,625 μM) humaaniperäinen rekombinantti-POP (+4 μM Tȕ4), 4 μM Tȕ4 (pos. kontrolli) ja DMEM (neg. kontrolli). Kuoppia inkuboitiin ja kapillaarimuodostuminen kuvattiin valomikroskoopilla digitaalikameralla. Kutakin tutkimusryhmää pipetoitiin kolmeen rinnakkaiseen kuoppaan ja kokeet toistettiin neljästi. Sulkeutuneiden kapillaarien lukumäärä laskettiin manuaalisesti ja tuloksista tehtiin tilastollinen analyysi. 7ȕ4:n ja POP:in havaittiin molempien osallistuvan tetrapeptidin AC-SDKP muodostumiseen munuaishomogenaateissa. Primaariendoteelisolut muodostivat selkeitä kapillaareja Matrigelilla, erityisesti POP- ja Tȕ4–ryhmissä. KYP-2047 inhiboi tehokkaasti POP:ia kaikissa kokeissa osoittautuen hyväksi antiangiogeeniseksi yhdisteeksi. Angiogeneesin mekanismien ja POP:in, Tȕ4:n ja Ac-SDKP:n yhteyksien selvittäminen vaatii luonnollisesti vielä lisätutkimuksia.


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Chlamydia pneumoniae can cause acute respiratory infections including pneumonia. Repeated and persistent Chlamydia infections occur and persistent C. pneumoniae infection may have a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and may also contribute to the development of chronic inflammatory lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. In this thesis in vitro models for persistent C. pneumonia infection were established in epithelial and monocyte/macrophage cell lines. Expression of host cell genes in the persistent C. pneumoniae infection model of epithelial cells was studied by microarray and RT-PCR. In the monocyte/macrophage infection model expression of selected C. pneumoniae genes were studied by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence microscopy. Chlamydia is able to modulate host cell gene expression and apoptosis of host cells, which may assist Chlamydia to evade the host cells' immune responses. This, in turn, may lead to extended survival of the organism inside epithelial cells and promote the development of persistent infection. To simulate persistent C. pneumoniae infection in vivo, we set up a persistent infection model exposing the HL cell cultures to IFN-gamma. When HL cell cultures were treated with moderate concentration of IFN-gamma, the replication of C. pneumoniae DNA was unaffected while differentiation into infectious elementary bodies (EB) was strongly inhibited. By transmission electron microscopy small atypical inclusions were identified in IFN-gamma treated cultures. No second cycle of infection was observed in cells exposed to IFN-gamma , whereas C. pneumoniae was able to undergo a second cycle of infection in unexposed HL cells. Although monocytic cells can naturally restrict chlamydial growth, IFN-gamma further reduced production of infectious C. pneumoniae in Mono Mac 6 cells. Under both studied conditions no second cycle of infection could be detected in monocytic cell line suggesting persistent infection in these cells. As a step toward understanding the role of host genes in the development and pathogenesis of persistent C. pneumoniae infection, modulation of host cell gene expression during IFN-gamma induced persistent infection was examined and compared to that seen during active C. pneumoniae infection or IFN-gamma treatment. Total RNA was collected at 6 to 150 h after infection of an epithelial cell line (HL) and analyzed by a cDNA array (available at that time) representing approximately 4000 human transcripts. In initial analysis 250 of the 4000 genes were identified as differentially expressed upon active and persistent chlamydial infection and IFN-gamma treatment. In persistent infection more potent up-regulation of many genes was observed in IFN-gamma induced persistent infection than in active infection or in IFN-gamma treated cell cultures. Also sustained up-regulation was observed for some genes. In addition, we could identify nine host cell genes whose transcription was specifically altered during the IFN-gamma induced persistent C. pneumoniae infection. Strongest up-regulation in persistent infection in relation to controls was identified for insulin like growth factor binding protein 6, interferon-stimulated protein 15 kDa, cyclin D1 and interleukin 7 receptor. These results suggest that during persistent infection, C. pneumoniae reprograms the host transcriptional machinery regulating a variety of cellular processes including adhesion, cell cycle regulation, growth and inflammatory response, all of which may play important roles in the pathogenesis of persistent C. pneumoniae infection. C. pneumoniae DNA can be detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells indicating that the bacterium can also infect monocytic cells in vivo and thereby monocytes can assist the spread of infection from the lungs to other anatomical sites. Persistent infection established at these sites could promote inflammation and enhance pathology. Thus, the mononuclear cells are in a strategic position in the development of persistent infection. To investigate the intracellular replication and fate of C. pneumoniae in mononuclear cells we analyzed the transcription of 11 C. pneumoniae genes in Mono Mac 6 cells during infection by real time RT-PCR. Our results suggest that the transcriptional profile of the studied genes in monocytes is different from that seen in epithelial cells and that IFN-gamma has a less significant effect on C. pneumoniae transcription in monocytes. Furthermore, our study shows that type III secretion system (T3SS) related genes are transcribed and that Chlamydia possesses a functional T3SS during infection in monocytes. Since C. pneumoniae infection in monocytes has been implicated to have reduced antibiotic susceptibility, this creates opportunities for novel therapeutics targeting T3SS in the management of chlamydial infection in monocytes.


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An in vitro transcription system for rinderpest virus (RPV) is described. Ribonucleoprotein complexes isolated from RPV-infected Vero cells, human lung carcinoma cells, or detergent-disrupted purified virions synthesized authentic RPV mRNAs for the N, P, M, F and H genes as identified by dot blot hybridization analysis with individual cDNA clones. The relative abundance of the mRNAs synthesized in vitro decreased from the 3? end of the genome to the 5? end, very similar to that observed with measles virus transcription in vitro. The transcription by purified virions was stimulated three-fold by the addition of infected human lung carcinoma cell lysate, demonstrating the involvement of host factor(s) in mRNA synthesis.


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Three new complexes of Cu(I) have been synthesized using ancillary ligands like thiopyrimidine (tp) a modified nucleobase, and nicotinamide (nie) or vitamin B3, and characterized by spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. In vitro cytotoxicity studies of the complexes on various human cancer cell lines such as Colo295, H226, HOP62, K562, MCF7 and T24 show that Cu(PPh3)(2)(tp)Cl] and Cu(PPh3)(2)(tp)ClO4 (2) have in vitro cytotoxicity comparable to cisplatin. Complex Cu(nic)(3)PPh3]ClO4 (3) is non-toxic and increases the life span by about 55 % in spontaneous breast tumor model. DNA binding and cleavage studies show that complex (3) binds to calf thymus DNA with an apparent binding constant of 5.9 x 10(5)M and completely cleaves super-coiled DNA at a concentration of 400 mu M, whereas complexes (1) and (2) do not bind DNA and do not show any cleavage even at 1200 mu M. Thus, complex (3) may exhibit cytotoxicity Via DNA cleavage whereas the mechanism of cytotoxicity of (1) and (2) probably involves a different pathway.


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Interaction between the hepatitis C virus (HCV) envelope protein E2 and the host receptor CD81 is essential for HCV entry into target cells. The number of E2-CD81 complexes necessary for HCV entry has remained difficult to estimate experimentally. Using the recently developed cell culture systems that allow persistent HCV infection in vitro, the dependence of HCV entry and kinetics on CD81 expression has been measured. We reasoned that analysis of the latter experiments using a mathematical model of viral kinetics may yield estimates of the number of E2-CD81 complexes necessary for HCV entry. Here, we constructed a mathematical model of HCV viral kinetics in vitro, in which we accounted explicitly for the dependence of HCV entry on CD81 expression. Model predictions of viral kinetics are in quantitative agreement with experimental observations. Specifically, our model predicts triphasic viral kinetics in vitro, where the first phase is characterized by cell proliferation, the second by the infection of susceptible cells and the third by the growth of cells refractory to infection. By fitting model predictions to the above data, we were able to estimate the threshold number of E2-CD81 complexes necessary for HCV entry into human hepatoma-derived cells. We found that depending on the E2-CD81 binding affinity, between 1 and 13 E2-CD81 complexes are necessary for HCV entry. With this estimate, our model captured data from independent experiments that employed different HCV clones and cells with distinct CD81 expression levels, indicating that the estimate is robust. Our study thus quantifies the molecular requirements of HCV entry and suggests guidelines for intervention strategies that target the E2-CD81 interaction. Further, our model presents a framework for quantitative analyses of cell culture studies now extensively employed to investigate HCV infection.


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In the present study, we have tested the cytotoxic and DNA damage activity of two novel bis-1,2,4 triazole derivatives, namely 1,4-bis[5-(5-mercapto-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl-methyl)-thio4-(p-tolyl)-1,2 ,4-triazol-3-yl]-butane (MNP-14) and 1,4-bis[5-(carbethoxy-methyl)-thio-4-(p-ethoxy phenyl) -1,2,4-triazol-3-yl]-butane (MNP-16). The effect of these molecules on cellular apoptosis was also determined. The in-vitro cytotoxicity was evaluated by a 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay as well as Trypan blue dye exclusion methods against human acute lymphoblastic leukemia (MOLT4) and lung cancer cells (A549). Our results showed that MNP-16 induced significant cytotoxicity (IC50 of 3-5 mu M) compared with MNP-14. The cytotoxicity induced by MNP-16 was time and concentration dependent. The cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry (fluorescence-activated cell sorting [FACS]) revealed that though there was a significant increase in the apoptotic population (sub-G1 phase) with an increased concentration of MNP-14 and 16, there was no cell cycle arrest. Further, the comet assay results indicated considerable DNA


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Neutral and cationic copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes bearing methyl, phenyl, and hydrogen, on the diketo-backbone of the ligand have been synthesized. All of them were characterized by spectroscopic methods and in three cases by X-ray crystallography. In vitro cytotoxicity studies revealed that they are cytotoxic unlike the corresponding zinc complexes. Copper complexes Cu(GTSC) and Cu(GTSCHCl) derived from glyoxal-bis(4-methyl-4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazone) (GTSCH(2)) are the most cytotoxic complexes against various human cancer cell lines, with a potency similar to that of the anticancer drug adriamycin and up to 1000 fold higher than that of the corresponding zinc complex. Tritiated thymidine incorporation assay revealed that Cu(GTSC) and Cu(GTSCHCl) inhibit DNA synthesis substantially. Cell cycle analyses showed that Cu(GTSC) and Cu(GTSCHCl) induce apoptosis in HCT116 cells. The Cu(GTSCHCl) complex caused distinct DNA cleavage and Topo II alpha inhibition unlike that for Cu(GTSC). In vivo administration of Cu(GTSC) significantly inhibits tumor growth in HCT116 xenografts in nude mice.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the in vivo biocompatibility in terms of healing of long segmental bone defect in rabbit model as well as in vitro cytotoxicity of eluates of compression-molded High density polyethylene (HDPE)hydroxyapatite (HA)-aluminum oxide (Al2O3) composite-based implant material. Based on the physical property in terms of modulus and strength properties, as reported in our recent publication, HDPE-40 wt % HA and HDPE-20 wt % HA-20 wt % Al2O3 hybrid composites were used for biocompatibility assessment. Osteoblasts cells were cultured in conditioned media, which contains varying amount of composite eluate (0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 wt %). In vitro, the eluates did not exhibit any significant negative impact on proliferation, mineralization or on morphology of human osteoblast cells. In vivo, the histological assessment revealed neobone formation at the bone/implant interface, characterized by the presence of osteoid and osteoblasts. The observation of osteoclastic activity indicates the process of bone remodeling. No inflammation to any noticeable extent was observed at the implantation site. Overall, the combination of in vitro and in vivo results are suggestive of potential biomedical application of compression-molded HDPE- 20 wt % HA- 20 wt % Al2O3 composites to heal long segmental bone defects without causing any toxicity of bone cells.


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Four dinucleating bis(thiosemicarbazone) ligands and their zinc complexes have been synthesized and characterized by multinuclear NMR (H-1 and C-13), IR, UV-Vis, ESI-MS and fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. Their purity was assessed by elemental analysis. Cytotoxicity was tested against five human cancer cell lines using the sulphorhodamine B (SRB) assay, where one of the complexes, 1,3-bis{biacetyl-2'-(4 `'-N-pyrrolidinylthiosemicarbazone)-3'-(4 `'-N-pyrrolidinylthiosemicarbazone) zinc(II)} propane (6), was found to be quite cytotoxic against MCF-7 (breast cancer) and HepG2 (hepatoma cancer) cell lines, with a potency similar to that of the well known anticancer drug adriamycin. It is evident from the cellular uptake studies that the uptake is same for the active complex 6 and the inactive complex 8 (1,6-bis{biacetyl- 2'-(4 `'-N-pyrrolidinylthiosemicarbazone)-3'-(4 `'-N-pyrrolidinylthiosemicarbazone) zinc(II)} hexane) in MCF-7 and HepG2 cell lines. In vitro DNA binding and cleavage studies revealed that all complexes bind with DNA through electrostatic interaction, and cause no significant cleavage of DNA. (C) 2'13 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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In the present study, we report the synthesis, characterization of new series of thiazolo3,2-a]pyrimidine-6-carboxylate derivatives 3a-f and 4a-f. The newly synthesized compounds were screened for in vitro antimicrobial and antiviral activities. The probable mode of action of these active compounds was determined through in silico docking study by docking the receptor methionyl-tRNA synthetase and human inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) for antibacterial and antiviral activities, respectively. Among the compounds, 4c exhibited excellent in vitro antimicrobial activity against all tested strains with binding and docking energies -35.6 and -12.4 kcal/mol, respectively. The antiviral studies were carried out for the selected compounds in which 4a exhibited 73.69 and 54.42 % of inhibition of buffalopox and camelpox viruses, respectively. Furthermore, compound 4a showed minimum docking and binding energy along with the maximum hydrogen/hydrophobic interaction with IMPDH. The study contributes towards identification and screening of potential antimicrobial and antiviral agent's against the pathogens.


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With the progress in modern technological research, novel biomaterials are being largely developed for various biomedical applications. Over the past two decades, most of the research focuses on the development of a new generation of bioceramics as substitutes for hard tissue replacement. In reference to their application in different anatomical locations of a patient, newly developed bioceramic materials can potentially induce a toxic/harmful effect to the host tissues. Therefore, prior to clinical testing, relevant biochemical screening assays are to be performed at the cellular and molecular level, to address the issues of biocompatibility and long term performance of the implants. Along with testing strategies in the bulk material toxicity, a detailed evaluation should also be conducted to determine the toxicity of the wear products of the potential bioceramics. This is important as the bioceramics are intended to be implanted in patients with longer life expectancy and notwithstanding, the material will eventually release finer (mostly nanosized) sized debris particles due to continuous wear at articulating surfaces in the hostile corrosive environment of the human body. The wear particulates generated from a biocompatible bioceramic may act in a different way, inducing early/late aseptic loosening at the implant site, resulting in osteolysis and inflammation. Hence, a study on the chronic effects of the wear particulates, in terms of local and systemic toxicity becomes the major criteria in the toxicity evaluation of implantable bioceramics. In this broad perspective, this article summarizes some of the currently used techniques and knowledge in assessing the in vitro and in vivo cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of bioceramic implant materials. It also addresses the need to conduct a broad evaluation before claiming the biocompatibility and clinical feasibility of any new biomaterial. This review also emphasizes some of the case studies based on the experimental designs that are currently followed and its importance in the context of clinical applications.


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We hypothesized that the AAV2 vector is targeted for destruction in the cytoplasm by the host cellular kinase/ubiquitination/proteasomal machinery and that modification of their targets on AAV2 capsid may improve its transduction efficiency. In vitro analysis with pharmacological inhibitors of cellular serine/threonine kinases (protein kinase A, protein kinase C, casein kinase II) showed an increase (20-90%) on AAV2-mediated gene expression. The three-dimensional structure of AAV2 capsid was then analyzed to predict the sites of ubiquitination and phosphorylation. Three phosphodegrons, which are the phosphorylation sites recognized as degradation signals by ubiquitin ligases, were identified. Mutation targets comprising eight serine (S) or seven threonine (T) or nine lysine (K) residues were selected in and around phosphodegrons on the basis of their solvent accessibility, overlap with the receptor binding regions, overlap with interaction interfaces of capsid proteins, and their evolutionary conservation across AAV serotypes. AAV2-EGFP vectors with the wild-type (WT) capsid or mutant capsids (15 S/T -> alanine A] or 9 K -> arginine R] single mutant or 2 double K -> R mutants) were then evaluated in vitro. The transduction efficiencies of 11 S/T -> A and 7 K -> R vectors were significantly higher (similar to 63-90%) than the AAV2-WT vectors (similar to 30-40%). Further, hepatic gene transfer of these mutant vectors in vivo resulted in higher vector copy numbers (up to 4.9-fold) and transgene expression (up to 14-fold) than observed from the AAV2-WT vector. One of the mutant vectors, S489A, generated similar to 8-fold fewer antibodies that could be cross-neutralized by AAV2-WT. This study thus demonstrates the feasibility of the use of these novel AAV2 capsid mutant vectors in hepatic gene therapy.