954 resultados para heart-rate variability


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico


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Introduction: The emergence of High Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) increase the life expectancy of the persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV), therefore the prolonged use cause metabolic implications and influences on body fat distribution and increase the cardiovascular diseases prevalence. Aims: Evaluate the effect of resistance training on heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype on PLHIV. Methods: Participated this study seven sedentary men, with age above 25 years old, living with HIV/AIDS, under HAART use. Were submitted a 16 week intervention with resistance training. Evaluated the heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype, before, after 8 weeks and 16 weeks, all in paired form. It was found the data normality by Shapiro-Wilk test and conducted the Anova one way combined with Tukey post hoc to samples in each evaluate moment, adopting significance level p<0,05. Also were calculated percentage change deltas. For somatotype was used the somatotype spatial distance (DES), obeying the significance value DES&#8805;1. Results: Was found significance differences only in variable final heart rate delta 60s (p=0,01), however, is not showed changes on heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype components. Conclusion: 16 weeks of resistance training showed improvement on heart rate recovery after submaximal effort and, despite is not enough to produce significance differences on biochemical parameters and somatotype components, could be realize improvement on average value of fasting glucose and lipid profile, as well as reducing the endomorphic component


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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CONTEXTUALIZAO: O teste de capacidade vital forada (CVF) rotineiramente realizado na avaliao da funo pulmonar de pacientes com doena pulmonar obstrutiva crnica (DPOC). Entretanto, permanece pouco compreendida a influncia do teste de CVF sobre o sistema cardiovascular de pacientes com DPOC. OBJETIVOS: Analisar o comportamento da frequncia cardaca (FC), presso arterial (PA) e variabilidade da frequncia cardaca (VFC) no teste de CVF na DPOC. MTODOS: Dezenove homens com DPOC (72 7 anos, no estgio de gravidade GOLD I=3, II=5, III=7 e IV=4 pacientes) realizaram a manobra de CVF e tiveram sua FC monitorada durante todo o exame, e a VFC analisada nos domnios do tempo (rMSSD) e da frequncia (BF, AF e BF/AF) durante o repouso, antes e aps a melhor manobra de CVF. A PA foi analisada no repouso, imediatamente ao final da manobra de CVF e 10 minutos aps o trmino de todos os testes. RESULTADOS: Ao incio da manobra de CVF, a FC reduziu (p<0,001) e, em seguida, aumentou progressivamente at o final do teste (p<0,001). Aps trmino da manobra, a FC continuou a aumentar at atingir um pico (p<0,001) e depois caiu rapidamente a valores inferiores aos de repouso (p<0,001) e retornou ao seu valor basal. A PA e os ndices da VFC no sofreram alteraes nos perodos analisados. CONCLUSO: O teste de CVF influencia o comportamento da FC, sem alterar o seu controle autonmico, bem como a PA em pacientes com DPOC nos perodos analisados.


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Background: It was already evidenced decreased heart rate variability (HRV) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients at rest.Objective: In order to insert new elements in the literature regarding this issue, we evaluated geometric index of HRV in COPD subjects.Method: We analyzed data from 34 volunteers, divided into two groups according to spirometric values: COPD (17 volunteers, FEV1/FVC = 47.3 +/- 10.2; FEV1 = 50.8 +/- 15.7) and control (17 volunteers, FEV1/FVC = 78.8 +/- 10.8; FEV1 = 100.1 +/- 14.7). For analysis of HRV indexes the volunteers remained in the supine position for 30 minutes. We analyzed the following indexes: triangular index (RRtri), triangular interpolation of RR intervals (TINN) and Poincare plot (SD1, SD2 and SD1/SD2). Student t test for unpaired samples and Mann-Whitney test were used for data analysis.Results: We observed statistically significant reductions in geometric indexes in the COPD group: RRtri (0.043 +/- 0.01 vs. 0.059 +/- 0.02; p = 0.018), TINN (105.88 +/- 51.82 vs. 151.47 +/- 49.9; p=0.014), SD1 (9.76 +/- 4.66 vs. 14.55 +/- 6.04; p = 0.014) and SD2 (34.86 +/- 17.02 vs. 51.51 +/- 18.38; p = 0.010). SD1/5D2 (0.30 +/- 0.11 vs. 0.28 +/- 0.07; p = 0.605) were not significantly different between groups. Patients with COPD presented a visual analysis of Poincare plot of lower dispersion of RR intervals both beat to beat and the long term.Conclusion: Subjects with COPD present reduction of geometric indexes of HRV, indicating reduced heart rate variability. (C) 2010 Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.


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O sistema nervoso autnomo (SNA) desempenha um papel importante na regulao dos processos fisiolgicos do organismo humano tanto em condies normais quanto patolgicas. Dentre as tcnicas utilizadas para sua avaliao, a variabilidade da frequncia cardaca (VFC) tem emergido como uma medida simples e no-invasiva dos impulsos autonmicos, representando um dos mais promissores marcadores quantitativos do balano autonmico. A VFC descreve as oscilaes no intervalo entre batimentos cardacos consecutivos (intervalos R-R), assim como oscilaes entre frequncias cardacas instantneas consecutivas. Trata-se de uma medida que pode ser utilizada para avaliar a modulao do SNA sob condies fisiolgicas, tais como em situaes de viglia e sono, diferentes posies do corpo, treinamento fsico, e tambm em condies patolgicas. Mudanas nos padres da VFC fornecem um indicador sensvel e antecipado de comprometimentos na sade. Uma alta variabilidade na frequncia cardaca sinal de boa adaptao, caracterizando um indivduo saudvel, com mecanismos autonmicos eficientes, enquanto que, baixa variabilidade frequentemente um indicador de adaptao anormal e insuficiente do SNA, implicando a presena de mau funcionamento fisiolgico no indivduo. Diante da sua importncia como um marcador que reflete a atividade do SNA sobre o ndulo sinusal e como uma ferramenta clnica para avaliar e identificar comprometimentos na sade, este artigo revisa aspectos conceituais da VFC, dispositivos de mensurao, mtodos de filtragem, ndices utilizados para anlise da VFC, limitaes de utilizao e aplicaes clnicas da VFC.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da tcnica de oscilao oral de alta freqncia (com o aparelho Shaker), aplicada em diferentes presses expiratrias (PE), sobre a funo autonmica e parmetros cardiorrespiratrios. Foram coletados dados de 20 voluntrios jovens saudveis (21,61,3 anos), que permaneceram em repouso inicial por 10 minutos e, em seguida, fizeram trs sries de dez expiraes no aparelho (com intervalo de descanso de 2 minutos entre as sries) em trs diferentes PE - presso livre (PL), de 10 (P10) e de 20 (P20) cmH2O - permanecendo por mais 10 minutos em repouso final. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, com nvel de significncia de 5%. Aps a aplicao da tcnica, constatou-se diferena significante nos ndices de variabilidade da freqncia cardaca em PL e um aumento significante na presso arterial sistlica em P20. Na presso arterial diastlica, freqncia respiratria e saturao perifrica de oxignio no foram encontradas diferenas antes, durante e aps a tcnica, nas diferentes PE. A percepo do esforo aumentou significantemente ao longo das sries em PL e P20 e entre P10 e P20 em cada srie. A freqncia cardaca (FC) aumentou e diminuiu em sincronia com os movimentos de inspirao e expirao, respectivamente. Foram observadas modificaes na modulao autonmica do corao em PL. A aplicao da tcnica nessa populao, nas diferentes PE analisadas, promoveu modificaes no comportamento da FC, no esforo percebido e, em PL, na modulao autonmica do corao.


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Background: The myotonic dystrophy (MD) is a multisystem neuromuscular disease that can affect the respiratory muscles and heart function, and cause impairment in quality of life. Objectives: Investigate the changes in respiratory muscle strength, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and autonomic modulation heart rate (HR) in patients with MD. Methods: Twenty-three patients performed assessment of pulmonary function, sniff nasal inspiratory pressure (SNIP), the maximal inspiratory (MIP) and expiratory (MEP) pressure, and of HRQoL (SF-36 questionnaire). Of these patients, 17 underwent assessment of heart rate variability (HRV) at rest, in the supine and seated positions. Results: The values of respiratory muscle strength were 64, 70 and 80% of predicted for MEP, MIP, and SNIP, respectively. Significant differences were found in the SF-36 domains of physical functioning (58.7 31,4 vs. 84.5 23, p<0.01) and physical problems (43.4 35.2 vs. 81.2 34, p<0.001) when patients were compared with the reference values. Single linear regression analysis demonstrated that MIP explains 29% of the variance in physical functioning, 18% of physical problems and 20% of vitality. The HRV showed that from supine position to seated, HF decreased (0.43 x 0.30), and LF (0.57 x 0.70) and the LF/HF ratio (1.28 x 2.22) increased (p< 0.05). Compared to healthy persons, LF was lower in both male patients (2.68 x 2.99) and women (2.31 x 2.79) (p< 0.05). LF / HF ratio and LF were higher in men (5.52 x 1.5 and 0.8 x 0.6, p <0.05) and AF in women (0.43 x 0.21) (p< 0.05). There was positive correlation between the time of diagnosis and LF / HF ratio (r = 0.7, p <0.01). Conclusions: The expiratory muscle strength was reduced. The HRQoL was more impaired on the physical aspects and partly influenced by changes in inspiratory muscle strength. The HRV showed that may be sympathetic dysfunction in autonomic modulation of HR, although with normal adjustment of autonomic modulation during the change of posture. The parasympathetic modulation is higher in female patients and sympathetic tends to increase in patients with longer diagnosis


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Previous studies have already demonstrated that auditory stimulation with music influences the cardiovascular system. In this study, we described the relationship between musical auditory stimulation and heart rate variability. Searches were performed with the Medline, SciELO, Lilacs and Cochrane databases using the following keywords: auditory stimulation, autonomic nervous system, music and heart rate variability. The selected studies indicated that there is a strong correlation between noise intensity and vagal-sympathetic balance. Additionally, it was reported that music therapy improved heart rate variability in anthracycline-treated breast cancer patients. It was hypothesized that dopamine release in the striatal system induced by pleasurable songs is involved in cardiac autonomic regulation. Musical auditory stimulation influences heart rate variability through a neural mechanism that is not well understood. Further studies are necessary to develop new therapies to treat cardiovascular disorders.


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Background: the associations between autonomic function and biventricular function in patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas disease remains to be elucidated.Methods: In 42 asymptornatic patients and 19 healthy volunteers, the autonomic function was assessed by time domain indices of heart rate variability (HRV), analyzed for 24 h; the right ventricular function was assessed by fraction area change, right ventricle shortening, and systolic excursion of the tricuspid valve; and the left ventricular function was assessed by ejection fraction and transmittal flow velocities. Data were expressed as mean SD or medians (including the lower quartile and upper quartile). Groups were compared by Student's t or Mann-Whitney U test. Autonomic and ventricular function were correlated by Pearson's or Spearman's correlation coefficient. The level of significance was 5%.Results: Right and left ventricular systolic function indexes were comparable between groups. Transmittal flow velocities were decreased in the Chagas disease group (p < 0.05). The patients presented impaired HRV as indicated by the values of SDNN-day (80 (64-99) ms vs. 98 (78-127) ms; p = 0.045), SDNNI-24 It (54 (43-71) vs. 65 (54-105) ms; p = 0.027), SDNNI-day (49 (42-64) vs. 67 (48-76) ms; p = 0.045), pNN50-day (2.2 (0.7-5)% vs. 10 (3-11)%; p = 0.033); and pNN50-24 It (3 (1-7)% vs. 12 (8-19)%; p = 0.013). There were no correlations between the left ventricular diastolic indices and autonomic dysfunctional indices (p > 0.05).Conclusion: Patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas disease have both dysautonomia, and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. However, the right ventricular function is preserved. Importantly, ventricular diastolic dysfunction and dysautonomia. are independent phenomena. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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FUNDAMENTO: O tabagismo altera a funo autonmica. OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos agudos do tabagismo sobre a modulao autonmica e a recuperao dos ndices de variabilidade de frequncia cardaca (VFC) ps-fumo, por meio do plot de Poincar e ndices lineares. MTODOS: Foram avaliados 25 fumantes jovens, os quais tiveram a frequncia cardaca analisada, batimento a batimento, na posio sentada, aps 8 horas de abstinncia, por 30 minutos em repouso, 20 minutos durante o fumo e 30 minutos ps-fumo. Anlise de varincia para medidas repetidas, seguido do teste de Tukey, ou teste de Friedman seguido do teste de Dunn foram aplicados dependendo da normalidade dos dados, com p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Durante o fumo, houve reduo dos ndices SD1 (23,4 9,2 vs 13,8 4,8), razo SD1/SD2 (0,31 0,08 vs 0,2 0,04), RMSSD (32,7 13 vs 19,1 6,8), SDNN (47,6 14,8 vs 35,5 8,4), HFnu (32,5 11,6 vs 19 8,1) e do intervalo RR (816,8 89 vs 696,5 76,3) em relao ao repouso, enquanto que aumentos do ndice LFnu (67,5 11,6 vs 81 8,1) e da razo LF/HF (2,6 1,7 vs 5,4 3,1) foram observados. A anlise visual do plot mostrou menor disperso dos intervalos RR durante o fumo. Com exceo da razo SD1/SD2, os demais ndices apresentaram recuperao dos valores, 30 minutos aps o tabagismo. CONCLUSO: O tabagismo produziu agudamente modificaes no controle autonmico, caracterizadas por ativao simptica e retirada vagal, com recuperao 30 minutos aps o fumo.


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Background: The literature has already demonstrated that cigarette influences the cardiovascular system. In this study, we performed a literature review in order to investigate the relationship between sidestream cigarette smoke (SSCS) and cardiac autonomic regulation. Methods. Searches were performed on Medline, SciELO, Lilacs and Cochrane databases using the crossing between the key-words: cigarette smoking, autonomic nervous system, air pollution and heart rate variability. Results: The selected studies indicated that SSCS exposure affects the sympathetic and parasympathetic responses to changes in arterial blood pressure. Moreover, heart rate responses to environmental tobacco smoke are increased in smokers compared to non-smokers. The mechanism involved on this process suggest increased oxidative stress in brainstem areas that regulate the cardiovascular system. Conclusion: Further studies are necessary to add new elements in the literature to improve new therapies to treat cardiovascular disorders in subjects exposed to sidestream cigarette smoke. 2013 Valenti et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.