932 resultados para grãos de girassol
The permanence of the corn grain in the field, after physiological maturity, is an important cause of crop losses, both in quantitative and qualitative aspect. By ceasing the supply of assimilated substances to grains, due to physiological maturity, the synthesis reactions are overcome by breathing, responsible for the maintenance of the living tissues of the grains, which occur at the expense of reserves accumulated during grain formation. In addition, there are losses from fungus and insects attack due to adverse weather conditions. Technological advances in recent decades, the develop of grain dryers with different capacities and efficiencies, has led to the early withdrawal of the product from the field, still damp, reducing spoilage. Moreover, the use of artificial drying systems can represent a significant cost to the producer. Thus, the present work aimed to study the effect of natural and artificial methods of drying on maize dry matter losses, for Botucatu, city of Sao Paulo state, Brazil. The cornfield production was conducted at the Experimental Farm “Lageado” and the experimental treatments were conducted in the Laboratory of Agricultural Products Processing, in the Department of Rural Engineering, where the drying systems were tested. The treatments were: shade (control), artificial with heated air, artificial unheated air and, drying attached to the plant. The following analyzes for quality monitoring were performed: weight test, thousand-grain weight test and, grain dry weight. The results showed significant loss in quality of drying beans attached to the plant, by assessing the dry matter loss and by the variation of the grain weight. The weight test showed that the worst performance was the artificial with heated air treatment. We used mathematical modeling techniques to describe the dry matter loss and adjusted the mathematical model to the experimental data analyzed. From the experimental data obtained during drying the grain attached to the plant, it was still possible to fit a regression model that estimates the loss of grain dry matter under the climate from Botucatu during the 2011/2012 harvest period.
The Culture of crambe became promising since its grains presents high oil content. The methods of drying may influence the quality of crude oil extracted from the beans, depending on the way it is managed. This study goal was to evaluate the influence of different drying methods on the quality of the crude oil extracted from crambe grain. The experimental design was completely randomized with five treatments (drying with heated air, natural air, yard, shade, and at the field), and with four tests for each. In order to check the quality of the grains, we performed an analysis of fat acidity, and to evaluate the crude oil quality, we conducted analysis of iodine value, acid value, water content, density at 20ºC, and a kinematic viscosity at 40°. After obtaining the data, the results were submitted to analysis of variance. When significant means were detected, they were compared by t-test (p ≤ 0.05). The method of drying with heated air provided a lower rate of fatty acid in grains. The drying methods evaluated did not compromise the quality of the oil extracted from the crambe grain.
The sunflower oleaginous is the fourth of recognized importance in the oil production and few studies related to agricultural operations adopted for this crop. The objective of the present work was to study the performance of agricultural machines in the conventional tillage and reduced in the plantation of the sunflower crop. The experiment was installed at the Experimental Farm of Lageado, belonging to the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of UNESP, located in Botucatu-SP. It consisted of two types of tillage (conventional tillage-CC and reduced tillage-CR), with experimental design in randomized blocks and four replications. The treatment CC promoted less coverage of the soil surface protected with waste when compared to CR treatment. The chisel plow was the tillage of equipment that required the tractor higher average traction force, average power traction and slippage, consequently, promoted lower average speed of work. The theoretical field capacity and area of land involved in the treatment CR were superior when compared to treatment CC, thereby lower consumption of fuel per hour worked was lower in CR treatment.
There were used four castrated male horses, crossbred. It was used randomized block by design for four replications. The objective was to evaluate the effect of using samples, ground or in natura, in the precision of the mobile nylon bag technique (MNBT) in comparison to the total collection (CT) method in oder to estimate the apparent digestibility coefficient (DC) of nutrients of high-moisture grains silage of sorghum with low (SSLT) and high (SSHT) tannin in the feeding equine. No effect was observed for MNBT and CT methods with in natura sample for DC of DM, OM, CE, CP to SSLT (P>0.05), whose average values were 81.71, 84.23, 82.27 e 81.43%, respectively. The MNBT did not showacuracy to evaluate of DC of the SSHT, with ground and in natura samples. It was concluded that MNBT containing in natura sample should be used to determinating the DC of SSLT to DM, OM, CE and CP for equines.
Crescimento e produtividade do girassol na segunda aplicação de lodo de esgoto em diferentes manejos
Sewage sludge, as a soil fertilizer for crop production, has become a very important agricultural input since it is rich in nutrients, adds carbon to the soil and improves its chemical, physical, and biological characteristics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of sewage sludge applied as a fertilizer for two consecutive years on sunflower plant growth and productivity. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of the College of Agriculture, a unit of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), in São Manuel, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The soil where the experiment was set is a Red Oxissol. The experiment consisted of 6 treatments with 5 replications. The experimental units were distributed in the field according to a randomized complete block design. ‘HELIO 251’ was the sunflower cultivar used in the experiment. The treatments were as follows: T0: check (no nitrogen applied); T1: conventional chemical fertilization; T2: 50% of the N dose from sewage sludge and 50% from a chemical fertilizer in side dress application; T3: 100% of the N dose from sewage sludge; T4: 150% of the N dose from sewage sludge; T5: 200% of the N dose from sewage sludge. The 150% of the N dose from sewage sludge treatment caused the plants to increase in height, in stem diameter, and in number of leaves per plant. The mixture in equal proportion of sewage sludge and a chemical fertilizer (treatment T2) resulted in an achene yield higher than that of the chemical fertilizer alone (treatment T1).
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O fluxo de materiais granulares é pouco discutido nos livros de física básica, apesar de que sistemas de grãos estão muito presentes na vida cotidiana. Este trabalho mostra o desenvolvimento de um sistema experimental relativamente simples para estudar a vazão de grãos de arroz e de açúcar. O aparelho é constituído por um silo cilíndrico com uma abertura circular no fundo e uma balança. A balança é conectada a um computador para monitorar a massa como função do tempo dos grãos que saem do silo. Foram realizadas medidas para diferentes diâmetros da abertura de saída do silo e diferentes alturas iniciais da coluna de grãos. Para fins didáticos, o mesmo sistema foi usado para medir a vazão de água. Os resultados claramente ilustram as diferenças entre os dois tipos de fluidos e podem ser facilmente reproduzidos em sala de aulas.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a composição química e a produtividade de grãos de soja, em resposta à aplicação de biorregulador na cultura da soja. Para tanto, sementes de soja da cultivar BRS 246 RR foram semeadas no mês de outubro dos anos agrícolas de 2007/2008 e 2008/2009, no delineamento experimental em blocos completos com os tratamentos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos, arranjados em esquema fatorial, foram compostos pela combinação do tratamento de sementes com o biorregulador (sem e com 0,500 L 100 kg-1 de sementes) e cinco doses do produto (0; 0,125; 0,250; 0,375 e 0,500 L ha-1) aplicadas via foliar, em dois estádios de desenvolvimento da cultura (V5 ou R3). Utilizou-se um biorregulador líquido da Stoller do Brasil Ltda., denominado de Stimulate®, composto por três reguladores vegetais na seguinte concentração: 0,005% do ácido indolbutirico - IBA (análogo de auxina), 0,009% de cinetina (citocinina) e 0,005% de ácido giberélico - GA3 (giberelina). O uso do biorregulador influenciou no incremento da produtividade; os teores de óleo e proteínas foram alterados pela ação do biorregulador, com tendência de favorecimento do conteúdo proteico.
[Joseph Maarssen]
sc. Ca. Io. Puechholzer, Passavii
Led to become a national productive Center, the Great Dourados Region, which consists of 40 cities located in the south of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil, emerged as a grain productive region from the middle of the 1970s in the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. Using modern agricultural techniques, the land organization in this region was ruled by a development policy which was not concerned with the socio environmental aspects of the area. In this context, the present work aims to analyze the development process of the Great Dourados region, through soybean production and its relation to the confinement of the indigenous people present in the Area. This integration happened due to the money and for it, inserting this Region into a national productive pattern which guided the farmers to modern crops, mainly soybean. The land cultivation was not the only productive activity that granted the Region an economic integration, to both the national and international market. From the end of the Paraguay War (1870) to the middle of the 70s, there were at least two other ways to the regional economic integration. One of them happened with the traditional activities of cattle raising and the extraction of the Paraguay tea (maté/ Yerba Mate) from 1870 to 1937, which divided the regional territory into large farmlands focused on the external market. The other way happened with the need to create a market for the agricultural production and for the demand for manufactured goods, which reorganized the regional territory into small farmlands, as a result of colonization projects from 1943 to 1956. Since 1976, with the creation of the Special Program for the Development of the Great Dourados Region (Prodegran), the capitalist relations of production, which were consolidated in the area, were not ruled almost exclusively by the traditional activities of cattle raising and the extraction of the Paraguay tea, in order to create a new accumulation center connected to the modern crops. As this new accumulation center was created, the Region was led to a selective and dependent integration process, in which many farmers changed their accumulation centers to modern grain crops, causing environmental degradation, productive exclusion and ethnical-cultural conflicts with the indigenous community
Led to become a national productive Center, the Great Dourados Region, which consists of 40 cities located in the south of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil, emerged as a grain productive region from the middle of the 1970s in the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. Using modern agricultural techniques, the land organization in this region was ruled by a development policy which was not concerned with the socio environmental aspects of the area. In this context, the present work aims to analyze the development process of the Great Dourados region, through soybean production and its relation to the confinement of the indigenous people present in the Area. This integration happened due to the money and for it, inserting this Region into a national productive pattern which guided the farmers to modern crops, mainly soybean. The land cultivation was not the only productive activity that granted the Region an economic integration, to both the national and international market. From the end of the Paraguay War (1870) to the middle of the 70s, there were at least two other ways to the regional economic integration. One of them happened with the traditional activities of cattle raising and the extraction of the Paraguay tea (maté/ Yerba Mate) from 1870 to 1937, which divided the regional territory into large farmlands focused on the external market. The other way happened with the need to create a market for the agricultural production and for the demand for manufactured goods, which reorganized the regional territory into small farmlands, as a result of colonization projects from 1943 to 1956. Since 1976, with the creation of the Special Program for the Development of the Great Dourados Region (Prodegran), the capitalist relations of production, which were consolidated in the area, were not ruled almost exclusively by the traditional activities of cattle raising and the extraction of the Paraguay tea, in order to create a new accumulation center connected to the modern crops. As this new accumulation center was created, the Region was led to a selective and dependent integration process, in which many farmers changed their accumulation centers to modern grain crops, causing environmental degradation, productive exclusion and ethnical-cultural conflicts with the indigenous community