968 resultados para fracture mechanics


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One-cell-thick monolayers are the simplest tissues in multicellular organisms, yet they fulfill critical roles in development and normal physiology. In early development, embryonic morphogenesis results largely from monolayer rearrangement and deformation due to internally generated forces. Later, monolayers act as physical barriers separating the internal environment from the exterior and must withstand externally applied forces. Though resisting and generating mechanical forces is an essential part of monolayer function, simple experimental methods to characterize monolayer mechanical properties are lacking. Here, we describe a system for tensile testing of freely suspended cultured monolayers that enables the examination of their mechanical behavior at multi-, uni-, and subcellular scales. Using this system, we provide measurements of monolayer elasticity and show that this is two orders of magnitude larger than the elasticity of their isolated cellular components. Monolayers could withstand more than a doubling in length before failing through rupture of intercellular junctions. Measurement of stress at fracture enabled a first estimation of the average force needed to separate cells within truly mature monolayers, approximately ninefold larger than measured in pairs of isolated cells. As in single cells, monolayer mechanical properties were strongly dependent on the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton, myosin, and intercellular adhesions interfacing adjacent cells. High magnification imaging revealed that keratin filaments became progressively stretched during extension, suggesting they participate in monolayer mechanics. This multiscale study of monolayer response to deformation enabled by our device provides the first quantitative investigation of the link between monolayer biology and mechanics.


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Light metal sandwich panel structures with cellular cores have attracted interest for multifunctional applications which exploit their high bend strength and impact energy absorption. This concept has been explored here using a model 6061-T6 aluminum alloy system fabricated by friction stir weld joining extruded sandwich panels with a triangular corrugated core. Micro-hardness and miniature tensile coupon testing revealed that friction stir welding reduced the strength and ductility in the welds and a narrow heat affected zone on either side of the weld by approximately 30%. Square, edge clamped sandwich panels and solid plates of equal mass per unit area were subjected to localized impulsive loading by the impact of explosively accelerated, water saturated, sand shells. The hydrodynamic load and impulse applied by the sand were gradually increased by reducing the stand-off distance between the test charge and panel surfaces. The sandwich panels suffered global bending and stretching, and localized core crushing. As the pressure applied by the sand increased, face sheet fracture by a combination of tensile stretching and shear-off occurred first at the two clamped edges of the panels that were parallel with the corrugation and weld direction. The plane of these fractures always lay within the heat affected zone of the longitudinal welds. For the most intensively loaded panels additional cracks occurred at the other clamped boundaries and in the center of the panel. To investigate the dynamic deformation and fracture processes, a particle-based method has been used to simulate the impulsive loading of the panels. This has been combined with a finite element analysis utilizing a modified Johnson-Cook constitutive relation and a Cockcroft-Latham fracture criterion that accounted for local variation in material properties. The fully coupled simulation approach enabled the relationships between the soil-explosive test charge design, panel geometry, spatially varying material properties and the panel's deformation and dynamic failure responses to be explored. This comprehensive study reveals the existence of a strong instability in the loading that results from changes in sand particle reflection during dynamic evolution of the panel's surface topology. Significant fluid-structure interaction effects are also discovered at the sample sides and corners due to changes of the sand reflection angle by the edge clamping system. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mechanics of failure for elastic-brittle lattice materials is reviewed. Closed-form expressions are summarized for fracture toughness as a function of relative density for a wide range of periodic lattices. A variety of theoretical and numerical approaches has been developed in the literature and in the main the predictions coincide for any given topology. However, there are discrepancies and the underlying reasons for these are highlighted. The role of imperfections at the cell wall level can be accounted for by Weibull analysis. Nevertheless, defects can also arise on the meso-scale in the form of misplaced joints, wavy cell walls and randomly distributed missing cell walls. These degrade the macroscopic fracture toughness of the lattice. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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High strength steels can suffer from a loss of ductility when exposed to hydrogen, and this may lead to sudden failure. The hydrogen is either accommodated in the lattice or is trapped at defects, such as dislocations, grain boundaries and carbides. The challenge is to identify the effect of hydrogen located at different sites upon the drop in tensile strength of a high strength steel. For this purpose, literature data on the failure stress of notched and un-notched steel bars are re-analysed; the bars were tested over a wide range of strain rates and hydrogen concentrations. The local stress state at failure has been determined by the finite element (FE) method, and the concentration of both lattice and trapped hydrogen is predicted using Oriani's theory along with the stress-driven diffusion equation. The experimental data are rationalised in terms of a postulated failure locus of peak maximum principal stress versus lattice hydrogen concentration. This failure locus is treated as a unique material property for the given steel and heat treatment condition. We conclude that the presence of lattice hydrogen increases the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement whereas trapped hydrogen has only a negligible effect. It is also found that the observed failure strength of hydrogen charged un-notched bars is less than the peak local stress within the notched geometries. Weakest link statistics are used to account for this stressed volume effect. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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A theoretical model about the size-dependent interface energy between two thin films with different materials is developed by considering the chemical bonding contribution based on the thermodynamic expressions and the structure strain contribution based on the mechanical characteristics. The interface energy decreases with reducing thickness of thin films, and is determined by such available thermodynamic and mechanical parameters as the melting entropy, the melting enthalpy, the shear modulus of two materials, etc. The predicted interface energies of some metal/MgO and metal/Al2O3 interfaces based on the model are consistent with the results based on the molecular mechanics calculation. Furthermore, the interface fracture properties of Ag/MgO and Ni/Al2O3 based on the atomistic simulation are further compared with each other. The fracture strength and the toughness of the interface with the smaller structure interface energy are both found to be lower. The intrinsic relations among the interface energy, the interface strength, and the fracture toughness are discussed by introducing the related interface potential and the interface stress. The microscopic interface fracture toughness is found to equal the structure interface energy in nanoscale, and the microscopic fracture strength is proportional to the fracture toughness. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3501090]


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An analytical model about size-dependent interface energy of metal/ceramic interfaces in nanoscale is developed by introducing both the chemical energy and the structure stain energy contributions. The dependence of interface energy on the interface thickness is determined by the melting enthalpy, the molar volume, and the shear modulus of two materials composing the interfaces, etc. The analytic prediction of the interface energy and the atomic scale simulation of the interface fracture strength are compared with each other for Ag/MgO and Ni/Al2O3 interfaces, the fracture strength of the interface with the lower chemical interface energy is found to be larger. The potential of Ag/MgO interface related to the interface energy is calculated, and the interface stress and the interface fracture strength are estimated further. The effect of the interface energy on the interface strength and the behind mechanism are discussed.


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In this study, a simplified Acoustic Emission (AE) equipment, in essence an AE signal conditioner and a USB (Universal Serial Bus) data acquisition system, is used to study what happens in paper structures during mechanical loading. By the use of such equipment, some parameters that can be extracted are e.g. the stress and strain at onset of AE, the stress and strain at the onset of rapid AE defined as some numerical factor (larger then one) times the initial emission rate, the emission rate at the first stage of loading and the stress and strain at final failure i.e. when the specimen loses its load carrying ability.In this study however, the interest is focused on one particular parameter i.e. the elastic strain energy density W c at onset of AE. This is a parameter with a clear physical meaning and in this study, the correlation between this parameter and a fracture toughness measure, is investigated.The conclusion is that when nine different paper materials (with a large span regarding properties) are considered, there is a correlation (however not linear) between these two parameters.


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The delamination or splitting of mechanical test specimens of rolled steel plate is a phenomenon that has been studied for many years. In the present study, splitting during fracture of tensile and Charpy V-notch (CVN) test specimens is examined in a high-strength low-alloy plate steel. It is shown that delamination did not occur in test specimens from plate in the as-rolled condition, but was severe in material tempered in the temperature range 500 °C to 650 °C. Minor splitting was seen after heating to 200 °C, 400 °C, and 700 °C. Samples that had been triple quenched and tempered to produce a fine equiaxed grain size also did not exhibit splitting. Microstructural and preferred orientation studies are presented and are discussed as they relate to the splitting phenomenon. It is concluded that the elongated as-rolled grains and grain boundary embrittlement resulting from precipitates (carbides and nitrides) formed during reheating were responsible for the delamination.


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Adhesive bonding has become more efficient in the last few decades due to the adhesives developments, granting higher strength and ductility. On the other hand, natural fibre composites have recently gained interest due to the low cost and density. It is therefore essential to predict the fracture behavior of joints between these materials, to assess the feasibility of joining or repairing with adhesives. In this work, the tensile fracture toughness (Gc n) of adhesive joints between natural fibre composites is studied, by bonding with a ductile adhesive and co-curing. Conventional methods to obtain Gc n are used for the co-cured specimens, while for the adhesive within the bonded joint, the J-integral is considered. For the J-integral calculation, an optical measurement method is developed for the evaluation of the crack tip opening and adherends rotation at the crack tip during the test, supported by a Matlab sub-routine for the automated extraction of these quantities. As output of this work, an optical method that allows an easier and quicker extraction of the parameters to obtain Gc n than the available methods is proposed (by the J-integral technique), and the fracture behaviour in tension of bonded and co-cured joints in jute-reinforced natural fibre composites is also provided for the subsequent strength prediction. Additionally, for the adhesively- bonded joints, the tensile cohesive law of the adhesive is derived by the direct method.


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The perceived wisdom about thin sheet fracture is that (i) the crack propagates under mixed mode I & III giving rise to a slant through-thickness fracture profile and (ii) the fracture toughness remains constant at low thickness and eventually decreases with increasing thickness. In the present study, fracture tests performed on thin DENT plates of various thicknesses made of stainless steel, mild steel, 6082-O and NS4 aluminium alloys, brass, bronze, lead, and zinc systematically exhibit (i) mode I “bath-tub”, i.e. “cup & cup”, fracture profiles with limited shear lips and significant localized necking (more than 50% thickness reduction), (ii) a fracture toughness that linearly increases with increasing thickness (in the range of 0.5–5 mm). The different contributions to the work expended during fracture of these materials are separated based on dimensional considerations. The paper emphasises the two parts of the work spent in the fracture process zone: the necking work and the “fracture” work. Experiments show that, as expected, the work of necking per unit area linearly increases with thickness. For a typical thickness of 1 mm, both fracture and necking contributions have the same order of magnitude in most of the metals investigated. A model is developed in order to independently evaluate the work of necking, which successfully predicts the experimental values. Furthermore, it enables the fracture energy to be derived from tests performed with only one specimen thickness. In a second modelling step, the work of fracture is computed using an enhanced void growth model valid in the quasi plane stress regime. The fracture energy varies linearly with the yield stress and void spacing and is a strong function of the hardening exponent and initial void volume fraction. The coupling of the two models allows the relative contributions of necking versus fracture to be quantified with respect to (i) the two length scales involved in this problem, i.e. the void spacing and the plate thickness, and (ii) the flow properties of the material. Each term can dominate depending on the properties of the material which explains the different behaviours reported in the literature about thin plate fracture toughness and its dependence with thickness.


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Cutting force data for Nylon 66 has been examined in terms of various different models of cutting. Theory that includes significant work of separation at the tool tip was found to give the best correlation with experimental data over a wide range of rake angles for derived primary shear plane angle. A fracture toughness parameter was used as the measure of the specific work of separation. Variation in toughness with rake angle determined from cutting is postulated to be caused by mixed mode separation at the tool tip. A rule of mixtures using independently determined values of toughness in tension (mode 1) and shear (mode 11) is found to describe well the variation with rake angle. The ratio of modes varies with rake angle and, in turn, with the primary shear plane angle. Previous suggestions that cutting is a means of experimentally determining fracture toughness are now seen to be extended to identify the mode of fracture toughness as well.


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The objective of this study was to verify if differences in the design of internal hex (IH) and internal conical (IC) connection implant systems influence fracture resistance under oblique compressive forces. Twenty implant-abutment assemblies were utilized: 10 with IH connections and 10 with IC connections. Maximum deformation force for IC implants (90.58 +/- 6.72 kgf) was statistically higher than that for IH implants (83.73 +/- 4.94 kgf) (P = .0182). Fracture force for the IH implants was 79.86 +/- 4.77 kgf. None of the IC implants fractured. The friction-locking mechanics and the solid design of the IC abutments provided greater resistance to deformation and fracture under oblique compressive loading when compared to the IH abutments. Int J Prosthodont 2009;22:283-286.


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Advanced high strength steel sheets are one of the higher strength advance material developed by the steel industry for automotive bodies. One of the categories of this advanced high strength steel is Dual Phase (DP) steel. This steel consists of a two phase microstructure where soft and hard phase acts together to offer a high strength composite effect. The combination of high strength and ductility exhibited by these sheets allows the design and manufacture of complex parts. However, during forming certain grades of DP steel sudden cracking can occur without any intimation of necking. This abnormal forming behavior is difficult to accurately predict because most classical modelling approaches are not designed for such micro-structurally heterogeneous materials. These modelling approaches are generally based on an average representation of the material behaviour in a continuum mechanics formulation. This works for materials that are homogenous, or at least could be assumed to be homogenous at scales lower than the naked eye can see. However, for a material like advanced high strength steel, the microstructure plays a significant role in dictating the mechanical behavior at the macro-scale. This paper studies the forming and fracture behavior through multi-scale modeling of DPO590 steel. It is found that the sufficient accuracy can be achieved from multi-scale modeling when comparing with experiments.