952 resultados para exotic terrane
Some viruses are transmitted only in specific parts of the world and do not exist in Switzerland. However, the increase in intercontinental travels, the tendency of travelers to have activities in remote rural areas, the transportation (sometimes forbidden) of exotic animals, the climatic warming and the adaptation of viruses to new vectors produce an extension of viral diseases towards Northern countries. To improve the identification of these infections in travelers, but also in European autochthonous populations, it is necessary to know the clinical characteristics and the websites announcing the epidemics. Neurological or hemorrhagic signs should incite the clinician to suspect a viral hemorrhagic fever, diagnosis to be considered if the destination and chronology are compatible, strict isolation measures being necessary.
Fish passage at artificial barriers is necessary for the conservation of healthy fish stocks. The first barrier that migratory fish encounter when ascending the Ebro River is the Xerta Weir, where a pool-type fishway was constructed in 2008. From 2007 to 2010, boat electrofishing surveys were conducted in the Ebro River downstream of the Xerta Weir to assess the potential pool of species that could use the fishway. Nine native and 12 exotic species were captured, the latter comprising 62 % of the relative abundance and 70 % of the biomass. A combination of video recording, electrofishing and trapping was used to assess the effectiveness of the fishway in facilitating the passage of fish. Eight species were detected using the fishway, of which five were native (Liza ramada, Anguilla anguilla, Barbus graellsii, Gobio lozanoi and Salaria fluviatilis) and three exotic (Alburnus alburnus, Cyprinus carpio and Rutilus rutilus). Only L. ramada used the fishway in substantial numbers. The rate of fish passage was the highest from June to August and decreased afterwards. The effectiveness of the fishway might be lowered by areas of turbulence within the fishway and by distraction flows from a nearby hydropower station
The Variscan structures of the Caucasus region are still quite difficult to decipher, they certainly deserved some in depth investigations in the future. Thus, it is right to question any paleogeographic models proposed in that area, as made by D.A. Ruban. We present here the arguments that we used to decide on the distribution of the terranes in that region. The Transcaucasus massif is regarded as pertaining to the Galatian super-terrane, whereas, the Great Caucasus terrane belongs to the Hanseatic ribbon terrane. The latter was a part of Hunia, detached from Laurussia in the Devonian.
A dual model with a nonlinear proton Regge trajectory in the missing mass (M_X^2) channel is constructed. A background based on a direct-channel exotic trajectory, developed and applied earlier for the inclusive electron-proton cross section description in the nucleon resonance region, is used. The parameters of the model are determined from the extrapolations to earlier experiments. Predictions for the low-mass (2 < M_X^2 < 8GeV^2) diffraction dissociation cross sections at the LHC energies are given.
Most studies of invasive species have been in highly modified, lowland environments, with comparatively little attention directed to less disturbed, high-elevation environments. However, increasing evidence indicates that plant invasions do occur in these environments, which often have high conservation value and provide important ecosystem services. Over a thousand non-native species have become established in natural areas at high elevations worldwide, and although many of these are not invasive, some may pose a considerable threat to native mountain ecosystems. Here, we discuss four main drivers that shape plant invasions into high-elevation habitats: (1) the (pre-)adaptation of non-native species to abiotic conditions, (2) natural and anthropogenic disturbances, (3) biotic resistance of the established communities, and (4) propagule pressure. We propose a comprehensive research agenda for tackling the problem of plant invasions into mountain ecosystems, including documentation of mountain invasion patterns at multiple scales, experimental studies, and an assessment of the impacts of non-native species in these systems. The threat posed to high-elevation biodiversity by invasive plant species is likely to increase because of globalization and climate change. However, the higher mountains harbor ecosystems where invasion by non-native species has scarcely begun, and where science and management have the opportunity to respond in time.
On Chichijima, one of the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands located in the Western Pacific Ocean, land snails have declined, the suggested cause being predation pressure by an invasive flatworm (Platydemus manokwari). Soil fauna were investigated in areas where the snail survives, and where it has become extinct. Much of the fauna, dominated by introduced earthworms and ants, was undiminished, however, one undescribed but endemic carabid (Badister sp.), which selectively feeds on land snails, was absent in snail-extinct areas. The invasive flatworm P. manokwari has been reported to feed also on the carcasses of earthworms, as well as on live snails, and is therefore expected to occur in most parts of Chichijima Island. Among other groups, the density of isopods (also dominated by exotic species) was very low, in comparison with the reported ones 30 years ago. Community structure is currently reflected by dominance of earthworms and ants, decline of endemic isopods, and a high frequency of introduced or alien species.
The objective of this work was to undertake a qualitative assessment of earthworm diversity in areas under human influence, in a region of Cerrado-Pantanal-Amazon rainforest transition, in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The earthworms were collected in the municipalities of Barra do Bugres and Arenápolis, and were studied together with species previously identified from other municipalities. Seventeen municipalities, at 29 sampling points of Mato Grosso State, have been sampled. Seven species of earthworms were collected and identified in Barra do Bugres: Goiascolex vanzolinii, Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus, Opisthodrillus borellii borellii, Opisthodrillus sp., Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) gracilis, Dichogaster sp. and a species of the Criodrilidae family. Four species of earthworms were identified in Arenápolis: Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) gracilis, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) affinis and Dichogaster sp. In total, 32 earthworm species/subspecies are known from Mato Grosso, 22 native and 10 exotic.
Tot i que la creixent amenaça de les plantes exòtiques invasores en els espais naturals és un fet evident, aquest problema és gairebé desconegut a la Vall d'Alinyà. Es van estudiar set punts de mostreig associats a quatre tipologies d'hàbitat per esbrinar la distribució de les plantes invasores en la Vall d'Alinyà, així com canvis recents en la seva composició, abundància i en el rang de distribució a partir de fonts bibliogràfiques. Es va desenvolupar un índex per quantificar la problemàtica de les invasions de flora exòtica en els diferents hàbitats estudiats. Els focus d'invasió van resultar estar associats a zones pertorbades, nuclis de població i baixes altituds. El canvi climàtic i els canvis en els usos del sòl podrien estar jugant un paper essencial en l'aparició de noves plantes invasores i en l'increment tant de l'abundància com de la cota altitudinal dels nivells més grans d'invasió. Tot i que la problemàtica associada a les plantes invasores en la Vall d'Alinyà és generalment baixa, algunes espècies com Senecio inaequidens representen una amenaça per a l'espai, motiu pel qual es proposa un pla de gestió per a la flora invasora.
Little Clear Lake is a 162 acre natural lake located in the western part of Pocahontas County. The lake has a 375 acre watershed that is gently rolling with nearly 84% of the watershed in row crop production. The lake is listed on the Iowa DNR’s impaired waters list due to nutrients, siltation and exotic species (purple loosestrife). These impairments have been verified with in-lake monitoring and landowner conversations as well as watershed modeling. The watershed models estimates that the average sheet and rill erosion is 1.74 tons/acre/year and sediment delivery is .12 tons/acre/year with a total of 44 tons/year being delivered to Little Clear Lake. The goal of the Little Clear Lake Watershed Protection Plan is to (1) reduce sediment delivery to Little Clear Lake by 60%, or 26.5 tons annually, by installing best management practices within the watershed. Doing this will control nearly 100% of the of the lake’s drainage area; and (2) initiate an information and education campaign for residents within the Little Clear Lake watershed which will ultimately prepare the residents and landowners for future project implementation. In an effort to control sediment and nutrient loading the Little Clear Lake Watershed Protection Plan has included 3 sediment catch basin sites and 5 grade stabilization structures, which function to stabilize concentrated flow areas.
The Lost Island Lake watershed is located in the prairie pothole region, a region dotted with glacial wetlands and shallow lakes. At 1,180 acres, Lost Island Lake is the state's fifth largest natural lake and its watershed is comprised of nearly 1,000 acres of wetland habitat, including Iowa 's largest natural wetland – Barringer Slough. Unfortunately, Lost Island and its associated wetlands are not functioning to their fullest ecological and water quality potential. In 2002 and 2004, Lost Island Lake was categorized as '·impaired'" on Iowa's Impaired Waters List. Frequent algal blooms and suspended solids drastically increase turbidity levels resulting in its impairment. To investigate these concerns, a two-year study and resulting Water Quality Improvement Plan were completed. The water quality study identified an overabundance of non-native common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the lake and its surrounding wetlands as a primary cause of impairment. The goal of the Lost Island Lake Watershed Enhancement Project is to restore ecological health to Lost Island Lake and its intricate watershed resulting in improved water quality and a diverse native plant and wildlife community. The purpose of this grant is to obtain funding for the construction of two combination fish barriers and water control structures placed at key locations in the watershed within the Blue Wing Marsh complex. Construction of the fish barriers and water control structures would aid restoration efforts by preventing spawning common carp from entering wetlands in the watershed and establishing the ability to manage water levels in large wetland areas. Water level management is crucial in wetland health and exotic fish control. These two structures are part of a larger construction project that involves a total of four combination fish barriers and water control structures and one additional fish barrier. The entire Lost Island Lake Watershed Enhancement Project is a multi-year project, but the construction phase for the fish barriers and water control structures will be completed before December 31, 2011.
The objective of this work was to establish and test the induced-feeding bioassay in order to detect Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal activity against Epilachna paenulata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Larvae were induced to swallow high concentrations of spore-crystal suspensions of seven exotic and 30 Argentine B. thuringiensis strains. The great majority of strains showed no toxicity to E. paenulata larvae, and observed mortality was lower than 30%. Induced-feeding bioassay is feasible, and should be used for prospecting strains that produce right combinations of Cry proteins needed to an efficient pest control.
We initiate a systematic scan of the landscape of black holes in any spacetime dimension using the recently proposed blackfold effective worldvolume theory. We focus primarily on asymptotically flat stationary vacuum solutions, where we uncover large classes of new black holes. These include helical black strings and black rings, black odd-spheres, for which the horizon is a product of a large and a small sphere, and non-uniform black cylinders. More exotic possibilities are also outlined. The blackfold description recovers correctly the ultraspinning Myers-Perry black holes as ellipsoidal even-ball configurations where the velocity field approaches the speed of light at the boundary of the ball. Helical black ring solutions provide the first instance of asymptotically flat black holes in more than four dimensions with a single spatial U(1) isometry. They also imply infinite rational non-uniqueness in ultraspinning regimes, where they maximize the entropy among all stationary single-horizon solutions. Moreover, static blackfolds are possible with the geometry of minimal surfaces. The absence of compact embedded minimal surfaces in Euclidean space is consistent with the uniqueness theorem of static black holes
Many prairie restoration projects are hampered by a lack of knowledge on how to restore the high diversity found in prairies, while at the same time preventing the establishment of a large weedy component. Methods are needed to increase diversity and abundance of native species while minimizing exotic species invasions in both 1) newly planted restorations and 2) established restorations. We established an experiment in Story and Monona counties in 2005 to determine the effects of different native cover crop species and timing of seeding on the establishment of new prairie restorations. We found that adding a 30-species prairie mix in early spring led to diverse native communities, but adding the mix in the late summer or the following year after cover crops established led to low diversity communities dominated by exotics. The identity of cover crops affected communities less than timing of seed additions. A second seed addition added to ash after a spring fire in the seventh year (Monona County site) increased recruitment from the prairie mix slightly, but the increase was not enough to cause convergence in the treatments. Surprisingly, the second seed addition increased diversity only in communities that were already the most diverse (i.e., in plots seeded with the prairie mix in early spring before cover crops established). These results imply that 1) cover crops are not effective for establishing prairie and 2) over seeding into established plots may not be an easy and efficient way to increase native recruitment and lower weedy species abundances. Therefore, focusing on establishing high levels of recruitment and diversity and excluding weedy species during the critical time early in establishment should be a priority for new projects.
The results of a coupled, in situ laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb study on zircon and geochemical characterization of the Eastern Cordilleran intrusives of Peru reveal 1.15 Ga of intermittent magmatism along central Western Amazonia, the Earth's oldest active open continental margin. The eastern Peruvian batholiths are volumetrically dominated by plutonism related to the assembly and breakup of Pangea during the Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition. A Carboniferous-Permian (340-285 Ma) continental arc is identified along the regional orogenic strike from the Ecuadorian border (6 degrees S) to the inferred inboard extension of the Arequipa-Antofalla terrane in southern Peru (14 degrees S). Widespread crustal extension and thinning, which affected western Gondwana throughout the Permian and Triassic resulted in the intrusion of the late- to post-tectonic La Merced-San Ramon-type anatectites dated between 275 and 220 Ma, while the emplacement of the southern Cordillera de Carabaya peraluminous granitoids in the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic (220-190 Ma) represents, temporally and regionally, a separate tectonomagmatic event likely related to resuturing of the Arequipa-Antofalla block. Volcano-plutonic complexes and stocks associated with the onset of the present Andean cycle define a compositionally bimodal alkaline suite and cluster between 180 and 170 Ma. A volumetrically minor intrusive pulse of Oligocene age (ca. 30 Ma) is detected near the southwestern Cordilleran border with the Altiplano. Both post-Gondwanide (30-170 Ma), and Precambrian plutonism (691-1123 Ma) are restricted to isolated occurrences spatially comprising less than 15% of the Eastern Cordillera intrusives. Only one remnant of a Late Ordovician intrusive belt is recognized in the Cuzco batholith (446.5 +/- 9.7 Ma) indicating that the Famatinian arc system previously identified in Peru along the north-central Eastern Cordillera and the coastal Arequipa-Antofalla terrane also existed inboard of this parautochthonous crustal fragment. Hitherto unknown occurrences of late Mesoproterozoic and middle Neoproterozoic granitoids from the south-central cordilleran segment define magmatic events at 691 +/- 13 Ma, 751 +/- 8 Ma, 985 +/- 14 Ma, and 1071-1123 +/- 23 Ma that are broadly coeval with the Braziliano and Grenville-Sunsas orogenies, respectively. Our data suggest the existence of a continuous orogenic belt in excess of 3500 km along Western Amazonia during the formation of Rodinia, its ``early'' fragmentation prior to 690 Ma, and support a model of reaccretion of the Paracas-Arequipa-Antofalla terrane to western Gondwana in the Early Ordovician with subsequent detachment of the Paracas segment in form of the Mexican Oaxaquia microcontinent in Middle Ordovician. A tectonomagmatic model involving slab detachment, followed by underplating of cratonic margin by asthenospheric mantle is proposed for the genesis of the volumetrically dominant Late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic Peruvian Cordilleran batholiths.
The work had as objective the physico-chemical characterization of yellow mangosteen fruits. Six samples of 25 fruits were harvested in yellow mangosteen plants of the Active Germoplasm Bank of São Paulo State University and characterized by evaluation of length and width, weight, percentage and number of seeds per fruit, peel and pulp percentage, soluble solid (SS), titratable acidity (TA), vitamin C and SS/TA rate. Yellow mangosteen fruit is an intermediate vitamin C source with an average content 120.33 mg/100g of fresh fruit and has good technological quality.