468 resultados para complaint
Draft of a complaint against the boys in Croswell's neighborhood.
Three-page handwritten essay in English by Buckminster with a story about a wealthy young Englishman named Francis who discovers that money is not the source of happiness. The essay is titled with a quote from Edward Young's poem, "The Complaint." Buckminster's essay begins, "Francis was the son of a rich English nobleman."
Four-page handwritten essay in English by Buckminster on the consequences of procrastination. The essay begins, "Moralists of every age & nation, from wise, proverbial Solomon to 'poor Richard' of our own times, have united in recommending industry, as one of the most necessary virtues." The essay is titled with a quote from Edward Young's poem, "The Complaint," and ends with two lines from Horace beginning, "Est modus in rebus ; sunt certi denique fines..."
One-page report signed by Hollis Professor Samuel Williams and Tutor William Bentley examining the complaint made by "Kendall" (probably Samuel Kendal, a member of the Class of 1782) of a "great abuse he received after Commons" on May 9, 1780 from Fortescue Vernon (Class of 1780) and Edward Sohier (Class of 1781). The report finds Vernon guilty and recommends a light punishment. Williams and Bentley then propose six regulations intended to keep order after breakfast and dinner service in the dining hall.
This is a manuscript copy of meeting minutes concerning fellow Tutor Joseph Mayhew's complaints against Nathan Prince. The minutes are written in a small paper-bound volume whose cover bears these inscriptions: "Oct. 31, 1740. Mr. Mayhew's complaint vs. Mr. Prince to the President and Tutors, Recd 14 Sept. 1741 of a Freshman, seal'd up;" "Acco of Mr. Mayhew's complaint of Mr. Prince contained in the Pres't & Tut's Book;" and "To the Honble Mr. Foxcroft, Chairman of the Committee of the Honble & Revd. the Overseers of Harvard College in Cambridge." Among other complaints, Mayhew was upset that Prince had called him "a Rascall & a rascally Fellow." The minutes also indicate that Prince left two meetings of the President and Tutors without permission, in spite of President Holyoke's having entreated him "Won't you stay?"
Handwritten essay about procrastination and a poem celebrating spring composed by Washington Allston while he was an undergraduate at Harvard. The essay uses a story about a young Italian named Bernardo to discuss the consequences of procrastination. The essay is labeled “Allston Novem. ’99" and is titled with a quote from Edward Young's poem "The Complaint," “Procrastination is Theif [sic] of time.” Allston’s poem celebrates spring and incorporates Phillida and Corydon, two characters from Nicholas Breton’s poem “Phillida and Cordion.” The poem is titled with the verses, “Chief, lovely spring, in thee, and thy soft scenes, / The smiling God is seen” from James Thompson's poem “Spring.” The poem is labeled "Allston July 10, 1799."
One letter of complaint against Commodore John Creighton by Lincoln, a midshipman.
One octavo-sized leaf containing a brief one-page handwritten letter from Winthrop to Bentley with a complaint about not receiving the Salem Gazette.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
In light of the growing international competition among states and globally operating companies for limited natural resources, export restrictions on raw materials have become a popular means for governments to strive for various goals, including industrial development, natural resource conservation and environmental protection. For instance, China as a major supplier of many raw materials has been using its powerful position to both economic and political ends. The European Union (EU), alongside economic heavyweights such as the US, Japan and Mexico, launched two high-profile cases against such export restrictions by China at the WTO in 2009 and 2012. Against this background, this paper analyses the EU’s motivations in the initiation of trade disputes on export restrictions at WTO, particularly focusing on the two cases with China. It argues that the EU's WTO complaints against export restrictions on raw materials are to a large extent motivated by its economic and systemic interests rather than political interests. The EU is more likely to launch a WTO complaint, the stronger the potential and actual impact on its economy, the more ambiguous the WTO rules and the stronger the internal or external lobbying by member states or companies. This argumentation is based on the analysis of pertinent factors such as the economic impact, the ambiguity of WTO law on export restrictions and the pressure by individual member states on the EU as well as the role of joint complaints at the WTO and political considerations influencing the EU’s decision-making process.
BACKGROUND: There is no evidence-based guidance to facilitate design decisions for confirmatory trials or systematic reviews investigating treatment efficacy for adults with tinnitus. This systematic review therefore seeks to ascertain the current status of trial designs by identifying and evaluating the reporting of outcome domains and instruments in the treatment of adults with tinnitus. METHODS: Records were identified by searching PubMed, EMBASE CINAHL, EBSCO, and CENTRAL clinical trial registries (ClinicalTrials.gov, ISRCTN, ICTRP) and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Eligible records were those published from 1 July 2006 to 12 March 2015. Included studies were those reporting adults aged 18 years or older who reported tinnitus as a primary complaint, and who were enrolled into a randomised controlled trial, a before and after study, a non-randomised controlled trial, a case-controlled study or a cohort study, and written in English. Studies with fewer than 20 participants were excluded. RESULTS: Two hundred and twenty-eight studies were included. Thirty-five different primary outcome domains were identified spanning seven categories (tinnitus percept, impact of tinnitus, co-occurring complaints, quality of life, body structures and function, treatment-related outcomes and unclear or not specified). Over half the studies (55 %) did not clearly define the complaint of interest. Tinnitus loudness was the domain most often reported (14 %), followed by tinnitus distress (7 %). Seventy-eight different primary outcome instruments were identified. Instruments assessing multiple attributes of the impact of tinnitus were most common (34 %). Overall, 24 different patient-reported tools were used, predominantly the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (15 %). Loudness was measured in diverse ways including a numerical rating scale (8 %), loudness matching (4 %), minimum masking level (1 %) and loudness discomfort level (1 %). Ten percent of studies did not clearly report the instrument used. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate poor appreciation of the basic principles of good trial design, particularly the importance of specifying what aspect of therapeutic benefit is the main outcome. No single outcome was reported in all studies and there was a broad diversity of outcome instruments. PROSPERO REGISTRATION: The systematic review protocol is registered on PROSPERO (International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews): CRD42015017525 . Registered on 12 March 2015 revised on 15 March 2016.
Song of the Volka boatmen - At daybreak -- Mazurka -- On the river -- In the steppe -- Fiddle and bass -- Balalaika -- In the canteen -- The beggar's song -- Song and chorus -- Complaint -- Happiness -- Song and dance -- Sea birds -- Bridesmaids' chorus.
Fifteenth century manuscript named in honor of Dr. H.B. Wheatley.
v. 5. First part of King Henry VI. Second part of King Henry VI. Third part of King Henry VI. King Richard III. King Henry VIII.--v. 6. Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus. Titus Andronicus. Romeo and Juliet.--v. 7. Timon of Athens. Julius Caesar. Macbeth. Hamlet.--v. 8. King Lear. Othello. Antony and Cleopatra. Cymbeline.--v. 9. Pericles. The two noble kinsmen. Venus and Adonis. Lucrece. Sonnets. A lover's complaint. The passionate pilgrim. The phoenix and turtle.--v. 10. Glossary to Shakespeare.
"Limited to fifty copies, of which this is no. 10. Proof-sheets and waste pages havew been destroyed. But six copies of "The shepheardes complaint' have been thrown off separately."