927 resultados para comment letters
Corps mutilés, déformés, brûlés, ravagés par la maladie: dans de nombreux services, les soignants sont confrontés à des situations de l'ordre de l'insoutenable. Comment faire face sans être submergé de sentiments négatifs et surtout, comment entrer en relation avec des patients dont la souffrance psychique est immense ?
Letter to the Editor on Wang M, Wang Q, Wang Z, Zhang X, Pan Y. The molecular evolutionary patterns of the insulin/FOXO signaling pathway
Actes de Géoforum 2004 (Poitiers) : "Les migrations internationales : connaitre et comprendre".
Intravascular brachytherapy with beta sources has become a useful technique to prevent restenosis after cardiovascular intervention. In particular, the Beta-Cath high-dose-rate system, manufactured by Novoste Corporation, is a commercially available 90Sr 90Y source for intravascular brachytherapy that is achieving widespread use. Its dosimetric characterization has attracted considerable attention in recent years. Unfortunately, the short ranges of the emitted beta particles and the associated large dose gradients make experimental measurements particularly difficult. This circumstance has motivated the appearance of a number of papers addressing the characterization of this source by means of Monte Carlo simulation techniques.
Did hypocretin receptor 2 autoantibodies cause narcolepsy with hypocretin deficiency in Pandemrix-vaccinated children, as suggested by Ahmed et al.? Using newly developed mouse models to report and inactivate hypocretin receptor expression, Vassalli et al. now show that hypocretin neurons (whose loss causes narcolepsy) do not express hypocretin autoreceptors, raising questions to the interpretation of Ahmed et al.'s findings.