998 resultados para clinical isolate
Objective-To evaluate the efficacy of cryosurgery for treatment of skin and subcutaneous tumors in dogs and cats. Study Design-Prospective study. Animals-Dogs (n = 20), cats (10). Methods-Cutaneous or subcutaneous tumors were treated by liquid nitrogen cryosurgical spray (1 cm from target tissue at 90 degrees until a 5-mm halo of frozen tissue was achieved) for 15-60 seconds. Malignant lesions had 3 freeze-thaw cycles benign tumors, 2 cycles. The second or third freeze cycle was performed after complete thaw of the preceding freeze. Wounds healed by second intention. Follow-up was weekly for 1 month and then twice monthly until wounds healed, and final outcome was determined by telephone interview of owners. Results-Tumor size ranged from 0.3 to 11 cm, diameter with 28 (60%) being 0.3-1 cm; 8 (17%) 1.1-3cm, and 11 (23%) >3.4cm. Complications included edema, erythema and for extremity lesions, pain and lameness. Treated lesions (n = 47) had an overall remission of 98% (mean follow-up.. 345 +/- 172.02 days [range, 150-750 days]). One malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor recurred 7 months after cryosurgical treatment. Conclusion-Cryo surgery is an efficient method for treatment of skin and subcutaneous tumors in dogs and cats. Clinical Relevance-Cryosurgical ablation is an effective means of treating small cutaneous or subcutaneous tumors in dogs and cats, especially in older animals where wound closure or cosmetic outcome might limit surgical excision alone. (C) Copyright 2008 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Recently we conducted the molecular characterization of Rangelia vitalii, a protozoan with high pathogenicity for young dogs in southern Brazil. To date, the descriptions of the disease have been restricted to natural infection cases. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the parasitemia, biological cycles and clinical-pathological findings in dogs experimentally infected with R. vitalii in the acute phase of disease, and also aimed to test a therapeutic protocol based on the diminazene aceturate. For this study, we used 12 young dogs (females), separated into two groups. Group A was composed of healthy dogs, not-infected (n = 5), and Group B consisted of animals infected with R. vitalii (n = 7). After infection, the animals were monitored by blood smear examinations, which showed intra-erythrocytic forms of the parasite 5 days post-infection (PI). Parasitemia increased progressively in these animals and had the highest peak of circulating parasites between 9 and 11 days PI. Subsequently, the parasitemia reduced and the protozoan was seen inside the leukocytes in days 17, 19 and 21 PI. The most prominent clinical signs observed at the 20 day PI of experiment were lethargy, fever and anorexia. We observed a decrease of hematocrit of infected animals compared with not-infected dogs, featuring a moderate anemia. Pathological evaluation of one dog in Group B at day 21 PI revealed splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and hemorrhages at necropsy. Histological examination showed only follicular hyperplasia in the spleen and lymph nodes, and the etiologic agent in the vascular endothelium. At 21 days PI, it was performed the treatment of dogs in Group B (n = 6) with a single dose of diminazene aceturate, which showed a curative efficacy of 100% in cleaning R. vitalii from blood of infected dogs. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The complete genome sequence of wild-type rabies virus (RABV) isolated from a wild Brazilian hoary fox (Dusicyon sp.), the BR-Pfx1 isolate, was determined and compared with fixed RABV strains. The genome structure and organization of the BR-Pfx1 isolate were composed of 11,924 nt and included the five standard genes of rhabdoviruses. Sequences of mRNA start and stop signals for transcription were highly conserved among all structural protein genes of the BR-Pfx1 isolate. All amino acid residues in the glycoprotein (G) gene associated with pathogenicity were retained in the BR-Pfx1 isolate, while unique amino acid substitutions were found in antigenic region I of the nucleoprotein gene and III of G. These results suggest that although the standard genome structure and organization of the RABV isolate are common between the BR-Pfx1 isolate and fixed RABV strains, the unique amino acid substitutions in functional sites of the BR-Pfx1 isolate may result in different biological characteristics from fixed RABV strains.
We investigated the exposure to antibiotics in the production of antibiotic-mutant strains of Salmonella. Ten isolates of poultry origin were assayed for antibiotic susceptibilities. One strain of Salmonella Enteritidis, one of Salmonella Heidelberg, and one of Salmonella Typhimurium were selected to induce antimicrobial resistance. Each strain was exposed to high concentrations of streptomycin, rifampicin, and nalidixic acid, respectively. Parent and antibiotic-mutant strains were assayed for antibiotic susceptibilities using a commercial microdilution test and the disk susceptibility test. The strains were assessed for virulence genes and evaluated for fecal shedding, cecal colonization, organ invasion, and mean Salmonella counts after inoculation in 1-day-old chicks. The study revealed that exposure to high concentrations of streptomycin produced the antibiotic-mutant strain SE/LABOR/USP/08 and the exposure to rifampicin produced the antibiotic-mutant SH/LABOR/USP/08. These strains showed significantly reduced fecal shedding (P = 0.05) and organ invasion, persisting less than the parental strains and showing no clinical signs in inoculated chicks. High concentrations of nalidixic acid produced the antibiotic-mutant strain ST/LABOR/USP/08, which did not show any differences compared with the parent strain. Likewise, SE/LABOR/USP/08 did not show the expression of plasmid-encoded fimbriae (pefA) and plasmid virulence protein (spvC), suggesting that after exposure to streptomycin, the parent isolate lost the original gene expression, reducing fecal shedding and organ invasion in inoculated chicks.
This Study reports a case of parasitism by the giant kidney worm, Dioctophyma renale, diagnosed in the right kidney of a domestic (log An adult female German Shepherd was attended with clinical history of prostration and hyporexia. The hemogram showed changes compatible with an inflammatory process, for that reason, an abdominal ultrasound was requested. Ultrasound image suggested the presence of D renale in the right kidney The diagnosis was confirmed after urinalysis due to the presence of dioclophymas ova in the urinary sediment. Surgical treatment was made and the animal had an excellent recovery after the nephrectomy was performed Generally. in almost all cases, parasitism by D renale in domestic dogs is a necropsy finding, nevertheless imaging techniques as sonography and laboratorial exams as urinalysis have been proven to be important tools to achieve diagnosis. The purpose of this study is to report a case of parasitism by D renale where diagnosis and treatment were made in time to allow the patient`s recovery (C) 2009 Elsevier B V All rights reserved.
A standardised nested-PCR method that amplifies a region of the glycoprotein E gene of avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) has been developed for the diagnosis of infection by Gallid herpesvirus 1. The two sets of primers employed produced the expected ampIification products of 524bp(externa I primers) and 219bp (internal primers) in the presence of ILTV DNA, whereas no Such amplicons were obtained with other avian respiratory pathogens or with DNA extracted from the cells of uninfected chickens. The identity of the 219bp amplified product was con firmed by DNA sequencing. The standardised nested-PCR method detected ILTV DNA from trachea, lung, conjunctiva and trigeminal ganglia samples from flocks of birds with and without clinical signs. and showed hi.-h sensitivity (95.4%) and specificity (93.1%) when compared with the reference test involving virus isolation in specific-pathogen-free chicken embryos. The standardised nested-PCR method described may be used to detect clinical and latent ILTV infections, and will be of significant value for both diagnostic and epidemiological Studies. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In wild and domestic birds, cryptosporidiosis is often associated with infections by Cryptosporidium galli, Cryptosporidium baileyi and Cryptosporidium meleagridis. In addition to these species, a number of avian Cryptosporidium species yet to be fully characterized are commonly found among exotic and wild avian isolates. The present study aimed to detect and identify samples of Cryptosporidium spp. from free-living wild birds, in order to contribute to the knowledge of the variability of this parasite in the free-living population of Brazil. Stool samples were collected from 242 birds, with the following proportions of individuals: 50 Emberizidae (20.7%), 112 Psittacidae (46.3%), 44 Cardinalidae (18.2%), 12 Turdidae (5.0%), eight Ramphastidae (3.3%), seven Icteridae (2.9%), three Estrilididae (1.2%), two Contigidae (0.8%), two Thraupidae (0.8%) and two Fringilidae (0.8%). Among the 242 fecal samples from wild birds, 16(6.6%) were positive for the presence of oocysts of Cryptosporidium. Molecular characterization of the 16 samples of Cryptosporidium, were performed with phylogenetic reconstructions employing 292 positions of 18S rDNA. None of the samples of birds was characterized as C meleagridis. C gall was identified in one rufous-bellied thrush (Turdus rufiventris), five green-winged saltators (Saltator similis), one slate-coloured seedeater (Sporophila schistacea), one goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) and three saffron finches (Sicalis flaveola). One goldfinch isolate, one buff-fronted seedeater (Sporophila frontalis), one red-cowled cardinal (Paroaria dominicana) and one other saffron finch (S. flaveola) were identified as C. baileyi. Avian genotype II was found in an isolate from a white-eyed parakeet (Aratinga leucophthalma). Clinical symptoms of cryptosporidiosis in birds have already been described and the number of wild birds which were shedding parasites was high. Therefore, further epidemiological research and disease surveillance of birds in the wild is warranted. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The susceptibility of cattle and buffalos to chronic copper poisoning (CCP) was compared by using cattle (n = 10) and buffalo (n = 10) steers distributed into two copper supplemented (n = 6) and two control (n = 4) groups. Supplemented animals received 2 mg copper (Cu)/kg body weight daily for one week, with an additional 2 mg weekly until the end of the experiment (day 105). Three liver biopsies (day 0, 45, and 105) were obtained for mineral analyses; clinical examinations and blood samples were obtained every 15 days. Three supplemented cattle and two buffalos with typical manifestations of CCP died. There were no differences in the frequency of mortality between cattle and buffalos; hepatic copper concentration was higher in cattle than buffalos. These findings suggest that buffalos and cattle might be equally susceptible to CCP. However, buffalos accumulate less liver copper than cattle and have a lower threshold of hepatic Cu accumulation, which leads to clinical manifestation of CCP. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study aimed to standardize signs and diagnostic criteria of respiratory function in newborn puppies delivered normally or after dystocia and caesarean operation. A total of 48 neonates were allocated into groups: eutocia (n = 20), dystocia (n = 8), caesarean (c)-section (n = 20). Neonatal health was assessed using the Apgar score and body temperature was determined at 0, 5 and 60 min after delivery. Venous blood gases (pO(2) and SO(2)) was measured immediately and 60 min after delivery, and a thoracic radiograph was made between 0 and 5 min of life. The c-section group had significantly lower Apgar scores at birth and 5 min. Hypothermia was present at 5 min in the eutocia and c-section groups, and at 60 min in all groups. The eutocia group had an irregular respiratory pattern in 78% of puppies at birth, 27.7% at 5 min and 21% at 60 min compared with 87.5%, 62.5% and 12.5% of the pups in the dystocia group where there was irregular respiratory rhythm, moderate to intense respiratory sounds with agonic episodes. The c-section group had respiratory alterations in 70%, 45% and 16% of puppies at 0, 5 and 60 min, respectively. Radiographic abnormalities were present in 17% of the pups in the eutocia group, 25% of the pups in the dystocia group and 30% of the pups in the c-section group, respectively. The c-section group had significantly lower SO(2) values at 60 min than at birth. All puppies had hypoxaemia, but a significant decrease was observed in the c-section group. Newborn puppies had tissue hypoxia and irregular respiratory pattern at birth. Caesarean-section puppies had lower vitality; however, all developed satisfactory Apgar scores at 5 min of life, regardless of the obstetric condition.
The SAPHO syndrome is characterized by specific clinical manifestations of synovitis, acne pustulosis, hyperostosis, and osteitis. It is a rare disease with a combination of osseous and articular manifestations associated with skin lesions. We describe a patient with SAPHO syndrome of the mandible and involvement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ ankylosis). The findings from orthopantomography, computed tomography (CT), and clinical and histopathological examinations are compared and analyzed to improve the final diagnosis. Our patient was submitted to a bilateral high condylectomy and coronoidectomy to correct the open mouth limitation. No previous report of SAPHO syndrome associated with secondary TMJ ankylosis was found in the literature.
Intraoral presentation of follicular lymphoma is rare, and only three cases in the palate have been reported to date. The present case report describes an uncommon case of follicular lymphoma affecting the palate. The clinical aspect was similar to salivary gland neoplasm, and an incisional biopsy was important to establish the correct diagnosis and consequently to plan the treatment. Also discussed is the differential diagnosis among follicular lymphoma, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, and follicular lymphoid hyperplasia with regard to the histopathologic and immunohistochemical features. (Quintessence Int 2010; 41: 661-663)
Aims Claudins are integral transmembrane proteins of the tight junctions, critical for maintaining cell adhesion and polarity. Alterations in the expression of individual claudins have been detected in carcinomas and appear to correlate with tumour progression. Methods In this study, a panel of anti-claudin antibodies (anti-claudins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7) was employed to map claudin expression in 136 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) organised in a tissue microarray. Results Claudins were expressed in a reticular pattern up to the prickle layer in normal mucosal epithelium. In OSCC, claudins were strongly present in well-differentiated tumours, they presented mild and low expression in moderately differentiated OSCC, and were negative in poorly differentiated OSCC; the absences of claudin 1 (p = 0.002) and claudin 4 (p<0.001) were associated with moderately/poorly differentiated tumours. Strong expression of claudin 4 was associated with decreased perineural infiltration (p = 0.024). Claudins 5 and 7 were mostly negative or weakly expressed in all cases studied. Expression of claudin 7 was associated with the early clinical stages of the disease, whereas loss of claudin 7 tended to be more frequent in advanced stages of OSCC (p = 0.054). Absence of claudin 7 was also associated with absent vascular infiltration (p = 0.045) and with presence of recurrence (p = 0.052). Conclusions Claudin expression patterns showed a strong correlation with histological type of OSCC; claudin expression was decreased in areas of invasion, and negative in poorly differentiated tumours. This pattern may be related to evolution and prognosis of these tumours, especially in the case of claudin 7, which seems to be associated with a poor prognosis in OSCC.