447 resultados para borderline


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En países en vías de desarrollo como Argentina, la sobrevida de prematuros de peso inferior a 1000 gramos dista mucho de los resultados reportados por países desarrolladas. Controles prenatales deficitarios, recursos técnicos limitados y la saturación de los servicios de Neonatología son en parte responsables de estas diferencias. Una de las situaciones frecuentemente asociada a decisiones éticas en neonatología se produce en torno al prematuro extremo. Las preguntas más difíciles de responder son si existe un límite de peso o edad gestacional por debajo del cual no se deban iniciar o agregar terapéuticas encaminadas a salvar la vida, por considerarlas inútiles para el niño, prolongan sin esperanza la vida, hacen sufrir al paciente y su familia y ocupar una unidad que priva de atención a otro niño con mayores posibilidades de sobrevida. En el presente estudio se elaboró un score de riesgo neonatal constituido por variables que caracterizan a muchas poblaciones de nuestros países latinoamericanos y que fue validado estadísticamente.El score es de rápida y fácil realización. Permite predecir si el prematuro grave es recuperable o no, posibilitando tomar decisiones éticas basadas en una técnica validada, que permite actuar en el mayor beneficio del niño y su familia, al mismo tiempo que se hace un uso más equitativo de los recursos.


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En las últimas fechas, los estudios de biopolítica y biopoder se han elevado significativamente. Es un asunto antiguo, presente en la filosofía griega y en su realidad. Es la vieja discusión de la relación y la intromisión de la política en la vida y la superación del Estado de naturaleza. La actualidad de la biopolítica se refleja en las dimensiones que adquiere la tecnología y en el asedio de los poderes globales contra la democracia. El cuerpo humano, entidad visible y externa, resiente toda clase de intervenciones y sujeciones encaminadas a la individualización y al establecimiento de una realidad totalitaria. La Biopolítica y la Tanatopolítica se entrelazan al administrar la vida y la muerte en una realidad escalofriante donde la técnica introduce el artificio más allá de lo natural. El cuerpo humano como zona fronteriza de lo natural y lo artificial expresa los alcances del post-humanismo. Una cultura física más equilibrada ayudaría a contener la deshumanización tan extendida, que reduce y degrada lo corporal a la vez, mientras los poderes someten, discriminan, intervienen a través de cuerpos cada vez más dóciles


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En las últimas fechas, los estudios de biopolítica y biopoder se han elevado significativamente. Es un asunto antiguo, presente en la filosofía griega y en su realidad. Es la vieja discusión de la relación y la intromisión de la política en la vida y la superación del Estado de naturaleza. La actualidad de la biopolítica se refleja en las dimensiones que adquiere la tecnología y en el asedio de los poderes globales contra la democracia. El cuerpo humano, entidad visible y externa, resiente toda clase de intervenciones y sujeciones encaminadas a la individualización y al establecimiento de una realidad totalitaria. La Biopolítica y la Tanatopolítica se entrelazan al administrar la vida y la muerte en una realidad escalofriante donde la técnica introduce el artificio más allá de lo natural. El cuerpo humano como zona fronteriza de lo natural y lo artificial expresa los alcances del post-humanismo. Una cultura física más equilibrada ayudaría a contener la deshumanización tan extendida, que reduce y degrada lo corporal a la vez, mientras los poderes someten, discriminan, intervienen a través de cuerpos cada vez más dóciles


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En las últimas fechas, los estudios de biopolítica y biopoder se han elevado significativamente. Es un asunto antiguo, presente en la filosofía griega y en su realidad. Es la vieja discusión de la relación y la intromisión de la política en la vida y la superación del Estado de naturaleza. La actualidad de la biopolítica se refleja en las dimensiones que adquiere la tecnología y en el asedio de los poderes globales contra la democracia. El cuerpo humano, entidad visible y externa, resiente toda clase de intervenciones y sujeciones encaminadas a la individualización y al establecimiento de una realidad totalitaria. La Biopolítica y la Tanatopolítica se entrelazan al administrar la vida y la muerte en una realidad escalofriante donde la técnica introduce el artificio más allá de lo natural. El cuerpo humano como zona fronteriza de lo natural y lo artificial expresa los alcances del post-humanismo. Una cultura física más equilibrada ayudaría a contener la deshumanización tan extendida, que reduce y degrada lo corporal a la vez, mientras los poderes someten, discriminan, intervienen a través de cuerpos cada vez más dóciles


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Although the origin of autoimmune antibodies to double-stranded DNA is not known, the variable-region structures of such antibodies indicate that they are produced in response to antigen-selective stimulation. In accordance with this, results from experiments using artificial complexes of DNA and DNA-binding polypeptides for immunizations have indicated that DNA may induce these antibodies. Hence, the immunogenicity of DNA in vivo may depend upon other structures or processes that may render DNA immunogenic. We report that in vivo expression of a single DNA-binding protein, the polyoma virus T antigen, is sufficient to initiate production of anti-double-stranded DNA and anti-histone antibodies but not a panel of other autoantigens. Expression of a mutant, non-DNA-binding T antigen did result in strong production of antibodies to the T antigen, but only borderline levels of antibodies to DNA and no detectable antibodies to histones. Nonexpressing plasmid DNA containing the complete cDNA sequence for T antigen did not evoke such immune responses, indicating that DNA by itself is not immunogenic in vivo. The results represent a conceptual advance in understanding a potential molecular basis for initiation of autoimmunity in systemic lupus erythematosus.


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Obiettivi. Lo scopo di questo studio è di confrontare la mortalità e l’incidenza per tutte le cause, tutti i tumori, tumori specifici e per le cause non neoplastiche, in una coorte dei lavoratori impiegati nel cantiere navale di Monfalcone (GO) tra il 1974 e il 1994, con quella della popolazione generale della regione FVG e d’Italia. L’obiettivo è eseguire tali confronti considerando il livello di esposizione ad amianto, la durata di esposizione (in anni) precedente al 1985, il periodo di prima assunzione, quali principali indicatori di esposizione occupazionale ad asbesto. Obiettivo secondario è quello di contribuire alla conoscenza circa la correlazione tra esposizione ad asbesto e l’incidenza di tumori nelle principali sedi digestive. Metodi. Tramite metodo indiretto sono stati calcolati SIR (periodo 1995-2009) e SMR (periodo 1995-2012) per tumore maligno della pleura, tumore di trachea bronchi e polmone, per tutti i tumori e per malattie non neoplastiche. È stato condotto uno studio caso- controllo nested per la stima degli gli ORs rispettivamente per tumore maligno della pleura e del polmone. Sono stati applicati modelli di Poisson per la stima degli IRRs riguardanti le principali sedi digestive, utilizzando quali variabili esplicative: a) il rischio di esposizione ad asbesto legato alla mansione e b) il numero di anni di esposizione precedenti al 1985. Risultati. Nell’intera coorte (5582 uomini) gli SMR indicavano un eccesso di mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura incrementato rispettivamente di circa 7 volte (SMR= 7,03; IC95% 5,61-8,79) e di poco più di 14 volte (SMR= 14,20; IC95% 11,33-17,75) rispettivamente quando il confronto è stato fatto con la popolazione standard del FVG e dell’Italia. L’aumento della mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura risulta fortemente aumentato in tutte le stratificazioni. Gli SMR per il tumore di trachea, bronchi e polmone sono risultati essere prossimi all'unità quando le analisi sono state eseguite nell’intera coorte, mentre risultano aumentati in modo significativo rispetto alla popolazione generale quando calcolati nei soggetti a rischio medio e assunti presso i cantieri navali di Monfalcone prima del 1974 (SMR= 1,38 95%CI 1,00-1,85) e nei soggetti classificati a rischio medio e assunti nel periodo 1985-1994 (SMR= 4,88 95%CI 1,00-14,25). Analogamente, nell’intera coorte, i SIR per tumore maligno della pleura calcolati nell’intera coorte erano aumentati di oltre 7 volte (SIR= 7,65; IC95% 6,19-9,49), mentre l’incidenza del tumore di trachea bronchi e polmone non vede incrementi rispetto alla popolazione di riferimento. Coloro che hanno avuto una durata di esposizione maggiore di 30 anni prima del 1985 dimostrano un aumento dell’incidenza di tumore di trachea, bronchi e polmone (SIR=1,34 IC95% 1,00-1,77), statisticamente significativo, così come per coloro che son stati classificati a rischio medio di esposizione e assunti precedentemente al 1974 (SIR=1,46 IC95% 1,06-1,95) e per coloro che sono stati classificati ad alto rischio e assunti nel periodo 1985-1994 (SIR=5,68 IC95% 1,17-16,60). Nell’intera coorte si registra un significativo aumento di incidenza di tumore dello stomaco in coloro classificati a alto rischio (SIR= 1,47 IC95% 1,05-2,00), mentre l’incidenza di tumore del pancreas vede un incremento dell’incidenza in coloro classificati a medio rischio di esposizione ad asbesto (SIR= 2,21 IC95% 1,21-3,72). Il sottogruppo le cui informazioni risultavano mancanti mostrano un incremento del SIR, borderline ma non significativo, per tumore del colon-retto (SIR= 1,29 IC95% 0,94-1,73). Emerge un significativo aumento dell’incidenza del tumore dello stomaco in coloro con un periodo di esposizione precedente al 1985 compreso tra 10 e 20 anni (SIR= 1,71 IC95% 1,12-2,49). Anche i SIR per il tumore del pancreas vedono un incremento statisticamente significativo in coloro che hanno una durata di esposizione precedente al 1985 inferiore a 10 anni e maggiore di 30: rispettivamente i SIR sono stati di 2,23 (IC95% 1,07-4,10) e 2,57 (IC95% 1,53-4,07). I risultati relativi ai confronti interni non mostrano significatività statistica. Conclusioni. I risultati indicano che nella coorte degli uomini ex- lavoratori dei cantieri navali di Monfalcone vi era un incremento forte e statisticamente significativo della mortalità e dell’incidenza di tumore maligno della pleura rispetto sia alla popolazione generale del FVG sia a quella dell’Italia. Eccessi di mortalità ed incidenza sono stati rilevati talvolta anche per il tumore di trachea, bronchi e polmone, quando le analisi sono state condotte stratificando la coorte in gruppi omogenei di rischio. Il più elevato eccesso rispetto all’atteso sia della mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura e del tumore del polmone, che dell’incidenza, si osservava nei lavoratori con mansioni a rischio medio, seguito dal gruppo con mansioni a rischio elevato. I Risultati riguardanti l’incidenza dei tumori delle principali sedi digestive ha visto nell’intera coorte un aumento significativo dei SIR per tumore dello stomaco e del pancreas, anche quando condotti per sottogruppi. Tuttavia le stime relative agli outcome diversi dal tumore maligno della pleura e del tumore del polmone devono essere interpretate con cautela. Le associazioni positive riscontrate tramite confronti interni non presentano significatività statistica.


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Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is an empirically supported therapy developed to treat individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder that has sustained efficacy following completion of the treatment (Linehan, 1993; Van Den Bosch et al., 2005). The core concepts of DBT include mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, and distress tolerance, which seek to foster more functional ways of interacting with others, coping with distress, and managing difficult emotions. Using a standard DBT format in a corrections setting can be difficult due to the population's multifaceted composition. The Denver County Jail is a unique corrections setting because it contains a unit specifically developed for male inmates with mental health issues. A corrections modified, time-limited DBT curriculum was developed to fit the needs of this unique population. During the course of the group, staff appeared to be accepting of the group material and initial feedback from inmates and officers was positive.


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This qualitative investigation primarily employing a phenomenological perspective and psychoanalytic interview approach intends to provide contextual understanding of group dynamics in sex offender treatment involving individuals with strong features of personality disorders or Axis II psychopathology according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (4 ed., text rev.; DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Of note, this study particularly focuses on the cluster B type (Narcissistic, Borderline, Histrionic, and Antisocial Personality Disorders), based on the assumption that this type is more interpersonally operational in its nature. The present study is based on semi-structured interviews of three clinicians who arecurrently providing group treatment for sex offenders. The interview was designed to elicit the participants' clinical observations of group dynamics involving group members with features of the Axis II, Cluster B type. In this study, 11 therapeutic factors postulated by Yalom (2005) were utilized to qualitatively investigate group dynamics. Analyses of qualitative data highlighted how group members with features of the Axis II, Cluster B type may distinctively affect group dynamics. Based on the results, group members with Axis II diagnoses, as reported bythe therapists who responded to this study, were observed to present with altruistic behaviors in group. In addition, motivation appeared to be one of the most influential factors in promoting and maintaining therapeutic group behaviors. Group members with antisocial features appeared to present with low motivation for treatment, and individualswith a pervasive history of criminal institutionalization seemed more prone to disengagement in group. Individuals with borderline and histrionic traits seemed to be interpersonally oriented and affectively engaged in group process. Persons with a narcissistic tendency also appeared to be interpersonally invested and showed altruistic behaviors, yet the importance of confirming their superiority seemed to outweigh the need for acceptance or approval from other group members. As briefly discussed above, the qualitative analyses of the current data showed that individuals with Axis II disorders, Cluster B type uniquely affect group dynamics, which suggest clinical considerations foreffective treatment planning, maintenance, and outcomes.


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During the 16th century an ambitious political programme for building towers and forts bordering the Spanish Empire’s littoral, to protect it, is materialised. This sighting network over the sea horizon had the essential mission of detecting the presence of vessels that supposed a threat. The network was organised through the strategic arrangement of watchtowers taking profit of the geographical features in the topography so that they could communicate among them with a system of visual signs. The virtual union of the stated settlements defined the fortified maritime borderline. At the same time, this network of sentinels was reinforced (in certain settlements) by the construction of fortifications that acted like centres of data reception and supplied the necessary personnel for detection and transmission. So, this mesh was established by observation points (watchtowers) and information and defense centres (fortifications) to make the news arrive to the decision centres. The present communication aims to demonstrate this military strategy providing the inventory of all defensive architectures that marked this limit between the Segura river mouth until the Huertas cape and that these are spotted from the ‘Flat’ island (later Nueva Tabarca). A riverside geography of approxi-mately 30 km long where 3 fortifications and 7 towers of diverse typologies successively took place. Among the most relevant documents of this research, we could mention the plans of the fortifycations in Guardamar and Santa Pola from the 16th century (drawn in the 18th). For this research, drawings of towers made by the Ministry of Public Works at the end of the 19th century are also important; these documents show the new military tactics, neither for attack neither for defense. At most, they replaced for maritime lighthouses for signage and help for navigation while the others towers were abandoned.


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Aims: To determine the prevalence of endometriosis in epithelial ovarian cancers (EOC) and the association among their histological subtypes and with endometrial carcinoma. Methods: An observational cohort study performed in 192 patients operated on for EOC, 30 women with atypical endometriosis and 17 with p53 positive endometriosis. Data on associated endometriosis and endometrial carcinomas, histological subtypes, tumor stage, clinical and pathological characteristics and survival were analyzed. Results: Twenty cases of EOC (10.4%) had also endometriosis (12.7 in borderline and 9.3% in invasive cases), being a synchronous finding in most cases. Endometriosis associated with serous or mucinous EOC was observed in 2.2 and 2.7% of cases, respectively. However, this association was observed in 50 of endometrioid and 23% of clear cell EOC. Age, parity and tumor stage were lower in endometriosis-associated EOC patients; and all associated cases were type I (Kurman and Shih's classification) and showed better results in survival rate. Endometrial carcinoma was more frequently associated with endometrioid EOC (25%). Conclusions: There is a significant association between endometriosis, including atypical forms, and endometrioid and clear cell carcinomas, but not with other EOC histotypes. The presence of endometriosis in EOC suggests a better prognosis and an intermediate stage within the progression endometriosis-carcinoma.


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This volume is a result of the need to reflect upon Portugal’s position from the viewpoint of the literary assets imported and exported through translation. It brings together a number of scholars working in the field of Translation Studies directly concerned with the Portuguese cultural system in order to analyse this question from various theoretical perspectives and from case studies of translation flows and movements in Portuguese culture. By Translating Portugal Back and Forth, the articles discuss issues such as: how can one draw the borderline between a peripheral and a semi-peripheral system? Is this borderline useful or necessary? How peripheral is the Portuguese cultural system as far as translation transfers are concerned? How stable or pacific has this positioning been? Does the economic and historical perception of Portugal as peripheral entail that, from the viewpoint of translation, it would behave similarly? By addressing some of these questions, and as shown by the (second) subtitle – Essays in Honour of João Ferreira Duarte –, the volume pays homage to one of the most prominent Translation Studies scholars in Portugal, who has extensively reflected on the binary discourse on translation, its metaphors and images.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Une proportion significative de mères d’enfants pris en charge par la protection de la jeunesse souffrirait d’un trouble de personnalité limite (TPL). En effet, les difficultés parentales associées à ce trouble prédisposent davantage à des situations d’abus ou de négligence envers leurs enfants. Cependant, il existe peu d’information sur les difficultés et les besoins de ces mères dans ce contexte particulier. Cette étude qualitative a été réalisée auprès de 30 mères avec un TPL et dont au moins un enfant était suivi par le Centre jeunesse de Montréal-Institut universitaire. La présente étude a permis de mieux décrire les difficultés des mères en lien avec leur TPL, leurs enfants et leur situation conjugale. Leurs expériences des services en protection de la jeunesse ont révélé des suivis instables et peu adaptés à leurs difficultés. Les mères ont abordé l’importance des qualités relationnelles des intervenants à l’établissement d’une collaboration de la part des intervenants et l’importance de mettre en place des services spécifiquement dédiés aux parents. Il semblerait pertinent d’adapter les services de protection de la jeunesse afin d’inclure des interventions qui ciblent les difficultés spécifiques des parents qui ont un TPL, notamment en ce qui a trait à leurs habiletés parentales.


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Background: Adolescent suicide attempts are disproportionally prevalent and frequently of low severity, raising questions regarding their long-term prognostic implications. In this study, we examined whether adolescent attempts were asso- ciated with impairments related to suicidality, psychopathology, and psychosocial functioning in adulthood (objective 1) and whether these impairments were better accounted for by concurrent adolescent confounders (objective 2). Method: Eight hundred and sixteen adolescents were assessed using interviews and question- naires at four time points from adolescence to adulthood. We examined whether lifetime suicide attempts in adolescence (by T2, mean age 17) predicted adult out- comes (by T4, mean age 30) using linear and logistic regressions in unadjusted models (objective 1) and adjusting for sociodemographic background, adolescent psychopathology, and family risk factors (objective 2). Results: In unadjusted analyses, adolescent suicide attempts predicted poorer adjustment on all outcomes, except those related to social role status. After adjustment, adolescent attempts remained predictive of axis I and II psychopathology (anxiety disorder, antisocial and borderline personality disorder symptoms), global and social adjustment, risky sex, and psychiatric treatment utilization. However, adolescent attempts no longer predicted most adult outcomes, notably suicide attempts and major depressive disorder. Secondary analyses indicated that associations did not differ by sex and attempt characteristics (intent, lethality, recurrence). Conclusions: Adolescent suicide attempters are at high risk of protracted and wide-ranging im- pairments, regardless of the characteristics of their attempt. Although attempts specifically predict (and possibly influence) several outcomes, results suggest that most impairments reflect the confounding contributions of other individual and family problems or vulnerabilites in adolescent attempters.


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Background: Adolescent suicide attempts are disproportionally prevalent and frequently of low severity, raising questions regarding their long-term prognostic implications. In this study, we examined whether adolescent attempts were asso- ciated with impairments related to suicidality, psychopathology, and psychosocial functioning in adulthood (objective 1) and whether these impairments were better accounted for by concurrent adolescent confounders (objective 2). Method: Eight hundred and sixteen adolescents were assessed using interviews and question- naires at four time points from adolescence to adulthood. We examined whether lifetime suicide attempts in adolescence (by T2, mean age 17) predicted adult out- comes (by T4, mean age 30) using linear and logistic regressions in unadjusted models (objective 1) and adjusting for sociodemographic background, adolescent psychopathology, and family risk factors (objective 2). Results: In unadjusted analyses, adolescent suicide attempts predicted poorer adjustment on all outcomes, except those related to social role status. After adjustment, adolescent attempts remained predictive of axis I and II psychopathology (anxiety disorder, antisocial and borderline personality disorder symptoms), global and social adjustment, risky sex, and psychiatric treatment utilization. However, adolescent attempts no longer predicted most adult outcomes, notably suicide attempts and major depressive disorder. Secondary analyses indicated that associations did not differ by sex and attempt characteristics (intent, lethality, recurrence). Conclusions: Adolescent suicide attempters are at high risk of protracted and wide-ranging im- pairments, regardless of the characteristics of their attempt. Although attempts specifically predict (and possibly influence) several outcomes, results suggest that most impairments reflect the confounding contributions of other individual and family problems or vulnerabilites in adolescent attempters.