980 resultados para angel


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Historicamente a ferrugem da mandioca, causada pelo fungo Uromyces manihotis Henn. não tem sido considerada uma doença importante para o Brasil. Todavia, nos últimos dois anos, severas epidemias têm sido detectadas em diferentes regiões do Nordeste brasileiro como Aracaju, no Estado de Sergipe, e São Miguel das Matas, Tancredo Neves, Porto Seguro e Ilhéus, no Estado da Bahia. No Extremo Sul da Bahia a doença foi encontrada com alta intensidade nas variedades Caravela e Platina.


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A mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) é afetada por inúmeras pragas, dentre as quais estão duas espécies de broca-da-haste Sternocoelus spp. (Curculianidae) e Tropidozineus fulveolus (Lameere) (Cerambycidae). Até o momento, o método de controle recomendado era destruir restos de plantas infestadas no campo.


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A presente aplicacao da funcao discriminante linear na classificacao de fatores que determinam o exodo rural foi realizada a partir dos dados coletados em pequenas propriedades na regiao de Ouricuri, no alto sertao de Pernambuco. Dentro do complexo de problemas que condicionam o exodo rural foi escolhido um conjunto de variaveis que explicariam o fenomeno. Estas variaveis foram estudadas em duas populacoes (com exodo rural e sem exodo), para verificar em que grau se explica esse fenomeno. O objetivo do trabalho consistiu em testar instrumentos tecnicos e metodos estatisticos sobre problemas socio-economicos que possam ser usados posteriormente pelos orgaos de desenvolvimento.


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Wydział Neofilologia: Instytut Filologii Romańskiej


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This paper proposes the use of in-network caches (which we call Angels) to reduce the Minimum Distribution Time (MDT) of a file from a seeder – a node that possesses the file – to a set of leechers – nodes who are interested in downloading the file. An Angel is not a leecher in the sense that it is not interested in receiving the entire file, but rather it is interested in minimizing the MDT to all leechers, and as such uses its storage and up/down-link capacity to cache and forward parts of the file to other peers. We extend the analytical results by Kumar and Ross [1] to account for the presence of angels by deriving a new lower bound for the MDT. We show that this newly derived lower bound is tight by proposing a distribution strategy under assumptions of a fluid model. We present a GroupTree heuristic that addresses the impracticalities of the fluid model. We evaluate our designs through simulations that show that our Group-Tree heuristic outperforms other heuristics, that it scales well with the increase of the number of leechers, and that it closely approaches the optimal theoretical bounds.


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This thesis proposes the use of in-network caches (which we call Angels) to reduce the Minimum Distribution Time (MDT) of a file from a seeder – a node that possesses the file – to a set of leechers – nodes who are interested in downloading the file. An Angel is not a leecher in the sense that it is not interested in receiving the entire file, but rather it is interested in minimizing the MDT to all leechers, and as such uses its storage and up/down-link capacity to cache and forward parts of the file to other peers. We extend the analytical results by Kumar and Ross (Kumar and Ross, 2006) to account for the presence of angels by deriving a new lower bound for the MDT. We show that this newly derived lower bound is tight by proposing a distribution strategy under assumptions of a fluid model. We present a GroupTree heuristic that addresses the impracticalities of the fluid model. We evaluate our designs through simulations that show that our GroupTree heuristic outperforms other heuristics, that it scales well with the increase of the number of leechers, and that it closely approaches the optimal theoretical bounds.


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Summer Sprite for Orchestra was completed in December, 2004. The piece originated from a singular encounter with little angels at Chang-Kyung Palace, which is the oldest and the most beautiful palace in Korea, and where the kings of the Chosun Dynasty (1393-1897) lived. This encounter was in the summer of 2002. I certainly could not prove that those angels I met were real. Possibly they were the reflection of drops of water after a sudden shower on that summer day. However, I definitely remember that short, unforgettable, and mysterious moment and the angels' beautiful dance-like celebration. Summer Sprite is based on these special memories and the encounter with the little angels that summer. Summer Sprite consists of 3 movements: "Greeting," "Encounter," and "Celebration." These follow the course of my encounter with the little angels. In Summer Sprite, I wished to describe the image of the angels as well as the progression of greeting, encounter, and celebration with them. The moods that follow in Summer Sprite are by turns lyrical, poetic, fantastic, mysterious, and dream-like. In each movement, I describe the meeting of angels and composer through the use of the soloists -- violin (sometimes viola) and cello. As suggested by the subtitle of the first movement, "Greeting" portrays the moment when a surprised I met the angels. It begins with tam-tam, marimba, harp, and piano and sets a mysterious and dark mood. The second movement, "Encounter," is shorter than the first movement. This movement provides a more tranquil mood as well as more unique timbres resulting from the use of mutes and special instruments (English horn, harp, crotales, suspended cymbal, and celesta). The delicate expression of the percussion is particularly important in establishing the static mood of this movement . The last movement, °?Celebration,°± is bright and energetic. It is also the longest. Here, I require the most delicate changes of dynamics and tempo, the most vigorous harmonies, and the fastest rhythmic figures, as well as the most independent, lyrical, and poetic melodies. For bright orchestral tone color, I used various kinds of percussion such as timpani, xylophone, marimba, vibraphone, cymbals, side drum, tambourine, triangle, and bass drum. This last movement is divided rondo-like into five sections: The first (mm.1-3), second (mm.4 - rehearsal number 1), third (rehearsal numbers 2-4), fourth (rehearsal numbers 5-7), and fifth, (rehearsal numbers 8 -18). To sum up, Summer Sprite describes an unforgettable and mysterious moment in a my life. My intention was to portray this through a concerto-like framework. A model for this would be Brahms°Ø °?Double Concerto°± in A minor, op.102, in which the solo cello stands for my angel and the solo violin (sometimes solo viola) for me.


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OBJECTIVES: Although the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet lowers blood pressure in adults with hypertension, how kidney function impacts this effect is not known. We evaluated whether Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) modifies the effect of the DASH diet on blood pressure, markers of mineral metabolism, and markers of kidney function. METHODS: Secondary analysis of the DASH-Sodium trial, a multicenter, randomized, controlled human feeding study that evaluated the blood pressure lowering effect of the DASH diet at three levels of sodium intake. Data from 92 participants with pre-hypertension or stage 1 hypertension during the 3450 mg /day sodium diet assignment contributed to this analysis. Stored frozen plasma and urine specimens were used to measure kidney related laboratory outcomes. RESULTS: Effects of the DASH diet on blood pressure, phosphorus, intact parathyroid hormone, creatinine, and albuminuria were not modified by baseline eGFR (mean 84.5 ± 18.0 ml/min/1.73 m(2), range 44.1 to 138.6 ml/min/1.73 m(2)) or the presence of chronic kidney disease (N=13%). CONCLUSIONS: The impact of the DASH diet on blood pressure, markers of mineral metabolism, and markers of kidney function does not appear to be modified by eGFR in this small subset of DASH-Sodium trial participants with relatively preserved kidney function. Whether greater reduction in eGFR modifies the effects of DASH on kidney related measures is yet to be determined. A larger study in individuals with more advanced kidney disease is needed to establish the efficacy and safety of the DASH diet in this patient population.


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Background: Hepatorenal tyrosinaemia (Tyr 1) is a rare inborn error of tyrosine metabolism. Without treatment, patients are at high risk of developing acute liver failure, renal dysfunction and in the long run hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of our study was to collect cross-sectional data. Methods. Via questionnaires we collected retrospective data of 168 patients with Tyr 1 from 21 centres (Europe, Turkey and Israel) about diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and outcome. In a subsequent consensus workshop, we discussed data and clinical implications. Results: Early treatment by NTBC accompanied by diet is essential to prevent serious complications such as liver failure, hepatocellular carcinoma and renal disease. As patients may remain initially asymptomatic or develop uncharacteristic clinical symptoms in the first months of life newborn mass screening using succinylacetone (SA) as a screening parameter in dried blood is mandatory for early diagnosis. NTBC-treatment has to be combined with natural protein restriction supplemented with essential amino acids. NTBC dosage should be reduced to the minimal dose allowing metabolic control, once daily dosing may be an option in older children and adults in order to increase compliance. Metabolic control is judged by SA (below detection limit) in dried blood or urine, plasma tyrosine (<400 μM) and NTBC-levels in the therapeutic range (20-40 μM). Side effects of NTBC are mild and often transient. Indications for liver transplantation are hepatocellular carcinoma or failure to respond to NTBC. Follow-up procedures should include liver and kidney function tests, tumor markers and imaging, ophthalmological examination, blood count, psychomotor and intelligence testing as well as therapeutic monitoring (SA, tyrosine, NTBC in blood). Conclusion: Based on the data from 21 centres treating 168 patients we were able to characterize current practice and clinical experience in Tyr 1. This information could form the basis for clinical practice recommendations, however further prospective data are required to underpin some of the recommendations.


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Las propiedades físicas de los suelos de ambientes subtropicales húmedos fueron tradicionalmente menos estudiadas que los de zonas templadas. Una característica de los primeros es su menor resiliencia frente a un disturbio. Un aspecto poco explorado es qué sucede con los suelos cuando la selva nativa es reemplazada por una plantación forestal o un ciclo forestal por otro. La forestación es una de las principales actividades económicas de la provincia de Misiones, y la preparación de terreno uno de los momentos de mayor impacto al suelo. En esta tesis se evaluaron sobre un suelo Kandiudult tratamientos que incluyeron: a) conservación de residuos (CRes), b) subsolado (Sub), c) con quema de residuos en escollera (Qsub), d) uso de rastra (Rast), e) con quema de residuos en escollera (Qrast), y f) conservación de residuos sin plantación (Reg Nat). Todos estos contrastados con el bosque nativo (NcP). Se halló que al cuarto año de la plantación, el contenido de materia orgánica (MO) fue significativamente mayor donde se conservaron los residuos, con mayor stock de C (55 Mg.ha-1). Sin embargo este aumento de MO no logró equiparar al suelo bajo BNcP. El contenido hídrico retenido en capacidad de campo varió en similar dirección que la MO. La densidad aparente fue una las propiedades físicas más sensibles a los tratamientos, con valores significativamente más bajos hasta 30 cm de profundidad en suelo bajo Sub (1,36 Mg.m-3). El tratamiento bajo Rast presentó los mayores valores de densidad aparente (1,50 Mg.m-3). Los tratamientos afectados por quema tuvieron valores de densidad aparente más bajos que otros tratamientos (1,42 Mg.m-3). De cualquier manera, puede afirmarse que el manejo forestal causó la densificación de la superficie del suelo, comparando con los menores valores de densidad del suelo bajo BNcP (1,17 Mg.m-3). Los valores de compactación relativa calculados en base a la densidad máxima en ensayos Proctor fueron cercanos al 90 por ciento, lo cual indica la alta compactación de los suelos. La inestabilidad estructural del suelo, medida por el cambio de diámetro medio ponderado de agregados (CDMP), no se vio afectada por el reemplazo de la selva por la plantación forestal, ni por el método de preparación del terreno. La tasa de infiltración no mostró diferencias entre tratamientos, pero si reducciones importantes respecto del bosque nativo (1638 cm.h-1). Como conclusión, y dada la falta de impactos físicos severos sobre los suelos bajo plantación forestal, puede recomendarse la conservación de los residuos sobre la superficie como método de preparación, pues es el único que permite realizar secuestro efectivo de CO en los suelos.


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Los contenidos de carbono y nitrógeno orgánicos del suelo están relacionados con su capacidad productiva. Esta relación es esperable que sea más estrecha en suelos de zonas áridas y semiáridas. La cantidad de carbono que puede secuestrar el suelo es, a la vez, de interés por la posibilidad de usar a los suelos como sumideros de carbono y mitigar el efecto invernadero. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo determinar los efectos del sistema de labranza sobre la dinámica del carbono y el nitrógeno en un suelo de una región semiárida. Se realizó un experimento de campo de larga duración en el que se contrastó un manejo tradicional, que empleaba un arado de disco en la labor principal, con un manejo tradicional, que empleaba un arado de disco en la labor principal, con un manejo de siembra directa. Los contenidos de humedad del suelo fueron superiores bajo siembra directa y mayores también los rendimientos de los cultivos que integraban la rotación siendo, consecuentemente, los aportes de carbono en forma de residuos al suelo también mayores. El flujo anual de carbono emitido a la atmósfera como C - CO2 fue similar entre sistemas de labranza, de lo que resultó un balance de carbono neutro bajo siembra directa y negativo bajo labranza con arado. La producción de C - CO2 aumentó con la cantidad de residuos presentes en el suelo y la temperatura y decrecía al incrementarse la cantidad de nitratos. La descomposición de los residuos vegetales y la liberación al suelo de su nitrógeno fue más rápida en el suelo labrado, lo que llevó a mayores niveles de nitratos a la siembra de algunos cultivos en el tratamiento con labranza en casi todos los cultivos integrantes de la rotación. Bajo siembra directa el suelo no perdió carbono durante el experimento mientras que bajo arado de disco el stock de carbono orgánico del suelo decreció. En regiones semiáridas la adopción de siembra directa determina balances de carbono menos negativos que bajo manejos con labranza, por incrementar las entradas de carbono al suelo y no afectar las salidas por respiración heterótrofa.