920 resultados para android, porting, pjsip, pjproject, binder
Scaffolds for bone tissue engineering are essentially characterized by porous three-dimensional structures with interconnected pores to facilitate the exchange of nutrients and removal of waste products from cells, thereby promoting cell proliferation in such engineered scaffolds. Although hydroxyapatite is widely being considered for bone tissue engineering applications due to its occurrence in the natural extracellular matrix of this tissue, limited reports are available on additive manufacturing of hydroxyapatite-based materials. In this perspective, hydroxyapatite-based three-dimensional porous scaffolds with two different binders (maltodextrin and sodium alginate) were fabricated using the extrusion method of three-dimensional plotting and the results were compared in reference to the structural properties of scaffolds processed via chemical stabilization and sintering routes, respectively. With the optimal processing conditions regarding to pH and viscosity of binder-loaded hydroxyapatite pastes, scaffolds with parallelepiped porous architecture having up to 74% porosity were fabricated. Interestingly, sintering of the as-plotted hydroxyapatite-sodium alginate (cross-linked with CaCl2 solution) scaffolds led to the formation of chlorapatite (Ca9.54P5.98O23.8Cl1.60(OH)(2.74)). Both the sintered scaffolds displayed progressive deformation and delayed fracture under compressive loading, with hydroxyapatite-alginate scaffolds exhibiting a higher compressive strength (9.5 +/- 0.5MPa) than hydroxyapatite-maltodextrin scaffolds (7.0 +/- 0.6MPa). The difference in properties is explained in terms of the phase assemblage and microstructure.
Detection and Characterization of Long-Pulse Low-Velocity Impact Damage in Plastic Bonded Explosives
Damage not only degrades the mechanical properties of explosives, but also influences the shock sensitivity, combustion and even detonation behavior of explosives. The study of impact damage is crucial in the vulnerability evaluation of explosives. A long-pulse low-velocity gas gun with a gas buffer was developed and used to induce impact damage in a hot pressed plastic bonded explosive. Various methods were used to detect and characterize the impact damage of the explosive. The microstructure was examined by use of polarized light microscopy. Fractal analysis of the micrographs was conducted by use of box counting method. The correlation between the fractal dimensions and microstructures was analyzed. Ultrasonic testing was conducted using a pulse through-transmission method to obtain the ultrasonic velocity and ultrasonic attenuation. Spectra analyses were carried out for recorded ultrasonic signals using fast Fourier transform. The correlations between the impact damage and ultrasonic parameters including ultrasonic velocities and attenuation coefficients were also analyzed. To quantitatively assess the impact induced explosive crystal fractures, particle size distribution analyses of explosive crystals were conducted by using a thorough etching technique, in which the explosives samples were soaked in a solution for enough time that the binder was totally removed. Impact induces a large extent of explosive crystal fractures and a large number of microcracks. The ultrasonic velocity decreases and attenuation coefficients increase with the presence of impact damage. Both ultrasonic parameters and fractal dimension can be used to quantitatively assess the impact damage of plastic bonded explosives.
The tensile deformation and failure of polymer bonded explosives (PBXs), a particulate composite, is studied in this paper. Two HMX-based PBXs with different binder were selected for study. A diametric compression test, in which a disc-shaped specimen is loaded diametrically, was chosen to generate tensile failure in the materials. The quasi-static tensile properties and the tensile creep properties were studied by using conventional displacement transducers to measure the lateral strain along the horizontal diameter. The whole-field in-plane creep deformation was measured by using the technique of high resolution moire´ interferometry. Real time microscopic examination was conducted to monitor the process of deformation and failure of PBXs by using a scanning electron microscope equipped with a loading stage. A manifold method (MM) was used to simulate the deformation and failure of PBX samples under the diametric compression test, including the crack initiation, crack propagation and final cleavage fracture. The mechanisms of deformation and failure of PBXs under diametric compression were analyzed. The diametric compression test and the techniques developed in this research have proven to be applicable to the study of tensile properties of PBXs.
Polymer bonded explosives (PBXs) are highly particle filled composite materials comprised of explosive crystals and a polymeric binder (ca. 5-10% by weight). The microstructure and mechanical properties of two pressed PBXs with different binder systems were studied in this paper. The initial microstructure of the pressed PBXs and its evolution under different mechanical aggressions were studied, including quasi-static tension and compression, ultrasonic wave stressing and long-pulse low-velocity impact. Real-time microscopic observation of the PBXs under tension was conducted by using a scanning electron microscope equipped with a loading stage. The mechanical properties under tensile creep, quasi-static tension and compression were studied. The Brazilian test, or diametrical compression, was used to study the tensile properties. The influences of pressing pressures and temperatures, and strain rates on the mechanical properties of PBXs were analyzed. The mesoscale damage modes in initial pressed samples and the samples insulted by different mechanical aggressions, and the corresponding failure mechanisms of the PBXs under different loading conditions were analyzed.
Karrera amaierako proiektu honetan telefono mugikor aurreratuentzako aplikazio grafiko bat garatu da. Aplikazioak mendizaleei lainoa dagoenean orientatzen lagundu nahi die, ikuspen ezagatik galdu ez daitezen. Hori lortzeko, erabiltzailearen inguruan dagoen paisaia hiru dimentsiotan pantailaratuko da. Non kokatuta dagoen jakiteko GPS sistema atzitzen da. Erabiltzaileak aurrera egiten duen heinean marraztutako ingurunea eguneratzen da. Orientatzen laguntzeko, begiratzen ari den norantzan dagoen lurrazala bakarrik marraztuko zaio mendizaleari.
Nuestro proyecto trata de obtener un sistema centralizado para el manejo y monitorización de un conjunto de aparatos eléctricos del hogar, tales como luces, cámaras, sensores, y otros aparatos mediante una aplicación para dispositivos móviles Android. También se facilita una herramienta web para administrar dichos aparatos. Nuestro sistema da soporte al manejo individual y manual de estos aparatos, por ejemplo encender una lámpara, así como la posibilidad de incluir programas que se ejecuten a una determinada hora, y con una determinada recurrencia. Por ejemplo, se puede programar el encendido de una luz todos los días a las 20:00. Además, también se pueden crear reglas que, dado una determinada situación, realicen una serie de acciones. Por ejemplo, si se detecta que la luminosidad baja de cierto valor (detectado mediante un sensor de luz), se encienda una lámpara. Para conseguir esto se ha realizado una aplicación centralizada, a modo de servidor, que se comunica con los aparatos eléctricos mediante diferentes protocolos de comunicación, así como con el dispositivo móvil Android, y una aplicación web administrativa, a través de un portal de servicios web.
This report documents the methods used at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) for analyzing seawater nutrient samples with an Alpkem Series 300 Rapid Flow Analyzer (RFA) system. The methods have been optimized for the particular requirements of this laboratory. The RFA system has been used to analyze approximately 20,000 samples during the past two years. The methods have been optimized to run nutrient analyses in a routine manner with a detection limit of better than -±1% and a within run precision of -±1% of the full scale concentration range. The normal concentration ranges are 0-200 ~M silicate, 0-5 ~M phosphate, 0-50 ~M nitrate, 0-3 ~M nitrite, and 0-10 ~M ammonium. The memorandum is designed to be used in a loose-leaf binder format. Each page is dated and as revisions are made, they should be inserted into the binder. The revisions should be added into the binder. Retain the old versions in order to maintain a historical record of the procedures. (88 pages)
Within the next few pages, I will try to give a wide description of the project that I have been doing for IK4-Ikerlan. For the last six months, I have been working in developing a socket-based application for Apple devices. These devices work under the iOS operative system, which is programmed in Objective-C, a language similar to C. Although I did not have the chance to develop this application for Apple TV, I was able to create an application for iPhone and another one for iPad. The only difference between both applications was the screen resolution, but we decided to make them separately, as it would be really hard to combine both resolutions, and wallpapers, everything in the same workspace. Finally, it is necessary to add that the main goal was not to create a new application for iOS, but to translate an Android application into iOS. To achieve this, it is required to translate Java code into Objective- C, which is the language used to develop applications for all kinds of Apple devices. Fortunately, there is a tool created by Google, which helped us with this exercise. This tool is called j2ObjC, and it is still being developed.
“Urkiolaenea: Sistemas multidispositivo para negocios tradicionales” es un proyecto realizado en la empresa OrekaI.T. dentro de un contexto formativo, ya que a su vez es el proyecto con el que finalizo mis estudios de Ingeniería Informática. Con él, se ha pretendido dar respuesta a las necesidades de un cliente real que dispone de un negocio tradicional.En este caso, Urkiolaenea, una negocio de alojamiento rural que requería de una imagen renovada en Internet para lograr ser más competitiva en el ámbito del turismo rural, además de un sistema de gestión para mejorar sus procesos de negocio. Por otra parte, con este proyecto no sólo se ha buscado cumplir con las expectativas del cliente sino ir más allá, buscando las soluciones más adecuadas ante el mercado actual en Internet, dominado por los dispositivos móviles inteligentes. Por ello, gran parte de los esfuerzos realizados en este proyecto se han enfocado en conseguir que Urkiolaenea sea accesible cómodamente por cualquier persona, independientemente del dispositivo desde el que acceda.
Proyecto de Fin de Carrera de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Sistemas de la Universidad del País Vasco. NavyWar: Capa de Negocio y Datos por Daniel Crego. Director: Germán Rigau. Proyecto conjunto: NavyWar, realizado en colaboración con Adrián Gil (NavyWar: Capa de presentación). Juego desarrollado para dispositivos Android basado en "Hundir la flota". Incluye modos de juego contra inteligencia artificial y para dos jugadores.
Mugikorretarako egokitutako Bertsotarako Arbel Digitala garatu da, sinonimo- eta errima-bilatzailea laguntza gisa dituela. Gauden lekuan gaudela, mugikorraz baliatuz bertso bat osatu genezake, eta aplikazioak abisua pasako digu bertsoa zuzena ez bada, poto egin bada, errimaren bat okerra bada edo silaba kopurua egokia ez bada. Laguntzaile gisa errima-bilatzailea eta sinonimo-bilatzailea dauzka. Emandako hitzaren sinonimoak bueltatzen ditu sinonimo-bilatzaileak; errima-bilatzaileak, berriz, hitz bat edo hitz-bukaera bat emanda, emandakoarekin errimatzen duten hitzak bueltatzen ditu. Horrez gain, Bertsotarako Arbel Digitalean erabiltzaile erregistratua bagara, bertsoa gordetzeko aukera izango dugu.
Proyecto de Fin de Carrera de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Sistemas: NavyWar (Capa de presentación) por Adrián Gil. Director: Germán Rigau. Proyecto conjunto: NavyWar, realizado en colaboración con Daniel Crego (Capa de Negocio y Datos). Juego desarrollado para dispositivos Android basado en "Hundir la flota". Incluye modos de juego contra inteligencia artificial y para dos jugadores.
380 p. : il., gráf.
Euskara:Gradu Amaierako Proiektu honek QR kodeak eta eduki-kudeaketa eleanitza jorratzen ditu. Hori egiteko hiru osagai nagusitan banatzen da. Batetik, QR kodeak irakurtzen dituen Android Sistema Eragilerako aplikazio bat dago. Bestetik, Android aplikazio horrek atzituko duen Eduki Kudeatzailea dago, WordPress Edukiak Kudeatzeko Sistemaren bidez garatu dena eta edukiak hizkuntz ezberdinetan izango dituena. Azkenik, Eduki Kudeatzaile hori osatzen duen gehigarria dago, sarean dauden zerbitzuak erabilita webguneari itzulpenak egiteko eta QR kodeak sortzeko gaitasunak emango dizkiona.
Español: Desarrollo de una aplicación para terminales que utilicen Android. Dicha aplicación busca rutas de transporte público de entre el origen y destino especificados, dentro de Gipuzkoa. Además se puede seleccionar uno de los resultados para ver el recorrido completo.