993 resultados para Wuorenrinne, Heikki


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää käytännön keinoja asiakassuhteen kehittämiseen tarkastelemalla kumppanuutta ja verkostoitumista käsittelevää teoriaa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tarjota kohdeyritykselle teoreettinen viitekehys omien liiketoimintasuhteiden kehitysmallin pohjaksi. Tutkimus sisältää sekä teoreettisen että empiirisen osan. Teoriaosiossa kumppanuuden ja verkostoitumisen teoriaa tarkastellaan ja tarkastelun pohjalta luodaan käsitys liiketoimintasuhteen perustekijöistä. Näiden perustekijöidenpohjalta kootaan suhteen tarkastelumalli, jota empiriaosiossa hyödynnetään. Tarkastelumallin hyödyntäminen antoi molemmille kehitystyöhön osallistuneille yrityksille selkeämmän näkemyksen liiketoimintasuhteen käytännön nykytilastaja mahdollisista kehityssuunnista sekä niiden vaatimista toimenpiteistä. Lisäksi yritysten välisen yhteisen viitekehyksen esittely selkeytti kehitystyön ympärillä tapahtuvaa keskustelua.


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Osakemarkkinoilta on jo useiden vuosien ajan julkaistu lukuisia tutkimuksia, joissa on esitetty havaintoja ajallisesta säännönmukaisuudesta osakkeiden hinnoissa, joita ei pystytä selittämään markkinakohtaisilla fundamenteilla. Nämä niin kutsutut kalenterianomaliat esiintyvät tyypillisesti ajallisissa käännepisteissä, kuten vuoden, kuukauden tai viikon vaihtuessa seuraavaksi. Myös erilaisten katkosten, kuten juhlapyhien, kaupankäyntirutiineissa on havaittu aiheuttavan anomalioita. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia osakemarkkinoilla havaittujen kalenterianomalioiden esiintymistä pohjoismaisilla sähkömarkkinoilla. Tutkitut anomaliat olivat viikonpäivä- kuukausi-, kuunvaihde- ja juhlapyhäanomalia. Näiden lisäksi tutkittiin tuottojen käyttäytymistä optioiden erääntymispäivien läheisyydessä. Yksittäisten tuotteiden sijasta tarkastelut suoritettiin sesonki- ja kvartaalituotteista muodostetuilla vuosituotteilla. Testauksessa käytettiin pienimmän neliösumman menetelmää, huomioidenheteroskedastisuuden, autokorrelaation ja multikollineaarisuuden vaikutukset. Pelkkien kalenterimuuttujien lisäksi testit suoritettiin regressiomalleilla, joissa lisäselittäjinä käytettiin spot-hintaa, päästöoikeuden hintaa ja/tai sade-ennusteita. Tarkastelujakso koostui vuosista 1998-2006.


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Contrast enhancement is an image processing technique where the objective is to preprocess the image so that relevant information can be either seen or further processed more reliably. These techniques are typically applied when the image itself or the device used for image reproduction provides poor visibility and distinguishability of different regions of interest inthe image. In most studies, the emphasis is on the visualization of image data,but this human observer biased goal often results to images which are not optimal for automated processing. The main contribution of this study is to express the contrast enhancement as a mapping from N-channel image data to 1-channel gray-level image, and to devise a projection method which results to an image with minimal error to the correct contrast image. The projection, the minimum-error contrast image, possess the optimal contrast between the regions of interest in the image. The method is based on estimation of the probability density distributions of the region values, and it employs Bayesian inference to establish the minimum error projection.


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An accidental burst of a pressure vessel is an uncontrollable and explosion-like batch process. In this study it is called an explosion. The destructive effectof a pressure vessel explosion is relative to the amount of energy released in it. However, in the field of pressure vessel safety, a mutual understanding concerning the definition of explosion energy has not yet been achieved. In this study the definition of isentropic exergy is presented. Isentropic exergy is the greatest possible destructive energy which can be obtained from a pressure vessel explosion when its state changes in an isentropic way from the initial to the final state. Finally, after the change process, the gas has similar pressure and flow velocity as the environment. Isentropic exergy differs from common exergy inthat the process is assumed to be isentropic and the final gas temperature usually differs from the ambient temperature. The explosion process is so fast that there is no time for the significant heat exchange needed for the common exergy.Therefore an explosion is better characterized by isentropic exergy. Isentropicexergy is a characteristic of a pressure vessel and it is simple to calculate. Isentropic exergy can be defined also for any thermodynamic system, such as the shock wave system developing around an exploding pressure vessel. At the beginning of the explosion process the shock wave system has the same isentropic exergyas the pressure vessel. When the system expands to the environment, its isentropic exergy decreases because of the increase of entropy in the shock wave. The shock wave system contains the pressure vessel gas and a growing amount of ambient gas. The destructive effect of the shock wave on the ambient structures decreases when its distance from the starting point increases. This arises firstly from the fact that the shock wave system is distributed to a larger space. Secondly, the increase of entropy in the shock waves reduces the amount of isentropic exergy. Equations concerning the change of isentropic exergy in shock waves are derived. By means of isentropic exergy and the known flow theories, equations illustrating the pressure of the shock wave as a function of distance are derived. Amethod is proposed as an application of the equations. The method is applicablefor all shapes of pressure vessels in general use, such as spheres, cylinders and tubes. The results of this method are compared to measurements made by various researchers and to accident reports on pressure vessel explosions. The test measurements are found to be analogous with the proposed method and the findings in the accident reports are not controversial to it.


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Quality inspection and assurance is a veryimportant step when today's products are sold to markets. As products are produced in vast quantities, the interest to automate quality inspection tasks has increased correspondingly. Quality inspection tasks usuallyrequire the detection of deficiencies, defined as irregularities in this thesis. Objects containing regular patterns appear quite frequently on certain industries and science, e.g. half-tone raster patterns in the printing industry, crystal lattice structures in solid state physics and solder joints and components in the electronics industry. In this thesis, the problem of regular patterns and irregularities is described in analytical form and three different detection methods are proposed. All the methods are based on characteristics of Fourier transform to represent regular information compactly. Fourier transform enables the separation of regular and irregular parts of an image but the three methods presented are shown to differ in generality and computational complexity. Need to detect fine and sparse details is common in quality inspection tasks, e.g., locating smallfractures in components in the electronics industry or detecting tearing from paper samples in the printing industry. In this thesis, a general definition of such details is given by defining sufficient statistical properties in the histogram domain. The analytical definition allowsa quantitative comparison of methods designed for detail detection. Based on the definition, the utilisation of existing thresholding methodsis shown to be well motivated. Comparison of thresholding methods shows that minimum error thresholding outperforms other standard methods. The results are successfully applied to a paper printability and runnability inspection setup. Missing dots from a repeating raster pattern are detected from Heliotest strips and small surface defects from IGT picking papers.


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This thesis studies gray-level distance transforms, particularly the Distance Transform on Curved Space (DTOCS). The transform is produced by calculating distances on a gray-level surface. The DTOCS is improved by definingmore accurate local distances, and developing a faster transformation algorithm. The Optimal DTOCS enhances the locally Euclidean Weighted DTOCS (WDTOCS) with local distance coefficients, which minimize the maximum error from the Euclideandistance in the image plane, and produce more accurate global distance values.Convergence properties of the traditional mask operation, or sequential localtransformation, and the ordered propagation approach are analyzed, and compared to the new efficient priority pixel queue algorithm. The Route DTOCS algorithmdeveloped in this work can be used to find and visualize shortest routes between two points, or two point sets, along a varying height surface. In a digital image, there can be several paths sharing the same minimal length, and the Route DTOCS visualizes them all. A single optimal path can be extracted from the route set using a simple backtracking algorithm. A new extension of the priority pixel queue algorithm produces the nearest neighbor transform, or Voronoi or Dirichlet tessellation, simultaneously with the distance map. The transformation divides the image into regions so that each pixel belongs to the region surrounding the reference point, which is nearest according to the distance definition used. Applications and application ideas for the DTOCS and its extensions are presented, including obstacle avoidance, image compression and surface roughness evaluation.


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Kansilehdellä omistus: Sally Ehnroth, jouluna 1885. - Oskar Merikannon Grande valse¿n tunnetumpi nimi on Kesäillan valssi.


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Ruovesi 1914


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Heikki Klemetti on kirjoittanut lyijykynällä nuottilehdelle huomautuksen.


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Diplomityössä tutkittiin kaupallisen monikappaledynamiikkaohjelmiston soveltuvuutta kiinnirullaimen dynamiikan ja värähtelyjen tutkimiseen. Erityisen kiinnostuneita oltiin nipin kuvauksesta sekä nipissä tapahtuvista värähtelyistä. Tässä diplomityössä mallinnettiin kiinnirullaimen ensiö- ja toisiokäytöt sekä tampuuritela. Malli yhdistettiin myöhemmin Metso Paper Järvenpäässä rinnakkaisena diplomityönä tehtyyn malliin, joista muodostui kahteen ratkaisijaan perustuva simulointimalli. Simulointimalli rakennettiin käyttämään kahta erillistä ratkaisijaa, joista toinen on mekaniikkamallin rakentamisessa käytetty ADAMS-ohjelmisto ja toinen säätöjärjestelmää ja hydraulipiirejä kuvaava Simulink-malli. Nipin mallintamiseksi tampuuritela ja rullaussylinteri mallinnettiin joustaviksi käyttäen keskitettyjen massojen menetelmää. Siirtolaitteissa sekä runkorakenteissa tapahtuvat joustot kuvattiin yhden vapausasteen jousi-vaimennin voimilla kuvattuina järjestelminä. Tässä diplomityössä on myös keskitytty esittelemään ADAMS-ohjelmiston toimintaa ohjeistavasti sekä käsittelemään parametrisen mallintamisen etuja. Työssä havaittiin monikappaledynamiikan soveltuvuus kiinnirullaimen dynamiikan sekä dynaamisten voimien aiheuttamien värähtelyjen tutkimiseen. Suoritetuista värähtelymittauksista voitiin tehdä vain arvioita. Mallin havaittiin vaativan lisätutkimusta ja kehitystyötä


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The main objective of this research paper was to synthesize, integrate and analyze the theoretical foundation of the resource-based view of the firm on sustainable competitive advantage. Accordingly, this research was a literature research employing the methodology of interpretative study of concept and unobtrusive measures. The core and majority of the research data was gathered from the major online journal databases. Only peer-reviewed articles from highly-esteemed journals on the subject of competitive advantage were used. The theoretical core of the research paper was centred on resources, capabilities, and the sustainability dilemma of competitive advantage. Furthermore, other strategic management concepts relating to the resource-based view of the firm were used with reference to the research objectives. The resource-based view of the firm continues to be a controversial but important are of strategic management research on sustainable competitive advantage. Consequently, the theoretical foundation and the empirical testing of the framework needs further work. However, it is evident that internal organizational factors in the form of resources and capabilities are vital for the formation of sustainable competitive advantage. Resources and capabilities are not, however, valuable on their own - competitive advantage requires seamless interplay and complementarity between bundles of resources and capabilities.


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Selostus: Pitkäaikaisen fosforilannoituksen vaikutus Suomen peltojen fosforitilaan. 2. Kemiallisten testien muutokset suhteessa fosforitaseeseen sekä aikaisemmin ja koevuosina lisätyn fosforin multaussyvyyteen


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