Radiofirequency ablation of the pulmonary veins has been used to treat patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF), and atrial damage after ablation is an issue of concern. To evaluate left atrial function shortly and midterm after ablation, 33 consecutive patients with paroxysmal AF were studied at baseline, 24 hours, and >= 6 months after ablation. Patients in sinus rhythm with normal ventricular function were included in the study. Echocardiographic measurements of left atrial volumes (Simpson`s rule) and transmitral and tissue Doppler myocardial (A`) velocities at the septal and lateral mitral annulus were undertaken at each time. Left atrial emptying fraction (EF; maximal - minimal left atrial volume/maximal left atrial volume) was used to express left atrial function. After 8 +/- 2 months, 30 of 33 patients returned (23 men, age 53 +/- 13 years), and all except 2 were in sinus rhythm. Shortly after ablation, left atrial minimal volumes increased (from 30 +/- 15 to 35 +/- 15 ml; p = 0.02), with maximal volumes unchanged, resulting in decreased left atrial EF (from 47 +/- 8 to 40 +/- 7 ml; p <0.05). Tissue Doppler septal A` velocities also decreased (from 8.2 +/- 1.8 to 6.9 +/- 2.0 cm/s; p <0.05). However, after midterm follow-up, both left atrial EF and septal A` velocities had slightly increased compared with shortly after ablation, although left atrial volumes remained similar to baseline. Septal A` velocity changes paralleled left atrial EF both shortly (r = 0.46, p = 0.02) and at midterm after ablation (r = 0.47, p = 0.01). In conclusion, after radiofrequency ablation, patients with paroxysmal AF experienced an initial impairment in atrial function, with improvement at longer term follow-up. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2009;103: 395-398)
Real time three-dimensional echocardiography (RT3DE) has been demonstrated to be an accurate technique to quantify left ventricular (LV) volumes and function in different patient populations. We sought to determine the value of RT3DE for evaluating patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), in comparison with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods: We studied 20 consecutive patients with HCM who underwent two-dimensional echocardiography (2DE), RT3DE, and MRI. Parameters analyzed by echocardiography and MRI included: wall thickness, LV volumes, ejection fraction (LVEF), mass, geometric index, and dyssynchrony index. Statistical analysis was performed by Lin agreement coefficient, Pearson linear correlation and Bland-Altman model. Results: There was excellent agreement between 2DE and RT3DE (Rc = 0.92), 2DE and MRI (Rc = 0.85), and RT3DE and MRI (Rc = 0.90) for linear measurements. Agreement indexes for LV end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes were Rc = 0.91 and Rc = 0.91 between 2DE and RT3DE, Rc = 0.94 and Rc = 0.95 between RT3DE and MRI, and Rc = 0.89 and Rc = 0.88 between 2DE and MRI, respectively. Satisfactory agreement was observed between 2DE and RT3DE (Rc = 0.75), RT3DE and MRI (Rc = 0.83), and 2DE and MRI (Rc = 0.73) for determining LVEF, with a mild underestimation of LVEF by 2DE, and smaller variability between RT3DE and MRI. Regarding LV mass, excellent agreement was observed between RT3DE and MRI (Rc = 0.96), with bias of -6.3 g (limits of concordance = 42.22 to -54.73 g). Conclusion: In patients with HCM, RT3DE demonstrated superior performance than 2DE for the evaluation of myocardial hypertrophy, LV volumes, LVEF, and LV mass.
Background: Different hemodynamic parameters including static indicators of cardiac preload as right ventricular end-diastolic volume index (RVEDVI) and dynamic parameters as pulse pressure variation (PPV) have been used in the decision-making process regarding volume expansion in critically ill patients. The objective of this study was to compare fluid resuscitation guided by either PPV or RVEDVI after experimentally induced hemorrhagic shock. Methods: Twenty-six anesthetized and mechanically ventilated pigs were allocated into control (group I), PPV (group II), or RVEDVI (group III) group. Hemorrhagic shock was induced by blood withdrawal to target mean arterial pressure of 40 mm Hg, maintained for 60 minutes. Parameters were measured at baseline, time of shock, 60 minutes after shock, immediately after resuscitation with hydroxyethyl starch 6% (130/0.4), 1 hour and 2 hours thereafter. The endpoint of fluid resuscitation was determined as the baseline values of PPV and RVEDVI. Statistical analysis of data was based on analysis of variance for repeated measures followed by the Bonferroni test (p < 0.05). Results: Volume and time to resuscitation were higher in group III than in group II (group III = 1,305 +/- 331 mL and group II = 965 +/- 245 mL, p < 0.05; and group III = 24.8 +/- 4.7 minutes and group II = 8.8 +/- 1.3 minutes, p < 0.05, respectively). All static and dynamic parameters and biomarkers of tissue oxygenation were affected by hemorrhagic shock and nearly all parameters were restored after resuscitation in both groups. Conclusion: In the proposed model of hemorrhagic shock, resuscitation to the established endpoints was achieved within a smaller amount of time and with less volume when guided by PPV than when guided by pulmonary artery catheter-derived RVEDVI.
In this study, we analyzed whether transplantation of cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) expressing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mitigates cardiac dysfunction after myocardial infarction (MI) in rats. First, we observed that the transgene expression lasts longer (45 vs 7 days) when fibroblasts are used as vectors compared with myoblasts. In a preventive protocol, induction of cardiac neovascularization accompanied by reduction in myocardial scar area was observed when cell transplantation was performed 1 week before ischemia/reperfusion and the animals analyzed 3 weeks later. Finally, the therapeutic efficacy of this approach was tested injecting cells in a fibrin biopolymer, to increase cardiac retention, 24 h post-MI. After 4 weeks, an increase in neovascularization and a decrease in myocardial collagen were observed only in rats that received cells expressing VEGF. Basal indirect or direct hemodynamic measurements showed no differences among the groups whereas under pharmacological stress, only the group that received cells expressing VEGF showed a significant reduction in end-diastolic pressure and improvement in stroke volume and cardiac work. These results indicate that transplantation of CFs expressing VEGF using fibrin biopolymer induces neovascularization and attenuates left ventricle fibrosis and cardiac dysfunction in ischemic heart. Gene Therapy (2010) 17, 305-314; doi:10.1038/gt.2009.146; published online 10 December 2009
Background: Insulin resistance and obesity are recognized as left ventricular (LV) mass determinants independent of blood pressure (BP). Prevalence of LV hypertrophy (LVH) and the relationship between LV mass to body composition and metabolic variables were evaluated in normotensive individuals as participants of a population-based study. Methods: LV mass was measured using the second harmonic image by M-mode 2D guided echocardiography in 326 normotensive subjects (mean 47 +/- 9.4 years). Fasting serum lipids and glucose, BP, body composition and waist circumference (WC) were recorded during a clinic visit. Results: Applying a normalization criterion not related to body weight (g/height raised to the power 2.7) and the cut-off points of 47.7 (men) and 46.6 g/m(2.7) (women), LVH was found in 7.9% of the sample. Univariate analysis showed LV mass (g/m(2.7)) related to age, body mass index (BMI), WC, fat and lean body mass, systolic and diastolic BP, and metabolic variables (cholesterol, HDL-c, triglycerides and glucose). In multivariate analysis only BMI and age-adjusted systolic BP remained as independent predictors of LV mass, explaining 31% and 5% of its variability. Removing BMI from the model, WC, age-adjusted systolic BP and lean mass remained independent predictors, explaining 25.0%, 4.0% and 1.5% of LV mass variability, respectively. After sex stratification, LV mass predictors were WC (8%) and systolic BP (5%) in men and WC (36%) and systolic BP (3%) in women. Conclusion: BMI in general and particularly increased abdominal adiposity (WC as surrogate) seems to account for most of LV mass increase in normotensive individuals, mainly in women. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
P>1. Baroreceptors regulate moment-to-moment blood pressure (BP) variations, but their long-term effect on the cardiovascular system remains unclear. Baroreceptor deficit accompanying hypertension contributes to increased BP variability (BPV) and sympathetic activity, whereas exercise training has been associated with an improvement in these baroreflex-mediated changes. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the autonomic, haemodynamic and cardiac morphofunctional effects of long-term sinoaortic baroreceptor denervation (SAD) in trained and sedentary spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). 2. Rats were subjected to SAD or sham surgery and were then further divided into sedentary and trained groups. Exercise training was performed on a treadmill (five times per week, 50-70% maximal running speed). All groups were studied after 10 weeks. 3. Sinoaortic baroreceptor denervation in SHR had no effect on basal heart rate (HR) or BP, but did augment BPV, impairing the cardiac function associated with increased cardiac hypertrophy and collagen deposition. Exercise training reduced BP and HR, re-established baroreflex sensitivity and improved both HR variability and BPV. However, SAD in trained SHR blunted all these improvements. Moreover, the systolic and diastolic hypertensive dysfunction, reduced left ventricular chamber diameter and increased cardiac collagen deposition seen in SHR were improved after the training protocol. These benefits were attenuated in trained SAD SHR. 4. In conclusion, the present study has demonstrated that the arterial baroreflex mediates cardiac disturbances associated with hypertension and is crucial for the beneficial cardiovascular morphofunctional and autonomic adaptations induced by chronic exercise in hypertension.
We assessed a new experimental model of isolated right ventricular (RV) failure, achieved by means of intramyocardial injection of ethanol. RV dysfunction was induced in 13 mongrel dogs via multiple injections of 96% ethanol (total dose 1 mL/kg), all over the inlet and trabecular RV free walls. Hemodynamic and metabolic parameters were evaluated at baseline, after ethanol injection, and on the 14th postoperative day (POD). Echocardiographic parameters were evaluated at baseline, on the sixth POD, and on the 13th POD. The animals were then euthanized for histopathological analysis of the hearts. There was a 15.4% mortality rate. We noticed a decrease in pulmonary blood flow right after RV failure (P = 0.0018), as well as during reoperation on the 14th POD (P = 0.002). The induced RV dysfunction caused an increase in venous lactate levels immediately after ethanol injection and on the 14th POD (P < 0.0003). The echocardiogram revealed a decrease in the RV ejection fraction on the sixth and 13th PODs (P = 0.0001). There was an increased RV end-diastolic volume on the sixth (P = 0.0001) and 13th PODs (P = 0.0084). The right ventricle showed a 74% +/- 0.06% transmural infarction area, with necrotic lesions aged 14 days. Intramyocardial ethanol injection has allowed the creation of a reproducible and inexpensive model of RV failure. The hemodynamic, metabolic, and echocardiographic parameters assessed at different protocol times are compatible with severe RV failure. This model may be useful in understanding the pathophysiology of isolated right-sided heart failure, as well as in the assessment of ventricular assist devices.
Cardiac sympathetic denervation and ventricular arrhythmia are frequently observed in chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC). This study quantitatively evaluated the association between cardiac sympathetic denervation and sustained ventricular tachycardia (SVT) in patients with CCC. Methods: We prospectively investigated patients with CCC and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) greater than 35% with SVT (SVT group: n = 5 15; mean age +/- SD, 61 +/- 8 y; LVEF, 51% +/- 8%) and patients without SVT (non-SVT group: n = 11; mean age +/- SD, 55 +/- 10 y; LVEF, 57% +/- 10%). Patients underwent myocardial scintigraphy with (123)I-metaiodobenzylguanidine ((123)I-MIBG) for the evaluation of sympathetic innervation and resting perfusion with (99m)Tc-methoxyisobutylisonitrile ((99m)Tc-MIBI) for the evaluation of myocardial viability. A visual semiquantitative score was attributed for regional uptake of each radiotracer using a 17-segment left ventricular segmentation model (0, normal; 4, absence of uptake). A mismatch defect was defined as occurring in segments with a 99mTc-MIBI uptake score of 0 or 1 and a (123)I-MIBG score of 2 or more. Results: Compared with the non-SVT group, the SVT group had a similar (99m)Tc-MIBI summed score (6.9 +/- 7.5 vs. 4.4 +/- 5.2, respectively, P = 0.69) but a higher (123)I-MIBG summed score (10.9 +/- 7.8 vs. 22.4 +/- 9.5, respectively, P = 0.007) and a higher number of mismatch defects per patient (2.0 +/- 2.2 vs. 7.1 +/- 2.0, respectively, P < 0.0001). The presence of more than 3 mismatch defects was strongly associated with the presence of SVT (93% sensitivity, 82% specificity; P = 0.0002). Conclusion: In CCC, the amount of sympathetically denervated viable myocardium is associated with the occurrence of SVT. Myocardial sympathetic denervation may participate in triggering malignant ventricular arrhythmia in CCC patients with relatively well-preserved ventricular function.
The objective of this report is to document the effects of an aerobic training program on myocardial perfusion, and endothelial function abnormalities, and on the relief of angina in a patient with microvascular myocardial ischemia. A 53-year-old female patient exhibited precordial pain on effort and angiographically normal coronaries. Her symptoms had been present for 4 yrs despite pharmacologic treatment for the control of risk factors, with myocardial perfusion scintigraphy revealing an extensive reversible perfusion defect. She was submitted to aerobic training for 4 mos, obtaining significant improvement of the anginal symptoms. Additionally, after the aerobic training program, scintigraphy revealed the disappearance of the myocardial perfusion defect, with a marked improvement of endothelium-dependent vasodilatory response and an improved quality-of-life score. These results suggest that aerobic training can improve endothelial function, leading to a reduction of ischemia and an improved quality-of-life in patients with microvascular myocardial ischemia.
Background: Enhanced cardiac matrix metalloproteinase activity (MMPs) has been associated with ventricular remodeling and cardiac dysfunction. It is unknown whether MMPs contribute to systolic/diastolic dysfunction and compensatory remodeling in 2-kidney, 1-clip (2K1C) hypertensive rats. To test this hypothesis, we used 2K1C rats after 2 weeks of surgery treated or not with a nonspecific inhibitor of MMPs (doxycycline). Methods and Results: We found that blood pressure and +/-dP/dt increased in 2K1C rats compared with sham groups, and these parameters were attenuated by doxycycline treatment (P < .05). Doxycycline also reversed cardiac hypertrophy observed in 2K1C rats (P < .05). Hypertensive rats showed increased MMP-2 levels in zymograms and in the tissue by immunofluorescence (P < .05) compared with sham groups. Increased total gelatinolytic activity was observed in untreated 2K1C rats when compared with sham groups (P < .05). Doxycycline decreased total gelatinolytic activity in 2K1C rats to control levels (P < .05). Conclusion: An imbalance in gelatinolytic activity, with increased MMP-2 levels and activity underlies the development of morphological and functional alterations found in the compensatory hypertrophy observed in 2K1C hearts. Because function and structure were restored by doxycycline, the inhibition of MMPs or their modulation may provide beneficial effects for therapeutic intervention in cardiac hypertrophy. (J Cardiac Fail 2010;16:599-608)
Background: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are involved in cardiac remodeling and are encoded by genes showing genetic polymorphisms that have functional implications. We examined whether MMP-9 genetic polymorphisms are associated with hypertension and with left ventricular (LV) remodeling in hypertensive patients. Methods: We studied 173 hypertensive patients and 137 age, race and gender matched healthy controls. Heart echocardiography was performed in all patients and the following MMP-9 genetic polymorphisms were analyzed: C-(1562)T (rs3918242). -90 (CA)(14-24) (rs2234681) and Q279R (rs17576). Haplo.stats analysis was used to assess whether MMP-9 haplotypes are associated with hypertension. Linear regression analysis was performed to assess whether MMP-9 haplotypes affect LV mass index (LVMI) and other echocardiography parameters. Results: MMP-9 90 (CA)14-24 ""HH"" genotype (H allele defined by number of CA repeats >= 21) was associated with hypertension (P = 0.0085; OR = 2.321, 95% confidence interval = 1.250 to 4.309). While one MMP-9 haplotype (""C. H, Q"") protects against LVMI and end-diastolic diameter increases due to remodeling (P = 0.0490 and P = 0.0367), another MMP-9 haplotype apparently has detrimental effects over both parameters in hypertensive patients (""T, H. Q"", P = 0.0015 and P = 0.0057. respectively). Conclusion: Genetic polymorphisms in MMP-9 gene may modify the susceptibility of hypertensive patients to LV remodeling. Further studies are necessary to examine whether these polymorphisms affect clinical events in hypertensive patients. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Evidence from recent experimental and clinical studies suggests that excessive circulating levels of aldosterone can bring about adverse cardiovascular sequelae independent of the effects on blood pressure. Examples of these sequelae are the development of myocardial and vascular fibrosis in uninephrectomized, salt-loaded rats infused with mineralocorticoids and, in humans, an association of aldosterone with left ventricular hypertrophy, impaired diastolic and systolic function, salt and water retention causing aggravation of congestion in patients with established congestive cardiac failure (CCF), reduced vascular compliance and an increased risk of arrhythmias (resulting from intracardiac fibrosis, hypokalaemia, hypomagnesaemia, reduced baroreceptor sensitivity and potentiation of catecholamine effects). 2. These sequelae of aldosterone excess may contribute to the pathogenesis and worsen the prognosis of CCF and hypertension. 3. The heart and blood vessels may be capable of extra-adrenal aldosterone biosynthesis, raising the possibility that aldosterone may have paracrine or autocrine (and not just endocrine) effects on cardiovascular tissues. 4. The high prevalence of CCF, which is associated with secondary aldosteronism, and primary aldosteronism (PAL; recently recognized to be a much more common cause of hypertension than was previously thought) argue for an important role for aldosterone excess as a cause of cardiovascular injury. 5. The recognition of non-blood pressure-dependent adverse sequelae of aldosterone excess raises the question as to whether normotensive individuals with PAL, who have been detected as a result of genetic or biochemical screening among families with inherited forms of PAL, are at excess risk of cardiovascular events. 6. Provided that patients are carefully investigated in order to permit the appropriate selection of specific surgical (laparoscopic adrenalectomy for PAL that lateralizes on adrenal venous sampling) or medical (treatment with aldosterone antagonist medications) management and safety considerations for the use of aldosterone antagonists are kept in mind, the appreciation of a widening role for aldosterone in cardiovascular disease should provide a substantially better outlook for many patients with CCF and hypertension.
Echocardiographic analysis of regional left ventricular function is based upon the assessment of radial motion. Long-axis motion is an important contributor to overall function. but has been difficult to evaluate clinically until the recent development of tissue Doppler techniques. We sought to compare the standard visual assessment of radial motion with quantitative tissue Doppler measurement of peak systolic velocity. timing and strain rate (SRI) in 104 patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease undergoing dobutamine stress echocardiography (DbE). A standard DbE protocol was used with colour tissue Doppler images acquired in digital cine-loop format. peak systolic velocity (PSV), time to peak velocity (TPV) and SRI were assessed off-line by an independent operator. Wall motion was assessed by an experienced reader. Mean PSV, TPV and SRI values were compared with wall motion and the presence of coronary artery disease by angiography. A further analysis included assessing the extent of jeopardized myocardium by comparing average values of PSV, TPV and SRI against the previously validated angiographic score. Segments identified as having normal and abnormal radial wall motion showed significant differences in mean PSV (7.9 +/- 3.8 and 5.9 +/- 3.3 cm/s respectively; P < 0.001), TPV (84 40 and 95 +/- 48 ms respectively; P = 0.005) and SRI (- 1.45 +/- 0.5 and - 1.1 +/- 0.9 s(-1) respectively; P < 0.001). The presence of a stenosed subtending coronary artery was also associated with significant differences from normally perfused segments for mean PSV (8.1 3.4 compared with 5.7 +/- 3.7 cm/s; P < 0.001), TPV (78 50 compared with 92 +/- 45 ms; P < 0.001) and SRI (- 1.35 0.5 compared with - 1.20 +/- 0.4 s(-1); P = 0.05). PSV, TPV and SRI also varied significantly according to the extent of jeopardized myocardium within a vascular territory. These results suggest that peak systolic velocity, timing of contraction and SRI reflect the underlying physiological characteristics of the regional myocardium during DbE, and may potentially allow objective analysis of wall motion.
1 Fibrosis leads to chronic impairment of cardiac and renal function and thus reversal of existing fibrosis may improve function and survival. This project has determined whether pirfenidone, a new antifibrotic compound, and spironolactone, an aldosterone antagonist, reverse both deposition of the major extracellular matrix proteins, collagen and fibronectin, and functional changes in the streptozotocin(STZ)-diabetic rat. 2 Streptozotocin (65 mg kg(-1) i.v.)-treated rats given pirfenidone (5-methyl-1-phenyl-2-[1H]-pyridone; approximately-200 mg kg(-1) day(-1) as 0.2-2g l(-1) drinking water) or spironolactone (50 mg kg(-1) day(-1) s.c.) for 4 weeks starting 4 weeks after STZ showed no attenuation of the increased blood glucose concentrations and increased food and water intakes which characterize diabetes in this model. 3 STZ-treatment increased perivascular and interstitial collagen deposition in the left ventricle and kidney, and surrounding the aorta. Cardiac, renal and plasma fibronectin concentrations increased in STZ-diabetic rats. Passive diastolic stiffness increased in isolated hearts from STZ-diabetic rats. Both pirfenidone and spironolactone treatment attenuated these increases without normalizing the decreased + dP/dt(max) of STZ-diabetic hearts. 4 Left ventricular papillary muscles from STZ-treated rats showed decreased maximal positive inotropic responses to noradrenaline, EMD 57033 (calcium sensitizer) and calcium chloride; this was not reversed by pirfenidone or spironolactone treatment. STZ-treatment transiently decreased GFR and urine flow rates in isolated perfused kidneys; pirfenidone but not spironolactone prevented the return to control values. 5 Thus, short-term pirfenidone and spironolactone treatment reversed cardiac and renal fibrosis and attenuated the increased diastolic stiffness without normalizing cardiac contractility or renal function in STZ-diabetic rats.