964 resultados para Translocation (Génétique)
Two oyster species are currently present along the French coasts : the indigenous European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis), and the Pacific cupped oyster (Crassostrea gigas), that has been introduced from Japan since the beginning of the 70ies. The flat oyster successively suffered from two protozoan diseases during the 60ies and its production decreased from 20 000 tons/year by that time to 1 500 tons/year nowadays. Consequently, the oyster production is principally (99%) based upon the Pacific oyster species with approximately 150 000 tons/year among which 90% are grown from the natural spat. However, the hatchery production of this species is developing and was estimated to 400 to 800 millions spat in 2002. Moreover, strengthened relationships between IFREMER and the 5 commercial hatcheries, that all joined the SYSAAF (Union of the French poultry, shellfish and fish farming selectors), allow to plan for new genetic breeding programs. At the end of the 80ies, IFREMER initiated a genetic breeding program for the resistance of the European flat oyster to the bonamiosis, and obtained strains more tolerant to this disease. After two generations of massal selection, molecular markers had identified a reduced genetic basis in this program. It was then reoriented to an intra-familial selection. However, we were confronted to a zootechnic problem to manage such a scheme and we compromised by an intra-cohorts of families selection scheme managed using molecular markers. The program has now reached the transfer level with experimentation at a professional scale. Concerning the Pacific cupped oyster, and in parallel with the obtaining and the study of polyploids, performance of different Asian cupped oyster strains were compared to the one introduced in France thirty years ago and currently suffering from summer mortalities. The local strain exhibited better performance, certainly based upon a good local adaptation. In other respects, although early growth is a relevant criteria for selection for growth to commercial stage, it is not to be privileged in the context of an oyster producing region with a limited food availability. Contrary, the spat summer mortality became a priority for numerous teams (genetic, physiology, pathology, ecology,...) joined in the MOREST program. The first results showed important survival differences between fullsib and halsib families. They indicate a genetic determinism to this character "survival" and promote for its selection.
The first topic area of this thesis involved studies on the accumulation and translocation of glucosinolates (GSs), bioactive secondary plant compounds, in broccoli plants. Changes in GS accumulation and gene expression levels in response to exogeneous methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment were analyzed in different tissue types at different developmental stages of broccoli. Greater accumulation of GSs with MeJA treatment was observed in apical leaves of broccoli seedlings and florets of plants at harvest maturity. Increases in indolyl GS in apical leaves of seedlings and florets were coupled with the up-regulation of indolyl GS biosynthesis genes. The accumulation of indolyl GSs appears to be modulated by MeJA treatment in an organ-specific manner for optimal distribution of defense substances in the plant. Metabolic profiling of hydrophilic metabolites using GC-MS demonstrated increased accumulation of various phenolics, ascorbates and amino acids in broccoli tissues after MeJA treatment. Distinct changes in carbohydrate levels observed between different tissues (vegetative leaves and floret tissues) of broccoli plants after treatment suggest that carbon metabolism is differentially modulated by MeJA treatment in different tissue types depending on sink-source relationships. Reduced levels of hexose sugars and tricarboxylic acid intermediates after MeJA treatment may reflect the increased requirement for carbon and energy needed to drive secondary product biosynthesis to accumulate metabolites for defense against insects and other herbivores. Substantial increases of indolyl and aromatic GSs after exogenous treatment with MeJA in stem and petioles of seedlings and the existence of intact indolyl-GS forms in phloem exudates suggest enhanced de novo synthesis in combination with active transport. Indoly GSs share structural similarities with the auxin, IAA, and may interact with components of the auxin transport system for intra- and extra-cellular transport or translocation. Application of the auxin efflux inhibitor, 1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) reduced MeJA-mediated accumulation of indolyl GSs in broccoli florets and seedling tissues. NPA did not inhibit expression of indolyl GS biosynthesis genes shown to be upregulated by MeJA treatment or the accumulation of tryptophan, the amino acid precursor of indolyl GSs. Exogenous application of benzyl GS to Arabidopsis roots induced ectopic expression of the PIN1 protein associated with the auxin transport system similar to treatment with NPA, again suggesting GS interaction with the auxin efflux carrier system. The inhibitory effect of NPA on MeJA-mediated accumulation of GS may be due to competitive binding of NPA to auxin efflux carrier components and that GS transport is mediated by the auxin transport system. The inhibitory effect of NPA on indolyl and aromatic GS accumulation and the bioactivity of exogenous treatment of these GS compounds in PIN1 localization, Arabidopsis root growth, and gravitrophic response suggest that indolyl and aromatic GSs may be antagonistic to IAA transport and biosynthesis. Indolyl and aromatic GSs can also be potentially converted into IAA by hydrolysis. This intrinsic feature of GSs may be the part of a sophisticated regulatory process where the metabolic pathways in the plant shift from active growth to a reversible defense posture in response to biotic or abiotic stress. It seems likely that indolyl and aromatic GSs are important compounds that provide connections between jasmonate and auxin signaling. Further studies are required to reveal the regulatory mechanism for crosstalk between the two hormones. The third part of this research was to investigate effect of selenium fertilization and MeJA treatment on accumulation of GSs in broccoli florets. Increasing dietary intake of the element selenium (Se) has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer. Simultaneous enhancement of both Se and GS concentrations in broccoli floret tissue were conducted through the combined treatment of MeJA with Se fertilization. A low level of Se fertilization (concentration) with MeJA treatment displayed no significant changes in total aliphatic GS concentrations with 90% and 50% increases in indolyl and total GSs concentrations, respectively. This result suggests that Se- and GS-enriched broccoli with improved health-promoting properties can be generated by this combined treatment. The second topic of this thesis was conducted to provide basic information required to improve biomass quality and productivity and develop tools for gene transformation in Miscanthus x giganteus. The perennial rhizomatous grass, Miscanthus x giganteus is an ideal biomass crop due to its rapid vegetative growth and high biomass yield potential. As a naturally occurring sterile hybrid, M. x giganteus must be propagated vegetatively by mechanicalling divided rhizomes or from micropropagated plantlets. The effect of callus type, age and culture methods on regeneration competence was studied to improve regeneration efficiency and shorten the period of tissue culture in M. x giganteus propagation. Seven lignin biosynthesis genes and one putative flowering gene were isolated from M. x giganteus by PCR reactions using maize othologous sequences. Southern hybridization and nuclear DNA content analysis indicated that the genes isolated from M. x giganteus exist in the genome of other Miscanthus species as multiple copies. Analysis of lignin content and histological staining of lignin deposition indicated that higher lignin content is found in mature stem node tissues compared to young leaves and apical stem nodal tissues. Cell wall lignification is associated with increasing tissue maturity in Miscanthus species. RNAi and antisense constructs harboring sequences of these genes were developed to generate Miscanthus transgenic plants with suppressed of lignin biosynthesis and delayed flowering.
To investigate the role of β-(1-3)-D-glucan on 99mTc labelled Escherichia coli translocation and cytokines secretion in rats submitted to small bowel ischemia/reperfusion injury. Methods: Five groups (n=10 each) of Wistar rats were subjected to control(C), sham(S), group IR subjected to 45 min of bowel ischemia/60 min of reperfusion(I/R), and group I/R+glucan subjected to 45 min of bowel ischemia/60 min of reperfusion(I/R) and injected with 2mg/Kg intramuscular. Translocation of labelled bacteria to mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, spleen, lung and serum was determined using radioactivity/count and colony forming units/g(CFU/g). Serum TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 were measured by ELISA. Results: CFU/g and radioactivity/count were higher in I/R than in I/R+glucan rats. In C, S and S+glucan groups, bacteria and radioactivity/count were rarely detected. The I/R+glucan rats had enhancement of IL-10 and suppressed production of serum TNFα, IL-1β and, IL-6, compared to I/R untreated animals. Conclusion: The β-(1-3)-D-glucan modulated the production of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines during bowel ischemia/reperfusion, and attenuated translocation of labelled bacteria
Ischemia and reperfusion of the small intestine disrupts gut barrier, causes bacterial translocation and activates inflammatory responses. An experimental study was planned to evaluate if 99mTc labelled Escherichia coli translocates to mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, spleen, lung and serum of rats submitted to mesenteric ischemia/reperfusion. Additionally, it was observed if the time of reperfusion influences the level of translocation. METHODS: Forty male Wistar rats underwent 45 minutes of gut ischemia by occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery. The translocation of labelled bacteria to different organs and portal serum was determined in rats reperfused for 30 minutes, 24 hours, sham(S) and controls(C), using radioactivity count and colony forming units/g (CFU). RESULTS: All the organs from rats observed for 24 hours after reperfusion had higher levels of radioactivity and positive cultures (CFU) than did the organs of rats reperfused for 30 minutes, C and S, except in the spleen (p<0,01). CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicated that intestinal ischemia/reperfusion led to bacterial translocation, mostly after 24 hours of reperfusion
To investigate whether the alterations of the diverted colon segment mucosa, evidenced in fecal colitis, would be able to alter Bacterial Translocation (BT). Methods: Sixty-two Wistar male rats ranging from 220 to 320 grams of weight, were divided in two groups: A (Colostomy) and B (Control), with 31 animals each one. In group A, all animals underwent end colostomy, one stoma, in ascending colon; and in the 70th POD was injected in five rats, by rectal route – diverted segment - 2ml of a 0.9% saline solution in animals (A1 subgroup); in eight it was inoculated, by rectal route, 2ml of a solution containing Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 (American Type Culture Collection), in a concentration of 108 Colony Forming Unit for milliliters (CFU/ml) - A2 Subgroup; in ten animals the same solution of E. coli was inoculated, in a concentration of 1011 CFU/ml (A3 Subgroup); and in eight it was collected part of the mucus found in the diverted distal colonic segment for neutral sugars and total proteins dosage (A4 subgroup). The animals from the group B underwent the same procedures of group A, but with differences in the colostomy confection. In rats from subgroups A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, and B3 2ml of blood were aspirated from the heart, and fragments from mesenteric lymphatic nodule, liver, spleen, lung and kidney taken for microbiological analysis, after their death. This analysis consisted of evidencing the presence of E. coli ATCC 25922 CFU. Mann-Whitney and ANOVA Tests were applied as analytic techniques for association of variables. Results: The occurrence of BT was evidenced only in those animals in which inoculated concentration of E. coli ATCC 25922, reached levels of 1011CFU/ml, i.e. in Subgroups A3 and B3, although, being significantly greater (80%) in those animals without colostomy (subgroup B3) when compared to the ones with colostomy (20%) from the subgroup A3 (P <0.05). Lung, liver and mesenteric lymphatic nodules were the tissues with larger percentile of bacterial recovery, so much in subgroup A3, as in B3. Blood culture was considered positive in 60% of the animals from subgroup B3 and in 10% of those from subgroup A3 (p <0.05). There was greater concentration of neutral sugars, in subgroup A4 - mean 27.3mg/ml -, than in subgroup B4 - mean 8.4mg/ml - (P <0.05). Conclusion: The modifications in the architecture of intestinal mucosa in colitis following fecal diversion can cause alterations in the intestinal barrier, but it does not necessarily lead to an increased frequency of BT
Résumé : Chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae, la régulation de la longueur des télomères témoigne de la compensation entre mécanismes d'érosion (exonucléases, réplication semi-conservative et résection), facteurs d’élongation (la télomérase, transcriptase inverse à l'action retrouvée dans 90% des cancers humains) et actions de diverses protéines de régulation télomérique spécifiques, conférant aux télomères leur caractère de « capuchon » protégeant les extrémités des chromosomes eucaryotes. Afin de savoir si les gènes impossibles à déléter, car essentiels à la survie cellulaire, jouent aussi un rôle sur l’homéostasie télomérique, j'ai réalisé un criblage génétique utilisant des mutants tet-off de la levure pour lesquels la sous-expression considérable d'un gène essentiel a été induite de façon conditionnelle. Ceci permet d’étudier les effets qui en résultent sur l’homéostasie des télomères. Au total, mon travail a traité plus de 662 gènes essentiels pour lesquels j'ai analysé le phénotype de longueur des télomères de manière qualitative par comparaison des télomères de souches mutées par rapport à ceux de souches de type sauvage. Puis, grâce à l’amélioration technique que j'ai mise au point, la quantification de la taille des répétitions télomériques de 300 de ces souches a déjà pu être précisément analysée. Il est notable que tous les gènes essentiels étudiés ici ont des effets très différents qui résultent en des chromosomes possédant des télomères de longueur très inégale. Pour près de 40% des mutants analysés, les tailles de télomères sont apparues critiquement différentes de celles normalement présentées par la levure, beaucoup de ces gènes essentiels étant impliqués dans des mécanismes affectant le cycle cellulaire, la réparation, etc. La majorité des gènes criblés apporte un important complément d’information dans une littérature presque inexistante sur les effets de gènes essentiels de la levure au niveau de la biologie des télomères. C’est le cas des mutations de YHR122W (montrant des télomères long) et YOR262W (télomères courts), deux gènes qui sont apparus d'après mes résultats nécessaires au maintien de l'homéostasie télomérique (prenant place dans un grand ensemble de gènes que j’ai dénommé gènes ETL pour Essential for Telomere Length Maintenance).
To investigate the role of β-(1-3)-D-glucan on 99mTc labelled Escherichia coli translocation and cytokines secretion in rats submitted to small bowel ischemia/reperfusion injury. Methods: Five groups (n=10 each) of Wistar rats were subjected to control(C), sham(S), group IR subjected to 45 min of bowel ischemia/60 min of reperfusion(I/R), and group I/R+glucan subjected to 45 min of bowel ischemia/60 min of reperfusion(I/R) and injected with 2mg/Kg intramuscular. Translocation of labelled bacteria to mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, spleen, lung and serum was determined using radioactivity/count and colony forming units/g(CFU/g). Serum TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 were measured by ELISA. Results: CFU/g and radioactivity/count were higher in I/R than in I/R+glucan rats. In C, S and S+glucan groups, bacteria and radioactivity/count were rarely detected. The I/R+glucan rats had enhancement of IL-10 and suppressed production of serum TNFα, IL-1β and, IL-6, compared to I/R untreated animals. Conclusion: The β-(1-3)-D-glucan modulated the production of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines during bowel ischemia/reperfusion, and attenuated translocation of labelled bacteria
The GERMON project had several aims i) to understand the populations’ structure between albacore tuna southwest of the Indian Ocean and southeast Atlantic, ii) to determine the origin of juveniles observed in South Africa iii) to improve the understanding of the biology field (Size/Size and Size/Weight; reproduction and feeding area; trophic linkages) and iv) to initiate work on chemical analyzes and adaptation of the albacore species to its environment. These aims have been held and the results allow a better understanding of the management albacore. A general summary of results is presented in Part 9.
L’étude des polymorphismes et des aspects multifactoriels des déterminants de la santé suscite un engouement majeur envers la recherche populationnelle en génétique et génomique. Cette méthode de recherche requiert cependant la collecte et l’analyse d’un nombre élevé d’échantillons biologiques et de données associées, ce qui stimule le développement des biobanques. Ces biobanques, composées des données personnelles et de santé de milliers de participants, constituent désormais une ressource essentielle permettant l’étude de l’étiologie des maladies complexes et multifactorielles, tout en augmentant la rapidité et la fiabilité des résultats de recherche. Afin d’optimiser l’utilisation de ces ressources, les chercheurs combinent maintenant les informations contenues dans différentes biobanques de manière à créer virtuellement des mégacohortes de sujets. Cependant, tout partage de données à des fins de recherche internationale est dépendant de la possibilité, à la fois légale et éthique, d’utiliser ces données aux fins pressenties. Le droit d’utiliser les données personnelles, médicales et génétiques de participants dans le cadre de recherches internationales est soumis à un ensemble complexe et exhaustif d’exigences légales et éthiques. Cette complexité est exacerbée lorsque les participants sont décédés. Fondée sur une révision de l’interprétation individualiste du concept de consentement éclairé, ainsi qu’une perspective constructiviste des concepts de confiance et d’autonomie, cette thèse se situe au carrefour de la recherche, du droit et de l’éthique, et a pour objectif de proposer un modèle promouvant l’harmonisation éthique et juridique des données aux fins de recherches internationales en génétique.
Background: Wheat 1BL/1RS translocation lines are planted around the world for their disease resistance and high yield. Most of them are poor in bread making, which is partially caused by ω-secalins that are encoded by the ω-secalin gene family, which is located on the short arm of rye chromosome 1R (1RS). However, information on the structure and evolution of the ω-secalin gene family is still limited. Results: We first generated a physicalmap of the ω-secalin gene family covering 195 kb of the Sec-1 locus based on sequencing three bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones of the 1BL/1RS translocation wheat cultivar Shimai 15. A BAC contig was constructed spanning 168 kb of the Sec-1 locus on 1RS. Twelve ω-secalin genes were arranged in a head-to-tail fashion, separated by 8.2–21.6 kb spacers on the contig, whereas six other ω-secalin genes were arranged head-to-tail, separated by 8.2–8.4 kb of spacers on clone BAC125. The 18 ω-secalin genes can be classified into six types among which eight ω-secalin genes were expressed during seed development. The ω-secalin genes with the 1074-bp open reading frame (ORF) represented the main population. Except for two pseudogenes, the N-terminal of the ω-secalin gene was conserved, whereas variations in the C-terminal led to a change in ORF length. The spacers can be sorted into two classes. Class-1 spacers contained conserved and non-conservative sequences. Conclusion: The ω-secalin gene family consisted of at least 18 members in the 1BL/1RS translocation line cv. Shimai 15. Eight ω-secalin genes were expressed during seed development. Eighteen members may originate from a progenitor with a 1,074-bp ORF. The spacers differed in length and sequence conservation.
La variation phénotypique est essentielle à la persistance des organismes dans le temps ainsi qu’à la colonisation de nouveaux habitats. Les principales sources de variation phénotypique sont la génétique et l'épigénétique. L'épigénétique a été proposé comme un atout important pour les organismes asexués pour compenser le manque de diversité génétique. L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer si l’absence de variation génétique est compensée par l'épigénétique en comparant les profils de méthylation d’individus gynogènes et kleptogènes des hybrides de salamandre à points bleus. Les individus échantillonnés s’organisent en cinq groupes génétiquement différenciés, provenant du même haplome paternel A. jeffersonianum. Deux des cinq groupes sont exclusivement gynogènes, pour des raisons écologiques ou génomiques. Les trois autres groupes sont formés d’individus parfois kleptogènes, car ils présentent une variation génétique plus élevée au sein d’un site qu’entre les sites, en plus de porter des allèles très divergents par rapport à la distribution globale des allèles hybrides, trouvés en haute fréquence dans les populations sympatriques de A. laterale. Les patrons épigénétiques sont variables et distincts entre les cinq groupes génétiques. Les groupes gynogènes sont les seuls à présenter un effet environnemental significatif sur leurs patrons épigénétiques, suggérant que ces individus clonaux doivent être en mesure de maximiser leur potentiel de variation épigénétique pour faire face à des variations environnementales.
L'hypothyroïdie congénitale par dysgénésie thyroïdienne (HCDT, ectopie dans plus de 80 %) a une prévalence de 1 cas sur 4000 naissances vivantes. L’HCDT est la conséquence d'une défaillance de la thyroïde embryonnaire à se différencier, à se maintenir ou à migrer vers sa localisation anatomique (partie antérieure du cou), qui aboutit à une absence totale de la thyroïde (athyréose) ou à une ectopie thyroïdienne (linguale ou sublinguale). Les HCDT sont principalement non-syndromiques (soit 98% des cas sont non-familiale), ont un taux de discordance de 92% chez les jumeaux monozygotes, et ont une prédominance féminine et ethnique (i.e., Caucasienne). La majorité des cas d’HCDT n’a pas de cause connue, mais est associée à un déficit sévère en hormones thyroïdiennes (hypothyroïdie). Des mutations germinales dans les facteurs de transcription liés à la thyroïde (NKX2.1, FOXE1, PAX8, NKX2.5) ont été identifiées dans seulement 3% des patients atteints d’HCDT sporadiques et l’analyse de liaisons exclue ces gènes dans les rares familles multiplex avec HCDT. Nous supposons que le manque de transmission familiale claire d’HCDT peut résulter de la nécessité d’au moins deux « hits » génétiques différents dans des gènes importants pour le développement thyroïdien. Pour répondre au mieux nos questions de recherche, nous avons utilisé deux approches différentes: 1) une approche gène candidat, FOXE1, seul gène impliqué dans l’ectopie dans le modèle murin et 2) une approche en utilisant les techniques de séquençage de nouvelle génération (NGS) afin de trouver des variants génétiques pouvant expliquer cette pathologie au sein d’une cohorte de patients avec HCDT. Pour la première approche, une étude cas-contrôles a été réalisée sur le promoteur de FOXE1. Il a récemment été découvert qu’une région du promoteur de FOXE1 est différentiellement méthylée au niveau de deux dinucléotides CpG consécutifs, définissant une zone cruciale de contrôle de l’expression de FOXE1. L’analyse d’association basée sur les haplotypes a révélé qu’un haplotype (Hap1: ACCCCCCdel1C) est associé avec le HCDT chez les Caucasiens (p = 5x10-03). Une réduction significative de l’activité luciférase est observée pour Hap1 (réduction de 68%, p<0.001) comparé au promoteur WT de FOXE1. Une réduction de 50% de l’expression de FOXE1 dans une lignée de cellules thyroïdienne humaine est suffisante pour réduire significativement la migration cellulaire (réduction de 55%, p<0.05). Un autre haplotype (Hap2: ACCCCCCC) est observé moins fréquemment chez les Afro-Américain comparés aux Caucasiens (p = 1.7x10-03) et Hap2 diminue l’activité luciférase (réduction de 26%, p<0.001). Deux haplotypes distincts sont trouvés fréquemment dans les contrôles Africains (Black-African descents). Le premier haplotype (Hap3: GTCCCAAC) est fréquent (30.2%) chez les contrôles Afro-Américains comparés aux contrôles Caucasiens (6.3%; p = 2.59 x 10-9) tandis que le second haplotype (Hap4: GTCCGCAC) est trouvé exclusivement chez les contrôles Afro-Américains (9.4%) et est absent chez les contrôles Caucasiens (P = 2.59 x 10-6). Pour la deuxième approche, le séquençage de l’exome de l’ADN leucocytaire entre les jumeaux MZ discordants n’a révélé aucune différence. D'où l'intérêt du projet de séquençage de l’ADN et l’ARN de thyroïdes ectopiques et orthotopiques dans lesquelles de l'expression monoallélique aléatoire dans a été observée, ce qui pourrait expliquer comment une mutation monoallélique peut avoir des conséquences pathogéniques. Finalement, le séquençage de l’exome d’une cohorte de 36 cas atteints d’HCDT a permis d’identifier de nouveaux variants probablement pathogéniques dans les gènes récurrents RYR3, SSPO, IKBKE et TNXB. Ces quatre gènes sont impliqués dans l’adhésion focale (jouant un rôle dans la migration cellulaire), suggérant un rôle direct dans les défauts de migration de la thyroïde. Les essais de migration montrent une forte diminution (au moins 60% à 5h) de la migration des cellules thyroïdiennes infectées par shRNA comparés au shCtrl dans 2 de ces gènes. Des zebrafish KO (-/- et +/-) pour ces nouveaux gènes seront réalisés afin d’évaluer leur impact sur l’embryologie de la thyroïde.
I proposed the study of two distinct aspects of Ten-Eleven Translocation 2 (TET2) protein for understanding specific functions in different body systems. ^ In Part I, I characterized the molecular mechanisms of Tet2 in the hematological system. As the second member of Ten-Eleven Translocation protein family, TET2 is frequently mutated in leukemic patients. Previous studies have shown that the TET2 mutations frequently occur in 20% myelodysplastic syndrome/myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS/MPN), 10% T-cell lymphoma leukemia and 2% B-cell lymphoma leukemia. Genetic mouse models also display distinct phenotypes of various types of hematological malignancies. I performed 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) and RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells to determine whether the deletion of Tet2 can affect the abundance of 5hmC at myeloid, T-cell and B-cell specific gene transcription start sites, which ultimately result in various hematological malignancies. Subsequent Exome sequencing (Exome-Seq) showed that disease-specific genes are mutated in different types of tumors, which suggests that TET2 may protect the genome from being mutated. The direct interaction between TET2 and Mutator S Homolog 6 (MSH6) protein suggests TET2 is involved in DNA mismatch repair. Finally, in vivo mismatch repair studies show that the loss of Tet2 causes a mutator phenotype. Taken together, my data indicate that TET2 binds to MSH6 to protect genome integrity. ^ In Part II, I intended to better understand the role of Tet2 in the nervous system. 5-hydroxymethylcytosine regulates epigenetic modification during neurodevelopment and aging. Thus, Tet2 may play a critical role in regulating adult neurogenesis. To examine the physiological significance of Tet2 in the nervous system, I first showed that the deletion of Tet2 reduces the 5hmC levels in neural stem cells. Mice lacking Tet2 show abnormal hippocampal neurogenesis along with 5hmC alternations at different gene promoters and corresponding gene expression downregulation. Through the luciferase reporter assay, two neural factors Neurogenic differentiation 1 (NeuroD1) and Glial fibrillary acidic protein (Gfap) were down-regulated in Tet2 knockout cells. My results suggest that Tet2 regulates neural stem/progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation in adult brain.^