382 resultados para Sworn translators


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The purpose of this paper is to present the results of two online forums carried out with the participation of 42 students of the Licenciaturas  in Preschool Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education of the University of Costa Rica. The main purpose of the forums was to determine the insights of the participant students about the competencies they have achieved in the field of education research, and which have been the essential tools for them to systematize their own teaching practices. The discussion forums were part of the course FD5091 Métodos de Investigación Educativa [Education Research Methods] of the School of Teacher Education, delivered from March-April 2010.  Of the sample, 60 percent were students of the Preschool teaching program, 35 percent were from the Primary Education teaching program and 5 percent were from the Secondary Education teaching program in the fields of Science, Mathematics and Social Studies. According to the insights and beliefs showed by the participants –both, the future teachers and the profession practitioners–, there are no opportunities for research or systematization of their own teaching mediation, in the current work situation.(1) Translator’s Note: In Costa Rica, the “Licenciatura” is a one-year post-Bachelor study program, usually including thesis. “Primary Education” refers to students from the 1st to 6th grades, and “Secondary Education” refers to students from the 7th to 11th grades.


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Negli ultimi anni, in Italia sono stati tradotti un gran numero di opere letterarie cinesi grazie all’impegno e alla passione di numerosi sinologi, studiosi e traduttori italiani. Tuttavia, gli studi sulla traduzione della letteratura cinese sono, sia in Cina che in Italia, relativamente pochi e non sempre uniformi: in Cina è difficile trovare dati completi, sistematici e dotati di un certo valore di riferimento, e in Italia, una ricerca di questo tipo ha avuto origine nell’ambito degli studi sinologici italiani, piuttosto che in quello degli studi sulla traduzione. A partire da una rassegna dei principali approcci agli studi sulla traduzione (letteraria) dalla seconda metà del XX secolo fino ai nostri giorni, questo lavoro di tesi tenta di analizzare da un lato le tendenze generali relative alla traduzione e alla pubblicazione delle opere letterarie cinesi in Italia in un arco temporale che va dal 1942 al 2018, tramite alcune analisi di tipo sia quantitativo che qualitativo basate su una tabella di dati concernenti la letteratura cinese sul mercato editoriale italiano che è stata costruita appositamente; dall’altro, questa ricerca intende investigare le strategie utilizzate per tradurre i diversi riferimenti culturali riscontrati nel corpus di testi scelti e che sono stati suddivisi nelle seguenti categorie: antroponimi, intertestualità, riferimenti al contesto politico e culturale, gastronomia e altri riferimenti culturali. Attraverso un’analisi comparativa e descrittiva dei testi di partenza e dei testi di arrivo, ai fini della tesi si sono indagate le problematiche riguardanti la traduzione e la ricezione della letteratura cinese in Italia e le tendenze che tale letteratura ha avuto sia in ambito editoriale che nel campo della traduzione letteraria.


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This dissertation explores the practice of transcreation as a consulting service aimed at companies wishing to enter the global market. Since a universally accepted definition of such term does not exist, different players use it to refer to different activities. In an attempt to investigate the meaning and scope of transcreation, as well as the skillset it requires, this dissertation consists of a theoretical part (Chapters 1 and 2) and a practical part (Chapter 3). The first chapter presents the opinions of academics, language services providers (LSPs) and transcreation experts. The different positions collected in this section are compared and discussed in order to better define transcreation and avoid any further misunderstanding about the practice. Lastly, the first chapter analyses the role of the transcreation expert by explaining in detail the four main skills it requires and the reasons for its increasing importance in the global market. The second chapter examines advertising and promotional materials, i.e. the kinds of texts to which transcreation applies. Not only does it illustrate the difference between above-the-line and below-the-line communications, but it also covers the different media used in advertising. In addition, the analysis of a billboard and two web pages in their Italian transcreation will help to further clarify the difference between translation and transcreation, both in the approach to a text and in the actual workflow followed. The third and final chapter of the dissertation, which entails the English to Italian transcreation of five different print ads performed by this author, aims to show how transcreation works in practice. By highlighting the main strategies used and difficulties encountered, it will also contribute to the notion of transcreation as a hybrid practice – something halfway between translation and copywriting, performed by professionals who possess the skills of both translators and copywriters.


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Frame. Assessing the difficulty of source texts and parts thereof is important in CTIS, whether for research comparability, for didactic purposes or setting price differences in the market. In order to empirically measure it, Campbell & Hale (1999) and Campbell (2000) developed the Choice Network Analysis (CNA) framework. Basically, the CNA’s main hypothesis is that the more translation options (a group of) translators have to render a given source text stretch, the higher the difficulty of that text stretch will be. We will call this the CNA hypothesis. In a nutshell, this research project puts the CNA hypothesis to the test and studies whether it does actually measure difficulty. Data collection. Two groups of participants (n=29) of different profiles and from two universities in different countries had three translation tasks keylogged with Inputlog, and filled pre- and post-translation questionnaires. Participants translated from English (L2) into their L1s (Spanish or Italian), and worked—first in class and then at home—using their own computers, on texts ca. 800–1000 words long. Each text was translated in approximately equal halves in two 1-hour sessions, in three consecutive weeks. Only the parts translated at home were considered in the study. Results. A very different picture emerged from data than that which the CNA hypothesis might predict: there was no prevalence of disfluent task segments when there were many translation options, nor was a prevalence of fluent task segments associated to fewer translation options. Indeed, there was no correlation between the number of translation options (many and few) and behavioral fluency. Additionally, there was no correlation between pauses and both behavioral fluency and typing speed. The discussed theoretical flaws and the empirical evidence lead to the conclusion that the CNA framework does not and cannot measure text and translation difficulty.


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The translation of allusions has presented an issue for translators, in a trend that has seen a shift in translation studies to a more culture-oriented perspective. “Allusion” is defined by doctor Ritva Leppihalme as a culture-bound element that is expected to convey a meaning that goes beyond the mere words used and can only be accurately translated through knowledge of both the source and target culture. Allusions in comedy, and more specifically, allusive jokes, can pose an additional challenge to translators, since failing to translate them in a satisfactory way, can lead to unfunny and puzzling results that completely miss the original comedic value of the allusion itself. For the purposes of this dissertation, an experiment, based on the one done by doctor Ritva Leppihalme, was conducted: a focus group consisting of eight people from different socio-demographic groups was asked to discuss three comedic scenes, translated in Italian, containing an allusive joke, from three different American sitcoms: Community, The Office, and Superstore. The purpose of this research was to find the best and most effective strategies, according to the average Italian viewer, to translate in Italian allusive jokes from the American culture and the English language. The participants were asked to state if they understood the translated joke, and if they did, to rate how funny they found it, and to discuss among themselves on possible reasons for their responses, and on possible alternative solutions. The results seem to indicate that the best course of action involves choices that stray from a literal translation of the words used, by changing items that need a deeper knowledge of the source culture to be understood and therefore cause hilarity, with items more familiar to the target culture. The worst possible solutions seem to be ones that focus on the literal translation of the words used without considering the cultural and situational context of the allusion.


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Il lavoro di tesi presentato è nato da una collaborazione con il Politecnico di Macao, i referenti sono: Prof. Rita Tse, Prof. Marcus Im e Prof. Su-Kit Tang. L'obiettivo consiste nella creazione di un modello di traduzione automatica italiano-cinese e nell'osservarne il comportamento, al fine di determinare se sia o meno possibile l'impresa. Il trattato approfondisce l'argomento noto come Neural Language Processing (NLP), rientrando dunque nell'ambito delle traduzioni automatiche. Sono servizi che, attraverso l'ausilio dell'intelligenza artificiale sono in grado di elaborare il linguaggio naturale, per poi interpretarlo e tradurlo. NLP è una branca dell'informatica che unisce: computer science, intelligenza artificiale e studio di lingue. Dal punto di vista della ricerca, le più grandi sfide in questo ambito coinvolgono: il riconoscimento vocale (speech-recognition), comprensione del testo (natural-language understanding) e infine la generazione automatica di testo (natural-language generation). Lo stato dell'arte attuale è stato definito dall'articolo "Attention is all you need" \cite{vaswani2017attention}, presentato nel 2017 a partire da una collaborazione di ricercatori della Cornell University.\\ I modelli di traduzione automatica più noti ed utilizzati al momento sono i Neural Machine Translators (NMT), ovvero modelli che attraverso le reti neurali artificiali profonde, sono in grado effettuare traduzioni o predizioni. La qualità delle traduzioni è particolarmente buona, tanto da arrivare quasi a raggiungere la qualità di una traduzione umana. Il lavoro infatti si concentrerà largamente sullo studio e utilizzo di NMT, allo scopo di proporre un modello funzionale e che sia in grado di performare al meglio nelle traduzioni da italiano a cinese e viceversa.


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The goal of this dissertation is both to expand EPTIC, the European Parliament Translation and Interpreting Corpus containing EU Parliament plenary speeches in five different languages, and to carry out a case study on the corpus. The corpus was expanded by adding 52 new speeches in both oral and written form in a language that was not hitherto represented in the corpus i.e., Finnish. The case study focuses on the analysis of the English structure “head noun + of + modifier” interpreted into Finnish with the use of the genitive case. As for several previous case studies, this dissertation shows the potential of a corpus such as EPTIC, despite its limited size. It can be used to expand research in the fields of translation and interpreting, but also for didactic purposes. The dissertation is divided into three chapters. The first offers a theoretical background, by presenting the notion of “corpus,” the different types of corpora – particularly focusing on intermodal corpora – and an overview of corpus-based translation and interpreting studies. The second chapter focuses on the EPTIC corpus i.e., on its development and structure, and it then describes all phases of the construction of the corpus. Finally, the third chapter presents the case study, which is introduced by a description of the genitive case in Finnish and of several strategies used by interpreters to face certain difficulties in simultaneous interpreting. The case study highlights two dimensions of the EPTIC corpus. Each original speech was compared with its interpreted version (parallel dimension), and each interpreted speech was compared with its verbatim report, the written version of the oral speech (intermodal dimension). The results confirm the initial assumption of higher accuracy in translation compared to interpreting of the “of structure” from English into Finnish. Moreover, the use of the genitive case in Finnish is higher among translators than interpreters.