661 resultados para Student Learning, Economics Education, Perceptions
The integration of mathematics and science in secondary schools in the 21st century continues to be an important topic of practice and research. The purpose of my research study, which builds on studies by Frykholm and Glasson (2005) and Berlin and White (2010), is to explore the potential constraints and benefits of integrating mathematics and science in Ontario secondary schools based on the perspectives of in-service and pre-service teachers with various math and/or science backgrounds. A qualitative and quantitative research design with an exploratory approach was used. The qualitative data was collected from a sample of 12 in-service teachers with various math and/or science backgrounds recruited from two school boards in Eastern Ontario. The quantitative and some qualitative data was collected from a sample of 81 pre-service teachers from the Queens University Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) program. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the in-service teachers while a survey and a focus group was conducted with the pre-service teachers. Once the data was collected, the qualitative data were abductively analyzed. For the quantitative data, descriptive and inferential statistics (one-way ANOVAs and Pearson Chi Square analyses) were calculated to examine perspectives of teachers regardless of teaching background and to compare groups of teachers based on teaching background. The findings of this study suggest that in-service and pre-service teachers have a positive attitude towards the integration of math and science and view it as valuable to student learning and success. The pre-service teachers viewed the integration as easy and did not express concerns to this integration. On the other hand, the in-service teachers highlighted concerns and challenges such as resources, scheduling, and time constraints. My results illustrate when teachers perceive it is valuable to integrate math and science and which aspects of the classroom benefit best from the integration. Furthermore, the results highlight barriers and possible solutions to better the integration of math and science. In addition to the benefits and constraints of integration, my results illustrate why some teachers may opt out of integrating math and science and the different strategies teachers have incorporated to integrate math and science in their classroom.
The context of this research focuses on the efficacy of design studio as a form of teaching and learning. The established model of project-based teaching makes simple parallels between studio and professional practice. However, through comparison of the discourses it is clear that they are of different character. The protocols of the tutorial tradition can act to position the tutor as a defender of the knowledge community rather than a discourse guide for the student. The question arises as to what constitutes the core knowledge that would enable better self-directed study. Rather than focus on key knowledge, there has been an attempt in other fields to agree and share threshold concepts within disciplinary knowledge. Meyer and Land describe threshold concepts as representing a transformed way of understanding, or interpreting or viewing something without which the learner cannot progress [1]. The tutors role should be to assist in transforming students understanding through the mastery of the troublesome knowledge that threshold concepts may embody. Teaching and learning environments under such approaches have been described as liminal: holding the learner in an in-between state new understanding may be difficult and involve identity shifts. Research on the consequence of pressures on facilities and studio space concur, and indicate that studio spaces can be much better used in assisting the path of learning [2]. Through an overview map of threshold concepts, the opportunities for blended learning in supporting student learning in the liminal space of the design studio become much clearer [3] Design studio needs to be recontextualised within the discourse of higher education scholarship, based on a clarified curriculum built from an understanding of what constitutes its threshold concepts. The studio needs to be reconsidered as a space quite unlike that of the practitioner, a liminal space. 1. Meyer, J.H.F. and R. Land, Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge. Overcoming Barriers to Student Learning: Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge., 2006: p. 19. 2. Cai, H. and S. Khan, The Common First Year Studio in a Hot-desking Age: An Explorative Study on the Studio Environment and Learning. Journal for Education in the Built Environment 2010. 5(2): p. 39-64. 3. Pektas, S.T., The Blended Design Studio: An Appraisal of New Delivery Modes in Design Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012. 51(0): p. 692-697.
Esta investigacin se propone identificar las actitudes y competencias de los estudiantes adultos en relacin con el uso de las TIC, con especial atencin al uso de plataformas digitales de aprendizaje y redes sociales (Web 2.0). Asimismo, evala la incidencia de algunas variables sociodemogrficas (gnero y edad) en el uso estas herramientas y en la autopercepcin de los estudiantes sobre sus competencias digitales. Se ha realizado un estudio tipo encuesta con una muestra de 382 estudiantes que acceden a la Universidad de Sevilla a travs de las vas establecidas para mayores de 25, de 40 y 45 aos. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto una actitud generalmente positiva ante las TIC que puede calificarse como de pragmtica, ya que estas herramientas se valoran positivamente en funcin de sus potenciales beneficios en los procesos de aprendizaje. Se constata a la vez que no han recibido formacin especfica en el uso de las TIC. El nivel de competencia que este alumnado percibe tener en el uso de estos recursos es medio-bajo. Adems, el grupo de estudiantes mayores de 45 aos se considera menos competente que los mayores de 25 y de 40 aos. En consecuencia, se realizan algunas propuestas para mejorar la participacin de los estudiantes maduros en la enseanza universitaria.
Future teachers must be competent in creating educational settings, which provide tools to their students future they can develop a conscious mind, able to interpret their experiences, to make decisions and imagine innovative solutions to help you participate autonomously and responsible in society. This requires an educational system that allows them to integrate the subjective into a broader spatial and temporal context. La patrimonializatin of Cultural artefacts and oral history, the basis of which, are found in the active mind and links both the personal and the group experience, dont only serve as a catalyst to achieving this goal, but rather, they facilitate the implementation of established practice in infant education. To gain this experience we offer the opportunity for students of their degree in Infant Education in the Public University of Navarre, training within the framework of social didactics, allowing students to learn about established practice from iconic, materials and oral sources in the Archive of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Navarra. The vidences points to their effectiveness and presented in a work in progress.
Compulsory education laws oblige primary and secondary schools to give each pupil positive encouragement in, for example, social, emotional, cognitive, creative, and ethical respects. This is a fairly smooth process for most pupils, but it is not as easy to achieve with others. A pattern of pupil, home or family, and school variables turns out to be responsible for a long-term process that may lead to a pupils dropping out of education. A systemic approach will do much to introduce more clarity into the diagnosis, potential reduction and possible prevention of some persistent educational problems that express themselves in related phenomena, for example low school motivation and achievement; forced underachievement of high ability pupils; concentration of bullying and violent behaviour in and around some types of classes and schools; and drop-out percentages that are relatively constant across time. Such problems have a negative effect on pupils, teachers, parents, schools, and society alike. In this address, I would therefore like to clarify some of the systemic causes and processes that we have identified between specific educational and pupil characteristics. Both theory and practice can assist in developing, implementing, and checking better learning methods and coaching procedures, particularly for pupils at risk. This development approach will take time and require co-ordination, but it will result in much better processes and outcomes than we are used to. First, I will diagnose some systemic aspects of education that do not seem to optimise the learning processes and school careers of some types of pupils in particular. Second, I will specify cognitive, social, motivational, and self-regulative aspects of learning tasks and relate corresponding learning processes to relevant instructional and wider educational contexts. I will elaborate these theoretical notions into an educational design with systemic instructional guidelines and multilevel procedures that may improve learning processes for different types of pupils. Internet-based Information and Communication Technology, or ICT, also plays a major role here. Third, I will report on concrete developments made in prototype research and trials. The development process concerns ICT-based differentiation of learning materials and procedures, and ICT-based strategies to improve pupil development and learning. Fourth, I will focus on the experience gained in primary and secondary educational practice with respect to implementation. We can learn much from such practical experience, in particular about the conditions for developing and implementing the necessary changes in and around schools. Finally, I will propose future research. As I hope to make clear, theory-based development and implementation research can join forces with systemic innovation and differentiated assessment in educational practice, to pave the way for optimal learning for self-regulation for pupils, teachers, parents, schools, and society at large.
Laboratory classes provide a visual and practical way of supplementing traditional teaching through lectures and tutorial classes. A criticism of laboratories in our School is that they are largely based on demonstration with insufficient participation by students. This provided the motivation to create a new laboratory experiment which would be interactive, encourage student enthusiasm with the subject and improve the quality of student learning.<br/><br/>The topic of the laboratory is buoyancy. While this is a key topic in the first-year fluids module, the laboratory has been designed in such a way that prior knowledge of the topic is unnecessary and therefore it would be accessible by secondary school pupils. The laboratory climaxes in a design challenge. However, it begins with a simple task involving students identifying some theoretical background information using given websites. They then have to apply their knowledge by developing some equations. Next, given some materials (a sheet of tinfoil, card and blu-tack), they have to design a vessel to carry the greatest mass without sinking. Thus, they are given an open-ended problem and have to provide a mathematical justification for their design. Students are expected to declare the maximum mass for their boat in advance of it being tested to create a sense of competition and fun. Overall, the laboratory involves tasks which begin at a low level and progressively get harder, incorporating understanding, applying, evaluating and designing (with reference to Blooms taxonomy).<br/><br/>The experiment has been tested in a modern laboratory with wall-mounted screens and access to the internet. Students enjoyed the hands-on aspect and thought the format helped their learning.<br/><br/>The use of cheap materials which are readily available means that many students can be involved at one time. Support documentation has been produced, both for the student participants and the facilitator. The latter is given advice on how to guide the students (without simply giving them the answer) and given some warning about potential problems the students might have.<br/><br/>The authors believe that the laboratory can be adapted for use by secondary school pupils and hope that it will be used to promote engineering in an engaging and enthusing way to a wider audience. To this end, contact has already been made with the Widening Participation Unit at the University to gain advice on possible next steps.
Syftet med denna studie var att underska hur lrares uppfattningar om utomhusmatematik som undervisningsmetod r i rskurserna 1-3 samt i vilken utstrckning de anvnder detta. De frgestllningarna som var brande i studien var hur anvndandet av utomhusmatematik ser ut, vilka fr- och nackdelar informanterna ser med utomhusmatematik, om ngot kunskapsomrde inom matematiken lmpar sig bttre eller smre vid anvndning av undervisningsformen samt om det r ngon av de matematiska frmgorna eleverna lttare kan utveckla med detta. Metoden som tillmpades var kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra lrare vilka har arbetat olika lnge samt arbetar i delvis olika rskurser och p olika skolor. Resultatet visade att anvndande av utomhusmatematik inte r allt fr stort men intresset fr undervisningsformen r desto strre. En bidragande orsak till att det inte anvnds r storleken p klasserna idag. En frdel som informanterna ser med undervisningsformen r att eleverna fr arbeta konkret, praktiskt, rra p sig samt att de fr frisk luft. Med hjlp av utomhusmatematiken anser informanterna att bde kunskapsomrdena inom matematiken och de matematiska frmgorna gr att utveckla med utomhusmatematik.
O fenmeno de massificao do Ensino Superior que surgiu dcadas atrs, tem colocado em relevncia o tema da adaptao dos estudantes ao novo contexto universitrio. As instituies de Ensino vem-se confrontadas em se adaptar as exigncias de uma populao estudantil heterognea. Por outro lado, os estudantes deparam-se com inmeros desafios que apelam a uma maior autonomia no sentido de uma melhor adaptao mudana. No presente estudo, pretende-se essencialmente analisar a influncia do locus de controlo na adaptao dos alunos do primeiro ano de Ensino Superior do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. Noventa e trs alunos concordaram em participar no preenchimento de dois questionrios, o Questionrio de Vivncias Acadmicas (verso reduzida), QVA-r (Almeida, Soares & Ferreira, 1999) e a escala I-E de Rotter (1966). Os resultados apontam para a existncia de uma correlao negativa entre o locus de controlo externo e a adaptao, sugerindo que quanto mais externo o tipo de locus de controlo menor a adaptao do indivduo. Ademais, tambm foram encontradas relaes entre algumas variveis scio-demogrficas na adaptao dos alunos do primeiro ano. / The massification phenomena of Higher Education, appeared decades ago, it has emphasized the theme of students adaptation to the new college context. The Teaching institutions are confronted with new demands of a more and more heterogeneous student population. On another hand, students come across with countless challenges, urging to a greater autonomy towards a better changing adaptation. At the present study, it is essentially intended to analyze the locus of control influence in the adaptation of Higher Education first year students, in Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. Ninety three students agreed to participate and fill in two questionnaires, Questionrio de Vivncias Acadmicas (short version) (Almeida, Soares & Ferreira, 1999) and Rotters I-E scale (1966). The results, point to the existence of a negative correlation between external locus of control and adaptation, suggesting the more external is the locus of control, the less is individual adaptation. Furthermore, it has also been found relations between some socio-demographic variables in first year students adaptation.
An important challenge in higher education today is the growing tutor -student ratio that diminishes the human touch. As learning and teaching is ultimately an interpersonal process, this will lead to student discontent and impact on the ir learning. Whilst there is little that teaching practitioners can do in terms of the growing student numbers they have to tutor , they may however influence student learning by enhancing their positive emotions. This study examines the importance of emotion s in improving cognitive skills and how it interacts with knowledge and reflection. This research contributes to theory by examining the role of emotions as a moderating factor in the lear ning process. Our findings reveal that emotions moderate the direct relationship between knowledge and cognitive skills , and the indirect relationship between knowledge and cognitive skills via reflection. The findings demonstrate the critical role that emotions play in student learning. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Dans cette tude, nous nous sommes intress lutilisation des TIC, plus prcisment du Tableau Numrique Interactif (TNI), en gomtrie, par des groupes dlves de deux classes du primaire en pdagogie Freinet. Sinspirant dune revue de littrature concernant la pdagogie dialogique, qui se rapproche de la pdagogie Freinet, trois units dobservation, qui se rapportent aux trois types de discussion (cumulatif, disputationnel et exploratoire) au sein des groupes, ont t analyses. Le but de ltude est de comprendre en quoi les discussions des groupes dlves autour du TNI, dans un contexte dit dialogique, peuvent tre exploratoires (un type de discussion qui favoriserait les apprentissages). Pour cela, une activit dapprentissage, appele situation-problme, impliquant six groupes dlves autour du TNI, a t cre en collaboration avec les enseignants en gomtrie. Nos rsultats indiquent, entres autres, que les aspects pdagogiques de la technologie en question, ici le TNI, sont diffrencier des aspects pdagogiques du logiciel utilis, ici Tinkercad en mathmatiques. Ce mmoire remet en relief toute la complexit de prendre en compte un unique facteur (lanalyse des discussions) pour discuter des apprentissages des lves autour du TNI.
Die Publikation zur AQ Austria Jahrestagung 2015 widmet sich dem Lernen und Lehren an Hochschulen und den vielfltigen Wandlungsprozessen durch die zunehmende biographische, soziale und kulturelle Diversitt der Studierenden sowie elektronischen Medien. Student-centred Learning (SCL) gewinnt verstrkt an Bedeutung. Diese Wandlungsprozesse treffen nicht nur Studierende, Lehrende und die Hochschulen als Institutionen, auch die Qualittssicherung in Studium und Lehre. Der Beitrag von Prof. Nacken zeigt auf, welche Chancen und Herausforderungen sich durch SCL in verschiedensten Bereichen ergeben. Er geht auf das Projekt Studierende im Fokus der Exzellenz, die Entwicklung der Charta fr gute Lehre und aktuelle Trends und Probleme bei digitaler Lehre ein. Die studentische Perspektive zeigt Umsetzungsmglichkeiten und Manahmen in Richtung Studierendenzentrierung auf. In den weiteren Beitrgen wird auf Didaktik und Qualittssicherung, Determinanten studentischen Lernerfolgs, alternative Formen der Lehrevaluation und die Sichtbarmachung von non-formal und informell erworbenen Kompetenzen eingegangen und zwei beschftigen sich mit Einsatzmglichkeiten und Vernderungen durch neue Medien. Mit Beitrgen von: Nacken, Heribert; Hanft, Anke; Pichl, Elmar; Treml, Beate; Pellert, Ada; Knzel, Manfred; Haas, Lena; Martens, Thomas; Metzger, Christiane; Haag, Johann; Froschauer-Neuhauser, Elisabeth; Meyer Richli, Christine; Schulz, Ramona; Kmmerer, Frauke; Gornik, Elke A.; Freiberger, Diane; Birke, Barbara; Mller, Claude; Woschnack, Ute; Baumgartner, Alexander; Erlemann, Jennifer; Penler-Beyer, Anja; Bergsmann, Evelyn; Weiembck, Josef.
Der Beitrag gibt einen kurzen Einblick in ein neues Masterprogramm zu Global Citizenship Education und die damit verbundene Konzeptentwicklung, die sich um eine enge Verknpfung von Globalem Lernen, Politischer Bildung und Friedenspdagogik bemht. Dabei werden auch Spannungsfelder und Perspektiven fr Kompetenzorientierung und -entwicklung in einer global orientierten politischen Bildung beleuchtet. (DIPF/Orig.)
O presente estudo procura testar as propriedades psicomtricas de um questionrio que avalia (a) perceo do aluno sobre o feedback do professor; a identificao escolar do aluno; as trajetrias escolares (factos e expectativas) e; a perceo do aluno sobre o seu envolvimento escolar. O questionrio foi aplicado a 1089 alunos dos 6, 7, 9 e 10 anos de escolaridade (M=13.4, DP=1.7), sendo que 52% so do sexo feminino. A amostra composta por alunos essencialmente de nacionalidade portuguesa (95.9%). A partir dos resultados da anlise factorial e seguindo o racional terico, chegou-se a uma estrutura composta por oito dimenses principais. O QFITE apresenta bons ndices de consistncia interna, com sete das oito principais dimenses a obterem valores entre .77 e .89. Assim, as anlises psicomtricas realizadas revelam valores satisfatrios, concluindo-se que o QFITE um instrumento til e adequado para avaliar a identificao escolar dos alunos, o envolvimento comportamental escolar, e as percees dos alunos sobre o feedback do professor.