995 resultados para Spin-projected calculations


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First systematic spin probe ESR study of water freezing has been conducted using TEMPOL and TEMPO as the probes. The spin probe signature of the water freezing has been described in terms of the collapse of narrow triplet spectrum into a single broad line. This spin probe signature of freezing has been observed at an anomalously low temperature when a milimoler solution of TEMPOL is slowly cooled from room temperature. A systematic observation has revealed a spin probe concentration dependence of these freezing and respective melting points. These results can be explained in terms of localization of spin probe and liquid water,most probably in the interstices of ice grains, in an ice matrix. The lowering of spin probe freezing point, along with the secondary evidences, like spin probe concentration dependence of peak-to-peak width in frozen limit signal, indicates a possible size dependence of these localizations/entrapments with spin probe concentration. A weak concentration dependence of spin probe assisted freezing and melting points, which has been observed for TEMPO in comparison to TEMPOL, indicates different natures of interactions with water of these two probes. This view is also supported by the relaxation behavior of the two probes.


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Examining theories with an extended strong interaction sector such as axigluons or flavour universal colorons, we find that the constraints obtained from the current data on $t \bar t$ production at the Tevatron are in the range of $\sim {\cal O}$ TeV and thus competitive with those obtained from the dijet data. We point out that for large axigluon/coloron masses, the limits on the coloron mass may be different than those for the axigluon even for $\cot \xi = 1$. We also compute the expected forward-backward asymmetry for the case of the axigluons which would allow it to be discriminated against the SM as also the colorons. We further find that at the LHC, the signal should be visible in the $t \bar t$ invariant mass spectrum for a wide range of axigluon and coloron masses that are still allowed. We point out how top polarisation may be used to further discriminate the axigluon and coloron case from the SM as well as from each other.


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NMR spectra of molecules oriented in liquid-crystalline matrix provide information on the structure and orientation of the molecules. Thermotropic liquid crystals used as an orienting media result in the spectra of spins that are generally strongly coupled. The number of allowed transitions increases rapidly with the increase in the number of interacting spins. Furthermore, the number of single quantum transitions required for analysis is highly redundant. In the present study, we have demonstrated that it is possible to separate the subspectra of a homonuclear dipolar coupled spin system on the basis of the spin states of the coupled heteronuclei by multiple quantum (MQ)−single quantum (SQ) correlation experiments. This significantly reduces the number of redundant transitions, thereby simplifying the analysis of the complex spectrum. The methodology has been demonstrated on the doubly 13C labeled acetonitrile aligned in the liquid-crystal matrix and has been applied to analyze the complex spectrum of an oriented six spin system.


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We present a spin model, namely, the Kitaev model augmented by a loop term and perturbed by an Ising Hamiltonian, and show that it exhibits both confinement-deconfinement transitions from spin liquid to antiferromagnetic/spin-chain/ferromagnetic phases and topological quantum phase transitions between gapped and gapless spin-liquid phases. We develop a fermionic resonating-valence-bonds (RVB) mean-field theory to chart out the phase diagram of the model and estimate the stability of its spin-liquid phases, which might be relevant for attempts to realize the model in optical lattices and other spin systems. We present an analytical mean-field theory to study the confinement-deconfinement transition for large coefficient of the loop term and show that this transition is first order within such mean-field analysis in this limit. We also conjecture that in some other regimes, the confinement-deconfinement transitions in the model, predicted to be first order within the mean-field theory, may become second order via a defect condensation mechanism. Finally, we present a general classification of the perturbations to the Kitaev model on the basis of their effect on it's spin correlation functions and derive a necessary and sufficient condition, within the regime of validity of perturbation theory, for the spin correlators to exhibit a long-ranged power-law behavior in the presence of such perturbations. Our results reproduce those of Tikhonov et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 067203 (2011)] as a special case.


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We provide a theory for the tunneling conductance G(V) of Dirac electrons on the surface of a topological insulator as measured by a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope tip for low-bias voltages V. We show that if the in-plane rotational symmetry on the surface of the topological insulator is broken by an external field that does not couple to spin directly (such as an in-plane electric field), G(V) exhibits an unconventional dependence on the direction of the magnetization of the tip, i.e., it acquires a dependence on the azimuthal angle of the magnetization of the tip. We also show that G(V) can be used to measure the magnitude of the local out-of-plane spin orientation of the Dirac electrons on the surface. We explain the role of the Dirac electrons in this unconventional behavior and suggest experiments to test our theory.


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We propose and demonstrate a technique for electrical detection of polarized spins in semiconductors in zero applied magnetic fields. Spin polarization is generated by optical injection using circularly polarized light which is modulated rapidly using an electro-optic cell. The modulated spin polarization generates a weak time-varying magnetic field which is detected by a sensitive radio-frequency coil. Using a calibrated pickup coil and amplification electronics, clear signals were obtained for bulk GaAs and Ge samples from which an optical spin orientation efficiency of 4.8% could be determined for Ge at 1342 nm excitation wavelength. In the presence of a small external magnetic field, the signal decayed according to the Hanle effect, from which a spin lifetime of 4.6 +/- 1.0 ns for electrons in bulk Ge at 127 K was extracted.


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a complete and accurate analysis is provided for the solution of single-phase induction motor performance characteristics based on a paper by F.W. Suhr ["SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS AS APPLIED TO THE SINGLE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR," Electrical Engineering (AlEE Transactions), volume 64, September 1945, pages 651-66].


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We study the scaling behavior of the fidelity (F) in the thermodynamic limit using the examples of a system of Dirac fermions in one dimension and the Kitaev model on a honeycomb lattice. We show that the thermodynamic fidelity inside the gapless as well as gapped phases follow power-law scalings, with the power given by some of the critical exponents of the system. The generic scaling forms of F for an anisotropic quantum critical point for both the thermodynamic and nonthermodynamic limits have been derived and verified for the Kitaev model. The interesting scaling behavior of F inside the gapless phase of the Kitaev model is also discussed. Finally, we consider a rotation of each spin in the Kitaev model around the z axis and calculate F through the overlap between the ground states for the angle of rotation eta and eta + d eta, respectively. We thereby show that the associated geometric phase vanishes. We have supplemented our analytical calculations with numerical simulations wherever necessary.


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We investigate the effect of static electron-phonon coupling on real-time dynamics of spin and charge transport in pi-conjugated polyene chains. The polyene chain is modeled by the Pariser-Parr-Pople Hamiltonian with dimerized nearest-neighbor parameter t(0)(1 + delta) for short bonds and t(0)(1 - delta) for long bonds, and long-range electron-electron interactions. We follow the time evolution of the spin and charge using time-dependent density matrix renormalization group technique when a hole is injected at one end of the chain in its ground state. We find that spin and charge dynamics followed through spin and charge velocities depend both on chain length and extent of dimerization delta. Analysis of the results requires focusing on physical quantities such as average spin and charge polarizations, particularly in the large dimerization limit. In the dimerization range 0.0 <= delta <= 0.15, spin-charge dynamics is found to have a well-defined behavior, with spin-charge separation (measured as the ratio of charge velocity to spin velocity) as well as the total amount of charge and spin transported in a given time along the chain decreasing as dimerization increases. However, in the range 0.3 <= delta <= 0.5, it is observed that the dynamics of spin and charge transport becomes complicated. It is observed that, for large delta values, spin-charge separation is suppressed and the injected hole fails to travel the entire length of the chain.


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We study the scaling behavior of the fidelity (F) in the thermodynamic limit using the examples of a system of Dirac fermions in one dimension and the Kitaev model on a honeycomb lattice.We show that the thermodynamic fidelity inside the gapless as well as gapped phases follow power-law scalings, with the power given by some of the critical exponents of the system. The generic scaling forms of F for an anisotropic quantum critical point for both the thermodynamic and nonthermodynamic limits have been derived and verified for the Kitaev model. The interesting scaling behavior of F inside the gapless phase of the Kitaev model is also discussed. Finally, we consider a rotation of each spin in the Kitaev model around the z axis and calculate F through the overlap between the ground states for the angle of rotation η and η + dη, respectively. We thereby show that the associated geometric phase vanishes. We have supplemented our analytical calculations with numerical simulations wherever necessary