948 resultados para Southwestern Illinois Metropolitan Area Planning Commission


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Dissertação Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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This dissertation of master degree was presented to Post-Graduation Program in Architecture and Planning at UFRN, Brazil. It evaluates 45 one-family housings in the Metropolitan Area of Recife, whose architects consider them to be in conformity with the recommendations contained in Armando de Holanda's book: A Guide to build in the Brazilian Northeast: Architecture as a pleasant place in the sunny tropics , published in 1976 by UFPE. For a long time, it used to be reference in many Architecture and Planning Schools of the Northern Region of Brazil. The research s methodological procedures are based on the Post- Occupancy Evaluation (P.O.E.) with emphasis on the users' thermal comfort of the houses that make part of the sample. Therefore, it has been done technical analyses of the projects, when possible; interviews with the architects; building s inspections; and form applications to the users. The collected data analysis was based on the project recommendations of Holanda s book, they can be synthesized in the principle of Building Leafy". It can not be affirmed that all the houses present the recommendations contained in the guide, but, in many different ways, they exist, sometimes more intensely and sometimes more shyly. However, it can be noticed that in the 45 projects, that the architects perceived the importance of "Building Leafy" on the climatic reality of the Metropolitan Region of Recife


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Mestrado Profissional em Administração Pública, 2015.


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Montréal parle de disposer d’un service rapide par bus depuis une dizaine années. En 2015, les travaux pour réaliser le premier tronçon du projet appelé le SRB Pie-IX commencent à peine. Comment justifier des délais de réalisation de plusieurs années alors que d’autres villes y arrivent en moins de 3 ans? Plusieurs élus et organismes de Montréal dénoncent une problématique de gouvernance du transport collectif. Seulement, il n’est pas évident de saisir la signification de ce concept si souvent invoqué pour justifier, entre autres, les difficultés de la métropole à faire naître des projets métropolitains de transport collectif. Certains évoquent la responsabilité du gouvernement, d’autres avancent la mauvaise répartition des rôles et responsabilités ou encore déplorent le trop grand nombre d’intervenants dans la région métropolitaine. La gouvernance est un concept à la fois flou et complexe qui cherche à établir la bonne conduite des affaires publiques comme celle de la gestion métropolitaine du transport collectif. Cependant, le système de transport collectif fait intervenir une multitude de parties prenantes aux intérêts contradictoires. La « bonne gouvernance » serait d’établir une collaboration fructueuse qui dépasse les limites institutionnalisées des intervenants pour réaliser des projets d’envergure métropolitaine, comme le SRB Pie-IX.


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Montréal parle de disposer d’un service rapide par bus depuis une dizaine années. En 2015, les travaux pour réaliser le premier tronçon du projet appelé le SRB Pie-IX commencent à peine. Comment justifier des délais de réalisation de plusieurs années alors que d’autres villes y arrivent en moins de 3 ans? Plusieurs élus et organismes de Montréal dénoncent une problématique de gouvernance du transport collectif. Seulement, il n’est pas évident de saisir la signification de ce concept si souvent invoqué pour justifier, entre autres, les difficultés de la métropole à faire naître des projets métropolitains de transport collectif. Certains évoquent la responsabilité du gouvernement, d’autres avancent la mauvaise répartition des rôles et responsabilités ou encore déplorent le trop grand nombre d’intervenants dans la région métropolitaine. La gouvernance est un concept à la fois flou et complexe qui cherche à établir la bonne conduite des affaires publiques comme celle de la gestion métropolitaine du transport collectif. Cependant, le système de transport collectif fait intervenir une multitude de parties prenantes aux intérêts contradictoires. La « bonne gouvernance » serait d’établir une collaboration fructueuse qui dépasse les limites institutionnalisées des intervenants pour réaliser des projets d’envergure métropolitaine, comme le SRB Pie-IX.


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This paper aims to discuss the specificities of the role of services in the economic structuring and in the social liveliness and attractiveness of periurban areas. Drawing upon on the result of an empirical work developed in 5 different parishes of Lisbon Metropolitan area, which represent five categories of periurban spaces previously identified, it is analysed the role of services in these “in-between” territories and the way they are important in the spatial economic structuring of these areas and in the quality of life and well-being of their inhabitants and users. A tentative typology for framing the analysis of the role of services on periurban metropolitan spaces is suggested and some policy implications are pointed out.


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Se presenta un análisis de los posibles factores explicativos del crecimiento urbano en la Comunidad de Madrid durante el período 1990-2000, incluyendo la zonificación de la región en relación a las coronas metropolitanas en torno a la ciudad de Madrid. Se analizan las categorías estructura urbana laxa, urbanizaciones exentas y zonas industriales y comerciales establecidas en la cartografía de usos del suelo Corine Land Cover. Como factores explicativos del cambio se tomaron variables socioeconómicas, biofísicas, de planificación legal, políticas y de proximidad/accesibilidad, medidas en cada píxel del territorio. El análisis de la relación entre las variables explicativas y el crecimiento urbano se llevó a cabo a través de la regresión logística. Los resultados obtenidos del ajuste de los modelos mostró la relevancia de algunas variables en la explicación de la localización del crecimiento de las categorías urbanas analizadas.Palabras Clave: crecimiento urbano, variables explicativas, regresión logística, Corine Land Cover,MadridABSTRACTThis paper presents an analysis of the possible explanatory factors of urban growth in Madrid, Spain during the period 1990-2000, including the zoning of the region in relation to the metropolitan area around the city. Specifically, two categories were analyzed: residential discontinuous urban andresidential discontinuous sparse urban, and commercial and industrial of the Corine Land Cover. Previous analysis of Corine Land Cover land use change identified these categories as having the largest growth during the study period. Socio-economic, biophysical, legal planning, policies andproximity/accessibility variables were taken into account as explanatory factors of urban growth, at pixel level. Logistic regression was used to analyze the relationship between explanatory variables and urban growth. The results obtained from the model adjustments showed the relevance of somevariables in explaining the location of urban growth in the categories analyzed.Keyword: GIS, urban growth, explanatory factors, logistic regression, Corine Land Cover, Madrid,Spain 


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La práctica y teorías de la planificación urbana han avanzado históricamente hacia  la  incorporación de  temas  y análisis  intersectoriales,  fundamentalmente aquellos en  relación con  la base  territorial y el ambiente. En materia de zonificación urbana se han  hecho esfuerzos por  incorporar  la variable ambiental a  la planificación urbana. El presente artículo hace un recuento general de  la evolución del concepto de zonificación tradicional  hacia  la    zonificación  ambiental  territorial,  la  macrozonificación  y  la zonificación  por  rendimiento.  Finalmente  plantea  el  acercamiento  metodológico planteado  como  parte  de  la  estrategia  de  la  Fase  III  del  Plan Nacional  de Desarrollo Urbano  de  Costa  Rica  en  relación  con  la  macrozonificación  por  rendimiento,  como ejemplo de  la puesta en práctica de  las más  recientes herramientas en  la planificación urbano- regional de un Área Metropolitana (PRUGAM). Abstract:The Urban Planning practice and  theory  has  historically developed  towards the inclusion of more comprehensive themes and analyses, fundamentally those that are environmentally  and  territorially  related. Within  this  context,  urban  zoning  has made significant efforts  to  incorporate the environmental component  in planning. The article makes  a  general  account  of  the  evolution  of  zoning  from  its  traditional  form  to environmental land zoning, macro zoning and performance zoning. Finally it establishes the  Costa  Rica’s National Urban Development  Plan methodological  approach  for  its phase III with regards to performance macro zoning as an example of putting the more recent  zoning  and  planning  theories  to  practice  in  a  regional  Plan  for  a metropolitan area.


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Este avance de investigación pretende ofrecer una visión preliminar de un fenómeno bastante reciente que se está dando en Costa Rica y particularmente en el Valle Central: la urbanización del espacio agrícola. Este proceso se está desarrollando más allá del espacio suburbano y presenta una especialidad diferente, ya que aquí la organización social campesina y las actividades agropecuarias siguen siendo predominantes. Sin embargo, esta extremadamente vinculado con el proceso de metropolizacion que surge en el país. Se está asistiendo, pues, a una reubicación de los espacios residenciales de las clases de mejores ingresos, las cuales influenciadas tal vez por un modelo ideológico importado, buscan poder disfrutar de las ventajas que ofrece el espacio rural pero con la posibilidad de seguir trabajando en la ciudad y seguir gozando de los servicios urbanos. La  rural-urbanización dentro de una estrategia global de estructuración del espacio puede ser considerada como un mecanismo de selección y una apropiación de los mejores lugares donde se dará la futura de expansión urbana. Desde esta perspectiva, resulta interesante llamar la atención de cómo ciertos sectores sociales están proyectando desde ahora la futura expansión del espacio metropolitano.   SUMMARY This preliminary investigative report presents a viewpoint about a very recent phenomenon that is occurring in Costa Rica and especially in the Central Valley: the urbanization of the agrarian space. This process is developing beyond the suburban areas and presents a different spacial structure because in these areas, the rural social structures and the livestock and agricultural activities are still predominant. Nevertheless, such activities are very much related to the urbanization process occurring in the country. As such, we are witnessing a reubication of the residential structure of the high-income classes, of which, influenced perhaps by an improved idiologic model, hope to enjoy the advantages offered by a rural area but also taking advantage of the convenience offered by the urban benefits; plus the opportunity to keep working in the city. The process of rural urbanization conceived in a global strategy of spatial structures, can be considered as a selection and appropriation mechanism of the best areas for the future urban expansion. From this perspective, it is interesting to call attention to the process by which certain social sectors are now projecting the future organization of the metropolitan area.  In reference to the real-estate capital invested in the study areas, and specifically to Costa Rica capital, this investment in the promotion of real-estate, acts as a shelter sector, by changing the course of direction of the capital accumulated in the other economic sectors, especially considering that the real-estate sector insures more secure profits in spite of the relatively insignificant recuperation rate of the capital investment comparison to the industrial sector, where more capital risks occur, above all during an economic crisis.  At present, the zones influenced by rural urbanization are affected by a modification in their productive structure, in other words, what were once agricultural zones, are now converted to residential zones. This produces spectacular changes in the composition of the work force by producing service-oriented employment that leads to the following abandonment of the agricultural activities.  From a social point of view, this rural urbanization pattern provokes a marked spatial segregation, in which an exclusive high income social group with a particularly consuming life style is noted at one level, and on the other, social groups that inhered patterns of rural life with more traditional lifestyles. In reference to the community level in the study areas, localized conflicts have emerged between local people and the new residents. These conflicts are highly conditioned by the insertion in the communities of these new residents.       RESUME   Ce document préliminaire décrit un phénomène assez récent au Costa Rica, qui affecte plus particulièrement la « Vallée Centrale ». il s’agit de l’urbanisation de l’espace agricole.  Ce sont des espaces franchement ruraux, bien au-delà des banlieues, qui sont affectés par ce processus qui, en conséquence, montre des caractères différents: comme se maintien de la organisation social liée aux activités agricoles; en face l’infiltration d’un autre mode de vie dû à sa transformation en espace résidentiel pour classes aux revenus élevés qui, peut-être, influencées par un modèle culturel importé, préfèrent une localisation qui puisée leus offrir à  la fois les avantages de vivre dans un espace rural avec ceux de la ville, lieu de travail suffisamment proche dont elles continuent à pouvoir utiliser ses services. Ce modèle culturel doit être considère en fonction du processus de métropolitain apparu dan le pays. L’urbanisation de l’espace rural, dans une stratégie globale de structuration de l’espace peut se considérer comme un mécanisme de sélection et d’appropriation des meilleurs sites de l’expansion urbaine future.  Dans cette perspective, il est intéressant de constater qu’il existe déjà, de la part certains secteurs sociaux, un projet d’organisation de l’espace métropolitain futur. Le foncier est considéré comme un secteur refuge pour les capitaux nationaux d’où l’intérêt de la spéculation pour ces zones. En effet, ce placement, plus sûr, malgré un plus faible taux de récupération du capital, est préfère à d’ autres- comme l’investissement industriel- plus rentables, mais plus risqués, surtout en temps de crise. L’urbanisation de l’espace rural s’accompagne d’une modification des structures productives : moins d’agriculture et évolution de l’emploi vers le tertiaire liée à la présence de nouveaux résidents. Du point de vue social, cette situation se traduit par une très nette ségrégation spatiale. D’un côte, un group socio-économique aux revenus élèves représentant  la société de consommation ; de l’autre, les ruraux au style de vie plus traditionnel. Il en résulte une certaine tension entre les deux groupes.


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Background: Poor feeding practices in early childhood contribute to the burden of childhood malnutrition and morbidity. Objective: To estimate the key indicators of breastfeeding and complementary feeding and the determinants of selected feeding practices in Sri Lanka. Methods: The sample consisted of 1,127 children aged 0 to 23 months from the Sri Lanka Demographic and Health Survey 2000. The key infant feeding indicators were estimated and selected indicators were examined against a set of individual-, household-, and community- level variables using univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: Breastfeeding was initiated within the first hour after birth in 56.3% of infants, 99.7% had ever been breastfed, 85.0% were currently being breastfed, and 27.2% were being bottle-fed. Of infants under 6 months of age, 60.6% were fully breastfed, and of those aged 6 to 9 months, 93.4% received complementary foods. The likelihood of not initiating breastfeeding within the first hour after birth was higher for mothers who underwent cesarean delivery (OR = 3.23) and those who were not visited by a Public Health Midwife at home during pregnancy (OR = 1.81). The rate of full breastfeeding was significantly lower among mothers who did not receive postnatal home visits by a Public Health Midwife. Bottlefeeding rates were higher among infants whose mothers had ever been employed (OR = 1.86), lived in a metropolitan area (OR = 3.99), or lived in the South-Central Hill country (OR = 3.11) and were lower among infants of mothers with secondary education (OR = 0.27). Infants from the urban (OR = 8.06) and tea estate (OR = 12.63) sectors were less likely to receive timely complementary feeding than rural infants. Conclusions: Antenatal and postnatal contacts with Public Health Midwives were associated with improved breastfeeding practices. Breastfeeding promotion strategies should specifically focus on the estate and urban or metropolitan communities.


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Early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Australia are currently a focus of social and economic policy. However, early childhood leadership in Australia is yet to develop a clear identity that will enable the field to develop to its full potential. In this paper we investigate a unique theoretical framework for constructing leadership identity, based on transformational leadership and epistemological beliefs. Using semistructured interviews, 15 childcare directors from a large metropolitan area in Australia were asked to describe their beliefs about knowing in the context of their leadership practices. The findings showed that leaders (n = 5) who espoused predominantly evaluativist beliefs about knowing were more likely to describe transformational leadership behaviours in the context of childcare leadership. A number of leaders held mixed beliefs (n = 9) about knowing and described their leadership practice in ways that reflected both transactional and transformational leadership styles. Finally, one leader described predominantly objectivist epistemological beliefs and transactional beliefs about leadership. These preliminary findings show that there seems to be a relationship between core epistemological beliefs and beliefs about leadership practices and offers a new way to characterise leadership in ECEC in Australia.


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Mycobacterium lentiflavum, a slow-growing nontuberculous mycobacterium, is a rare cause of human disease. It has been isolated from environmental samples worldwide. To assess the clinical significance of M. lentiflavum isolates reported to the Queensland Tuberculosis Control Centre, Australia, during 2001-2008, we explored the genotypic similarity and geographic relationship between isolates from humans and potable water in the Brisbane metropolitan area. A total of 47 isolates from 36 patients were reported; 4 patients had clinically significant disease. M. lentiflavum was cultured from 13 of 206 drinking water sites. These sites overlapped geographically with home addresses of the patients who had clinically significant disease. Automated repetitive sequence-based PCR genotyping showed a dominant environmental clone closely related to clinical strains. This finding suggests potable water as a possible source of M. lentiflavum infection in humans.


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It could be said that road congestion is one of the most significant problems within any modern metropolitan area. For several decades now, around the globe, congestion in metropolitan areas has been worsening for two main reasons. Firstly, road congestion has significantly increased due to a higher demand for road space because of growth in populations, economic activity and incomes (Hensher & Puckett, 2007). This factor, in conjunction with a significant lack of investment in new road and public transport infrastructure, has seen the road network capacities of cities exceeded by traffic volumes and thus, resulted in increased traffic congestion. This relentless increase in road traffic congestion has resulted in a dramatic increase in costs for both the road users and ultimately the metropolitan areas concerned (Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics, 2007). In response to this issue, several major cities around the world, including London, Stockholm and Singapore, have implemented congestion-charging schemes in order to combat the effects of road congestion. A congestion-charging scheme provides a mechanism for regulating traffic flows into the congested areas of a city, whilst simultaneously generating public revenue that can be used to improve both the public transport and road networks of the region. The aim of this paper was to assess the concept of congestion-charging, whilst reflecting on the experiences of various cities that have already implemented such systems. The findings from this paper have been used to inform the design of a congestion-charging scheme for the city of Brisbane in Australia in a supplementary study (Whitehead, Bunker, & Chung, 2011). The first section of this paper examines the background to road congestion; the theory behind different congestion-charging schemes; and the various technologies involved with the concept. The second section of this paper details the experiences, in relation to implementing a congestion-charging scheme, from the city of Stockholm in Sweden. This research has been crucial in forming a list of recommendations and lessons learnt for the design of a congestion-charging scheme in Australia. It is these recommendations that directly inform the proposed design of the Brisbane Cordon Scheme detailed in Whitehead et al. (2011).


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Objectives. To profile Australian nurse practitioners and their practice in 2009 and compare results with a similar 2007 census. Methods. Self-administered questionnaire. Results. Atotal of 293 nurse practitioners responded (response rate 76.3%). The majority were female (n = 229, 81.2%); mean age was 47.3 years (s.d. = 8.1). As in 2007, emergency nurse practitioners represented the largest clinical specialty (n = 63, 30.3%). A majority practiced in a metropolitan area (n = 133, 64.3%); a decrease from 2007. Consistent with 2007, only 71.5% (n = 208) were employed as a nurse practitioner and 22.8% (n = 46) were awaiting approval for some or all of their clinical protocols. Demographic data, allocations of tasks, and patterns of practice remained consistent with 2007 results. ‘No Medicare provider number’ (n = 182, 91.0%), ‘no authority to prescribe using the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme’ (n = 182, 89.6%) and ‘lack of organisational support’ (n = 105, 52.2%) were reported as ‘limiting’ or ‘extremely limiting’ to practice. Conclusions. Our results demonstrate less than satisfactory uptake of the nurse practitioner role despite authorisation. Barriers constraining nurse practitioner practice reduced but remained unacceptably high. Adequate professional and political support is necessary to ensure the efficacy and sustainability of this clinical role.