831 resultados para Social service -- Practice
Although the impact of multiple adverse events in childhood is well known, it is equally accepted that the variation in individual trajectories and outcomes is significant. Resilience focuses on positive adaption in the face of adversity, offering a counterbalance to deficit-based research and risk averse, procedurally driven practice. Positive relationships and secure attachments are widely considered to be the cornerstone of resilience, yet, within social work practice, there is a tendency to consider attachment only in relation to children and adults. Three biographical narratives are used to explore resilience and attachment through a narrative identity framework, exploring parents' experiences of multiple adversities over their lifespan, their close relationships, and their experiences of child welfare interventions. It argues for the importance of narrative in social work assessment, particularly in relation to families with complex needs, illustrating how this enables a richer, more nuanced understanding of mothers and fathers as individuals in their own right, and provides insight into how alternative narratives might be better supported and developed.
This presentation aims to raise issues related to teenage relationship abuse (TRA-dating violence) and help seeking behaviour from an intersectional approach. Even though teenage relationship abuse has been raised as an issue since the 80’s there is still an absence of an intersectional theoretical conceptualization of TRA. Existing conceptualizations are based on incorrect assumptions of sameness of teenagers experiences of TRA which ignore the unique developmental stages of teenagers as well as youth’s diverse lived experiences due to their sexual orientation, ethnicity, class, disability as well as other structural divisions. TRA exists in a social context of inequalities. For the individual survivor, this social context is created not only through romantic relationships, but also through relationships with families, peers, friends, classmates and others. Their experiences are constructed through these relationships which form part of the social context into which TRA needs to be analysed. The analytical framework of intersectionality can provide a framework of understanding how these lived experiences are enacted and negotiated contextually. Emphasis will be given to the help seeking behaviour of diverse youths. This presentation will explore the diverse lived experiences contextually. Methods and Findings: This presentation is based on a research project in Northern Ireland currently underway, thus, it will offer a preliminary conceptualisation of TRA from an intersectional approach. The findings will be contextualized taking into account the high rate of homophobia that exists in Northern Ireland amongst other things. Conclusion/Recommendation: Intersectionality needs to be the analytical framework through which teenagers’ relationship’s experience are analysed since the lived experiences of LGTB, BME and disabled youth cannot be analysed apart from the structural divisions, social location and the context they are experienced. This presentation argues that the intersectional approach of theorizing is congruent and contributes to anti-oppressive social work practice.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Educação, especialidade de Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2005
The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of 5 stakeholder groups—students, parents, community organization representatives, guidance counsellors, and secondary school principals—in dealing with a mandatory secondary school graduation requirement in Ontario. The requirement is that students must complete 40 hours of eligible community involvement activities during their high school years in order to graduate. Ten stakeholders were interviewed regarding the nature of the community involvement program, what makes it work, and suggestions for improvement. The study found that although this program has the potential to provide a meaningful experience for students, and students are seen to gain from their experience in multiple ways, it depends substantially on the commitment of students, educators, and community organizations to make it worthwhile. Stakeholders recommended changes to the current program, which included making it a more structured process that would increase the consistency ofhow this program is implemented, finding ways to curb cheating and to reduce the administrative burden on schools, having more support from the Ontario provincial government and Ontario Ministry of Education and Training in the promotion and communication of this program, and developing partnerships between community organizations and schools to enrich the application of this program. This study concludes with a recommendation that the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training consider introducing Service-Learning, a curriculum-based experiential service and learning process, as an enhancement to the current community involvement program.
The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire was founded by Margaret Polson Murray in 1900 following the outbreak of the second Boer War. The organization gave charitable aid to soldiers and it assisted the dependents of deceased soldiers. The federation of women was formed to promote patriotism, loyalty and service to others. The mayors of Canada’s major cities were urged to call together the prominent women of their communities to join in this endeavor. In 1979, the name I.O.D.E was officially adopted. The organization is federally chartered not-for-profit. The focus is on improving the quality of life for children, youth and the underprivileged through educational, social service and citizenship programs. The membership list for this chapter lists 1917 as the beginning date and 1994 as the end date. The Niagara Rangers Chapter was located in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire was founded by Margaret Polson Murray in 1900 following the outbreak of the second Boer War. The organization gave charitable aid to soldiers and it assisted the dependents of deceased soldiers. The federation of women was formed to promote patriotism, loyalty and service to others. The mayors of Canada’s major cities were urged to call together the prominent women of their communities to join in this endeavor. In 1979, the name I.O.D.E was officially adopted. The organization is federally chartered not-for-profit. The focus is on improving the quality of life for children, youth and the underprivileged through educational, social service and citizenship programs. The Colonel Kerby Chapter of Fort Erie, Ontario began on August 19, 1914 under the direction of Captain the Reverend A.C. Mackintosh. The chapter was named after Colonel James Kerby who was a legislator and a soldier. This chapter worked during two world wars raising large sums of money for war work, the community, health and education. In 1931, this chapter created the Douglas Memorial I.O.D.E. Hospital Fund to assist needy veterans. Other fundraisers included: their Salvage Shop, card parties and the Margaret Graham Memorial which raised funds for the Canadian Institute for the Blind. In June of 1989 the last meeting of the chapter took place.
The use of information and communication technologies in the health and social service sectors, and the development of multi-centred and international research networks present many benefits for society: for example, better follow-up on an individual’s states of health, better quality of care, better control of expenses, and better communication between healthcare professionals. However, this approach raises issues relative to the protection of privacy: more specifically, to the processing of individual health information.
Ce mémoire examine l'adoption des téléphones mobiles et l'utilisation des messages texte (SMS) par les adolescents chinois, selon la théorie des usages et gratifications et de la recherche sur la communication par ordinateur. Certains champs particuliers de l'utilisation des messages textes par les adolescents chinois, comme le contrôle parental, la circulation des chaînes de messages, la popularité des messages de salutations et l'utilisation répandue des émoticônes ont été étudiés. La fonction sociale des SMS, plus particulièrement des pratiques sociales et des relations émotionnelles des adolescents chinois, a également été explorée. Cette étude est basée sur un sondage réalisé sur le terrain auprès de 100 adolescents chinois. Elle révèle que chez les adolescents chinois, les deux principales raisons pour l'adoption du téléphone mobile sont l'influence parentale et le besoin de communication sociale. Quant à l'utilisation des messages texte, elle répond à sept usages et gratifications : la flexibilité, le coût modique, l’intimité, éviter l'embarras, le divertissement, l'engouement et l'évasion. Il a également été observé que les messages texte jouent un rôle positif dans la construction et l'entretien des relations sociales des adolescents chinois.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
Dans l’espoir d'améliorer l'efficacité, l’efficience, la qualité et la sécurité des soins de santé, la plupart des pays investissent dans l’informatisation de leur système de santé. Malgré l’octroi de ressources substantielles, les projets d'implantation d’un Dossier médical électronique (DME) font parfois l’objet d’une résistance importante de la part des utilisateurs au moment de leur implantation sur le terrain. Pour expliquer l’adoption d’un DME par les professionnels de la santé, plusieurs modèles théoriques ont été développés et appliqués. Une diversité de facteurs agissant à différents niveaux (individuel, organisationnel et liés à la technologie elle-même) a ainsi été identifiée. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’approfondir les connaissances empiriques quant aux facteurs influençant l’utilisation du DME chez les professionnels de la santé. Le devis de recherche repose sur une étude de cas unique avec douze entrevues et une observation non participante réalisées un an suite au lancement du processus d’implantation d’un DME auprès d’un groupe de médecine famille (GMF) au sein du Centre de santé et de services sociaux du Sud-Ouest-Verdun (Montréal, Canada). Dans le cadre de cette étude, l’analyse a permis l’identification de facilitateurs et de barrières influençant l’adoption du DME. Les facilitateurs étaient l’utilité perçue, la décision du GMF d’implanter le DME, le support de la direction ainsi que la présence de champions et de superutilisateurs. Les barrières les plus importantes étaient l’impact négatif sur le travail clinique, la fragmentation de l’information dans le DME ainsi que les problèmes liés à l’infrastructure technique. Cette connaissance permettra d’alimenter des stratégies visant à mieux répondre aux défis suscités par l’implantation du dossier médical électronique.
Exploration des changements identitaires : le cas des travailleuses sociales ayant immigré au Québec
Les travailleurs sociaux immigrants vivent plusieurs défis après l’obtention de la reconnaissance de leurs acquis au Québec par l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ. À partir de données extraites d’entretiens menés dans le cadre d’une recherche de plus grande envergure dirigée par Pullen-Sansfaçon, Brown et Graham (Recherche qualitative sur l'expérience des migrants et leur adaptation professionnelle dans la pratique du travail social au Canada, 2012-2015), nous explorons le sentiment d’identité professionnelle vécu par 9 travailleuses sociales immigrantes à Montréal. Ce sentiment apparaît comme l’actualisation de leurs valeurs et de leurs acquis professionnels dans leurs nouveaux rôles et leurs pratiques professionnelles. L’analyse des données permet de dégager divers thèmes en lien avec l’identité professionnelle de ces travailleuses sociales immigrantes. Nous avons pu relever de leurs propos que, depuis leur immigration, divers changements ont effectivement eu lieu au niveau de leurs pratiques professionnelles, voire de leur vision de la profession. Elles ont dû faire face à plusieurs défis liés à l’identité professionnelle, notamment en ce qui concerne la reconnaissance professionnelle et la langue. Trois éléments ont en effet formé la pierre angulaire des changements que ces travailleuses sociales ont vécus dans leur identité professionnelle depuis leur immigration : les valeurs, la question de la langue et la reconnaissance de leurs qualifications.
Treball amb l’objectiu d’aproximar-se teòricament i analitzar a través d’un treball de camp, com es planifica en els PDC i reflexionar sobre els elements que incideixen d’una forma o un altre en aquest procés, així com els efectes que pot generar una bona o mala planificació en la pràctica quotidiana d’un PDC. Parteix de les pràctiques de l’autora en el pla comunitari, el Pla Educació i Convivència de Santa Eugènia, Sant Narcís i Can Gibert del Pla de Girona
Josep Manuel Barbero, coordinador dels estudis de Treball Social a la Universitat, parla dels reptes que hauran d'afrontar els treballadors i les treballadores socials en la seva pràctica professional
The purpose of this essay is using theories about labeling and social bonds to study whether a measure of rehabilitation for the psychically disabled contributes to a return to a normal status as not-labeled. Partly we examine whether the activities organized by the regulation-ruled authorities during the work of rehabilitation lead to shame or pride, and partly how these activities are organized regarding the processes that lead to the emotions pride or shame among the participants. Method: qualitative semi-structured face-to-face interviews with professional rehabilitation-actors at the Public Employment Office (PEO), the Social Insurance Office (SIO), the Social Service (SOS), the Psychiatry and the Division of Labour Market (AME).Conclusions: the Psychiatry clients are treated with respect, may participate, and communication is characterized by attunement, therefore strong social bonds can be built. On the contrary, among the other examined activities, we found many elements that arouse shame. Since these are more ruled by regulations, the result is engulfment and demands on conformity, because the compromise-possibilities are almost non-existent. Psychically disabled persons are met by prejudice, ignorance, disrespect and a non-solidarity-language. To get help, the individual has to accept a label in form of a diagnosis, and this labeling leads to a negative self-image. Furthermore the psychically disabled persons are falling between two chairs because of a weak cooperation between the rehabilitation-actors. Bimodal alienation and triangulation contributes to the difficulties in cooperation.Result: the social bonds are not strong enough to achieve a rehabilitation-effect. Even if the treatment from each administrator is important, we find the explanation-level primarily in laws, rules and government, because the structure rules the rehabilitation-measures, with shame as a consequence. Since we found elements of shame institutionalized in the way of working at PEO, SIO, SOS and AME, it means that social bonds can never reach a level good enough for achieving pride and normalization from a deviance or labeled identity.
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka vilken betydelse hopp, egenmakt samt stigmatisering kan ha i en återhämtningsprocess från psykisk ohälsa. En kvalitativ metod tillämpades och individuella intervjuer med deltagare ur Högskolan Dalarnas erfarenhetspanel genomfördes. För att analysera empirin tillämpades en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som resulterade i följande teman: att bli accepterad, hoppets förutsättningar samt normaliserande. Resultatet visade att hopp snarare var en produkt av återhämtningen än det var en bidragande faktor. Att bli accepterad främjade egenmakt och skyddade mot stigmatisering. Normaliserande faktorer som medmänsklighet och att se till de friska sidorna främjade egenmakt och bröt vanmakt. Uppsatsens resultat kan betraktas som erfarenhetsbaserad kunskap, vilket är en grundförutsättning för en evidensbaserad socialtjänst där brukarperspektivet betonas.